Aeronautical Engineering


Aeronautical Engineering is one of the fascinating areas in Engineering across the globe. The Aerospace & Defense technology enhances the nation’s technology target and achieves global recognition. The department of Aeronautical Engineering was established in 2011, affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University. The department has grown rapidly ever since its establishment. The goal of the department is to mentor the students into top-class aeronautical engineers, suitable for employment in the National and International scenarios and almost catering successful engineers into various aerospace organizations continuously.
In 2019 the Aeronautical department received NBA accreditation based on its outstanding academic achievement and quality of course delivery, further renewed up to 2025.

The Department offers a vibrant academic atmosphere that enables independent research and the free exchange of ideas among students and faculties. The department has continuous interaction with Aerospace and Defense organizations of international reputation like Dassault Systems, SIEMENS, Bosch Rexroth, and National Aerospace Laboratories, to help students build the required skill set. In 2020, the Aeronautical Dept. received a grants of Rs.15 Lakh from AICTE under Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS) for setting up of advanced Vibration analyzer setup at Aircraft Structures Lab to enhance research interest among UG & PG students and research scholars. In recognition of the work at “AIREINO”, a student club of Aeronautical department, AICTE has released a grant of Rs.1 Lakh under Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among Students (SPICES) in 2020.

To know more about the department, visit the microsite


To be recognized as an innovative leader in aeronautical engineering through excellence in education by imparting the values of research and developments in the upcoming fields of Aeronautics.


The Department imparts the technical knowledge, practical skills, entrepreneurial skill to students and the channelized guiding in the varied activities with the aim of transforming the graduates into able engineers of tomorrow

  • To develop each student with an ability and passion to learn, and effective implementation with a strong foundation in skills that are relevant to the challenging world
  • To provide students with strong concepts of their core subjects and an application-oriented overview in their stipulated courses

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

  • Graduates will have the scientific and technical knowledge to have successful career in Aeronautical industry
  • Graduates will have competency to analyze challenges and advancements in the focus areas of Propulsion, Structures, Aerodynamics, Flight Mechanics and Avionics
  • Graduates will be motivated and confident to pursue advanced education, research and development and other creative efforts in aeronautical engineering and allied areas
  • Graduates will have higher order thinking and leadership skills to become technology leaders of tomorrow

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

  • Graduates will excel in their professional career in Aeronautical industry and research with highest professional and ethical standards to their activities by acquiring knowledge in basic engineering, mathematics, science and Aeronautical engineering
  • Graduates will exhibit professionalism, team work in their chosen profession and adapt to current trends, technologies and industrial scenarios by pursuing lifelong learning

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change

Department Advisory Board

Sl. No.NameDesignationRole in DAB
1.Dr. Anand S NHead of the DepartmentChairman
2.Dr. Prashanth C MHead of the InstitutionMember
3.Dr. Sujesh KumarSr. Assistant ProfessorMember
4.Mr. G Ezhil MaranAssistant ProfessorMember
5.Mr. Ajith KumarSr. Assistant Professor/NBA CoordinatorMember
6.Mr. Vishwaretha K RAssistant ProfessorMember
7.Dr. Sharanappa JAcademic Expert

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK Surathkal

8.Dr. Madeva NagaralIndustry Expert

Manager (Design), Aircraft Research & Design Centre. HAL Bangalore

9.Mr. Parmar AzanAlumni representative  (2012-16)Member
10.Ms. Shwetha SAlumni representative (2015-19)Member


Dr. Anand S N

Position: Professor & Head
Phone: #

Educational Qualifications

  • B.E – Mechanical Engineering
  • M.E – Mechanical Engineering(Machine Design)
  • PhD – Heat Conduction by3 Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary shape using BEM Formulation

Total Experience

22 Years

Area of Interest

  • Application of Numerical Methods to various mechanical and Aeronautical Problems
  • Advanced materials & Design
  • Experimental Aerodynamics & Vibration Dynamics
  • Aerospace structure and Flight Mechanics

Professional Membership

  • Member of Indian Society for Technical Education (MISTE).
  • Member of Institute of Engineers (MIE).
  • Member of International Association for the Engineering Modeling, Analysis and Simulation Community (NAFEMS)
  • Member of World Research Council (WRC)
  • Member of International Journal for Research under Literal Access (IJRULA)

Subjects Handled

Subjects Handled

UG Programme

  • Finite Element Methods
  • Artificial Intellegence And Machine Learning
  • Computational Fluid Dynamics
  • Auto Structural Design
  • Automatic Control Systems
  • Vehicle Dynamics
  • Mechanical Vibrations
  • Theory Of Machines
  • Strength Of Materials
  • Machine Design
  • Tribology And Bearing Design

PG Programme

  • Fracture Mechanics
  • Theory Of Elasticity & Plasticity
  • Advanced Finite Element Methods
  • Advanced Mechanical Vibrations
  • Mechanism Design And Dynamics
  • Automatic Control Systems

Conference/Journal Publications

  • S.N, Manohar H.S,    Kumar Thanaiah, “Finite Element Structural Analysis of a Pit Viper 235 Main Frame”Journal of Scholastic Engineering Science  Management(JSEM), SSRN:,Elsevier, Vol.1,Issue 3,June-2021,pp:19-31
  • S.N, Habtmu Dagne,    Tesfaye Wondatir, “Application of boundary integral solution to thermal diffusion problem by Edge Based Basis Function” International Conference on Recent Research Emerging trends  in Materials and Mechanical Engineering –2021 ICMSE, Vol:47,part-10,pp:2627-2632, Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, 2021
  • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “A Face Based Basis Function Solutions to thermal conduction Problems for 3-D Irregular Shaped Bodies Using BEM ICRRETMME,pp:445–453,, Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings-9, 2019
  • S.N, Manohar H S, Sharan Reddy “Studies on mechanical properties of graphite reinforced AA7475 metal matrix composites” ICRRETMME,pp:445–453,, Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings-9, 2020
  • S.N, Manohar H S, Srinivas Reddy Mungara, “Development and study on corrosion properties of Al6061/Nanocarbon black re-inforced Aluminium metal matrix composites ICRRETMME,pp:1535–1543,, Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings-9, 2019
  • S.N, Manohar H S, Sharan Reddy ,Effect of carbon black nano-fillers on tribological properties of Al6061-Aluminium metal matrix composites” ICRRETMME,pp:202-207,, Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings-9, 2019  
  • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Development and Application of FBBF BEM Solution for 3-D  Complex   shaped Domain” PMME 2016,pp:335–343,, Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings-5, 2017
  • S.N, Sanjay Patige , “Steady Effect of Metal Delivery Tube on Flow characteristics of Fluids and Melt Convergent-Divergent nozzle used for Gas Atomization Process Using CFD technique” published in  International Journal for  Research in Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET-2018),Vol.6,Issue III, March-2018
  • S.N,    Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by 3- Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BIE formulation” published in  Journal of   Innovative  Research and Solutions, (JIRAS-2014) , Pondicherry , April 2014
  • S.N, MaheshReddy.S.S, Chethana.B.Mayachar, “Evaluation of Air properties in apulse Jet unit of Pulse Jet Fabric Filtration system”, published in International Journal of Applied Research and Studies (IJARAS-2014),Vol.3,Issue 6,June-2-1
  • S.N,    Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Face based Basis function solution to thermal conductionproblems 3-D Irregular shaped bodies Using BEM” , International Journal of Applied Engineering reaserch(IJAER),Vol.1,Issue2.1, ISSN:0973–4562,Research India Publications,
  • S.N, Mahantesh.H.M, “Estimation of fluid flow field and drag for aerofoil wing” , International Journal of innovative reaserch in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET), ISSN: 2319 – 8753, Volume 4, Issue 5, May 2015.
  • S.N,    Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Development and Implementation of BEM Solution for 3- D Arbitrary Shaped conduction Bodies Using Face Based Basis Functions” International Journal of Engineering Research, (IJER) ISSN 2319 -6890 Vol. 5 Issue: Special 6, pp: 1129 – 1254 20 May 2016.
  • S.N, Chunkyraj ,Hampali “CFD Analysis on the performance of Wind turbine with Nozzles” International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research, ISSN 2277 -8616 Vol. 5 Issue: 7, pp: 185 – 189, July 2016.
  • S.N, Bharath Bhaskar ,KrishnaRao, “Structural and Vibrational response Analysis of High Prssure Bladed Disc Assemply in Aircraft Engine” International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology, ISSN 0976 -6359, Vol. 7 Issue: 3, pp: 306 – 319, June 2016.
  • S.N, “Explicit Dynamic Analysis of Automotive Bus body structure during catastrophic frontal crash with expulsion system” International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering, ISSN 2454 -8006 Vol. 3 Issue: 5, pp: July 2017.
  • S.N “Numerical Investigation of Enhancement of Heat Transfer By Two Phase Flow in Mini Channels” International Journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Sceince, ISSN 2348 – 7550,Vol. 2 Issue: 12, Dec 2014.
  • Anand S N, “Estimation of Flow Field and Drag for Aerofoil Wing” , International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, ISSN 2319 -8753, Vol.4 Issue: 5, pp: May 2015.
  • Anand S N, “FEM Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Resonance in Vacuum Pump used in Textile Industry” Global Journal of Engineering Science and Researches, ISSN 2348 -8034, Vol. 5 Issue: 7, pp: 185 – 189, october 2014.

    International Conferences:

    • S.N, Habtmu Dagne,    Tesfaye Wondatir,“Application of boundary integral solution to thermal diffusion problem by Edge Based Basis Function”International Conference on Recent Research Emerging trends  in Materials and Mechanical Engineering –2021 (ICMSE-2021) held  at SJB Institute of Technology, Bangalore during 7th  to 8th  May   2021.Recieved certificate of Appreciation for best paper award of the conference.
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D, “A Face based basis function solution to Thermal conduction problems of 3D irregular shaped bodies using BEM” International Conference on Recent Research Emerging trends  in Materials and Mechanical Engineering -2019 (ICRRETMME-19) held  at REVA University, Bangalore during 12th  to 13th July   2019.
    • S.N,    Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D, “ BEM Solution for 3- D Heat  conduction problems  Using EBBF” International Conference on Emerging trends  in Science and Technologies for Engineering Systems -2018 (ICETSTES-18) held  at SJC Institute of Technology, Chickballapur , during 11th  to 12th Jan   2018. Recieved certificate of Appreciation for best paper award of the conference.
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D, “ Boundary Element Method “A Solution for 3- D Arbitrary Shaped conduction Bodies Using Edge Based Basis Functions” International Conference on Advances in Science and Engineering 2017 (ICASE-17) at East West institute of technology, Bengalur and Regent’s International College, Bangkok, Thailand, during 19th  to 22th Jan   2017.
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,  Madhu. D, “Development and Application  of FBBF BEM Solution for 3- D Complex Shaped conduction domain ” International Conference on Processing of Materials, Minerals and Energy 2016 (PMME-2016) at Pace  Institute of Technology and Sceince, Ongole, Prakasam District, Andhra Pradesh  during 29th  to 30th July 2016.
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D, “Development and Implementation of BEM Solution for 3- D Arbitrary Shaped conduction Bodies Using Face Based Basis Functions” International Conference on Convergent Technologies 2016 (ICCIT16) at Cambridge institute of technology, K.R.Puram, Bengaluru, during 20th May 2016.
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D, “Edge Based Basis Functions in the BEM solutionof Heat  conduction problem ” International Conference on Engineering Modelling,Analysis,Simulation and 3D Printing held at NIMHANS Convention Centre ,Bengaluru, during 30-31th August 2016
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Face based Basis function solution to thermal conduction problems 3-D Irregular shaped bodies Using BEM” International Conference on   Trends in engineering & Technology, science &Humanities and Management 2015 (ICTETSHAM15) at Tamizan college of Engineering and Technology, Kanyakumari , Feb  2015
    • S.N, Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “BEM solution for 3- dimensional arbitrary shaped bodies using face based basis functions” International Conference on Advances in Design & Manufacturing 2014 (ICAD&M’14) to be held at NIT, Trichy during December 5 – 7, 2014.
    • S.N,   Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by Three Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BEM formulation” International Conference on   Innovation  Research and Solutions, (ICIRS-2014) at Pondicherry , April 2014
    • Anand S.N, Chikkanna,   P.Sankaran Kutty,P.Vijay  Kumar, Shivarudraiah “Centrifugal Casting of Al-7079 Corundum Metal Matrix Composite”  International conference on “Recent Advances in Material Processing  Technology” at National Engineering College, Kovilpatti-23rd to 25th February 2005  385-390

    National Conferences:

    • S.N,   Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by Three Dimensional Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BEM formulation” , National Conference on Emerging Research and Advances(ERA)in Mechanical Sciences, ERA2014,March 28, 2014, Velammal Engineering College, Chennai, India
    • S.N, Raghu. “Thermal Flux assessment and Drop test of a Smart Phone-Case Study ” NAFEMS India Regional Conference 2015  on   Engineering Analysis,Modelling&Simulation held at The Hotel Hilton, Chennai, TamilNadu , March- 2014
    • S.N,   Sreerama Reddy .T.V,    Madhu. D “Heat Conduction by 3-D  Bodies of Arbitrary Shape using BEM formulation” National Conference on   Emerging  Research and Advances  in Mechanical Science, (ERA-2014) at Velammal College of Engineering, TamilNadu , March- 2014
    • Anand S.N, Kumar,K.S Sudhkar ,”Structural and Fatigue life evaluation of HP stage steam turbine blade and disc” Sir.M.V Memorial Technical paper presentation proceedings,Sept-2008,UVCE ,Banagalore
    • Anand S.N,  Chikkanna,   P.Sankaran Kutty “Corrosion studies on Al4032/Corundum Functionally graded  materials”, National Conference on Recent Advances In Design Engineering 22-24, February, 2007 M.I.T , Manipal 104-109
    • Anand S.N,  Chikkanna,   P.Sankaran Kutty “  Effect of particle on mechanical properties  of  functional  graded Al6061/corundum MMCs”  National Conference on Recent Advances In Design Engineering 22-24 February, 2007 M.I.T, Manipal 110-1115
    • Anand S N,    Chikkanna,   P.Sankaran Kutty,“ Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Functionally Graded Al-7079 Alloy”, National Conference on “Advances in Production Engineering” at Government Engineering College, Trissur-27th to 29th October 2004
    • Anand S N , N. Chikkanna, Sankaran Kutty ,M.Shantharaju, “Corrosion studies on aluminum- corundum metal matrix composites”  National Conference on Mechanical    Engineering NATCON.ME-2006, SIT,  Tumkur-26th and 27th May 2006,
    • Anand S N,  Chikkanna,   P. Sankaran Kutty, M.Shantharaju, “Effect of particle size on some properties of functionaly graded Al\Corundum Metal Matrix Composites”, National Conference on Mechanical Engineering NATCON.ME-2006, SIT  ,  Tumkur-26th and 27th May 2006
    • Anand S N, N. Chikkanna,   Sankaran Kutty, “Microstructure and Tribological Properties of Functionally Graded Al-6061 Alloy”, National Conference on Globally Competitive Eco Friendly Technologies in Mechanical & Mechatronics Engineering” at Kongu Engineering College, Erode-15th and 16th April 2005.

    Dr. Anand S N

    Professor & Head


    Position: Senior Assistant Professor

    Educational Qualifications

    • B.E – Aeronautical Engineering
    • M.Tech – Aeronautical Engineering
    • PhD – Experimental Aerodynamics

    Total Experience

                   13 years

    Area of Interest

    • Experimental Aerodynamics
    • Supersonic Aerodynamics

     Professional Membership

    • Lifetime member in The Aeronautical Society of India – G-12843,
    • Lifetime member in Indian Society for Technical Education – LM-139206,
    • Lifetime member in The Institute of Engineers – 637303/EEC/AS/028.

    Subjects Handled

    • High Speed Aerodynamics
    • Low Speed Aerodynamics
    • Aircraft Transportation Systems
    • Aircraft Stability and Control
    • Aerospace Developments in India


    B.E.,.M.E, Ph.D projects guided

    • Undergraduate: 33 Batches,
    • Postgraduate: 10 Batches.


      • Madhanraj et., al (2024). Numerical Investigations of Continuous Morphing Trailing-edge Wing for Improving the Aerodynamic Characteristics. 16 (06):16-22. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems. (I.F 2.59).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2024). Effect of Leading-Edge Shapes in NACA2421 Aerofoil with Different Angle of Attacks. Advancement in Science Technology and Innovation, Springer Nature Online. Volume-2. (I.F 7.5).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2023). Static Structural and Aerodynamic Analysis of 3-D Printed Flapping Wing Mechanism of Butterfly Inspired Ornithopter. Materials Today: Proceedings. (I.F 1.46).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2023). Study on Aerodynamics Characteristics of the Effect of Leading-Edge Radius of FDM Printed (ABSi Material) Supersonic Aerofoil. Materials Today: Proceedings. (I.F 1.46).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2022). Investigations on Aerodynamic Performance of Fixed Wing Micro Air Vehicle with Different Planforms. International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems. (I.F 0.258).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2022). Numerical Investigation of Flow over a Hemispherical Nose Cone Configuration in Subsonic Speed. Materials Today: Proceedings. (I.F 1.46).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2022). Numerical Investigation of Aerodynamic Performance of Leading-Edge Tubercle Airfoil at Low Renolds Number. Materials Today: Proceedings. (I.F 1.46).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2021). Impact of microalgae bio fuel on micro gas turbine aviation engine: A Combustion and emission study. Journal of Fuel. (I.F 5.57).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2021). Experimental Analysis of Hybrid UAV at Different Velocities. 12(10):3872-3879. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. (I.F 0.15).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2021). Investigation and Analysis of the Performance Characteristics of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine Blade with Dimple by Using CFD. 12(7):47-52. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. (I.F 0.15).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2021). Design and Computational Analysis of Winglets.12 (7):1-9. Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. (I.F 0.15).
      • Madhanraj et., al (2021). Drag Reduction in Supersonic Profiles. 12(7):1357-1362.Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education. (I.F 0.15).
      • Madhanraj,V., and S.Mahendren. (2020). Development And Flow Analysis for Flapping Wing For Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. 51(01):299-303. Pensee Journal. (I.F 0.3).
      • Madhanraj,V., and S.Mahendren. (2020). Load Characteristics Analysis of Drone Using Load Cell and MEMS Sensor. 10(1): 83-94. International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development. (I.F 0.2).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2019). CFD Analysis of NACA 2421 Unsymmetrical Airfoil at Several Angles of Attack. Journal of Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering. 8(1): (I.F 1.4).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2019). Preliminary Investigation on the Effect of Folding wingtips on the Aerodynamic Characteristics of Flexible Aircraft. International Journal of Ambient Energy. (I.F 0.89).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2019). Effect of Piezo Electricity in NACA 2421 Unsymmetrical Aerofoil by Using Load Cell Arrangement, International Journal of Ambient Energy. (I.F 0.89).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2017). Heat Transfer and Temperature effects on Dimpled NACA 0012 airfoil with various angles of attack. International Journal of Ambient Energy. (I.F 0.89).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2015). Flow Visualization on NACA 2421 Airfoil with and without Piezo Electric Effect. International Journal on Applied Engineering and Research. 10(17):37473-37480 (I.F 3.2).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Sathish Kumar. (2015). Flow Analysis Through Convergent-Divergent Nozzles. Journal of Mines Metals and Fuels.1 (1):97-102. (I.F 1.5).
      • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2014). Analysis of Boundary Layer Suppression in unsymmetrical Airfoil Using Piezo Electric Effect. International Scientific Journal on Science Engineering and Technology. 17(5):413-423. (I.F 1.63).


        • Madhanraj V., (2024). Micro Aerial Vehicle for Military Security. 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (RTIMES-2024), Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore.
        • Madhanraj V., (2024). Aerodynamics of Blended Wing Body Aircraft. 3rd International Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering Sciences (RTIMES-2024), Srinivas Institute of Technology, Mangalore.
        • Madhanraj V., (2024). Finite Element Investigation of Cessna 150 Aircraft Wing. National Conference on Progress and Challenges in Aerospace Engineering (NPCAE 2024), Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai.
        • Madhanraj V., (2024). Design and Developments of Flexible Wing Configurations for Adaptive Flight. 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufaturing (ICAAMM 2024), MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
        • Madhanraj V., (2024). Experimental Evaluation of Quasi-Static Strength of Composite Laminate with Nano Particles. 6th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufaturing (ICAAMM 2024), MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). Effect of Leading-Edge Shapes in NACA2421 Aerofoil with Different Angle of Attacks. 2nd International Conference on Smart Sustainable Materials and Technologies (ICSSMT 2023), CARE College of Engineering, Trichy, Tamil Nadu.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). Static Structural and Aerodynamic Analysis of 3-D Printed Flapping Wing Mechanism of Butterfly Inspired Ornithopter. 5th International Conference on Advancement in Materials and Manufacturing (ICAAMM 2022), MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). Study on Aerodynamic Characteristics of the Effect of Leading- Edge Radius of FDM Printed (ABSi Material) Supersonic Aerofoil. 5th International Conference on Advancement in Materials and Manufacturing (ICAAMM 2022), MLR Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Telangana.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). A Computational Analysis of Vortex Generator To Enhance the Aerodynamic Performance of A Bus. IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy and Control and Transmission Systems, Sri Sairam Engineering College, Chennai.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). Effect of Leading-Edge Shapes in NACA2421 Aerofoil with Different Angle of Attack, International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology in Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). Numerical Investigation of Co-efficient of Pressure Distribution of NREL S825 Airfoil at Low Renold’s Number, International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology in Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
        • Madhan Raj. (2022). Effect of Stacking Sequence on Mechanical Properties of Hybrid Kevlar/Glass Epoxy Composite, International Conference on Science, Engineering and Technology in Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore.
        • Madhan Raj. (2021). Effect of Pressure Distribution of NREL S809 Airfoil with Rectangular Vortex Generator, International Seminar on Aeronautics and Energy 2021 (ISAE 2021) in Universiti Teknologi, Malaysia.
        • Madhan Raj. (2021). Experimental Investigation of Pressure Distribution of Sharp Conical Noise of Missile at Supersonic Speed, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design (ICAMD- 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
        • Madhan Raj. (2021). Experimental Investigations of Pressure Distribution of NACA0018 Airfoil with Triangular Vortex Generator, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design (ICAMD- 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
        • Madhan Raj. (2021). Experimental Study of Pressure Distribution of NACA4412 Airfoil with Square Dimples, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design (ICAMD- 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
        • Madhan Raj. (2021). Effect of Pressure Distribution of NACA5520 Airfoil Blade with Different Angle of Attack, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Design (ICAMD- 2021) in SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2018). Effect of Piezo Electricity NACA 2421 Unsymmetrical Aerofoil in the Recent Advances in Science, Engineering and Management (NCRASEM- 2018) in Tagore Engineering College, Chennai.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2018). Experimental Investigation of NACA 2421 Unsymmetrical Airfoil with and without Piezo Electric Effect in the National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mathematics and Application in Engineering and Technology (NCETMAET – 2018) in Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2018). Aerodynamic Effects of Folding Wingtips, National Conference on Aerospace Technology (NCAT- 2018) in Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur, Chennai.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2018). Effect of Piezo Electricity in NACA 2421 Unsymmetrical Aerofil by Using Piezo Electric Effect, National Conference on Aerospace Technology (NCAT- 2018) in Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur, Chennai.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2017). Lift and Drag Measurement in NACA 2421 Unsymmetrical Airfoil with and without Piezo Electric Effect in the international conference in Kalignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Sathish Kumar. (2015). Flow Analysis Through Convergent and Divergent Nozzle in the International Conference on Science, Technology organized by Jeppiaar Engineering College.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2015). Flow Visualization on NACA 2421 Airfoil with and without Piezo Electric Effect in the International Conference on Trends in Engineering and Technology, Science and Humanities and management 2015 organized by Tamizhan College of Engineering and Technology.
        • Madhanraj,V., and Dilip A. Shah. (2014). Analysis of Boundary Layer Suppression in Unsymmetrical Airfoil Using Piezo Electric Effect in the International Conference on Futuristic trends in Aeronautical Engineering organized by Thiruvalluvar College of Engineering and Technology, in association with International Society of Automation (ISA0).

      Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended / Conducted:

      • “Autodesk Fusion 360” at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore on 01st to 03rd July 2024,
      • “Vibration Analysis in Drones” at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore on 13th to 14th June 2024,
      • “Additive Manufacturing for Research and Innovation” at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore on 29th January to 2nd February 2024,
      • “Airborne Wind Energy Generation by Using Kites” from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mangalore on 11th to 12th August 2023,
      • “Writing Effective R&D Project Proposal and Funding Opportunities from Government Scientific Departments” at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore on 8th to 10th July 2023,
      • “Design and Development of Industry Led Curriculum in Technological Era” at AMET University, Chennai on 14th to 22nd December 2022,
      • “Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms in Aerospace Engineering” at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research, Chennai on 11th to 15th July 2022,
      • “Non-Destructive Testing and Evaluation” at Anna University, Chennai on 20th to 25th June 2022,
      • “Advancements In Aerospace Materials” at Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore on 24th to 28th January 2022,
      • “Functional Composite Materials” at Adhiyamaan Engineering College, Hosur on 24th to 31st December 2021,
      • “Research Insights in Materials and Manufacturing” at Velammal Engineering College, Chennai on 13th to 17th December 2021,
      • “Outcome Based Education and Accreditation Process” at Government Residence Polytechnic, AICTE ATAL Faculty Development Program on 14th to 18th June 2021,
      • “Design of Experiments” at Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research” Chennai on 28th June to 2nd July 2021,
      • “Engineering and Design Challenges in Defence Systems Development” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science, Padur, Chennai on 29th October 2021,
      • “Facets of Teaching” at Tamilnadu Teachers Educational University, Dindugal on 14th to 20th June 2021,
      • “Emerging Trends in Nano materials for Electric and Optoelecrtonic Devices” at Swarnanandhra Engineering and Technology, Kakinada on  24th to 29th May 2021,
      • “Recent Trends in Aerodynamics” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur, Chennai on 7th to 11th December 2020,
      • “Machine Learning with MATLAB” at Dr.Rangarajan, Dr.Sugunthala Engineering College, Chennai on 23rd November to 1st December 2020,
      • “Quality of Assessments and Projects for NBA” at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai on 16th to 21st November 2020,
      • “Recent Advancement in Composite Materials and Structures” at SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankalathur, Chennai on 2nd to 6th November 2020,
      • “Challenges in Electric Vehicular Battery Charging and Grid Integration Issues” at Rajeev Gandhi Memorial College of Engineering and Technology, Andhra Pradesh on 24th to 29th August 2020,
      • “Criticality of Fluid Conveyance Systems in Aviation” at B.S.Abdur Rahman Cresent Institute of Science and Technology, Chennai on 8th August 2020,
      • “Additive Manufacturing” at S.A Engineering College, Chennai on 15th and 16th May 2020,
      • “Simulation and Analysis of Structural and Fluid Flow Problems” at Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science” Chennai on 4th July to 6th July 2019,
      • “Faculty Development Programme” at Indian Institute of Technology, Madras on 6th to 8th June 2019,
      • “Computational Fluid Dynamics” at J J College of Engineering and Technology, on 22nd to 24th August 2018,
      • “Research Methodology” at Hindustan University, on 28th and 29th July 2017,
      • “Synthesis and Characterization of Nanomaterials for Industrial Applications” organized by the Department of Chemistry, Hindustan University, Chennai on 4th and 5th January 2017,
      • “Introducing to Research Skills and Impact Initiation” at Hindustan University in 19th November 2015,
      • “Aero Design Challenge” organized by the Department of Aeronautical Engineering on 27th and 28th March 2015 at Hindustan University, Padur, Chennai,
      • “Research Methodology” held on 29-01-2015 at Anna University, Chennai,
      • “Recent Advances In Flow Measurements and Techniques” organized by the Department of Aerospace Engineering, B.S.Abdur Rahman University in association with the Aeronautical Society of India, Chennai branch on March 14, 2014,
      • “How to be an effective Researcher” conducted at Hindustan University, on 16th to 18th December 2013,
      • “Quality Assurance in Academic and Sponsored Research” at Sri Ramanujar Engineering College, Vandalur, Chennai on 23rd October 2013,
      • “Technological Challenges in the Development of Aero Engines” at Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai on 22nd January 2010,
      • “RIPE INNOVA Soft Skills training” at Excel Engineering College, Komarapalayam on 6th to 10th August 2009,
      • “Current Trends in Aerospace Industry” conducted by Cemilac at Excel Engineering College on 23rd May 2009,
      • “Impact on Nanotechnology in Aviation Industry” Conducted by NAL and Excel Engineering College, Namakkal.
      • “Traffic Regulation Training” at Muthayammal Engineering College, Namakkal on 7th and 8th February 2004.


      • Fiber Reinforced Composite Material Used in Embossing Bumper-202141005816- Published in 2021.


      • Materials Today: Proceedings,
      • International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing,
      • Journal of Physics,
      • Materials Science and Engineering.


      Senior Assistant Professor

      Mr. Sujesh Kumar

      Position: Senior Assistant Professor
      Phone: #
      Joining Date: 17-07-2014

      Educational Qualifications

      • B. E – Mechanical Engineering
      • M. Tech – Energy Systems Engineering
      • Pursuing PhD – Condition Monitoring

      Total Experience

      09 Years

      Areas of Interest

      • Thermal Energy
      • Condition Monitoring
      • Internal Combustion Engines
      • Alternative Energy Sources

        Professional Memberships

        • Life Member in The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE-New Delhi) Membership ID: LM 99154
        • Life membership in International Society for Research and Development (ISRD) Membership ID: F3140900717
        • Member of International Association of Engineers Membership ID: 155889
        • Member of Institute of research engineers and doctors – SM10100051236

        Subjects Handled UG Programme

        • Aerothermodynamics
        • Turbomachines
        • Heat & Mass Transfer
        • Gas Turbine Technology
        • Applied Gas Dynamics
        • Elements of Mechanical Engineering
        • Engineering Drawing
        • Manufacturing Process

        B.E., M. Tech, PhD Projects guided

        • B. E: 5 projects (KSCST Funded Project-01)

        Conference/Journal publications

        • Sujesh Kumar, Dr. Lokesha M, “Vibration based Fault Diagnosis Techniques for Rotating Mechanical Components: Review Paper”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012002.
        • Sujesh Kumar, Lokesha M, “Fault Diagnosis in Belt Drive Transmission using Wavelet Spectrum”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology (IJIRSET) with ISSN (online): 2319-8753 /ISSN (print): 2347-6710.
        • Kiran Kumar M V, Dr. Lokesha M V, Sujesh Kumar, “Review on Condition Monitoring of Bearings using vibration analysis techniques”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012002.

        Mr. Sujesh Kumar

        Senior Assistant Professor

        Mr. Ajith Kumar

        Position: Senior Assistant Professor
        Phone: +91-9901225235
        Joining Date: 03/08/2017

        Educational Qualifications

        • B. E – Mechanical Engineering
        • M. E – Machine Design

        Total Experience

        08 Years

        Areas of Interest

        • Machine Design
        • Mechanics of Materials
        • Composite Materials
        • Theory of Machines and Vibrations

          Professional Memberships

          • Life Member in The Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE-New Delhi) Membership ID: LM9762
          • IRED- Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors: SM101000602318
          • Member OF International Assosciation of Engineers Membership ID: 217548

          Subjects Handled

          UG Programme

          • Mechanics of Materials
          • Mechanisms and Machine Theory
          • Theory of Vibrations
          • Aircraft Structures-1 & 2
          • Kinematics of Machines
          • Elements of Mechanical Engineering
          • Engineering Drawing

          B.E., M. Tech, PhD Projects guided

          • B. E: 7 projects (KSCST Funded Projects-01)

          Conference/Journal publications

          International Journals:

          • Ajith kumar, Gantasala Sreenivaslu, P S Raghavendra Rao, Arun Kumar D T, Vinod, Dr A Pattanaik. Experimental Investigation on Performance of Solar Air Heaters With Thermal Storage. International Journal of Renewable Energy and Its Commercialization. 2019; 5(1): 37–46p
          • Vinod, Ajith Kumar B Suresha, M V Kiran Kumar and S Ramesh “Study on Two Body Abrasive Wear behaviour of Carboxyl-Graphene Reinforced Epoxy Nano-composites” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012058.
          • Kiran Kumar M V, M Lokesha, Sujesh Kumar, Ajith Kumar “Review on Condition Monitoring of Bearings using vibration analysis techniques”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012002

          International/ National Conferences

          • Study Of Vibration Characteristics of Hybrid Polymer Composites”, Recent Advances in Mechanical Engineering and Technology(NCRAMET-19), Yenepoya Institute of Technology Moodabidri on 29th & 30th April 2019
          • “Study on Two Body Abrasive Wear behaviour of Carboxyl-Graphene Reinforced Epoxy Nano-composites” International conference on advances in Manufacturing, Materials and Energy Engineering- (ICon MMEE 2018), Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering Moodbidri, on 2nd & 3rd March 2018
          • “Study on Mechanical Performance of Carboxyl Functionalized Graphene Reinforced Epoxy Nanocomposites”, National Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology(NCAMMT-18), SET Jain University Bangalore on 3rd February 2018: ISBN : 978- 93- 5300- 385-2
          • Review on Condition Monitoring of Bearings using vibration analysis techniques”, International conference on advances in Manufacturing, Materials and Energy Engineering- (ICon MMEE 2018), Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering Moodbidri, on on 2nd & 3rd March 2018
          • Investigation of effect of filler materials in hybrid fibre composite”, National Conference on Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technology(NCAMMT-18), SET Jain University Bangalore on 3rd February 2018: ISBN : 978- 93- 5300- 385-2
          • “Design and development of in situ compression set up”, International Symposium on Advanced Materials for Engineering Applications (ISAMEA-17), National Institute of Engineering Mysuru on 24th & 25th March 2017
          • “Experimental investigation of solar air heater with thermal storage” National Conference on Mechanical Material and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-16), National Institute of Engineering Mysuru on 23rd & 24th May 2016
          • “Fabrication and Testing of Open Pore Aluminium Foam Heat Exchange” National Conference on Mechanical Material and Manufacturing Engineering (NCMMME-16), National Institute of Engineering Mysuru on 23rd & 24th May 2016


          Certified with elite grade in NPTEL online courses on
          1. Introduction to Mechanical Vibration conducted by IIT Roorke.
          2. Strength of Materials conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur.

          Mr. Ajith Kumar

          Senior Assistant Professor

          Mr. Vishwaretha K R

          Position: Assistant Professor
          Phone: +91-9964965453
          Joining Date: 15-07-2019

          Educational Qualifications

          • B. E – Aeronautical Engineering
          • M.Tech – Aeronautical Engineering

          Total Experience

          3.6 Years

          Areas of Interest

          • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
          • Anti Drone systems
          • Bird Aircraft strike

            Subjects Handled

            UG Programme

            • Aerodynamics- 1
            • Aircraft Material Science
            • Introduction to Composite Material
            • Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Basics & Applications
            • Wind Tunnel Techniques

            B.E., M. Tech Projects guided

            • B. E: 01 Project (KSCST Funded Project- 01)

            Mr. Vishwaretha K R

            Assistant Professor

            Mr. G EZHILMARAN

            Position: Assistant Professor
            Phone: #

            Educational Qualifications

            • B.E – Aeronautical Engineering
            • M.E – Aeronautical Engineering
            • Ph.D – High speed jet flows

            Total Experience

            09 years

            Area of Interest

            • High speed jets
            • Aircraft Engines & Propulsion
            • Experimental Aerodynamics
            • Shock waves reflections

            Professional Membership

            Life Member in the Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI -Chennai)

            Subjects Handled

            • Propulsion
            • Experimental Aerodynamics
            • Wind tunnel techniques
            • Advanced space Propulsion
            • Fluid Mechanics & Machinery
            • Composite Materials and structures

            Conference/Journal Publications

            • Suresh Chandra Khandai1, G Ezhilmaran1, S Devanandh2, P Hari Prasath2, G Jesurajanishanth2and A Arivazhagan2 (2020)Design optimization of single expansion ramp nozzle using computational method”,IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and EngineeringVolume 912Design.
            • EzhilmaranG1, Suresh Chandra Khandai2, Manishkumar V3, Srinath K4 (2020) “Thrust Vectoring Of A Supersonic Rectangular Nozzle By Using Different Plate Extensions”, Journal of Xidian University, VOLUME 14, ISSUE 10.
            • Ezhilmaran, G., Khandai S., Yogesh Kumar Sinha, S.Thanigaiarasu (2019)“Numerical Simulation of Supersonic jet control by tabs with slanted perforation”, International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, ISSN (Online) 2191-0332, ISSN(Print) 0334-0082, DOI: (Scopus indexed, Annexure in Anna university list journals).
            • Ezhilmaran, G., Khandai, S., Pavithrabalan, S., et al. (2018) “Supersonic Jet Control by Tabs with Slanted Perforation”, International Journal of Turbo & Jet-Engines, ISSN (Online) 2191-0332, ISSN (Print) 0334-0082, DOI: (Scopus indexed, Annexure in Anna university list of journals).
            • R and Ezhilmaran.G 2016. Analysis of Aerodynamic Efficiency of Different Winglets. International Journal Of Research In Aeronautical And Mechanical Engineering Vol.4 Issue 5, May 2016 Pgs: 53-66.
            • Chadurvedi V, Tamilarasan S, Ezhilmaran G Mechanical Performance of Glass-Coir Reinforced Epoxy Composite Material. International Journal of Modern Trends in Engineering and Science Volume: 02 Issue: 10 2015.
            • Alagu sundaram.A, G 2015. Numerical Investigation of Jet Noise Prediction in Exhaust Nozzle by Passive Control Techniques. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications.Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -6) May 2015, pp.96-102
            • Rio Melvin Aro.T, Ezhilmaran G 2015 .Fluid structural modal coupled Numerical Investigation of Transonic fluttering of Axial Flow compressor Blades. Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Vol. 5, Issue 5, ( Part -6) pp.149-154
            • Vineeth Tom, G Ezhilmaran 2015 .Design of an Improved Scramjet inlet starting at Mach 4. Proceedings of the International Conference on Science and Innovative Engineering. ISBN 978-81-904760-7-2.
            • Ezhilmaran, R.Arravind 2014.Analysis of Flutter in a Flat Composite Plate. International Journal of Engineering Research and Development e-ISSN: 2278-067X, p-ISSN: 2278-800X, Volume 10, Issue 3 , PP.25-32.

            International Conferences

            • Presented paper titledDesign optimization of single expansion ramp nozzle using computational method”, on 3rd International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME 2020), organized by SRM University- Chennai, February 24-29, 2020
            • Presented paper titled, “Supersonic Jet Control By Tabs With Slanted Perforation”, International Conference on Green Manufacturing: Analytics, Automation, Processes, Products, Energy, & Structures (GM: AAPPES 2018), Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 28th & 29th March 2018
            • Presented paper titled, “Thrust vector control of supersonic flow in rectangular nozzle using movable plates”, International Conference on Green Manufacturing: Analytics, Automation, Processes, Products, Energy, & Structures (GM: AAPPES 2018), Rajalakshmi Engineering College, Chennai, 28th & 29th March 2018
            • Presented paper titled, “Numerical simulations of supersonic jets”, ICEMAP 2013 International Conference on Engineering Materials and Processes, Tagore Engineering College, International Conference, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 14th – 15th March 2012.

            National Conferences:

            • Presented a paper entitled, “Design and Analysis of table top low speed wind tunnel”, in the second national conference on Advances in materials, manufacturing and simulations(AMMS 2.0) organized by Department of Aeronautical Engineering, BIT,sathyamangalam, Tamilnadu on 6th and 7th August 2021.
            • Presented a paper entitled, “Thermal Analysis of Gas Turbine blade”, in the second national conference on Advances in materials, manufacturing and simulations(AMMS 2.0) organized by Department of Aeronautical Engineering, BIT, sathyamangalam, Tamilnadu on 6th and 7th August 2021.
            • Presented a paper entitled, “Numerical analysis of Supersonic free jet control by slanted perforation”, at NCRAME organized by Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan college of Engineering & Technology, ECR, MAMALLAPURAM

            Sponsored Research Project

            • Submitted funded research project proposal under Grants-In-Aid Scheme of Aeronautics R&D Board (DRDO) as Co-Principal Investigator under the title of “supersonic jet control by tabs with slanted perforation” on July 2019. The ARDB panel members have approved the project for the grant of 16.69 Lakhs on January 2022 with the practical implementation of injectors in scramjet engine
            • Got sanctioned Rs. 2.5 Lakhs for “Design and Fabrication of subsonic table top wind tunnel” from Department of Science & Technology(NSTEDB) under Idea Pitch for Startup Grant-in-aid of the year 2021-22.
            • Received grant of 93 thousand on July 2021 for Professional Development Programme-AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Academy program on “Conceptual and Practical Knowledge Sharing and Training Sessions on Computational Fluid Dynamics” organized at Nehru Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore through online mode.

            Mr. G EZHILMARAN

            Assistant Professor


            Position: Assistant Professor

            Educational Qualifications

            • B.E – Aeronautical Engineering
            • M.Tech – Aerospace Propulsion Technology
            • PhD (Pursuing) –Aerodynamics

            Total Experience

                           7 years

            Area of Interest

            • Basics of Aeronautics,
            • Aerodynamics,
            • FEM,
            • Mechanics of Materials

             Professional Membership

            Life Member in the Institute of Engineers in India

            Membership ID: AM1803495

            Subjects Handled

            • Basics of Aeronautics,
            • Aerodynamics,
            • FEM,
            • Mechanics of Materials
            • Aircraft Material science


            1. VTU 3rd Rank during M.Tech


            • Published a research paper in IJIERT with entitled as “Numerical Investigation of a Divergent Exhaust Diffuser of a Gas Turbine Engine”, ISSN 2394-3696.
            • Published a research paper in IRJET with entitled as “Modelling and Analysis of a Divergent Exhaust Diffuser of a Gas Turbine Engine”, e-ISSN: 2395-0056.
            • Published a research paper in IRJET with entitled as “Modelling and Analysis of a Convergent-Divergent Nozzle”, p-ISSN: 2395-0072.


            Assistant Professor

            Mr. Amar Gandge Subash

            Position: Assistant Professor

            Educational Qualifications

            • BE – Aeronautical Engineering
            • MTech – Aerospace Propulsion Technology


            Total Experience

                                5- Years of Teaching Experience.

            Area of Interest

            Basics of Aeronautical Engineering

            Aircraft Propulsion

            Composite Materials

            Heat Transfer in Propulsion System

            Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing


            Professional Membership

            • Associate Member in The Institute of Engineers Bangalore Membership ID: AM1918845

                   Subjects Handled

            • Gas Turbine Technology
            • Aircraft Propulsion
            • Composite Materials
            • Aircraft Systems and Instrumentations
            • Aircraft Materials
            • Drone Technology
            • Heat and Mass Transfer
            • Management and Entrepreneurship
            • Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing
            • Measurement & Metrology


            1. Best TPO Award


            • Mr. Amar Gandge et., al (2019). DESIGN AND ANALYSIS ON SUPERSONIC ROCKET NOZLE. ICRRETMME-2019.
            • Amar Gandge et., al (2016). EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON E-GLASS FIBER, FLY-ASH AND EPOXY RESIN. ISSN: 2394-3696.
            • Mr. Amar Gandge et., al (2023) DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PROPELLER BLADE USING DIGITALTWIN TECHNOLOGY. UGC Approved Journal No: 49023 (18).

            Mr. Amar Gandge Subash

            Assistant Professor

            Major Labs


            SL. NoName of LaboratoryCarpet Area

            (Sq. mt.)

            Major EquipmentsTotal Investment Till Date

            (in Rs.)

            1Propulsion Lab180 m21. Low speed cascade wind tunnel

            2. Forced Convective heat transfer over a flat plate

            3. Propeller test rig

            4. Nozzle flow  Set Up

            5. Pre mixed flame with compressor

            6. Bomb calorimeter with oxygen cylinder

            7. Free jet  & wall jet set-up

            2Structures Lab180 m21. Wagner beam and shear strength attachment

            2. Beam test set up with various end conditions

            3. Column test Apparatus

            4. Vibration of beam set up with Computer

            5.      Advanced Vibration setup

            6.      Pin-on-Disc wear testing Machine

            7.      LabView-2021 Software


            3Aerodynamics Lab180 m21. Subsonic Wind Tunnel

            2. Smoke Generator


            4Energy conversion and fluid mechanics laboratory180 m21. Multi cylinder Petrol Engine test rig with eddy current dynamometer  with cooling water

            2. 4 Stroke single cylinder Petrol Engine test rig

            3. Abel flash point Apparatus

            4. Pensky Martins Apparatus

            5. Boy’s gas calorimeter

            6. Bomb Calorimeter

            7. Torsion viscometer

            8. Calibration of Venturimeter

            9. Calibration of Rectangular notch apparatus

            10. Verification of Bernoullis equation



            Simulation Lab /Design Modelling Analysis Lab/ Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing96 m2 

            1. 36 Computers(i5 processor with 4GB RAM)

            2. ANSYS Multiphysics

            3.  MATLAB Software

            4. Solid Edge Software

            6Measurements and Metrology Lab180 m21. Pressure Gauge

            2. Thermocouple

            3. LVDT

            4. Load cell

            5. Optical Projector

            6. Toolmaker Microscope.

            7. Autocollimator

            8. Gear tooth micrometer

            9. Slip Gauges

            7Material Testing Lab180 m21. Universal Testing Machine

            2. Hardness Testing Machine – Vicker’s, Brinell, Rockwel

            3. Fatigue Testing Machine

            4. Torsion Testing Machine


            3rd Semester

            Measurement & Metrology Lab

            Measurements & Metrology Lab of Aeronautical Engineering helps students to deploy the concepts learnt in theory to practical applications. The concept of accuracy, error and calibration is realized with experiments. Major experimental setup includes, Optical Projector, LVDT, Pressure gauge, Thermocouple, Load cell, micrometer and strain gauge, Slip gauges, and Mechanical Comparator for surface roughness measurement.

            Machine shop Lab

            Students are exposed to general purpose & Special purpose machine tools and different methods of manufacturing processes. The lab offers advanced equipment for turning & facing, knurling, drilling, boring, internal & external thread cutting, eccentric turning, shaping, milling and grinding machine. The outcome is that the students demonstrate the operation of general & Special purpose tools, and also can identify the special tools for specific requirements.

            4th Semester

            Material Testing Lab

            Material testing lab provides the fundamental knowledge of materials and their properties thoroughly using state of the art equipment, that help students to get hands-on experience on different methods of material testing. Major equipment includes, Study of wear characteristics of ferrous, non-ferrous and composite materials, Magnetic Particle inspection, Vicker’s, Brinell and Rockwell hardness test rig, Tensile, Flexural, Torsional, Impact, shear and fatigue test rig. Also, the lab has Ultrasonic, Eddy Current Inspection techniques to help students, faculties and research scholars to carry out advanced research in modern tool usage.

            Computer Aided Aircraft Drawing (CAAD)

            CAAD lab transforms machine drawing knowledge to practical application of designing aircraft components. The students use SolidEdge software to design, thread forms, Fasteners, Keys & Joints, Couplings. Apart from these basic designs, they will learn to model and assemble Propeller and hub, wing, fuselage, Engine mounts, Main rotor of helicopter, Landing gear and UAV.

            5th Semester

            Aerodynamics Lab

            Aerodynamics Lab has been set up at the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, to carry out fundamental Aerodynamic experiments at UG & PG levels. The objective of the facility is to enhance academic experimentation and research studies in low Reynolds number Airfoil Steady flow Aerodynamics, flow control analysis and Symmetric and Cambered airfoil performance. The students are encouraged to carry out their academic projects on Aerodynamic analysis and experimentation in this lab.

            Energy Conversion and Fluid Mechanics lab

            Fluid mechanics study for Aeronautical Engineering plays a vital role in Aeronautical Engineering. Energy Conversion and Fluid mechanics Laboratory is actively engaged to reinforce and enhance understanding of the fundamentals of Fluid mechanics. The experiments here are designed to demonstrate the applications of the basic fluid engineering principles and to provide a more intuitive and physical understanding of the theory. The experimental setup includes, Torsion Viscometer, Venturimeter, Rectangular notch, Multi cylinder petrol Engine test rig with eddy current dynamometer with cooling water and 4 stroke single cylinder petrol engine test rig.

            6th Semester

            Aircraft Structures Lab

            Aircraft Structure Lab caters to the academic and research requirement of UG & PG students, research scholars and faculties to carry out their research. In 2020, a grant of Rs. 15 Lakh is received from AICTE under Modernisation and Removal of Obsolescence (MODROBS) to install state-of-the-art research facility for Advanced Vibration analysis test setup, pin-on-disc wear test setup, shear centre test rig and Digital strain gauge. Apart from this, the lab has experimental setup to test Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio, test setup for verification of Maxwell’s theorem and to test shear failure of Bolted and Riveted Joints.

            Aircraft Propulsion Lab

            The Propulsion lab has the following major equipment:Low speed cascade wind tunnel, Propeller test rig, Nozzle flow setup and premixed flame with compressor. Apart from these, the facility holds forced Convective heat transfer setup and bomb calorimeter to study the performance of aviation fuel.

            7th Semester

            Modelling & Analysis Lab

            Modeling and Analysis Lab is equipped with 36 high end computing systems with i5 processor and 4GB ram. Basic theoretical principles of Finite Element analysis are applied to solve real-time problems using Ansys simulation software. Major analysis includes, Isentropic Flow analysis in a 2D subsonic and supersonic Diffuser and nozzle, Stress analysis of Wing, Fuselage frame and tapered plate.

             Flight Simulation Lab

            Flight simulation Lab intends to introduce modern tool usage  to model aeronautical vehicle dynamics and carry out complex analysis using MATLAB and related toolbox. The Flight simulation Lab has 36 computers with intel’s i5 processor and 4GB ram to help run simulations at a faster rate. A wide variety of experiments can be carried out such as, Straight and level flight simulation, take-off and landing with trajectory tracing, measuring static margin on stalling characteristics, Stability effect derivatives for pulse, doublet input in pitch and speed respectively.

            Department Forum

            The Department student Association, Aeronautical Union for Rising Aviators (AURA) was established in the year 2013. The main aim of department student association is to provide a platform through which students may exercise their right to freely associate in pursuit of learning and knowledge enhancement. AURA creates opportunities for leadership development, learning, student engagement and fostering of shared interests.
            • To conduct professional activities such as Guest lectures, Seminars, Technical Talks, Webinars, Industrial visits and Workshops,
            • To enhance the technical capabilities of students beyond syllabus activities.
            • To encourage a close knit interpersonal relationship among the students and promote the development of individual talents.
            • To create opportunities for Leaderships, Event Management and Knowledge exchange platform for students.

            For Forum activities



            2021: Scheme & Syllabus – Click Here

            2022: Scheme & Syllabus – Click Here

            2023: Scheme & Syllabus (Autonomous II Year)- Click Here

            MODEL QUESTION PAPERS (Autonomous)

            Third Semester 

            Engineering Mathematics -III (23BSME201)Click Here
            Introduction to Aircraft Structural Mechanics (23AEPC203)Click Here
            Aircraft Materials and Processes (23AEPC204)Click Here
            Fundamentals of Aeronautics (23AEPC205)Click Here
            Fluid Mechanics (23AEPC206)Click Here
            Universal Human Values (23HMCC215)Click Here


            3rd Sem

            18MAT31Transform Calculus , Fourier’s Series and Numerical TechniquesModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE32Aero ThermodynamicsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE33Mechanics of MaterialsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE34Elements of AeronauticsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE35Mechanics of FluidsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE36Measurement & MetrologyModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5

            5th Sem

            18AE51Management and EntrepreneurshipModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE52Aerodynamics – IIModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE53Aircraft Structures – IModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE54Introduction to Composite MaterialsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE55Aircraft Systems & InstrumentationModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE56Theory of VibrationsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5

            7th Sem

            17AE71Control EngineeringModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            17AE72Computational Fluid DynamicsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            17AE73Aircraft Stability and ControlModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            17AE743Helicopter DynamicsModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            17AE752Wind Tunnel TechniquesModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5

            4th Sem

            18MAT41Complex Analysis, Probability and Statistical MethodModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE42Aerodynamics –IModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE43Aircraft PropulsionModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE44Mechanisms And Machine TheoryModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE45Aircraft Material ScienceModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5

            6th Sem

            18AE61Aircraft PerformanceModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE62Aircraft Structures – IIModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE63Finite Element MethodModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE644Gas Turbine TechnologyModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            18AE653Basics of Rockets & MissilesModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5

            8th Sem

            17AE82Flight Vehicle DesignModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5
            17AE831Flight TestingModule-1Module-2Module-3Module-4Module-5

            Beyond Syllabus

            Flipped Class Room
            Flipped Class Room is an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning focused on student engagement and active learning. It gives the instructor a better opportunity to deal with mixed levels of students. It allows addressing the student difficulties. The students are given a task to summarize and understand a topic by watching video lectures at home and present it in the classroom.

            It provides the students to perform group discussion and produce ideas or solve problems. Students are asked to discuss about the topic and present their views. The faculties will summarize it. It helps to improve the presentation skill of the students.

            Online classes in YouTube
            The classes are recorded and uploaded to YouTube. Students can watch the video and understand the subject.

            Industrial Visit
            Students are taken to the industry for getting an idea of working environment in Industry. It also provides practical knowledge.

            Technical talks
            Technical talks are conducted by inviting eminent speakers in the respective domains. This will help to learn topics beyond the syllabus.

            Workshops are conducted to provide hands on experience.

            Distinguished Alumni


            News Letter

            For Department News Letters


            Student Achievements


            Mr. Rahul Sudhakar
            VTU – 7th Rank


              Ms. Chaitra M
            VTU – 2nd Rank

            Mr. Vinay Annappa Devadiga 
             VTU – 3rd Rank


            Yajnesha P
            VTU – 6th Rank

            Clavin Wilton Sequeira has secured 4th Rank in Visveswaraya Technological University in 2020.

            Vishnu Chandroth and Ms. Shwetha S have secured 2nd and 10th Rank respectively, in Visveswaraya Technological University in 2019.

            Ms. Priyanka M and Mr. Dinakar have secured 2nd and 10th Rank respectively, in Visveswaraya Technological University in 2018.

            Global Winner of Japanese Language Speech Contest

            Mr. DACKLEN SUNDEEP DSOUZA Represented INDIA in the International Japanese Language Speech Contest. The 10th KakeGakuen Cup Japanese Speech International Convention Supported by the Embassy of Japan in India. The international event had 87 entries from India, along with participants from the United States, South Korea, Vietnam, China, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Vietnam. Ten top contenders from across the world competed for the final speech contest and Japanese proficiency under the theme of ‘What We Can Do Now-Overcoming Difficulties Against the Spread of the New Corona virus’. Dacklen represented India in the finale, after he was selected the regional winner, after two fiercely competitive rounds at the nationals.

            KSCST Best Project of the Year Award-2019-20

            For the innovative work done by students Mr. SANJAY M V, Mr. CLAVIN WILTON SEQUEIRA, Ms. T D TEESHMA, Ms. VISHALAKSHI T BANDIWAD is awarded with “BEST PROJECT OF THE YEAR AWARD” in the State level Project Competition conducted in 43rd Series of Student Project Programme 2019-20, Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST).


            Guide: Mr. VISHWARETHA K R

            Drone Delivery Challenge – VERTECHX 10.0

            Students from 2nd and 3rd year Aeronautical Engineering has participated and secured 2nd and 3rd place in the event Drone Delivery Challenge at Vertechx 10.0, the Inter Collegiate National Level Technical Fest, MVJ College of Engineering.

            2nd Place Secured by Gaurilaxmi G Purusha & Kavyashree P.

            3rd Place Secured by Manoj Kumar B N, Mohd Zahur Ashraf, Roland Fernandes & Javeed Akhajesababagavana.

            Republic Day Parade 2020

            Mr. Madhukiran, student of Aeronautical Engineering Department has participated in the Republic Day Parade 2020 held at New Delhi

            II Prize in “HOVERPOD” held at IIT Kharagpur

            5thSem Students of Aeronautical Engineering Department have participated and won the 2nd Prize in event “HOVERPOD” held on 1st to 3rd November 2019 at IIT Kharagpur as part of National student space challenge.

            South Zone NSS Pre Republic Day Parade Camp at National College, Dndigul Road, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu

            Mr. Madhukiran, student from Aeronautical Engineering Department has participated in South Zone NSS Pre Republic Day Parade Camp. It includes Morning Assembly, Shramdan, Yoga, Physical Training, Community Singing, Parade Practice, Lectures, Discussions, Quiz, Debate and evening Cultural programmes.

            Wright flight 2019 competition for RC plane

            Final Year students of Aeronautical Engineering Department, participated in Wright flight 2019 competition for RC plane held on 18th October 2019 at National Institute of Technology Karnataka(NITK), Suratkal.

            All INDIA VAYU SAINIK CAMP-2019

            Cdt.Kiran K from the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, participated as Air Wing Cadet of Karnataka and Goa NCC Directorate and the Contingent finished at the fourth position in “All INDIA VAYU SAINIK CAMP-2019”, held during 5th October to 15th October 2019 at Jodhpur Rajastan.

            Launch Your Rocket  -A National Level competition

            5thSem students won 2nd prize in a National Level competition titled, “Launch Your Rocket” held on 6th October 2019 at Chandigarh University, Punjab. Totally 16 teams were participated in the event. Two teams consisting of 5 members each participated in the event from MITE.

            ISRO Hackathon on NAVIC Board 2019

            The students of 5th semester have actively participated in the HACKATHON held on 20th to 22nd September 2019 for 36 hours on NAVIC BOARD APPLICATIONS developed by ISRO. It was a software and electronic based HACKATHON on developing the applications of ISRO’s NAVIC BOARD with prior presentation of the Introduction of board by the honored delegates from ISRO.

            Workshop on Static Model Aircraft

            Four students from 2nd year Aeronautical Engineering participated in the workshop held on 19th to 22nd August 2019 . The students were provided with balsa wood for making upper wing, lower wing, rudder, elevator and the fuselage by P80 grade. They were taught about the concept of AEROFOIL.

            Pitch & Roll and Water Rocket Competition at IIAEM, Bangalore

            Two teams from Aeronautical Engineering Department participated in the ‘PICH & ROLL’ and ‘WATER ROCKET’ event held at ‘INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT’ Bangalore, on 5th October 2018. Students secured First place in RC INNOVATION (PITCH AND ROLL), Second place in WATER ROCKET, Third place in WATER ROCKET.

            Hoverpod and Water Rocket Competition at NSSC, IIT Kharagpur

            National level competition “Hoverpod and Water Rocket” was held on 5th to 7th October 2018 under the NSSC- National Students Space Challenge in IIT-Kharagphur. The team comprising 3rd year students Dacklen Sundeep D’Souza, Savi Shetty, Tejaswini, Manish Salian and Clavin Rodrigues secured the First place in the ‘Hoverpod’ competition. Arpith Jain, Nirahankar, Pooja, Ashwatharama Prabhu and Glenn Shannon D’Souza secured the Second place.

            Student Publications


            • Arpith Jain, Clavin Anton Rodrigues, Glenn Shannon D’souza, Pooja N “Gesture Controlled UAV Drone”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • Poornachandra S Goudar, Abdulrehaman Patel, Syed ShoebWazeer, TulaskarSanjanaDamodar “Computational Analysis on Hybrid Composite Material”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • Priyanka Lokesh, Rakshith T M, Vijetha B.S, Rahul S Balimane, “Synthesis And Characterisation of Hydrogen Fuel from Biowaste Recovery”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • Clavin Wilton Sequeira, Nithyashree U “Aerodynamic Design, Analysis, Fabrication And Testing of a Claw Yaw Sphere for Subsonic Flow”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • Rajput Yash, Muhammad Raafid, Mithul Das “Design and Development of Flying Car for Green Transportation”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • T D Teeshma, Vishalakshi T Bandiwad, Sanjay M V, Clavin Wilton Sequeira “Numerical Design and Modelling of a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine to extract Wind Energy from Highways to power Electric Vehicle charging stations”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • Dane Hubert Saldanha, GranvilAnush Dsouza, Madhurima R Londhe, Stanvil Dsouza “Fabrication, Analysis and Testing of Sandwich Composite for an UAV wing”, AIP Coference Proceedings (ISSN:0094243X)
            • Manoj Kumar Mahanteshaiah, S Arpitha Holla, K. S. Nirahankar, Akhil Sivan “Environmental Pollution Control Using Artificial Intelligence Drone”, AIP Conference Proceedings 2311, 030031, 2020.
            • Clavin Wilton SequeiraM. V. Sanjay “Efficiency Analysis of Aerospike Nozzle by Comparison with a de-Lavel Nozzle Using Computational Fluid Dynamics”Advances in Fluid and Thermal Engineering , Part of the Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering book series (LNME)


            • Vinaykumar Doddamani, P Umeshkumar P ,Amaresh Wavare, Mahanthesh M “Construction of Hele Shaw Apparatus for Subsonic Flow Visualization” at “International Conference on “Technology Innovation in Mechanical Engineering” (TIME-2021) organized by the Department of Mechanical Engineering, SISTec-Gandhinagar, Bhopal (22nd – 23rd Apr 2021).
            • RakshijaJ, Pratap , Sushanth , S M Shanth Kumar “Design of 15 Holed Cobra Probe for Subsonic Wind Tunnel Calibration” in the National Conference on Sustainable Research in Energy and Environment (SREE-2021) organized jointly by NIT Jalandhar under the aegis of TEQIP-III, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India ( 15th – 16th January 2021).

            AIREINO CLUB

            About AIREINO

            AIREINO – A student club of the Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MITE has become a brand in itself, after successfully winning multiple events across the country at Premier Institutes in the past 5 years. The club was established in the year 2015, with an aim to provide a platform to the budding Aero-enthusiasts from across the campus.

            Objectives of AIREINO

            Student member teams of AIREINO participate in major National and International events organized by Airbus, Boeing, IITs, NITs, and other premier Institutes. This year due to COVID, all the events are organized virtually keeping in mind the convenience and safety of the participants.

            A Grant of Rs. 1 lakh from AICTE under Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity and Ethics among Students (SPICES)

            The student club “AIREINO” of Aeronautical Engineering Department, MITE has received grant of Rs.1 Lakh from AICTE under Scheme for Promoting Interests, Creativity, and Ethics among Students (SPICES) in 2020. The student Club “AIREINO”, which aims at elevating the interest of students in flying, irrespective of their branch of Study.

            The Vision of the club is to motivate young minds to develop innovative solutions in Aeronautics, using the state-of-the-art workplace with access to IoT, AI, and ML facilities. Promote Interdisciplinary research activities to enhance quality product development.

            AIRENO trains students in building the RC Aircrafts, Hover pods, Drones and encourage them to participate in State and National level competitions. The students will not only get hands-on experience of flying RC aircraft, which includes fixed-wing RC Airplanes, Quad-copters, and Hovercrafts but also collaborate with students from different branches and can come out with innovative solutions. They will also learn leadership and resource management skills, as organizers. This will help them shape their career with a strong foundation of required skills and confidence to solve complex problems of society.


            Dr. Anand SN, Professor and Head, Department of Aeronautical Engineering.


            Mr. Ajith Kumar, Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering.


            By using the facility provided at AIREINO club on-campus, the students have been actively participating in all the major aero events across the country including at IITs, NITs and other premier institutes. They have won at 17 national level events and 7 state level events in the past 3 years. AIREINO, has organized 4 national level events, and 3 regional level events on-campus.

            Student Achievements

            The Student members of the AIREINO club are actively participating in major National & International events since its inception in 2015. The Department of Aeronautical Engineering supports competitive student teams, with the required technical support from the subject experts, to maximize the chances of winning the competition.

            The students of Aireino Club has secured 2nd place in “HOVERPOD” held at IIT Kharagpur

            The students of Aireino Club has participated in Wright Flight-2019 held at NITK Surathkal


            International Championships

            124 to 27 Mar 2017International Go-Kart Championship Lovely Professional University, PunjabTeam AIREINO member Md. Yunus A Represented Team India in International Go-Kart Championship 2017


            National Championships

            126th January 2020Republic Day Parade 2020AIREINO team member Cdt. Madhu Kiran participated in New Delhi
            21st to 3rd November 2019“HOVERPOD” held at IIT KharagpurTeam AIREINO secured 2nd Place
            316th to 25th October 2019South Zone NSS Pre Republic Day Parade Camp at National College, Dndigul Road, Tiruchirapalli, TNAIREINO core team member Cdt. Kiran K
            45th to 7th October 2019National Student Space Challenge, IIT KharagpurTeam AIREINO secured 1st Place in Hoverpod 2nd Place in Water Rocket
            56th October 2019Launch Your Rocket – National Level competition, Chandigarh University, Punjab.Team AIREINO Secured : 2nd Place
            65th October to 15th October 2019SAir wing Cadet of Karnataka and Goa NCC Directorate contingent All INDIA VAYU SAINIK CAMP-2019, Jodhpur RajasthanAIREINO core team member Cdt. Kiran K Secured 4th Place
            75th Oct 2018‘Pitch and Roll’ ‘Water Rocket’ International Institute of Aerospace Engg and Mgmt, IIAEM, BangaloreTeam AIREINO secured 1st place In RC Innovation (Pitch And Roll) and 2nd and 3rd Place In Water Rocket
            814th to 19th Feb 2018Hovercraft at IIT BHU, VaranasiTeam AIREINO secured: 8th Place (Out of 42 teams)
            914th to 19th Feb 2018Momentum (Water Rocket) at IIT BHU, VaranasiTeam AIREINO secured: 6th Place (Out of 25 teams)
            1016th to 18th Feb 2018La – Trajectria (RC- Plane) at IIT BHU, VaranasiTeam AIREINO secured: 4th Place (Out of 80 teams)
            1116th to 18th Feb 2018Drone Tech at IIT BHU, VaranasiTeam AIREINO secured: 2nd Place (Out of 65 teams)
            1227th to 29th Oct 2017Avion-E (National level RC Plane competition) at NIT, Warangal-Technozion 17Team AIREINO secured : 5th Place
            1312th Oct 2017Wright Flight (RC Plane competition) at NITK SurathkalTeam AIREINO secured : 3rd Place
            141st to 3rd Sep 2017National Student Space Challenge 17 at IIT Kharagpur by Md. Yunus AWorked as a student Ambassador
            1530th to 31st Oct 2017Udaan(National level RC Plane competition) at Nitte Meenakshi, BangaloreTeam AIREINO secured: 3rd Place
            1631st Oct 2017Aviation quiz at Nitte Meenakshi, BangaloreTeam AIREINO secured: 1st Place
            1725th Jan 2014The Aerotrix Super Challenge organized by Aerotrix, IIST, TrivendrumTeam AIREINO Best design Award

            Vayuyana 3

            The Department of Aeronautical Engineering, MITE, has a rich tradition of motivating budding Aero / RC enthusiasts to build and fly their own RC planes on campus. This is the third version of Vayuyana, which attracted more than 20 teams of 6 each, from around the country to the MITE.