- Administration
- Governing Council
- Academic Council
- Internal Quality Assurance Cell
- Academic Committee
- Examination Committee
- Research Council
- Students Grievance Redressal Committee
- Anti-Ragging Committee
- Career Guidance Cell (Industry Interaction Cell)
- SC/ST/OBC Cell
- Internal Complaints Committee
- Purchase Committee
- Disciplinary Committee
- Student Welfare Committee
- Entrepreneurship Development Cell
- Library Advisory Committee
- Central Mentoring – Cum – Counseling Committee
- Cultural Committee
- Youth Red Cross
- National Service Scheme
- Sports Committee
- Alumni Committee
Organization Chart

Professor Prashanth C M a distinguished academician with 26 years of Teaching, Research and Administrative experience, is the Principal of MITE. Professor Prashanth C.M has received his master’s degree from VIT Vellore in the year 2002 and Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology Karnataka (NITK), Surathkal in the year 2011. He is a member of various professional bodies such as the Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), System Society of India (SSI), International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and Computer Society of India (CSI). He has received his Ph.D in Computer Science & Engineering for the doctoral work on “Software Model Verification” and has worked at various levels in his previous stint.

Professor Prashanth has 23+ research publications, 01 Indian patent (published) and has guided/guiding Ph.D. students. He has visited many countries on different academic assignments and has been organizing chair, chaired sessions at various International and National conferences in India and abroad. He has also served VTU as a member of Board of Examiners during 2012-13 for two consecutive terms. He has professional & research interests in Embedded Systems, IOT, Social Computing, and High-Performance Computing.

Director (Placements, Training & Industry Relations)

Vice Principal & HoD – Mechanical Engg

Dean (Quality Assurance)

Dean (R&D)

Dean (Examination)

Dean (Industry Collaborations)

Associate Dean (Academics)

HoD – M.B.A

HoD – M.C.A

HoD – Aeronautical Engg

HoD – Computer Sc & Engg

HoD – Information Sc & Engg

HoD – Electronics & Commn Engg

HoD – CSE (IoT & Cyber security with Blockchain Technology)

HoD – Dept of AI & ML

HoD – Mechatronics Engg

HoD – Civil Engg

HoD – Dept of Chemistry

HoD – Dept of Physics

HoD – Dept of Mathematics
Governing Council
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | President, Rajalaxmi Education Trust® |
2 | Member & Secretary | Principal |
3 | Members | Educationists |
Industry Expert | ||
Govt. of Karnataka Nominee | ||
University Nominee | ||
Management Nominee | ||
Two Faculty Representatives | ||
Administrative staff of the college | ||
Functions and Responsibilities | ● Approval of annual budget, expenditure and financials for the institution. ● Monitor the admission processes as well as the recruitment of faculty/staff. ● Lead, delegate and manage MoA’s /MoU’s with institutions and organizations of repute. ● Ideate, evaluate and plan for growth and expansion of the institution. | |
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a year and as and when it is required |
Governing Council for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No. | Name | Nominated Position in Governing Council |
1 | Sri Rajesh Chowta President, Rajalaxmi Education Trust® Mangalore | Chairman
2 | Ms.Rajalakshmi Chowta Trustee/ Rajalaxmi Education Trust® Mangalore | Member |
3 | Prof. G.R.Rai Former Principal, NMAMIT, NITTE | Member
4 | Dr. N.R.Shetty Former VC, Bangalore University | Member
5 | Mr. Prashanth Chowta Industry Representative | Member |
6 | Dr. C R Rajashekar Vice Principal, MITE
| Member |
7 | Mr. Narendra U P Dean Placement, MITE | Member |
8 | Dr.Manaswini Rath Industrialist/Senior Vice President KPIT | Member |
9 | Nominee from Government of Karnataka | To be nominated by Govt. of Karnataka
10 | Sri Videya B.S. Executive Council Member, VTU | VTU Nominee |
11 | Mr.Prakash Devadiga Administrative Officer | Member |
12 | Dr. Prashanth .C.M. | Member Secretary/Principal
Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE), established in 2007, attained autonomous status in 2023, marking a significant milestone in its journey toward academic and administrative excellence. With this newfound autonomy, the institute has established key statutory bodies to ensure effective governance and facilitate its mission of delivering high-quality education and fostering innovation. These statutory bodies include the Governing Council, Academic Council and Boards of Studies (BoS) each serving distinct yet interconnected purposes.
The Governing Council functions as the apex decision-making entity, guiding the institute’s strategic direction, approving policies, and ensuring the optimal utilization of resources. Complementing this, the Academic Council operates as the principal academic body, formulating and monitoring academic policies, approving curricula, and promoting a culture of quality education and research. The Boards of Studies (BoS), specific to individual departments, are responsible for developing and revising syllabi, incorporating feedback from industry and academia, and aligning academic frameworks with modern educational and industrial needs.
Together, these statutory bodies articulate broad statements of purpose and functions, empowering departments to adopt effective governance practices. This structured approach enables MITE to maintain academic freedom, encourage innovation, and achieve continuous improvement. By nurturing collaboration and inclusivity across its governance structure, the institute aims to uphold its commitment to excellence while addressing the dynamic needs of society and industry.
Academic Council
The Academic Council of Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, established as part of its autonomous framework, will hold sole responsibility for all academic matters. Its scope will include framing academic policies, approving courses, regulations, and syllabi, and ensuring their relevance and alignment with institutional goals. The Council will operate inclusively, involving faculty at all levels and engaging experts from outside the institute, including representatives from the university and the government. Importantly, as per statutory bodies like AICTE and UGC regulations, the decisions made by the Academic Council will stand final and will not require further ratification by the Council itself or any other statutory bodies of the university. This autonomy ensures streamlined and efficient decision-making in academic governance.
Composition of Academic Council
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Members | All the Heads of Departments in the college Four teachers of the college representing different categories of teaching staff by rotation on the basis of seniority of service in the college Not less than four experts/academicians from outside the college representing such areas as Industry, Commerce, Law, Education, Medicine, Engineering, Sciences etc., to be nominated by the Governing Body. Three nominees of the university not less than Professors. A faculty member nominated by the Principal (Member Secretary). |
Term | The term of the nominated members shall be three years. | |
Frequency of the meeting | Academic Council shall meet at least twice a year. |
Functions of Academic Council
The Academic Council shall have powers to:
(a)Scrutinize and approve the proposals with or without modification of the Boards of Studies with regard to courses of study, academic regulations, curricula, syllabi and modifications thereof, instructional and evaluation arrangements, methods, procedures relevant thereto etc., provided that where the Academic Council differs on any proposal, it shall have the right to return the matter for reconsideration to the Board of Studies concerned or reject it, after giving reasons to do so.
(b)Make regulations regarding the admission of students to different programmes of study in the college keeping in view the policy of the Government.
(c)Make regulations for sports, extra-curricular activities, and proper maintenance and functioning of the playgrounds and hostels.
(d)Recommend to the Governing Body proposals for institution of new programmes of study.
(e)Recommend to the Governing Body institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
(f)Advise the Governing Body on suggestions(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by it.
(g) Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.
Academic Council for the Academic Year 2024-25
The Academic Council for Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE), Moodabidri, Mangalore was constituted as under vide Ref No:MITE/ACM/2023-24/5717 on 03/10/2023.
Sl. No. | Name Designation | Role/Position |
1. | Dr. Prashanth C.M. Principal, MITE | Chairman |
2 | All the HODs, MITE | Members |
3 | Dr. Pradeep B.S Professor & Dean R&D, CS&E, MITE | Member |
4 | Mr. Narendra U P, Associate Professor & Director , Training & Placements , MITE | Member |
5 | Mrs. Deepthi Shetty Asst. Professor, Dept. of E&C, MITE | Member |
6 | Mr. Ajith Asst. Professor, Aeronautical Engineering, MITE | Member |
7 | Dr. Ashok Rao, Former Head, Network Project, IISc, Bengaluru | Member – Academic Expert |
8 | Dr. Chandrasekaran K.C Professor, Dept.of CS&E, NITK, Surathkal, Karnataka | Member –Academician |
9 | Dr. Basavaraj T.G Professor & Special Officer, DTE, Bangalore | Member-Academic Expert |
10 | Dr. G L Eswaraprasad Distinguished Professor, Mandya, Karnataka | Member – Academic Expert |
11 | Mr. Sreenivasa Ramanujam, Delivery Partner, TCS, Bengaluru | Member – Industry Expert |
12 | Dr. Syed Ariff, Principal, Dr. Thimmaih Institute of Technology, KGF | Member – VTU Nominee |
13 | Dr. Nagappashettappa Biradar, Academic Senate Member, VTU, Principal, Bheemanna Khandre Institute of Technology, Bidar | Member-VTU Nominee |
14 | Dr. M.K. Prasanna Kumar Associate Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Bangalore Institute of Technology, Bengaluru | Member- VTU Nominee |
15 | Dr. Sathisha, Associate Professor, Dept. E&C, MITE, Controller of Examination (CoE) | Member – Controller of Examination (CoE) |
16 | Dr. Terence K. Johnson, Associate Dean (Academics) | Member – Secretary |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell
The institute has established IQAC as per National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) guidelines in 2013. Since quality enhancement is a continuous process, the IQAC becomes a part of the institution’s system and works towards the realization of the goals of quality enhancement and sustenance. The IQAC ensures the effective implementation of quality initiatives through continuous reviews and periodic meetings. The IQAC works towards attaining excellence in all the academic activities and for continuous improvement in teaching-learning process.
- To develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic performance of the institution.
- To promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and institutionalization of best practices.
- Development and application of quality benchmarks
- Parameters for various academic activities of the institution
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and enable faculty to acquire the required knowledge and skills for participatory teaching and learning process
- Collection and analysis of feedback from all stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters to all stakeholders
- Organization of workshops, seminars, conferences to promote quality in education
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining/enhancing the institutional quality
- Periodical conduct of Academic Audit and its follow-up
- Preparation and submission of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) as per the guidelines of NAAC
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Professor |
3 | Members | Few Senior Administrative Officers |
Three to eight Faculty members | ||
One or Two members from Management | ||
One/two nominees from local society | ||
Student | ||
Alumni | ||
Industrialist/stakeholders | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Four Times in a Year |
Internal Quality Assurance Cell for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No. | Name | Representation | Role |
1 | Dr Prashanth C M | Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr Vinayambika S Bhat | Dean Quality Assurance and HoD – Electronics & Communication Engineering | Convener
3 | Mr Rajesh Chouta | Management Representative |
Members |
4 | Mr Siva Prakash Rao | Local Society | |
5 | Dr C R Rajashekar | Vice-Principal & Professor & HoD – Mechanical Engineering | |
6 | Dr Anand S N | Professor & HoD – Aeronautical Engineering | |
7 | Dr K G Madhwaraj | Professor & HoD – MCA | |
8 | Dr Ravinarayana B | Associate Professor & HoD – Computer Science & Engineering | |
9 | Dr Jyothi S | Professor & HoD – Mathematics | |
10 | Mr Narendra U P | Director Placements, Training & Industrial Relations | |
11 | Mr Sunil Kumar | Senior Assistant Professor & HoD Dept of AIML | |
12 | Dr Shreekanth G Naik | Assistant Professor, Dept of Management Studies |
Members |
13 | Mr Avinash N J | Assistant Professor Dept of Electronics & Communication Engineering | |
14 | Ms Mallika Shetty | Head of Accounts | |
15 | Mr Mohammed Azzan Patni | Alumni [2011 Graduate] | |
17 | Prabhal Raj | Student [USN:4MT21EC062] |
Annual Reports
Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Academic Year 2020-21 Click Here
Academic Year 2019-20 Click Here
Academic Year 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Year 2017-18 Click Here
Academic Year 2016-17 Click Here
Academic Year 2015-16 Click Here
Activity Reports
Academic Year 2022-23
1.FDP – Matlab Click Here
2.Technical Staff Development Program – Click Here
Academic Year 2021-22
1.FDP -OBE&NEP Click Here
AQAR Report 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Committee
The Academic Committee of MITE serves as an integral part in formulating, tracking and guiding the overall academic activities of the institution. The main responsibility of the academic committee is to encourage an intellectually stimulating environment within the campus and implementing all the academic guidelines issued by the university. The committee sets the academic calendar of the institution inline with the academic calendar of the university and oversees its implementation along with the smooth functioning of classes, examinations, and all other academic requirements.
Functions and Responsibilities
- Propose the academic requirements (Theory, Laboratory and Examination related) of each Department.
- Scheduling of various academic activities.
- Review of the academic activities.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Members | Dean (Academics) &HoDs of all Departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum once in a semester and as and when required |
Academic Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No. | Name Designation | Role/Position |
1. | Dr. Prashanth C.M. Principal, MITE | Chairman |
2 | All the HODs, MITE | Members |
3 | Mr. Narendra U P, Associate Professor & Director , Training & Placements | Member |
4 | Dr. Pradeep B.S Professor & Dean R&D, CS&E, | Member |
5 | Dr. Yogeesha C B, Dean (Industry Collaborations | Member |
6 | Dr. Sathisha, Associate Professor, Dept. E&C, MITE, Controller of Examination (CoE) | Member |
7 | Dr. Terence K. Johnson, Associate Dean (Academics) | Member – Secretary |
Activities Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Activities Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Calendar of Events For the Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Calendar of Events For the Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Calendar of Events For the Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Examination Committee
Examination Committee is a body which is authorized to conduct the Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) Tests in a centralized manner and the Semester End Examinations (SEE) as per the University guidelines. The main objective of the committee is to safeguard the quality of both internal and external examinations in line with the regulations specified by the affiliating University.
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson and Convener | Dean (Examinations) |
2 | Members | Minimum one faculty from each Department |
Functions and Responsibilities | · To conduct the CIE tests every semester as per the University guidelines. · To make necessary arrangements for the smooth conduction of SEE. | |
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a semester |
Examination Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name |
Chief Controller of Examinations /Chairman | Dr. Prashanth C.M, Principal |
Controller of Examinations / Convener | Dr. Sathisha, Associate Professor, Dept. of E&C, Controller of Examinations/Dean (Examinations) |
Members | Dr. Rajashekar C.R, Vice Principal, Professor & Head, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering |
Dr. Anand S.N, Professor & Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering | |
Dr. Gangavathi P, Associate Professor, Dept of Mathematics | |
Dr. Bindu Madhavi, Deputy Controller of Examinations, Dept of Mechatronics | |
Mr. Rajesh N Kamath, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Science & Engineering | |
Dr. Jayashree, Associate Professor, Dept. of MBA | |
Dr. Guruprasad L, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Physics | |
Dr. Anushree Raj Senior Asssistant Professor, Dept of MCA |
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Research Council
Research in an academic institution is significant for its sustainability and development, and it is imperative to have knowledge-driven growth based on innovation.MITE has envisioned to achieve academic eminence through research and innovation with a strong conviction that quality of research work directly translates to the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom, thereby benefiting the students, the society and the country.
Research council of MITE is committed to provide a conducive environment for the academic fraternity with encouraging strategies towards core and interdisciplinary research in the cutting-edge domains of science and technology. The Research council plays a significant role in strengthening the research capabilities and innovation endeavors, abreast with societal needs and changing industrial requirements, guiding towards quality research and path-breaking innovations.s.
Functions and Responsibilities
- Formulate and develop research policy of the Institution to promote and coordinate all-round research activities of faculty and students of the Institution.
- Apprise information on recent advancements in Science & Technology by organizing International /National conferences, symposiums and workshops.
- Promote awareness on importance of pursuing research and publications of research articles in high quality, reputed International /National journals.
- Inculcate the practice of writing research proposals by providing information about receiving research funds from various funding agencies.
- Strengthen Collaborative Research and Innovations through linkages with the Centre of Excellence, R&D labs, Universities and reputed Industries inside India and abroad.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Faculty from Various Departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum Twice in a year |
Research Council for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No | Role | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M | Principal |
2 | Member | Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat | Dean, Quality Assurance & Prof. & HoD of ECE |
3 | Member | Dr. Anand S N | Prof. & HoD of AE |
4 | Member | Dr. Babu Rao K | Professor, Dept. of CSE |
5 | Member | Dr. Shreeja Rajesh | Associate Professor, Dept. of ISE |
6 | Member | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Sr. Assistant Professor Dept. of CE |
7 | Member | Dr. Shivaramu H T | Sr. Assistant Professor, Dept. of ME |
8 | Member | Dr. Sandesh Nayak | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechatronics |
9 | Member | Dr. Maryjo M George | Assistant Professor, Dept. of AI & ML |
10 | Member | Mr. Sandeep Seetaram Naik | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CSE(IoT & CS) |
11 | Member | Dr. Vineetha Telma D’souza | Associate Professor & HoD, of Chemistry |
12 | Member | Dr. Mitra K | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics |
13 | Associate Convener | Dr. Raghavendra Sagar | Associate Professor & HoD of Physics |
14 | Member Secretary | Dr. Pradeep B S | Professor, Dept. of CSE Dean R&D |
Activities Report of 2024 Click Here
Activities Report of 2023 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016 Click Here
Students Grievance Redressal Committee
MITE is committed to provide safe, fair and harmonious learning and working environment to the students and staff. In this regard, the Students Grievance Redressal Committee has been constituted at MITE as per the UGC/ AICTE Regulations. The committee has adopted a well defined mechanism for redressal of the grievances. The Committee handles day-to-day grievances related to academics and other issues of the students and staff. The committee handles and discharges all the grievances in a fair and impartial manner within the scope of code of conduct set by the institution.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To support all the students to obtain the services offered by the college, for which he / she is entitled.
- To educate and create awareness among the students about the ways and means to redress their problems.
- To ensure an effective solution to the student’s grievances with an impartial and fair approach.
Grievance Redressal Mechanism
- Any aggrieved student/students may communicate their grievance in person or in writing, either directly to the Students Grievance Redressal Committee (SGRC) or through Class Advisor/HoD/Student Performance Mentoring Coordinator
- The SGRC shall ensure complete confidentiality of the grievance made
- After receiving of the grievance, the SGRC shall call for the meeting
- The committee shall verify the genuineness of the grievance received
- If the grievance is genuine, then the Committee shall discuss the possible solutions and the same shall be conveyed to the aggrieved student/students within three days/ a week depending upon the severity of the grievance. The possible solution to the grievance shall also be conveyed to the personnel responsible for implementation.
- After the successful implementation of the solution, the personnel shall report to the Committee regarding work completion
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Three senior members of the teaching faculty nominated by the Principal and out of three one member shall be female and other from SC/ST/OBC category |
4 | Special Invitee | Student Representative nominated by the Principal based on academic merit/excellence in sports/performance in co-curricular activities |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum of once in a year and as and when required based on the grievances reported. |
Students Grievance Redressal Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No | Role | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M | Principal |
2 | Convener | Dr. Pradeep B S | Professor, Dept. of CS&E. |
3 | Member | Mrs. Deepthi Shetty | Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of E&CE. |
4 | Member | Dr. Madwaraj K. G | Professor & Head, Dept. of MCA. |
5 | Member | Sridhar D. R | Asst. Professor, Dept. Mech. Engineering |
6 | Special Invitee | Ms. Dravya R. Shetty | 3rd year Student – E&CE Dept of E&CE |
To Report a Grievance Click Here
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Anti–Ragging Committee
MITE is committed to impart quality education in a safe, conducive and completely ragging-free environment to the students embarking on the journey of professional education. Since inception, ragging is totally prohibited inside and outside the campus ensuring a congenial and welcoming environment to the fresher. In compliance with the letters from UGC /AICTE from time to time, Anti-Ragging Committee constituted at MITE, is the supervisory and advisory committee that helps in preserving the Ragging Free Culture of the campus.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To uphold and comply with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court and be vigilant on acts amounting to ragging.
- To monitor and oversee the performance of anti-ragging squad in the prevention of ragging in the college premises and in the hostels.
- To Publicize the prevalent directives and the actions that can be taken against those students indulging in ragging and soliciting of affidavits from parents/guardians and from students during each academic year.
- To consider the specific instances of ragging and complaints of ragging; conduct enquiry and suggest appropriate action/punishment for the offenders and documenting the status of compliance of Anti-Ragging measures.
- To create awareness related to ragging menace among the students by means of audio-visual aids, counseling sessions and workshops.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Faculty from Various Departments |
Student from Various Departments | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum of once in year in the beginning of academic year and as and when it is required. |
Anti-Ragging Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name & Designation |
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal |
Convener | Dr. Jyothi S, Prof. & HoD, Mathematics, Chief Warden, Girls Hostel |
Nodal officer | Mr. Surjit Ram, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities |
Member | Dr. C R Rajashekar, Vice–Principal & Head, Dept. of ME |
Inspector of Police, Moodabidri Police Station | |
Dr. Sathisha, Dean Examination, CoE, Associate Professor, Dept. of E&C Engg | |
Dr. Shreekumar T, Professor, Dept. of CS&E and Chief Warden, Boys Hostel | |
Mr. Sathvik S Nayak, Asst Professor, Dept of Mathematics | |
Ms. Shaila Sequeira, Professional Counselor, Wellness Center, MITE | |
Ms. Spoorthi P Hegde, Fourth year Student, Mechatronics Engineering | |
Ms. Yashita Vasu, Third year student, CSE (AI & ML) | |
Mr. Skanda S V, Fourth year Student, Mechanical Engineering | |
Mr. Rohan Shetty, Fourth year Student, Civil Engineering | |
Ms. Maithreyi, Fourth year student, Electronics & Communication Engineering | |
Ms. Apoorva Ganesh Poojary, Third year Student, Information Science Engg., | |
Ms. Sakshya Rai, Third year Student, IoT | |
Mr. Sumukha A Udupa, Second year Student, Computer Science & Engineering | |
Mr. Divya Hiremath Second year Student, Aeronautical Engineering | |
Mr. Jeevandeep, Second year Student, CSE (AIML) | |
Ms. Shrutha Padival, Second Year Student, Master of Business Administration | |
Mr. Nithish P, Second Year Student, Master of Business Administration | |
Mr. Kaustubha Mohan, Second Year Student, Master of Computer Application | |
Ms. Kavana Naik, Second Year Student, Master of Computer Application | |
Mr. Tejasvi H Shivajatappanavar, First year Student , Chemistry Cycle | |
Ms. Shivani P Shetty, First year Student, Physics Cycle | |
Mrs. Radha J, Parent Member |
Anti-Ragging Squad
Functions and Responsibilities
- Vigil and patrol the campus, hostel, college buses to prevent any untoward incidents.
- Identification and reporting it to Anti-ragging committee (In case of any incidence).
Structure of the Committee
Sl.No. | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson & Convener | Head, Dept. of ISE |
2 | Members | Senior Faculty |
Anti-Ragging Squad for the Academic year 2024-25
Role | Name & Designation |
Chairman | Prof. Manjunath Hebbagilu, Professor & Head, Dept. of ISE |
Dr. C R Rajashekar, Vice-Principal & Head, Dept. of ME – Member | |
Dr.Shreekumar T, Professor, Dept. of CSE & Chief Warden, Boys Hostel-Member | |
Dr. Raghavendra Sagar, Associate Professor, Head, Dept.of Physics – Member | |
Dr. Vineetha T D’Souza, Associate Professor, Head, Dept. of Chemistry-Member | |
Mr. Surjit Ram, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities – Member | |
Dr. Jyothi S, Professor, Head, Dept. of Mathematics & Chief Warden Girls Hostel – Member | |
Ms. Savithri, Resident Warden, Girls Hostel – Member | |
Mr. Ramesh Yaragatti, Resident Warden, Boys Hostel – Member |
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Anti-Ragging of Squad 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
For Poster – Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Career Guidance Cell (Industry Interaction Cell)
Excellence is achieved through training & habituation. At MITE, our responsibility is not only confined to exemplary education and shaping competent graduates, we are also committed to extending support to our Students in choosing an apt Career path – Recruitment at Global best Companies, becoming an entrepreneur, or pursuing higher studies. We take pride in seeing our students walk out of the campus with the best choices that ensure and aids in propelling their professional careers and spread their wings with confidence.
The Career Guidance Cell of MITE spearheads and conducts Skill Development programs through the Centers of Excellence established in the Institution, and also invites Industry stalwarts to deliver lectures about advancements in the latest technologies. This enables our students to be Innovators, and also excel in recruitment and be placed in Organizations of repute.
The proven final placements in the successive years and Career advancements of our Students are a result of very systematic interaction with the industry and continuous career counseling of the students. Right from the beginning of the program, students are continuously counseled with regard to their career aspirations and options, which in turn are vigorously followed up with multiple activities like Hackathon, Ideathon, Workshops towards realizing their dreams.
Functions and Responsibilities
● Conduct SWOC Analysis of Students; Identify the Training Needs and conduct Skill development programs according to the Technological advancements and the corporate requirements.
● Conduct Programs to identify and nurture potential innovators.
● Guide and Counsel students towards achieving success in their career aspirations.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Director(Placements, Training and Industrial Relations) |
3 | Members | Faculty from Various Departments & Invited Industry Representatives |
Frequency of the meeting | Twice in a year |
Career Guidance Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
(Members of Industry Interaction Cell)
Role | Name & Designation |
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal |
Convener | Mr. Narendra U P, Director(Placements, Training and Industrial Relations) |
Members | Mr. Bharath R, Associate TPO |
Mr. Deepak Poojary, Executive Placement & Training | |
Ms. Suma K, Asst Prof, Dept of Computer Science & Engg | |
Mr. Rajesh N Kamath, Sr. Asst Prof, Dept of Information Science & Engg | |
Mr. Dony D’Souza, Sr Asst Prof., Dept. of Electronics & Commn., Engg | |
Dr. Shivaramu H T, Sr Asst Prof., Dept. of Mechanical Engg., | |
Mr. Sandesh Nayak, Asst Prof, Dept of Mechatronics Engg | |
Dr. G Ezhilmaran, Assistant Professor, Dept of Aeronautical Engg | |
Mr. Amruth Ashok Gadag, Assistant Professor, Dept of AI&ML | |
Mr. Aneesh Kumar A, Assistant Professor, Dept of CSE (IoT) | |
Mr. Akshaya Krishna N , Assistant Professor, Dept of Civil Engg | |
Dr. Amith Donald Menezes, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Master of Business Administration | |
Mr. Murthy R K, Digital Program Manager, Sonata Software. | |
Mr. Sridhar R Murthy, Director, DLithe Consultancy Services Pvt Ltd. | |
Invited Members – All T&P Dept Coordinators and Heads of the Department |
Activities Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Activities Report of 2015-16 Click Here
The Constitution of the country, promulgated in 1950, recognizes the scheduled castes and the scheduled tribes as the two most backward groups in Indian society needing special protection. India, a country of diversity, a mix of different religions, castes and cultures, is characterized by a highly-entrenched system of social stratification. They include all the castes, races or tribes, which have been socially, economically and educationally backward. Therefore, we, as an institute , have constituted an SC/ST/OBC Committee which would help in eliminating the social disparities in compliance with the Government of India and UGC guidelines.
Functions and Responsibilities
- Assisting the students in availing the Scholarships.
- Redressing the grievances of the Students.
- To monitor any caste-based discrimination faced by the students
Structure of the Committee
2ConvenerFaculty from any Department
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
3 | Members | Faculty from Engineering Department |
Faculty from Dept. of Basic Science | ||
Faculty from Dept. of Humanities/Law | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a year and as and when required. |
SC/ST/OBC Cell Members for the Academic Year 2024-25
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M | Principal |
Convener | Dr. Mohan Kumar Naik | HoD, Dept of Mechatronics Engineering |
Members | Mr. Sridhar D R | Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg |
Mr. Surjit Ram | Senior Assistant Professor, Dept of Humanities | |
Mrs. Anusha | Senior Assistant Professor, Dept of Mathematics |
Annual Reports
Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Academic Year 2020-21 Click Here
Academic Year 2019-20 Click Here
Academic Year 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Year 2017-18 Click Here
Internal Complaints Committee
(Formerly Anti-sexual Harassment committee)
The Anti-sexual Harassment committee /CICC/ Women’s Cell is established to help maintain a congenial atmosphere at the Institute, to enable women to pursue their work with dignity and reassurance. The committee/Cell has been working to raise awareness on gender equality issues.
This Committee /Cell functions as required by the “Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act 2013”.
Institute is committed to maintaining a professional learning and working environment for its students, employees, and guests. One of the committee/cells’ mandate is to prevent gender discrimination and inappropriate sexual conduct. This is best achieved through promoting gender sensitivity and justice amongst all.
Functions and responsibilities
- To facilitate a safe environment that is free of sexual harassment and gender bias
- To deal with cases of sexual harassment in a time-bound manner, aiming at ensuring support services to the victimized, prevention, and termination of harassment
- Spread awareness about Gender equity among all the stakeholders through appropriate programs
- Work towards maintaining the dignity and comfort of all-female stakeholders on the campus
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Associate Professor or above |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Dean Academics |
Senior Faculty | ||
Student representatives | ||
Non teaching staff | ||
NGO | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a year, and as and when required |
Internal Complaints Committee (Formerly Anti-sexual Harassment committee) for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name and Designation |
Chairperson & Convener | Dr. Manjula Ramannavar, Associate Professor, Dept of AIML |
Members | Dr. Vineetha Telma Dsouza, Associate Professor/ HOD Dept of Chemistry Mrs. Shaila Sequeira, Student and Staff Counsellor. Dr. Yogeesha C. B. Dean & Professor Dept. of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning |
Mrs. Pramila B J, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities | |
Mrs. Sonia Peal K P, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg (IoT & Cyber Security with Blockchain Technology) | |
Mrs. Verina D’Souza, Assistant Professor, Dept. of MBA | |
Mrs. Sadhana K., Assistant Professor, Department of MCA | |
Mrs. Mallika Shetty, Accounts Head | |
Mrs. Shubha, Foreman, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering | |
Student Members | Ms. Preksha C., Department of Information Science & Engineering |
Ms. Yajna Shetty, Department of CSE-AIML | |
Ms. Prakruthi U. S., Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, | |
Ms. Riya D. Naik, Department of Computer Science & Engineering | |
Ms. Bhavyashree, Department of MCA | |
Ms. Arpitha, Department of MBA | |
NGO Member | Mrs. Rochana Surjit, Customer Service Relationship Executive |
Under the policy of gender equity promotion, the annual gender sensitization plan formulated by the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) of MITE is as follows:
- Spread awareness about gender equity among all the stakeholders of MITE through appropriate programs.
- Adopt measures to prevent sexual harassment of women at workplace, aligned with the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.
- Celebrate Women’s Day and Women’s achievements.
- Promote employment/entrepreneurship among women.
- Implement supportive measures towards overall comfort and well-being of women at MITE.
Appropriate programs and activities will be conducted by the ICC every year under the formulated plan of action.
Circular 2024-25: Click Here
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Circular 2023-24: Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Purchase Committee
MITE has established the appropriate mechanism of “procurement and the financial powers” keeping in view of decentralization and participative management. The purchase committee is responsible for the procurement process right from the identification of potential suppliers to the comparison and evaluation of the responses for a recommendation.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To receive the recommendation/indents of the individual departments.
- To approve and rise the quotations.
- To analyze the quotations and comparative statements provided by the department.
- Identify the appropriate vendors and call for negotiation.
- To approve the quotation/s with the best competitive price and at the same time without compromising the quality.
- To identify the vendor for the issue of PO(Purchase Order) of quoted equipment/items.
Structure of the Committee
Sl.No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Chairman, Rajalaxmi Education Trust® |
2 | Convener | Principal |
3 | Members | Vice Principal |
Heads of respective Department | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Whenever purchases worth more than 1 lakh, it can be processed through Purchase Committee. This is applicable exclusively for new purchase |
Purchase Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Designation |
Chairperson | Mr. Rajesh Chouta, Chairman, Rajalaxmi Education Trust® |
Convener | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal, MITE |
Members | Dr. C R Rajashekhar, Vice Principal, MITE |
Heads from respective Department |
Report of Purchase 2023-24 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2022-23 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2021-22 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2020-21 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2019-20 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2018-19 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2017-18 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2016-17 Click Here
Report of Purchase 2015-16 Click Here
Disciplinary Committee
MITE imparts quality education that fosters the scholarly, civic and holistic development of students, maintaining an appropriate sense of order in the process of learning through the code of conduct that allows the pursuit of educational objectives in an environment that is safe and free of invidious disruption. The Disciplinary Committee is constituted to ensure the prevalence of a healthy and motivating environment by upholding discipline among the students and to bring professionalism by inculcating the institute’s core values and best practices in them.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To frame rules and regulations with an optimistic approach to impart discipline among the students on campus.
- To create awareness about ragging menace and ensure a student-friendly environment for superior learning.
- To enforce the university guidelines on the prohibition of mobile usage by the students in the college premises.
- To uptake measures for inappropriate and disruptive behavior of students both in college premises and in the hostels.
- To achieve the goal of creating a safe and motivating environment through positive attitudes and best practices.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Members | Vice Principal |
Faculty from different Departments | ||
3 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum once in semester and as and when required |
Disciplinary Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name & Designation |
Chairperson | Dr. C M Prashanth, Principal |
Members | Dr. Babu Rao K, Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engineering |
Dr. Vineetha Telma D’souza, Associate Professor & HOD, Dept. of Chemistry | |
Dr. Sandesh Nayak, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering | |
Mr. Rajesh N Kamath, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Information Science & Engineering | |
Dr. Ramalingam, Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering | |
Dr. Madhanraj V, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering | |
Dr. Jayashri Shetty, Associate Professor, Dept. of Master of Business Administration | |
Dr. Nagarjun Prabhu, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mathematics | |
Dr. Pavithra G P, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemistry | |
Dr. Shreeja Rajesh, Associate Professor Dept. of Information Science & Engineering | |
Convener | Dr. Ganesha Mogaveera, Professor and Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering |
Code of Conduct – Click Here
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Student Welfare Committee
Student Welfare Committee (SWC) strives to reach every student in raising their individual educational and personal aspirations and to excel in promoting active citizenship and social, economic, and moral responsibility. The committee endeavours to support the convenience of the students and intend to facilitate a friendly atmosphere for students’ overall advancement.
SWC was developed at MITE to facilitate a positive, self-directed student experience by providing support, guidance, and development opportunities, empowering students to become proactive lifelong learners to achieve their full potential in society.
S.NO | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairman | Principal |
2 | Student Welfare Officer | Faculty from any Engineering Department. |
3 | Convener | Faculty from any Engineering Department. |
4 | Members | Faculty from any Department.
Functions and responsibilities | · To guide and encourage the students to avail the facilities of the institution. · To monitor the students attendance · To monitor the facilities such as drinking water, clean toilets, recreation, playgrounds, canteen etc. · To guide the students to attend Remedial classes for slow learners wherever required. · To advice the students to follow the harmony and discipline in the campus. · To encourage the students to participate in intercollegiate competitions and cultural programs and appreciate their achievements. · To Guide the students regarding freeships, fee concessions and other facilities available to them
| |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum one meeting in every Academic Year
Student Welfare Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Chairman | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal |
Student Welfare Officer | Dr. Madhwaraj K.G, Professor & Head, Dept. of MCA |
Members | Dr. Jyothi S, Chief Warden, Girls Hostels |
Dr. Shreekumar T, Chief Warden, Boys Hostels | |
Dr. Aveen, Dept. Mechanical Engineering | |
Dr. Amrutha H P, Assistant Professor, Dept. Mathematics | |
Ms. Suraj M Shet, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering | |
Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Dept. Master of Business Administration | |
Dr. Amit K, Dept. Electronics and Communication | |
Mr. Subrahmanya S Bhat, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Information Science & Engineering | |
Dr. Sujesh Kumar, Dept of Aeronautical Engineering | |
Ms. Rajeswari, Dept. Mechatronics Engineering | |
Ms. Sudeeksha Viswanath, Student, Dept of CSE | |
Mr. Anudeep, Student, Dept of MBA |
Activities Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Activities Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Entrepreneurship Development Cell
Producing successful entrepreneurs assimilate with Leadership qualities, Technical skills and above all passionate approach by using innovative and ethical business practices to make an effective global impact.
To instil the spirit of entrepreneurship among the Engineering and Management students
EDC Objectives
The objective of promoting entrepreneurship among the youth is to nurture a passion for self-employment. This will open gates for creation of new knowledge-based innovative hi-tech ventures, industries and new breed of technopreneurs and more avenues of employment opportunities, thus turning job seekers into job creators. This leads the nation towards industrial excellence and self-reliance. The Entrepreneurship Development Cell of this college aims towards achieving the same.
EDC bridges the gap and provides assistance in transforming ‘the ideas into innovative product’
EDC enhances the entrepreneurship skills among students to be self-reliant in the dynamic business world.
EDC also help them to channelize their requirements in terms of financial, technical and legal aspects.
EDC Functional Activities
Conduction Entrepreneurship Awareness Program – The new generation entrepreneurs, corporate executives, guest speakers on various domains covering technology & management are invited to guide and motivate students. Industrial Visits are part of EAP, which is a great source to gain practical knowledge.
EDC-Helping Hand to Student Incubation Centres
College hosts a well-furnished, state of art Incubation Centre to provide office space & equipment, technology support and seed capital to nurture the upcoming entrepreneurial talents. It offers a more robust and approachable facility to the individuals who have high entrepreneur ambitions.
- To create awareness among the students about various facets of entrepreneurship as a career option.
- To highlight the merits of pursuing Entrepreneurship as an option.
- To highlight creativity and motivation of entrepreneurship in individuals.
- To provide entrepreneurship training and guidance to students to start a new venture, who are possessing passions with the business innovative thoughts.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Faculty members from various Departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum twice in a year |
Entrepreneurship Development Cell for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl no | Role | Faculty Name |
1 | Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M |
2 | Convenor | Mr. Narendra U P, Associate Professor, Dept. of IS & E |
3 | Members | Dr. Shreekant Naik, Assistant Professor, MBA |
4 | Dr. Ramalingam, Associate Professor, Dept. of E&C | |
5 | Mr. Swaroop, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering | |
6 | Mr. Subrahmanya Bhat, Assistant Professor, Dept. of IS&E | |
7 | Mr. Shreejith K B, Sr. Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS&E | |
8 | Dr. Maryjo M. George, Assistant Professor, Dept. of AI&ML | |
9 | Dr. Madhanraj V, Sr. Assistant Professor, Aeronautical Engg | |
10 | Dr. Sandesh Nayak, Assistant Professor, Mechatronics Engineering | |
11 | Mr. Shylesh B C, Assistant Professor, MCA | |
12 | Mr. Sandeep Seetaram Naik, Assistant Professor, Computer Science & Engg (IOT) | |
13 | Dr. Guru Prasad L, Assistant Professor, Physics Dept |
1.List of Alumni Entrepreneurs – Click Here
2.Activity Reports
Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Academic Year 2020-21 Click Here
Academic Year 2019-20 Click Here
Academic Year 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Year 2017-18 Click Here
Library, being the primary source of information collected from reliable sources and having provision for accessibility to a specific and defined community for referring and borrowing of resources.
MITE-Library provides access to its users with resources including books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, prints, documents, CD/DVDs, e-books, e Journals, databases, and other information tools.
MITE Library Memberships
VTU Consortium
VTU Consortium acts as a single-window service for Technical resource sharing among the Institutions with their diverse research and academic interests; MITE-Library has been a member of VTU Consortium since the academic year 2013-2014. By subscribing to VTU Consortium, Access is provided to resources such as eBooks, e-Journals, and Databases that contains Elsevier Science Direct, Springer Nature, IEEE ASPP & POP ALL, Taylor & Francis, Emerald, New Age International, Packt, EBSCO-Engineering Suite, Eduport Global-CBS, BSP E-Books, Cengage Learning E-books, Cambridge University Press, Mint Books, Quiklrn E-Books and Quiklrn – English Language communication Lab, IEEE Blended e-Learning Platform, DrillBit-Plagiarism Detection Software, & Knimbus Digital Library Platform being a search engine for all VTU e-Resources & provides Remote access to users and also available as a Mobile Application.
National Digital Library & NDLI CLUB
MITE has been a member of the National Digital Library (NDL) since the academic year 2016-2017. The National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is a virtual repository of learning resources with search/browse facilities and provides a host of services for the learning enthusiastic community including Researchers, Scholars and students for general learning.
NDLI Club: An initiative to engage learners and promote effective utilization of NDLI’s vast resources through competitions, training sessions and workshops.
MITE NDLI Club registration number INKANC4NTWKGQ5U.
Shodhganga Membership
Shodhganga center provides an open access digital repository of Indian Electronic Thesis for research students to deposit their Ph.d Thesis and is made available to the entire community of research scholars of all the institutions and universities across INDIA. It is hosted and maintained by INFLIBNET. An MOU was signed with VTU on 25th June 2018.
Library Advisory Committee
Libraries play an important role in a Knowledge Institution. As gateways to knowledge and culture, the resources and services a library offers create immense opportunities for learning and help shape the new ideas and perspectives that are essential to a creative and innovative society. The Library has to cater to the needs of students, research scholars and faculty members. A wide range of subject fields are represented in book stock with prime thrust for meeting the needs of all Stakeholders. The Library Advisory Committee is constituted to superintend the Process of the Library and act as a channel of communication and dialogue between the Library and its users.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To formulate and approve policy matters related to the Central Library, including the procurement of books, journals and other e-Resources.
- To maintain liaison between the Central Library and the various Academic Departments for the purchase of books and resources.
- To conduct Workshops, Seminars and Awareness Programs for all Stakeholders about the availability and access methods of e-Resources.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Librarian |
3 | Members | Senior Faculty from various departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Twice in a year |
Library Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name & Designation |
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal |
Convener | Mr. Santhosh Kumar T.V, Librarian |
Members | Dr. Sruthi Dinesh, Assistant Professor, Dept of E&CE |
Mr. Annappa Swamy, Associate Professor, Dept. of CS&E | |
Mrs. Amrutha Bhat, Dept of Computer Science & Engg | |
Dr. Raghavendra Sagar, Associate Professor & Head, Dept. of Physics. | |
Dr. Sujesh Kumar, Dept of Aeronautical Engg | |
Dr. Kiran Kumar M.V., Dept of Mechatronics | |
Mrs. Radha E G., Dept of AIML | |
Mrs. Sonia Peal K P., Dept of CSE(IoT) | |
Mr. Amruth Ashok, Assistant Professor, Dept. of AI & ML | |
Mrs. Shwetha V Bhat, Dept of MCA | |
Dr. Amith Donald Menezes, Dept of MBA |
Book Purchase Procedure Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report – Academic Year 2015-16 Click Here
Central Mentoring – Cum – Counseling Committee
MITE firmly believes that just as pedagogy, mentoring is also a part of the curriculum to make a positive difference in the lives of the students taking admission from diverse economic, cultural backgrounds and learning styles. Central Mentoring cum Counselling committee constituted at MITE has a primary objective of establishing a trusting relationship with accountability and responsibility from the faculty mentors with students enabling constructive interaction, guidance and mentorship on their overall personality development. The committee provides comprehensive support to the students boarding the journey of professional education with great career aspirations.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To provide a reliable and comprehensive support system through consistent constructive feedback motivating students to excel in both academic and non-academic areas.
- To improve student’s learning and leadership skills, moulding their character with self-confidence, motivating them towards their future career development.
- To conduct periodic meetings to address issues related to student academics, de-stress the students by listening to their problems and suggest solutions.
- To counsel and mentor the specific case of students for academic improvement, career advancement, and overall development
- To conduct capacity building programmes on mental health of students
- To review the counseling process conducted by the faculty and provides necessary guidance towards improvement in the process.
- To support the student in molding their character with self-confidence
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairman | Principal |
2 | Convener | HOD, Mathematics |
3 | Members | Student Welfare Officer/ Faculty Advisor |
Director of Physical Education | ||
Librarian | ||
NSS Officer | ||
Convener of the College Internal Complaint Committee (CICC) | ||
Professional Counselor | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Twice in a semester and in addition as and when required |
Central Mentoring – Cum – Counselling Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No | Name & Designation | Representation |
1 | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. Madwaraj K.G Professor & Head, Department of MCA | Member |
3 | Ms. Shaila Sequeira Professional Counsellor | Member |
4 | Mr. Shamith Rao Physical Education Director | Member |
5 | Mr. Santhosh Kumar T V, Librarian | Member |
6 | Mr Akshathraj Senior Assistant Professor, Department of MBA (NSS Officer ) | Member |
7 | Dr. Manjula Ramannavar, Associate Professor, Dept of CS-AIML (Convener – ICC) | Member |
8 | Dr. Guruprasad L Assistant Professor, Department of Physics | Member |
9 | Mr. Surjith Ram Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities | Member |
| Dr. Jyothi S, Professor & Head, Department of Mathematics | Convener |
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Intellectual property (IP) refers to various distinct types of creations of the mind: inventions, literary , artistic works, symbols, names, images, and designs; for which a set of exclusive rights like copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets are recognized under the corresponding fields of law.
An Intellectual Property Right(IPR) Cell has been formed at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering to provide Knowledge by coordinating and conducting activities related to the Intellectual Property Rights in the Institution and also to create awareness among the stakeholders.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To create an awareness about IPR and guide the stakeholders.
- To impart training on future endeavours regarding patent filing processes.
- To do novelty check on the IPs of the stakeholders.
- To encourage faculty members, Research scholars and students to involve patentable works.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Faculty from various Departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a year |
MITE KSCST IPR-Cell Members for the Academic year 2024-25
Sl. No | Role | Name | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M | Principal |
2 | Convener | Dr. H M Ramalingam | Associate Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg |
3 | Members | Dr. Vignesh Nayak Ullal | Sr Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engg |
Dr. Maryjo M George | Assistant Professor, Dept. of AI&ML | ||
Dr. Sreeja Rajesh | Associate Professor, Dept. of Information Science & Engg | ||
Dr.Bindu Madhavi | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering | ||
Mr. Ranjith H D | Sr. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engg | ||
Dr. Rejeesh Rayaroth | Assistant Professor, Dept. of Computer Science & Engg | ||
Mr. Sandeep S Naik | Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS(IoT) | ||
Dr. Anushree Raj | Sr.Assistant Professor, Dept. of MCA | ||
Mr. Amar Gandge Subhash | Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering | ||
Mr. Surjit Ram | Senior Assistant Professor, Dept. of Humanities | ||
IP Statistics
No of Patent Applications Filed | No of Patent Applications Published | No of Patent / Design Granted |
39 (Complete Specification) | 35 (Indian Patent Journal) | 06
1.Details of the Patent Filed – Click Here
2.Details of the Patent Publication – Click Here
3.Details of the Patent Granted – Click Here
4.Recent Activities of IPR Cell
Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Academic Year 2020-21 Click Here
Academic Year 2019-20 Click Here
Academic Year 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Year 2017-18 Click Here
Academic Year 2016-17 Click Here
5.MITE-Innovation-2022 Annual Student Project Competition souvenir Click Here
6.MITE-Innovation-2023 Annual Student Project Competition souvenir Click Here
Cultural Committee
The cultural committee at MITE has an objective to provide a platform for students to exhibit and develop their talents. The Committee through the cultural club Euphoria works at identifying the inherent talents and nurture them through professional training and provide opportunities to exhibit them. Euphoria is a conglomeration of Dance, Music, Theatre, Photography, Speakers league and literary forums. The cultural committee plans, executes and organizes events to promote holistic development while taking cognizance to the fact that this imbibes in students the essential life skills and enrich their campus experience.
Functions and Responsibilities
- To identify talents amongst students and foster them according to their interests through professional training.
- To overview the functioning of the six forums of the Cultural Club- Euphoria.
- To plan and organize various cultural events on campus.
- To select and train students for inter collegiate events and also provide the required financial aid through the cultural club- Euphoria.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Chief Cultural Coordinator |
3 | Members | Student Representatives |
4 | Faculty Coordinator | Faculty |
Frequency of the meeting | Twice in a year |
Cultural Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name & Designation |
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal |
Student Coordinators | |
Faculty Coordinators | |
Convener | Mrs. Rashmi Praveen, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics |
Annual Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Annual Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Annual Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Annual Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Annual Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Annual Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Annual Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Annual Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Annual Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Youth Red Cross
Ultimate happiness is that of serving the Mankind. MITE believes that education is not complete without imbibing a sense of value and duty towards fellow human beings. It is very important for the young minds to dedicate themselves to serving the society in whatever way they can. MITE has, therefore, established a Youth Red Cross (YRC) unit in the campus to provide such a platform to students. YRC, working under the Red Cross Society of the Government of Karnataka, is the forum where student volunteers come together with an objective to engage themselves in selfless service to the society during the hours of crisis.
Functions and responsibilities
* To participate in relief operations during Natural calamities.
* To organize Blood donation camps to save lives.
* To organize Community services like free medical camps.
* To organize health and fitness related programs.
* To spread awareness by observing health commemorative days.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Member | Faculty members from various Departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a year |
Red Cross Steering Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name & Designation | |
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal | |
Program Officer and Convenor | Dr. Jayashri Shetty, Asso. Professor/HOD Dept of MBA | |
Members | Ms Swapna S A, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering | |
Dr. Jayaprakash M.C, Assistant Professor, Dept. Civil Engineering | ||
Dr. Vignesh Nayak Ullal, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering | ||
Mr. Ranjith H D, Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering | ||
Mr. Suraj Shet, Asst. Professor, Dept. Civil Engineering | ||
Dr. Kiran Kumar M V, Assistant Professor, Department of Mechatronics Engineering | ||
Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Senior Assistant Professor, Department of Business Administration | ||
Dr. Madhan Raj, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Aeronautical Engg., | ||
Dr. Aravind Krishnan, Medical Officer | ||
Dr. Antony Praveen, Physics Cycle, Department of Basic Sciences. | ||
Activities Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Activities Report of 2015-16 Click Here
National Service Scheme
The National Service Scheme(NSS) is a public service program, launched on 24th September 1969, Mahatma Gandhi birth Centenary year, aimed at developing student’s personality through community service. The Father of Nation, Mahatma Gandhi had suggested that students instead of undertaking academic research about economic and social disability, the students should do “something positive so that the life of the villagers might be raised to a higher material and moral level”.
“Team NSS-MITE believes that Life is an exciting journey, and more exciting, when lived for others”.
The motto of National Service Scheme is “NOT ME BUT YOU” “, reflects the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for self-less service.
NSS team at MITE aims at developing youth personality through community service. The combined effort of both the students and faculty of the NSS-MITE committeehelp in the betterment of the society through soulful activities such as Blood donation, Charity to the needy, ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, Plantation drives, Sadbhavana day, Environment day, yoga classes, Flood relief supportsand many such activities
The overall objective of NSS-MITE chapter is to create social awareness, commitment for the betterment through community service, which includes
- Understand the society in which they live
- Available for the needs and problems of the people in the society
- Develop a sense of social and civic responsibility among students & staff of MITE.
- Get habituated to team building and sharing of responsibilities
- Develop leadership qualities and democratic attitude
- Work during emergencies and natural disaster situation
Structure of the Committee
Sl.No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | NSS Officer & Convener | Senior Faculty of Associate Professor level or above |
3 | Members | Faculty from different Departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Minimum once a year and as when required |
National Service Scheme Unit for the Academic Year 2024-25
Role | Name& Designation |
Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal |
NSS Officer & Convener | Mr. Akshathraj Jain, Assistant Professor, Department of MBA |
Members | Mr. Suraj M Shet, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering |
Dr. Mohan Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering | |
Dr. Guruprasad L, Assistant Professor, Dept of Physics | |
Mr. Ranjith H D, Sr. Assistant Professor, Dept of E&CE | |
Mr. Ajith Kumar, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Aeronautical Engineering | |
Mr. Shivaprasad T.K, Assistant Professor, Dept. of CS&E | |
Mrs. Deepthi Shetty, Sr.Asst. Professor, Dept. of Electronics & Communication |
Activities Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Activities Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Sports Committee
Sport is a competitive physical activity that aims to use, maintain or improve physical ability and skills. Sports and games are an essential part of an individual’s life, contributing to enhancing the quality of life. Understanding the importance of sports, MITE promotes sports activities and ensures students’ active participation. The Department of Physical Education, MITE aspires to inculcate qualities such as sportsmanship, team spirit and bonding in students. The Sports Committee conducts Cricket, Badminton, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Carrom, and many more events on the campus. The Sports Committee promotes women ‘s empowerment through exclusive sports such as Volleyball, Throwball and Basketball.
Functions and Responsibilities
- Create zeal amongst students and faculty members towards sports.
- Promote every individual’s health, physical well-being as well as the acquisition of physical skills among the students.
- Identify and encourage students by providing training to participate actively in inter and intra collegiate sports events and nurture them by providing state-of-the-art facilities for the sports.
- Recommending the refurbishment for existing sports facility where ever required.
- Preparing & Submitting the annual budget required for sports activity.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Physical Education Director |
3 | Members | Faculty from any Department |
Student Coordinator (Male) | ||
Student Coordinator (Female) | ||
Frequency of the meeting | Once in a Semester |
Sports Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
SN | Role | Name & Designation |
1. | Chairperson | Dr. Prashanth C.M |
2. | Members | Dr. Aveen K P, Sr. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Mechanical Engineering. |
3. | N.S Shreyas (4MT21EC055) Student Co-ordinator, Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering | |
4. | Nanditha G.P (4MT21AI033)Student Co-ordinator, Dept. of AI&ML | |
5. | Convener | Mr. Shamith Rao, Physical Education Director |
Activities Report of 2023-24 Click Here
Activities Report of 2022-23 Click Here
Activities Report of 2021-22 Click Here
Activities Report of 2020-21 Click Here
Activities Report of 2019-20 Click Here
Activities Report of 2018-19 Click Here
Activities Report of 2017-18 Click Here
Activities Report of 2016-17 Click Here
Activities Report of 2015-16 Click Here
Alumni Committee
Alumni serve many valuable roles in building and growing an institution’s brand. An Alumni adds a lot of value to the organization by providing mentoring, internships, and career opportunities to students. Creating an engaged, supportive alumni network is crucial to an institution’s success. Alumni Association creates and maintains a life-long connection between alumni and alma mater. The Alumni Association works to connect alumni, support students and build an unforgettable Institute experience through a diversity of events and services.
Our alumni are actively involved in sharing knowledge by delivering talks on the latest trends and technologies, skill development programs, conducting hands-on workshop, guiding and providing opportunities for internship, projects and support for industrial visit. Two of our Alumni entrepreneurs have set up their start-ups on Campus. The family culture of MITE has encouraged Alumni to contribute towards setting up Innovation Centre at the cost of 2.5 Crores for nurturing the younger generation of MITE family.
The institution has included our alumni as a significant part of many of the notable academic and administrative bodies such as Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Department Advisory Committee, Career Guidance Cell, etc.
- To encourage, foster and promote strong relations among institution, students and alumni.
- To exchange professional knowledge, organize technical talks, seminars, workshops, training courses and career development programs.
- To nurture entrepreneur quality among students and alumni by establishing network with successful alumni entrepreneurs.
- To create interest and motivate the alumni to participate in the progress of the Institute and make them contribute towards the enhancement of their Alma mater.
Structure of the Committee
Sl. No. | Role | Designation |
1 | Chairperson | Principal |
2 | Convener | Senior Faculty |
3 | Members | Faculty Member of various departments |
Frequency of the meeting | Twice in a year |
Alumni Committee for the Academic Year 2024-25
Sl. No. | Name | Representation |
1 | Dr. Prashanth C M, Principal | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. Sujesh Kumar, Dept of Aeronautical Engineering | Member |
3 | Ms. Prathiksha, Dept of Civil Engineering | Member |
4 | Mr. Ashwin Kumar M, Dept of Computer Science & Engineering | Member |
5 | Mr. Ranjith H D, Dept of Electronics & Communication Engineering | Member |
6 | Mr. Rajesh N Kamath, Dept of Information Science & Engineering | Member |
7 | Mr. Aveen K P, Dept of Mechanical Engineering | Member |
8 | Dr. Kirankumar M V, Dept of Mechatronics Engineering | Member |
9 | Mr. Akshathraj Jain, Dept of Master of Business Administration | Member |
10 | Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat, Dept of Electronics & Communication Engineering | Convener |
Activity Reports
Alumna Talk Report Click Here
Alumni Technothon 2022- 23 Series 2 Click Here
Alumni Technothon 2022- 23 Series 1 Click Herer
Alumni Technothon 2021-22 – Series-1 Click Here
Alumni Technothon 2021-22 – Series 2 Click Here
Annual Reports
Academic Year 2023-24 Click Here
Academic Year 2022-23 Click Here
Academic Year 2021-22 Click Here
Academic Year 2020-21 Click Here
Academic Year 2019-20 Click Here Alumni Meet 2019-20 Click Here
Academic Year 2018-19 Click Here
Academic Year 2017-18 Click Here
Academic Year 2016-17 Click Here
Academic Year 2015-16 Click Here