

The department of Mathematics was established in the year 2007. Our mission is to make the Engineers develop the mathematical thinking and apply it to solve complex engineering problems, designing mathematical modeling for systems involving global level technology.

The department encourages inquisitiveness in a student throughout so that he would be able to understand the fundamentals of technology. Instigating the “research” in a student so that he could be an innovator or discoverer of tomorrow.

For more details about the department, visit the microsite


To provide quality mathematical knowledge and research support to empower students across all engineering domains, fostering global competitiveness and contributing to achieve excellence.


  1. To foster an environment that encourages visionary thinking, and practical application of mathematical concepts to bridge the gap between theory and real-world applications.
  2. To equip the students with the necessary mathematical knowledge and problem-solving skills making them globally competitive to succeed in their respective engineering domains.
  3. To collaborate with industry, academia, and society at large, using our expertise in mathematics and the computational power of mathematical tool to solve real-world problems, benefitting the global community through innovative solutions.

    Course Outcomes 

    2018 Scheme – Click Here

    2021 Scheme – Click Here


    Dr. Jyothi S

    Position: Professor & HOD
    Phone: +917026626656

    Educational Qualification


    Total experience

    19 Years

    Area of Interest

    Fluid Dynamics
    Linear Algebra

    Professional Memberships

    • ISTE – LM 97124

    • ISRD – F3140900591

    Subjects Handling:

    • Differential Calculus
    • Differential Equations
    • Linear Algebra
    • Numerical Analysis
    • Complex Analysis
    • Vector Calculus
    • Probability and Statistics
    • MATLAB



    Google scholar ID: 57211398836

    LinkedIn ID:
    ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7328-9720

    Number of Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted: 20


    Journal Publications:  


    • Peristaltic Pumping of a Fourth grade fluid through a porous medium in an asymmetric channel- International Journal for Mathematical Archive
    • Peristaltic  flow  of  a  Prandtl  fluid  in a  symmetric  channel  under  the  effect of  magnetic field – Pelagia Research Library, Advances in Applied Science Research
    • Effect of magnetic field on the peristaltic flow of a Newtonian fluid in an inclined tube with variable viscosity: Application to Adomian Decomposition method – International Journal of Conceptions on Computing and Information Technology
    • Hyperbolic tangent fluid flow through a porous medium in an inclined channel with peristalsis – International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management
    • Peristaltic pumping of a Newtonian fluid in an inclined asymmetric channel under the effect of magnetic field with variable viscosity – International Journal of Latest Technology in Engineering, Management & Applied Science
    •    Peristaltic flow of a conducting Newtonian fluid in an inclined channel under the effect of hall current – International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering.
    • Influence of Hall on the motion of a Newtonian Fluid through a Porous medium in an inclined Planar Channel with Peristalsis – Journal of Adv Research in Dynamical and Control Systems
    • Slip and hall effects on the peristaltic flow of a jeffrey fluid through a porous medium in an inclined channel – Materials Today
    • Analyzing emission characteristics of bio-fuel at varying mass fraction of nanoparticles- Materials Today
    • Effect of material parameter on mixed convective fully developed micropolar fluid flow in a vertical channel – Heat Transfer Wiley


    • Peristaltic Pumping of a Johnson-Segalman fluid through a porous medium in an asymmetric channel – International conference on “Fluid Dynamics and its applications” – B.N.M Institute of Technology, Bangalore, June 22 – 24, 2011.
    • Effect of magnetic field on the peristaltic flow of a Newtonian fluid in an inclined tube with variable viscosity: Application to Adomian Decomposition method – International conference on “Mathematics and Information Technology”, organized by WAIRCO on 15th and 16th March – 2013 at Chennai.
    • Peristaltic pumping of a Jeffrey fluid through a porous medium in an asymmetric channel with variable viscosity –presented in an International conference on “Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications”- Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology, Chikmagalur, December 22-23, 2014
    • Peristaltic flow of a conducting Newtonian fluid in an inclined channel under the effect of hall current”- Presented in an International conference on “Applied Science Engineering And Technology, organized by Department of Mathematics, Sri Sairam college of Engineering, Anekal, 18-19th May 2017
    • “Hall effects on Hydromagnetic flow of a Jeffrey fluid in an asymmetric channel with peristalsis”- Presented in an International conference on “Applied Science Engineering And Technology”, organized by Department of Mathematics, Sri Sairam college of Engineering, Anekal, 17-18th May 2018


    Dr. Jyothi S

    Professor & HOD

    Dr Gangavathi P

    Position: Associate Professor

    Educational Qualification: Ph.D

    Total Experience: 18 years

    Areas of Interest: Fluid Dynamics, Applied Mathematics

    Additional Qualification: N.C.C. with ‘C’ certificate


    •  Received prestigious Award of “Young Woman in Science” by Venus International Foundation for the contribution and achievement in the field of Mathematics on 4/03/2017.
    • Received prestigious Award of “Distinguished faculty” by Indo global chamber of Commerce industries and agriculture (IGCCIA) For Performing unique, Commendable, Resourceful and consistently significant contribution in the field of Teaching on 04 Feb 2018 at Pune,
    • Received the Prestigious award “Best research scientist” By Association of Scientists, Developers and faculties (ASDF) on 7th April 2018.
    •  Professional Memberships:

    Life member of (ISTAM) International Society for theoretical and applied Mechanics.

    Life member of (ISTE) Indian society for technical education.

    Life member of (ISRD) (Fellow) International Society Research and development.

    Member of IEEE.

    Google scholar ID –   hl=en&user=eMOr2mcAAAAJ

    LinkedIn ID:  dr-gangavathi-ba8446331

    ORCID ID: –0000 0001- 9035 5144

    Scopus – 57218322095

    No of workshops/FDPs/SDPs/STTPs Attended: 42

     No of workshops/FDPs Conducted: 19


    Conference / Journal Publications:

    • Gangavathi Dr.M V Subba reddy, Prof A Ramakrishna Prasad, Effect of Magnetic field on the peristaltic motion of third grade fluid through a porous medium in       an asymmetric channel, International journal of fluids engineering, Vol 3, No.4 (2011), Pp.441-458.
    • Gangavathi Dr.M V Subba reddy, Prof A Ramakrishna Prasad Effect of variable Viscosity on the peristaltic flow of a Jeffry fluid in the tube under the effect of magnetic field, International Journal of Mathematical archive, Volume-3 Issue-(06) 2303-2313.
    • Gangavathi Dr.M V Subba reddy, Prof A Ramakrishna Prasad Peristaltic Flow A Prandtl Fluid In An Asymmetric Channel Under The Effect Of Magnetic Field, Int Journal Of Conceptions On Computing &Information Technology, volume 2, issue 1 , PP 26-31.
    • Gangavathi Dr.M V Subba reddy, Prof A Ramakrishna Prasad Peristaltic pumping of a Newtonian fluid in an inclined asymmetric channel under the effect of magnetic field with variable viscosity, IJLTEMAS, ISSN: 2278-2540.
    • Jyothi.S, Dr.M V Subbareddy Dr. Gangavathi Hyperbolic tangent fluid flow through a porous medium in an inclined channel with peristalsis, International Journal of advance scientific research & management, Vol. 1 Issue 4, April 2016. 113-121.
    • Gangavathi, Dr.M V Subbareddy Dr.Jyothi  Prof. yogeswar reddy Peristaltic flow of a conducting Newtonian fluid in an inclined channel under the effect of hall current, IJERCSE, ISSN (Online) 2394- 2320, Vol 4, Issue 5 ,105-109.
    • Anil kumar, Dr.Ganagvathi,  Natural Fiber Metal Laminates An Idea For Better Properties Than Fiber Metal Laminates. International Journal of Engineering Research in Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Vol 2, Issue 5 , 682-686.
    • Ganagvathi.P, Prof. Jyothi Sireesha , Nano Technology in Waste water treatment, IJERECE, Vol 4, Issue 11,.
    • Ganagvathi.P, Dr.Jyothi.S  Hall Effects on Hydromagnetic Flow of a Jeffrey Fluid in an Asymmetric Channel with Peristalsis, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 10, 15-Special Issue 113-121.
    • Ganagvathi.P , Prof. Yogeswar reddy , Slip Effects On The Peristaltic Transport Of Williamson Fluid In A Channel With The Effect Of Magnetic Field. Think India Journal (UGC care). Vol-22- Issue- 14, 10165-10173.
    • Dr.P. Gangavathi, Dr.S. Jyothi, Dr.M.V. Subba Reddy and P. Yogeswara Reddy,  Influence of Hall on the Motion of a Newtonian Fluid through a Porous Medium in an Inclined Planar Channel with       Peristalsis, Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, Vol. 12, 07- Special Issue, PP 998-1008.
    • P. Gangavathi, Dr.S. Jyothi, Dr.M.V. Subba Reddy and P. Yogeswara Reddy, Slip and hall effects on the peristaltic flow of a Jeffrey fluid through a porous medium in an inclined channel, Elsevier-Materials Today: Proceedings, ISSN 2214-7853. 16/j.matpr.20 21.05.696. Volume 80, Part 3, 2023, Pages 1970-1975.
    • Vivek Veeraiah, Gangavathi PShahanawaj Ahamad;  Enhancement of Meta Verse Capabilities by IoT Integration, IEEE Digital Explorer, 978-1-6654-3789-9/22/ ©2022 IEEE , https://ieeex.
    • P.Gangavathi G. Ramya M.S. Karuna Influence of Nanomaterial Coated Condensing Surface on the Productivity of Evacuated Tube Assisted Solar Still, Elsevier-Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 69,Part 3, 2022,Pages 853-857.

    Lecture’s Delivered:

    • Delivered a lecture on “Emerging trends in Mathematics” as a part of 5 day FDP on “Role of Mathematics in Academic research and technology” organized by Department of Mathematics Vemana IT Bangalore on 14th July 2020.
    • Acted as a Resource person in AICTE sponsored 2 week FDP on “Opinion Mining- An insight into Social Media and Customer Service held at Sri sai ram Engineering College, Chennai, During 05/12/2019 to 20/12/2019.

     Patents published:


    Application No.201941001501 A

    Date of Publication: 25/01/2019

    2.Title of the invention: DOMESTIC BIRDS PROTECTIVE SYSTEM

    Application No.201941001507 A

    Date of Publication: 18/01/2019


    Application No: 202041056173 A

    Publication Date: 01/01/2021


    Application No: 202141012668 A

    Publication Date: 02/04/2021


    Application No: 202141016617A

    Publication Date: 23-04-2021

     Books Authored:

    • Authored a book titled ADDITIONAL MATHEMATICS -I for engineering students bearing ISBN- 978-81-935104-1-4.
    • Authored a book titled “ Linear algebra and its applications” bearing ISBN 978-81-969396-9-

     Articles Published:

    • Women Education in India,Trends and Issues in Indian Education, ISBN 9789389484526 Kanishka Publishers and distributors, New Delhi.
    • Educating and Developing women self sustain,Trends and Issues in Indian Education, ISBN 9789389484526 Kanishka Publishers and distributors, New
    • Programmes for improvement of Tribal education and Tribal developmen, Trends and Issues in Indian Education, ISBN 9789389484526 Kanishka Publishers and distributors, New Delhi.
    • Engineering Sciences in the book Education System Published By ESN Publications, India, with ISBN: 978-81-950305- 7-6, PP-178-189. India.

    Dr Gangavathi P

    Associate Professor

    Dr.Mitra K.

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification: Ph.D.
    Total Experience: 23 years

    Areas of Interest:

    Graph Theory
    Chemical Graph theory
    Linear Algebra

    Professional Memberships: Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE)

    Subjects Handled:

    Engineering Mathematics-I, II, III, IV
    Additional Mathematics-I, II
    Probability and Queuing Theory
    Graph Theory
    Discrete Mathematics
    Operation Research
    M.Tech-Linear Algebra for ECE

    Google scholar ID
    LinkedIn ID


    No of workshops/FDPs/SDPs/STTPs Attended/ Conducted: 28

    Conference / Journal Publications:

    • Sunita Priya D’Silva, Kunjaru Mitra, Badekara Sooryanarayana an Chandru Hegde “A Study on 2-Secure Set for the Transformation Graphs of a Path”, Materials Today: Proceedings (Q3 Scopus index), In Press, Available online 30 May,2023.
    • Kunjaru Mitra, Badekara Sooryanarayana and Sunita Priya D’Silva, “On Classes of Defensive Alliance Difference Secure Sets of a Graph”, Turk. J. Qual. Inquiry (TOJQI), 12(2021) no. 6, 7631-7637. (Q4 Scopus index)
    • Kunjaru Mitra, Badekara Sooryanarayana and Sunita Priya D’Silva, “Zagreb Alliance Indices”, Adv. In Math. Sci. J., 10(2021), no.3, 1273-1284. (Q4 Scopus index)
    • Sunita Priya D’Silva, Badekara Sooryanarayana and Kunjaru Mitra “Defensive Alliance Difference Secure Sets of a Path”, Adv. in Math. Sci. J., 9(2020), no.12, 10313-10323. (Q4 Scopus index)
    • Mitra K, Vishal Samartha, Sunil Kumar “Students t-test to assess the role of Aptitude classes for Placement among Engineering Students”, International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences Volume 6, Issue 3 (March, 2016). (IMPACT FACTOR – 6.225).

    Dr.Mitra K.

    Assistant Professor

    Dr. Nagarjun Prabhu

    Position: Assistant Professor
    Phone: #

    Educational Qualification

    M.Sc., (PhD)

    Total Experience

    2.5 Years

    Areas of Interest

    Graph Theory

    Subjects Handled

    • Engineering Mathematics I
    • Engineering Mathematics II
    • Engineering Mathematics III
    • Engineering Mathematics IV

    Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted


    Conference / Journal Publications

    • Nagarjun Prabhu, Devadas Nayak C, Sabitha D’Souza, Ashwath Rao B, Pradeep G. Bhat, “Algorithm to d-Distance Equitable Coloring of Trees”, “International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology”, 29(3) (2020), 2140-2150.
    • Nagarjun Prabhu, Devadas Nayak C, Sabitha D’Souza, Pradeep G. Bhat “d-Distance Equitable Chromatic Number of Some Graphs”, “Asian-European Journal of Mathematics”, Vol. 15, No. 04, 2250075 (DOI: 10.1142/S1793557122500759, Online Published: June 25th , 2021.
    • Nagarjun Prabhu, Devadas Nayak C, Sabitha D’Souza, Pradeep G. Bhat, “d-distance and d-distance equitable coloring of some graphs”, “International e-conference on Artificial Intelligence and soft computing”(ICAISC-2021 ). Held at department of computer science, Karnataka state, Akkamahadevi womens college Vijayapur, from            11th to 13th february 2021.
    • Nagarjun Prabhu, Devadas Nayak C, Sabitha D’Souza, Pradeep G. Bhat, “On d-distance equitable edge coloring of Cn and Pn”, “International e-conference on Virtual Conference on Descrete mathematics and Combinatorics”(ICDMC-2021). Held by department of Mathematics, Poornaprajna College Udupi, On July 22 − 23, 2021.
    • Nagarjun Prabhu, Swathi Nayak, Sabitha D’Souza, Pradeep G. Bhat, “Two Laplacian Energies of Partial Complements of Graphs”, “International conference on Number Theory and Graph Theory”. Held at department of studies in Mathematics, University of Mysore, Mysuru, during June 27-29, 2019.

    Dr. Nagarjun Prabhu

    Assistant Professor

    Dr. Dhanyashree

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification: M.Sc, PhD

    Total Experience: 1.5 years(Engineering college) + 2 years(P.U. college)
    Areas of Interest: Graph Theory
    Professional Memberships:
    Google scholar ID: 6lIh-ugAAAAJ&hl=en
    LinkedIn ID: 85b499328
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0221-6027


    Journal  papers:


    1. Key generation in Cryptography using Radio Path Coloring, IEEE Access, 12, pp. 60475-60481, 2024(IEEE, Scopus Indexed , 92 percentile, IF 9.0, Q1).


    1. Using Path Coloring of Graphs for Communication in Social Networks, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy systems, Vol. 46, no. 2, pp.3129-3139, 2024(IOS Press, Scopus Indexed, Q2, 82 percentile, IF 3.6).


    1. L(4, 3 ,2, 1)-path coloring of certain classes of graphs, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Vol.41 (2023), 3,  511-524( Korean Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics, Scopus indexed , I.F 0.39, Q4).


    1. A graph theoretical approach for frequency reuse in a Mobile Computing Environment, Turkish Journal of Computer Science and Mathematics Education,12 No. 1s (2021), 701-708.


    Conference papers:


    1. Radio Mean Graceful Graphs, International Conference on Applied Physics, Power and Material Science, IOP Conf. Series: Journal of Physics: Conf. Series, 1172 (2019). (With Lavanya Y and K. N. Meera)


    1. Improved bounds on the Radio degree of a cycle, ICONAMMA2018, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 577 (2019) 012171 .(With Radha Ramani and K. N. Meera)


    1. An Illustration of L(3, 2, 1)-path  coloring in Cryptography, IEEE 3rd PhD Colloquium on Ethically Driven Innovation and Technology for Society (PhD EDITS), 2021.


    1. Key generation in Cryptography using graph labeling techniques, IEEE 4th PhD Colloquium on Ethically Driven Innovation and Technology for Society (PhD EDITS), 2022.



    Dr. Dhanyashree

    Assistant Professor

    Mrs. Rashmi Praveen

    Position: Senior Assistant Professor
    Phone: #

    Educational Qualification


    Total experience

    10 Years

    Area of Interest

    Pure Mathematics

    Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended


    Mrs. Rashmi Praveen

    Senior Assistant Professor

    Ms. Anusha

    Position: Senior Assistant Professor
    Phone: #

    Educational Qualification


    Total experience

    08 Years

    Area of Interest

    Applied Mathematics

    Professional Memberships


    Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended


    Ms. Anusha

    Senior Assistant Professor

    Ramya S

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification:

    M.Sc., P.G.D.C.A.,  Ph.D.(Pursuing)

    Total Experience: 8.5 months 
    Areas of Interest: Functional analysis, Numerical analysis, Operator theory,  Inverse problems  
    Professional Memberships: 
    Google scholar ID: npFkAAAAJ&hl=en 
    LinkedIn ID: 
    ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2455-0456 
    JPEG white back ground Passport size photo (less than 100KB) 


    No of workshops/FDPs/SDPs/STTPs Attended/ Conducted:

    Conference / Journal Publications:

    1. George S, Ramya S, Padikkal J, Argyros IK. On the order of convergence of the Noor–Waseem method. Mathematics. 2022 Dec 1;10(23):4544.
    2. Ramya S, George S, Kunnarath A, Padikkal J, Argyros IK. Enhancing the practicality of Newton–Cotes iterative method. Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing. 2023 Aug;69(4):3359-89.
    3. George S, Kunnarath A, Ramya S, Padikkal J, Argyros IK. Order of convergence, extensions of Newton–Simpson method for solving nonlinear equations and their dynamics. Fractal and Fractional. 2023 Feb 6;7(2):163.
    4. Ramya S, George S, Argyros IK, Padikkal J. Order of Convergence and Dynamics of Newton–Gauss-Type Methods. Fractal and Fractional. 2023 Feb 13;7(2):185.
    5. Kunnarath, A., George, S.,  Ramya S, Padikkal, J. and Argyros, I.K., 2023. On the convergence of open Newton’s method. The Journal of Analysis, 31(4), pp.2473-2500.
    6. George, S., Kunnarath, A., Ramya S, Jidesh, P. and Argyros, I.K., 2024. On obtaining order of convergence of Jarratt-like method without using Taylor series expansion. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 43(4), p.246.

    Ramya S

    Assistant Professor

    Dr. Amrutha H P

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification:

    MSc, Bed, (PhD)

    Total Experience: 12

    Areas of Interest:

    Fluid Dynamics

    Subjects Handled:

    Eng.Mathematics I, II, III, IV, Dip Maths
    Google scholar ID:
    LinkedIn ID:

    Number of Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended / Conducted: 18
    Conference / Journal Publications: 01

    Kavya H S and Amrutha H P titled “Dispersion of Passive/reactive Solute in Channel Flow” in GIS Science journel Volume 8, Aug 2021.

    Dr. Amrutha H P

    Assistant Professor

    Mr. Sathvik S Nayak

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification : MSc (Applied mathematics and computing)
    Total Experience : 4 months
    Areas of Interest : Applied mathematics

    Subjects Handled : Mathematical Foundations for Computing, Probability and statistics

    Mr. Sathvik S Nayak

    Assistant Professor

    Ms. Kavyashree T M

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification: BSc, B.Ed, MSc
    Total Experience:
    Areas of Interest: Differential Equation, Linear Algebra
    Departmental Responsibilities:
    Professional Memberships:
    Subjects Handling: Engineering Maths-1
    Google scholar ID
    LinkedIn ID:

    Ms. Kavyashree T M

    Assistant Professor

    Rajani Salvankar

    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification: MSc. (Pursuing PhD)

    Areas of Interest:

    Algebra and Discrete mathematical structures

    Professional Memberships:

    Indian Mathematical Society

    Google scholar ID
    LinkedIn ID

    Rajani Salvankar

    Assistant Professor


    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification: MSc applied

    ORCID ID: 0009-0007-9190-4839


    Assistant Professor


    Position: Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualification : M.Sc.

    Total Experience : 6.5

    Areas of Interest : Graph Theory

    Departmental Responsibilities :

    1.In charge of documentation of Mentor report on Issue raised & Resolved
    2. Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching & Learning-ICT enabled Tools.

    Professional Memberships : Indian Mathematical Society

    Google scholar ID 7TH92-AAAAJ
    LinkedIn ID
    ORCID ID 0009-0000-7937-0888

    Subjects Handled :

    1.Engineering Mathematics III
    2.Engineering Mathematics IV
    3.Calculus and Linear algebra
    4.Advanced Calculus and Numerical methods
    5.Engineering Mathematics II for CSE stream
    6. Additional Mathematics I/II


    Assistant Professor

    Research Centre

    Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE) emphasizes the significant role of research in enriching the teaching and learning process. In alignment with this commitment, the Department of Mathematics received recognition from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, in 2015, for establishing a Research Centre dedicated to conducting Ph.D. programs, both on a Full-Time and Part-Time basis. A research facility is available for research scholars to carry out research in their specific areas of interest.

    UniversityYear of RecognitionReference Number
    Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi21 October 2015VTU/ACA-REC

    CEN/A-4/2015-16/6502 (l)

    The Research Centre aims to facilitate faculty members of Mathematics and research scholars to perform an innovative research. It provides faculty members with opportunities to interact with scientists and experts across diverse fields, staying updated on the latest developments in their respective areas. This facilitates the exchange of ideas, maintaining development and innovation. Students and research scholars are encouraged to take up interdisciplinary research in various domains to do innovative research in areas of application and social relevance.


    Research Guides and Areas Available for Ph.D. Programs


    Sl. NoRecognized Research GuideArea of SpecializationResearch ScholarsStatus
    1.Dr. Jyothi S.Fluid Dynamics-Bio Mechanic1.Mrs.Rashmi M ROngoing
    2.Dr. Mitra KGraph Theory
    3.Dr. Nagarjun PrabhuGraph Theory






    Faculty with Doctorate:

    Sl.No.Name of the FacultyUniversity
    1.Dr. Jyothi S.JNTU, Hydrabad
    2.Dr. Gagavathi PJNTU, Hydrabad
    3.Dr. Mitra KVTU, Belagavi
    4.Dr. Amrutha H. P.VTU, Belagavi
    5.Dr. Nagarjun PrabhuMAHE, Manipal
    6.Dr. DhanyashreeAmrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
    7.Dr. Rajani SavalkarMAHE, Manipal


    Faculty pursuing Ph.D.

    Sl.No.Name of the FacultyUniversity
    1.Mrs. AnushaVTU, Belagavi
    2.Mrs. Rashmi M RVTU, Belagavi
    3.Mrs. Ramya SNITK, Surathkal


    Completed Ph.D. under Mathematics Research centre


    Sl. NoRecognized Research GuideArea of SpecializationResearch ScholarsStatus
    1.Dr. Asha CrastaAero Dynamics1. Ms. Renita Sharon MonisCompleted


    2.Ms. Aysha ShabanaCompleted


    Study Materials


    2018 – Scheme and Syllabus

    Academic Year: 2023-2024

    (Odd Semester)

    I Semester:


    23BSCC102Engineering Mathematics-IModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5



    ACADEMIC YEAR 2019-20

    18MAT11Calculus and Linear AlgebraModule 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5
    18MAT21Advanced Calculus and Numerical MethodsModule 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5
    18MAT31Transform calculus , Fourier series and Numerical TechniquesModule 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5
    18MAT41Complex Analysis, Probability
    and Statistical Methods
    Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4Module 5