
Research @ MITE

The vision of MITE in the next decade is to be a pioneer in Research & Development. MITE has reached a stage where Science and Engineering have converged, leading to a sprout of research activities, more of which are application-based, a true Engineering trait! Faculty with research aptitude and experience working on coveted projects with grants from agencies of repute makes the curriculum delivery here unique, and more application-oriented. Hence promoting research temperament amongst students, adding value to the Institute, Society and the Country at large.


The Support Ecosystem

MITE envisions to be a pioneer in Research & Development and supports the team to realize this dream.

Financial support every year to Faculty:

  • INR. 20,000/- for faculty attending and presenting papers in conferences within INDIA and INR. 80 000/- for conferences outside INDIA
  • Special Leaves to attend or to present the research papers in national and international conferences,/ FDP/ workshop etc
  • Special leave for continuing research for Research Scholars.
  • Up to Rs 3 lakh for Individual Engineering Departments and 1 Lakh for Individual Basic Science Departments as annual Institutional Research Grant

Research Grants received

DepartmentTitle of ProjectName of Principal InvestigatorAgencyGrant amount (Lakhs)Current StatusLink to the Funding Agency
PhysicsA study on enhancement of solar cells by various modification techniques and Synthesis/Characterization of NLO MaterialsDr. Raghavendra SagarVGST, Govt. of Karnataka60Completed
Computer Science & EngineeringTechnology aided agriculture optimizationDr. Venkatramana Bhat PVGST, Govt. of Karnataka40Ongoing
Mechanical EngineeringQuality improvement and Upgradation of existing Fish meal and Fish oil industries and extraction of Bio Diesel and Fishnure in ecofriendly environment from their products.DR. Lokesh M(Principal Investigator) Co-Principal Investigators-Dr. T K Chandrashekar,Dr. G Purushottam, Dr. Neelakantha V Londe & Mr.SathyanarayanaKarnataka Council for Technological Up-gradation (KCTU), Government of Karnataka42Ongoing
Mechanical EngineeringMODROB 2018 / Materials Testing Lab/Mech Engg Dept/MITEDr.Rajashekar C RAICTE -Delhi13.57Ongoing
PhysicsA comparative study on radiation effects on multi junction solar cellsDr. Asha RaoDAE-BRNS10.3Completed
Civil EnggExperimental, computational and statistical approach to study characteristic properties of polymer matrix compositesDr. G L Esawara PrasadVTU research grant scheme7.5Completed
Civil EnggSustainable Grey water Management System using Phytoremediation TechniqueDr. Jayaprakash M CVGST, GoK5Completed
PhysicsFabrication of Graphene/Bio-waste based hybrid system for plexible and high performance super-capacitorDr. Raghavendra SagarVTU, Belagavi2Ongoing
Aeronautical EngineeringMODROB 2019-20/ Aircraft Structures Lab / Aero Engg Dept/MITEDr. Purushotham GAICTE -Delhi14.96Ongoing
Electronics & Communication EngineeringImprovement of Industrial Wastewater Treatment Process through Robust Controller DesignDr. Vinayambika S BhatVGST, Govt of Karnataka2.97Ongoinghttp://www
Computer Science & EngineeringDevlopment of Humanoid Roboti Arm based personal massager with human tuchDr. Sukhwinder SharmaVTU, Belagavi8ongoing 
Civil EnigineeringExperimental Invetigation on behavior of GPC block arches and validation using ANNDr. Ganesh MogaveeraVTU, Belagavi10ongoing 
Mechanical EngineeringA novel artifical intelligence-based UAV for COVID19, agricultural, and disaster management applicationsDr.Rajashekar C RAICTE -Delhi10.21ongoing
Aeronautical EngineeringStudy of supersonic jets using passive control methodsProf. EzhilmaranKarnataka State for Science and Technology4.97ongoing
Mechanical EngineeringDevelopment of Crashworthy multilayer Honeycomb structure for Vehicular safety by Additive Manufacturing methodDr.Mohan KumarDST, SERB-TARE15Ongoing

Infrastructural facilities at the Research Centers:

  • NX CAD,NXCAM for 2-D drawing and 3-D Modeling
  • ROB CAD for simulation of Robotics softwares
  • FEMAP software
  • NI WSN 9792 Gateway
  • NI WSN 3202 Node
  • Barometer Sensor
  • Flow Rate Sensor
  • Dual Range Force Sensor
  • Light Sensor
  • Ph Sensor
  • Relative Humidity Sensor
  • Salinity Sensor
  • Soil Moisture Sensor
  • Stainless Steel Temperature Probe
  • 5V DC Power Supply Adapter
  • 12V DC Power Supply Adapter
  • Academic Labview Premium Suite
  • Labview WSN Module Software with Power Supply
  • Module
  • 3291 Outdoor Enclosure
  • CO2 Gas Sensor
  • Sensor DAQ
  • NI MyDAQ
  • Load Cell with ADC 20Kg
  • solenoid valve
  • O2 Gas Sensor
  • Arduino Uno Original
  • Node MCU ESP8266 Wifi
  • Orbital Shaker
  • Water Bath
  • Distill water Unit
  • Heating Mantle
  • Digital pH meter
  • Hot air oven
  • Suction Pump
  • Digital conductivity meter
  • Universal Testing Machine 5 Ton Capacity for Composite Specimen testing
  • Universal Testing Machine 100 Ton Capacity
  • Electrical Resistivity Meter
  • BOD Incubator
  • Spectrophotometer
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Jar Test Aparatus
  • Compression Testing Machine
  • Autoclave
  • Notch Cutter
  • Digital Ph-Meter
  • Digital Planimeter
  • Fuels Characterization
  • Material Characterization
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Hydrothermal reactor
  • Digital pH meter
  • Impact Testing Machine
  • Direct Shear Test Aparatus
  • Triaxial Compression Testing Aparatus
  • Material testing Facilties
  • Apex Spin coating unit
  • CVD Unit (Matrix instruments)
  • UV spectroscopy (PerkinElmer)
  • Hioki LCR meter
  • Precision source and measurement meter (Agilent technology)
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Distillation unit
  • Probe Sonicator
  • Analytical weighing machine
  • Probe solicator
  • Bath solicator
  • Dip coating Unit
  • Multichannel CRO
  • Digital lux meter

“Embark on Your Research Journey at MITE: A Hub of Innovation and Excellence”

Welcome to the MITE Research Center, where academic excellence and innovative research converge. We invite prospective research scholars to embark on a transformative journey, guided by our esteemed VTU-recognized research faculty. At MITE, we offer an enriching environment for pursuing doctoral research, with access to state-of-the-art facilities and collaborative opportunities across diverse fields. Our research centers foster a culture of inquiry, creativity, and scholarly rigor, providing an ideal platform for scholars to contribute to groundbreaking advancements. Join us in shaping the future through impactful research and knowledge creation.

VTU Recognized Research Guides at MITE

VTU Recognized Research Guides at MITE

Sl. NoResearch CentreGuide NameArea of Research/Specialization
1Civil EngineeringDr. Ganesh MogaveeraStructural Engineering
2Civil EngineeringDr. Jayaprakash M CGeoinformatics
3Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Pradeep B SMobile And Cloud Computing, Network Security, Big Data Analysis, Deep Learning
4Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Prashanth C MEmbedded Systems, IOT, Social Computing, and High-Performance Computing.
5Computer Science and EngineeringDr. RamanandaMallya KMobile Cloud Computing and Network Security
6Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Shreekumar TArtificial intelligence, Data Science, Machine learning
7Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Dinesha LInformation retrieval system, Data Mining
8Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Ravinarayan BCould Computing, Network Security, Machine Learning
9Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Sreeja RajeshData Security
10Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Maryjo M GeorgeBiomedical image processing, AI & ML
11Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Rajeesh RayarothSensor Network, Fault Detection and Optimization, Machine Learning
12Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Terence JohnsonData Mining, Machine learning
13Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Babu Roa KML, DL, DS and ACA
14Computer Science and EngineeringDr. Manjula RamannavarBigdata Analytics, AI, Natural Language Processing and Semantics
15Electronics & Communication Engg.Dr.Vinayambika S BhatAdvanced Control Engineering
16Electronics & Communication Engg.Dr. B Mohan Kumar NaikVLSI Design and Embedded System
17Electronics & Communication Engg.Dr. SrikrishnaShastri CImage Processing
18Electronics & Communication EnggDr. Ramalingam H MWireless sensor network, IoT , Grid and Cloud computing, Block Chain, E-Health care
19Electronics & Communication EnggDr. Sandeep VSemiconductor devices, VLSI circuit design
20Mechanical EngineeringDr. Vignesh Nayak UllalPunching Heat treatment, Nano fluid and wear studies
21Mechanical EngineeringDr. Mohan KumarFracture Mechanics
22Mechanical EngineeringDr. C.R. RajashekharThermal Engineering
23Mechanical EngineeringDr. Neelakantha V LFracture Mechanics
24Mechanical EngineeringDr. SujeshkumarCondition monitoring, Fault diagnosis of machine components, Wavelet Analysis
25Mechanical EngineeringDr. Shivaramu H TMicro/Nano composites.Characterization of the Composite materials, Investigation of Mechanical properties, Tribology
26Mechanical EngineeringDr. Anand S NApplication of Numerical Methods to Mechanical & Aeronautical Engineering like FEM, CFD, BEM etc.System simulation and modeling for vibrational effect
27Mechanical EngineeringDr. Kirankumar  M VCondition monitoring, Fault diagnosis of machine components, Wavelet Analysis
28Mechanical EngineeringDr. Sandesh NayakPiezo-hydraulic drive system, micropumps, microactuators, Sensors, Mathematical modeling and Simulation.
29PhysicsDr. RaghavendraSagarElectroceramics, Thin Films And Nanomaterials For Energy Storage Application
30PhysicsDr. Anthoni Praveen MenezesNLO materials
31ChemistryDr.Vineetha Telma D’SouzaSynthetic organic chemistry, Environmental Studies
32ChemistryDr. Pavithra G. PElectrochemistry and Material Science
33ChemistryDr. Guruprasad A MCorrosion studies, Electrochemistry
34MathematicsDr. Jyothi SFluid Dynamics
35MathematicsDr. NagarjunPrabhuGraph Theory, Coloring and Labeling
36MathematicsDr. Mitra KGraph Theory
37MBADr. Jayashri ShettyFinance, Corporate Accounting, Investment Management, Business Law & Corporate Ethics

Doctoral Degrees awarded from MITE Research Centers

Doctoral Degrees awarded from MITE Research Centers 

Sl No.Name of the Research ScholarGuide NameResearch CenterTitle of the ThesisYear of Awarded
1Ashwini A KamathDr, Nandini R

Dr. Raghavendra Sagar (Co-guide)



A comparative study on efficiencies of Various bio adsorbents in the removal of Dyes used in textile industry 


2Aveen K PDr. Neelakantha V L 


Experimental investigation and optimization of machining
parameters to minimize delamination failure in FRP
composites with filler materials


3Kirankumar M VDr. M LokeshaMECondition Monitoring of Bearings using Wavelet Analysis and Artificial Intelligence2023
4SujeshkumarDr. Lokesha MMEAutomatic Fault diagnosis in belt using wavelet analysis and neural network2023
5Lowrance J FernandesDr. Rajashekar C RMEExperimental studies on Effect of double pulse inspection on Combustion & Emission Characteristics of CI Engine Manage on Bio-Diesel.2023
6JataDhara G.SDr. T.K ChandrashekarMEStudies on Combustion &Emission of  Waste Plastic oil as bio-Fuel in IC Engines2023
7Sushma SDr. T.K ChandrashekarMEStudies on Optimization of Air cloud Let Sink for different geometries and thermal nano coatings to enhance the heat transfer in Electronic Devices2023
8Bharthkumar MDr. Nagesh H RCSEIdentification and Validation of Patterns in Virtual Machines Scheduling Algorithms for  Eucalyptus              Cloud.2023
9Ravinarayana BDr. Nagesh H RCSEDesign and development of secured frame work for mitigating attacks on availability of virtual machines in cloud computing2023
10AyshasshabnaDr. Asha CrastaMathsComputation of Stability Derivatives for Oscillating cones and ogives in Supersonic/Hypersonic Flow.2023
11Renita Sharon MonisDr. Asha CrastaMathsEstimation of unsteady stability derivatives for delta wings in high-speed flow2023
12Nayana AcharyaDr. Raghavendra SagarPhysicsDevelopment and study of modified spinel’s as protective coating on SOFC interconnect2023
13Samatha KDr. Raghavendra SagarPhysicsElectrochemical study of some cobalt oxide based spinels for supercapacitor application2023
14Satyanaraya Bhat PDr. Asha RaoPhysicsA comparative study on the radiation effects on multifunction solar cells2023
15Sunil Kumar. SDr. Neelakantha V LMEA Study on Influence of Corrosive Environment on Fracture Properties of High Strength Metallic Materials2022
16Mohan KumarDr. Neelakantha V LMECharacterization of Fracture Behavior of Rod Inserted Concentric Tubes of Metallic Materials2022
17Sunil Kumar B VDr. Neelakantha V LMEFracture Characterization of Carbon-Carbon Composites2022
18Keerthikumar NDr.T K ChandrashekarMEStudies on combustion and performance characteristics of modified low heat rejection DI diesel engine for bio fuels2021
19Nagesh SBDr.T K ChandrashekarMEStudies on combustion and performance characteristics of HCCI engine fueled with diesel/biodiesel blends2021
20Prem Kumar NaikDr. Neelakantha V LMECharacterization of Fracture Properties of fiber reinforced polymer composites2021
21Davangere HaleshappaDr. A JayaramaPhysicsGrowth and Characterization of pi-conjugated novel organic materials for photonic applications2021
22Anthoni Praveen MenezesDr. A JayaramaPhysicsGrowth and Characterization of π-conjugated novel organic nonlinear optical materials2018

List of Research Scholars registered for Ph.D at MITE Research Center

List of Research Scholars registered for Ph.D at MITE Research Center

Sl. NoNameYear of RegistrationResearch centerUSN NoGuide Name
1Chaithra K R2024CSE4MT23PCS01Dr. Sreeja Rajesh
2Anupama K2024CSE4MT23PCS02Dr. Dinesha L
3Sadhana K2024CSE4MT23PCS03Dr.Shreekumar T
4Ragesh Raju2024CSE4MT23PCS04Dr.Shreekumar T
5Avinash N J2024ECE4MT23PEC01Dr. Sandeep V
6Akshya Krishna N2024CV4MT23PCV01Dr.GaneshMogaveer
7Sonia K P2024CSE4MT22PCS01Dr.Shreekumar T
8Abheesh Jain2024Physics4MT22PPY01Dr.RaghavendraSagar
9Prakash L S2024ECE4MT22PEC01Dr.SrikrishnaShatri C
10Vishvita A2024ECE4MT22PEC02Dr.SrikrishnaShatri C
11Rashmi . M .R2023Mathematics4MT21PMA01Dr.Jyothi S
13Shwetha R J2023CSE4MT21PCS01Dr. Pradeep B. S
14Sunitha N V2023CSE4MT21PCS02Dr. Pradeep B. S
15Bhavya. S2023ECE4MT21PEC01Dr.SrikrishnaShatri C
16Praveen Kumar M2023ECE4MT21PEC02Dr.SrikrishnaShatri C
17Sudheendra P2023ECE4MT21PEC03Dr Vinayambika S Bhat
18Yuvaraj K B2023ME (CoRC)4MT16PME01Dr. Vignesh Nayak Ullal
19Ms Rumana Ali2021ECE4MT20PEC01Dr Vinayambika S Bhat
20Rahul S2019ME4MT19PME02Dr.Lokesh M
21Navyashree B S2019CV4MT19PCV02Dr.GaneshMogaveer
22Yashwanth M K2019CV4MT19PCV02Dr.GL Easwara Prasad
23Sudheer Kumar B N2019ME4MT19PME01Dr.G.Purushotham
24Shamitha2019Mathematics4MT19PMA01Dr. Asha Crasta
25Anitha D Bayar2019Mathematics4MT19PMA02Dr. Asha Crasta
26Vidya Shree M2018CV4MT18PCV01Dr.GaneshMogaveer
28Sushma s2017ME4MT17PMA02Dr.T K Chandrashekar
29Mallikarjuna B H2017MEMSc. Engg.Dr.T K Chandrashekar
30Mr. Sunil Kumar2017CSE4MT17PEA02Dr.Venkatramana Bhat
31Mr. Manjinatha A S2017CSE4MT17PEA03Dr.Venkatramana Bhat
32Mr. Krishnamoorthy K2017CSE4MT17PEA01Dr.Venkatramana Bhat
33Somashekhar TM2016ME4MT16PMJ01Dr.C R Rajashekar
34Srinivas KR2016ME4MT16PMJ02Dr.Lokesh M
35Sudeepkumar KS2015ME4MT15PMJ02Dr.C R Rajashekar
36Sandeep K2015ME4MT15PMJ04Dr.C R Rajashekar
37Mr.AnnappaSwamy D2015CSE4MT15PEJ01Dr.Nagesh H.R
38Mr. Vishweshwara M2015Chemistry4MT15PGJ02Dr.Nandini R
39Veeresh M Kodekal2015ME4MT15PMJ01Dr.C R Rajashekar
40Mr ArunBabu2015ME1NH15PMJ01Dr M S Ganesha Prasad
41Sarvesh2012Physics4MT12PGN01Dr. A Jayarama




Publications 2024

Publications 2023

Publications 2022

Publications 2021

Publications 2021 content goes here


MITE received a research grant of INR 15,00,000/- from the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India under the scheme Science and Engineering Research Board – Teachers Associateship for Research Excellence (SERB-TARE) in January 2024 for the proposal on “Development of Crashworthy multilayer Honeycomb structure for Vehicular safety by Additive Manufacturing method” and is being carried out by Dr. Mohankumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering.

Grant Amount Received: Rs.15,00,000/-

Click Here for Sanction Order


    KSCST Funding for Projects 2023-24

    Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E. projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka. It is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact on improving technical education quality. MITE Student Projects have been consistently selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.


    Total Number of Projects received funding: 24           

    Grant Amount Received: Rs.1,27,500.00/-

    Click Here for Sanction Order


      KSCST Funding for Projects 2022-23

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total Number of Projects received funding: 22           

      Grant Amount Received: Rs.1,25,500.00/-

      Click Here for Sanction Order


      1. KSCST – FPP – STI (2022-23)

      In November 2021, KSCST launched a brand-new program called the “Faculty Project Program (FPP)” to aid in the development of new products and services. As part of this initiative, KSCST invited faculty members to submit project proposals, as well as project guides of projects that were recognized as the year’s best projects, committee-selected projects for further development, and prototypes for the Student Project Programme (SPP) series.

      The goal of the FPP initiative is to fortify technological advancements that have the potential to spread widely through commercial and/or non-commercial channels, providing them and other participants in the value chain with tangible or intangible rewards.

      The Karnataka state’s location-specific challenges were the focus of a call for project proposals from KSCST, which provides S&T intervention through technology development and demonstration. Before putting the project proposal into action, investigators must carefully map out the state’s and district’s science and technology needs. Project proposals must address the needs of Karnataka.

      Click Here for Sanction Order 

      KSCST Funding for Projects 2021-22

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2021-22 : 24

      View Sanction Order



      Research Promotion Schemes (RPS) are meant to promote Research in the various areas of science & Technology, Commerce & Management and the Social Sciences. The objective of these RPSs is to provide funds and other facilities to the faculty members of educational and research institutes.

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      Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST) was constituted in October 2008 under the Chairmanship of distinguished scientist Bharat Ratna Prof. C.N.R.Rao, F.R.S. Chairman of the Science Advisory Council to Hon’ble Prime Minister, GOI and National Research Professor, JNSCAR  .

      Research Grant for Scientists/Faculty- (RGS/F)- aims to recognize and provide support to faculty members of science and engineering, who are into research activity.

      View Sanction Order 


      VTU Research Grant:

      VTU invited teaching faculty members working in all the affiliated, constituent, autonomous engineering colleges and PG centers of VTUfor award of research grants under “VTU Research Grants Scheme”for the year 2021.

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      Jal Darohar:

      Mission Amrit Srovar-Jal Darohar Sanrakshan is a National Level Internship Programme initiated by Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA) in partnership with NEET Cell-AICTE and Ministry of Education

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      VTU financial assistance:

      Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, invites proposals for providing Financial Assistance of Rs. 5000 for innovative projects of the final year students across all the engineering colleges affiliated to the university.

      More Details –Click Here 

      KSCST Funding for Projects 2020-21

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2020-21 : 26

      View Sanction Order

      AICTE – Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROB)

      The Department of Aeronautical Engineering received a grant of Rs. 15 Lakh from AICTE under MODROBS for “Modernization of Aircraft structures lab with advanced Vibration test and Nano-materials” to enhance research interest among UG & PG students and research scholars in the year 2020.

      Coordinator : Dr. Purushotham G, Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering.


      • To develop an interactive laboratory experience for students of Aeronautical Engineering that allows them to develop an interest in research through carefully designed and accessed project-based experimental studies.

      • To develop and enhance aircraft structural analysis skills of Aeronautical Engineering students.

      • To develop collaborative research in advanced nano-materials among research scholars and faculties both from host institute and other Institutes.


      • The state-of-the-art Advanced Vibration test facility in the Aircraft Structures lab will invite students to come up with innovative project ideas.

      • A Shear Center test and Pin On Disc wear test facility developed to enhance the academic research.

      • Fabrication of aircraft structures with Nano-materials provides sufficient resources for research scholars and faculty members. Make use of the facility to upgrade the knowledge in the structural analysis as per the industry requirements by students, faculty and research scholars.

      View Sanction Letter 

      AICTE – Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROB)

      The Department of Mechanical Engineering received a Grant-in-Aid of Rs. 13.57 Lakh from AICTE under MODROBS in the year 2020 for the project titled “Modernization of Materials Testing Lab” to enable students, scholars and faculty to involve in advanced study of material testing and characterization.

      Coordinator : Dr. Rajashekhar C R, Professor & Head, Department of Mechanical Engineering


      • To upgrade the material testing lab from basic testing facilities to advanced facilities to enable the department to carry out good quality research work and involve in publication of research literature.
      • To create awareness in UG students about the advanced technologies in material testing and fill the gap in the curriculum to develop research interest.


      • Encourage UG students to conduct mini-projects and major projects in the field of material testing and characterization.
      • Faculties can involve in continued research in the field of fatigue, wear testing (tribology), heat treatment, etc.
      • Extend the facility to research scholars and faculty of surrounding institutions.

      View Sanction Letter 

      AICTE -Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES)

      The student club “AIREINO” of the Aeronautical Engineering Department of MITE has received a grant of Rs.1 Lakh from AICTE under Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among Students (SPICES) in 2020The student Club “AIREINO”, which aims at elevating the interest of students in flying, irrespective of their branch of Study. 

      The Vision of the club is to motivate young minds to develop innovative solutions in Aeronautics, using the state-of-the-art workplace with access to IoT, AI, and ML facilities, promote Interdisciplinary research activities to enhance quality product development. AIRENO trains students in building RC Aircrafts, Hover pods, Drones and encourages them to participate in State and National level competitions. The students get hands-on experience of flying RC aircraft, which includes fixed-wing RC Airplanes, Quad-copters, and Hovercrafts, and in addition, get to collaborate with students from different branches and design innovative solutions. They will also learn leadership and resource management skills, as organizers. This will help them shape their career with a strong foundation of required skills and confidence to solve complex problems of society.

      Coordinator: Dr. Purushotham G, Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering.

      Co-Coordinator: Mr. Adarsh Krishnamurthy, Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering.


      By using the facility provided at the AIREINO club on-campus, the students have been actively participating in all the major aero events across the country including at IITs, NITs, and other premier institutes. They have won at 17 national-level events and 7 state-level events in the past 3 years. AIREINO has organized 4 national-level events, and 3 regional-level events on-campus.

      KSCST Funding for Projects 2019-20

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2019-20: 23

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      Ideas Incubated at MITE-NAIN Incubation Center

      10 student innovative ideas are incubated at MITE and have received seed funding of up to 3 Lakhs for prototype development.

      For more details Click Here

      VTU Financial Assistance for Innovative Projects

      Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, invites proposals for providing Financial Assistance of Rs. 5000 for innovative projects of the final year students across all the engineering colleges affiliated to the university. Two projects from every branch of Engineering are selected by conducting reviews with reviewers consisting of Principal, Head of the Departments, Subject Experts/Industry personnel and Senior Professors.

      List of Projects selected for Financial Assistance

      KSCST Funding for Projects 2018-19

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2018-19: 28

      View Sanction Order

      Ideas Incubated at MITE-NAIN Incubation Center

      10 student ideas are incubated at MITE and have received seed funding of up to 3 Lakhs for prototype development.

      Fore more details Click Here

      VTU Financial Assistance for Innovative Projects

      Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, invites proposals for providing Financial Assistance of Rs. 5000 for innovative projects of the final year students across all the engineering colleges affiliated to the university. Two projects from every branch of Engineering are selected by conducting reviews with reviewers consisting of Principal, Head of the Departments, Subject Experts/Industry personnel and Senior Professors.

      List of Projects selected for Financial Assistance

      McAfee Financial Assistance for Innovative Projects through Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM)

      Following 2 projects received financial assistance for innovative project by McAfee through Swami Vivekananda Youth Movement (SVYM)

      1. Project titled “LOW COST IoT BASED SMART PLANT PHENOTYPING SYSTEM” by Mr. Ravi Moolya, Ms. Shifali Kotian, Ms. Payal Shetty under the guidance of Mr. Sunil Kumar S

      2. Project titled “SEGREGATION OF ARECANUTS USING IMAGE PROCESSING AND MACHINE LEARNING” by Mr. Krishnamurthy, Mr. Dhavan Rao, Ms. Fathimathul Zuweriya under the guidance of Dr. Ganesh Aithal

      KSCST Funding for Projects 2017-18

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2017-18: 11

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      VTU Financial Assistance for Innovative Projects

      Visvesvaraya Technological University,Belagavi, invites proposals for providing Financial Assistance of Rs. 5000 for innovative projects of the final year students across all the engineering colleges affiliated to the university.Two projects from every branch of Engineering are selected by conducting reviews with reviewers consisting of Principal, Head of the Departments, Subject Experts/Industry personnel and Senior Professors.

      List of Projects selected for Financial Assistance

      KSCST Funding for Projects 2016-17

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2016-17: 16

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      KSCST Funding for Projects 2015-16

      Karnataka State Council of Science & Technology (KSCST) provides financial and academic support for B.E Projects. This program is a unique experiment in Karnataka and it is also a major innovation and first of its kind in technical education in the country and has a major impact in improving the quality of technical education. Student Projects of MITE have been consistently getting selected in the KSCST every year. KSCST, established in the year 1975, is one of the first State S&T Councils to be set up in the country. KSCST provides support to the Central and State Governments, in the formulation of S&T-based policies, scientific surveys, project implementation, evaluation, coordination & monitoring, organization of scientific meets and awareness campaigns. The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India advocated KSCST as a model to all the states.

      Total No of Projects received funding in 2015-16: 13

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