The Department of Civil Engineering established in the year 2012 and has been accredited by the National board of accreditation (NBA) New Delhi. The Department focuses on the overall development of the students through innovative teaching and learning with the objectives to produce qualified, competent and employable Civil Engineering graduates to cater the needs of industry and society. The highly qualified faculty imparts requisite knowledge and training in different areas of Civil Engineering and emerging technologies to the diverse set of students who are from different parts of the country.
The Department has state-of-the-art Laboratories in Surveying, Basic Material testing Lab and Fluid Mechanics Lab. Computer Aided Design Lab, Geotechnical Lab, Environmental Lab, Concrete and Highway Lab and Structural Engineering Laboratory .The Department has the coveted MITE – Local CAFET INNOVA Technical Society Centre under the aegis of CAFET-INNOVA Technical Society, Hyderabad: an International non-profit organization to encourage the teaching faculties, and young talent especially students towards the field of Research & Development (R&D) and harness their intellectual abilities for the betterment of institution as well as industry.
Department has entered into an Memorandum of Understanding with National Highway authority of India (NHAI) New Delhi, Paradigm Environmental Strategies (P) Ltd. (Ecoparadigm),Bangalore ,Dakshina Kannada Nirmithi Kendra,SAI CADD center Bangalore and also conducts regular industry visit to various industries to bridge the gap between industry and academia.
Department regularly carryout the Finishing school program especially for final year students which focuses on pre employment training program for graduating students from Engineering to cater to the needs of different industries to make up for deficiencies of the technical skills. This will also enhance the standard of fresh Engineering graduates to become acceptable to the industry and also to bridge the gap between industry and educational institutions.
To produce competent and professional Civil Engineers with academic excellence and ethics to meet societal challenges at global level.
- To provide quality technical education through student centric teaching – learning processes
- To enable student with practical knowledge, innovation and research to find solutions for societal problems
- To impart professional skills and ethics to involve in consultancy and Civil Engineering projects
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
- Able to apply the knowledge of Engineering to solve construction related problems and involve in research activities
- Able to Plan, design and execute the societal applications of Civil Engineering
- To Involve effectively as a member or as a leader towards achieving goals in Civil Engineering projects
- To Engage in professional consultancy and continuous learning to accomplish professional growth
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
After the completion of Civil Engineering program, graduates are able to
- Utilize the Civil Engineering knowledge and problem analysis skills to conceptualize, develop, and execute the Civil Engineering projects
- Deploying quality Civil Engineers to work towards societal needs to achieve environmental and sustainable development
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Course Outcomes (COs)
2018 Scheme Click Here
2017 Scheme Click Here
2015 Scheme Click Here
2010 Scheme Click Here
Department Advisory Board Members( Academic Year 2023-24)
Name of the faculty | Designation | Role in DAB |
Dr.Ganesh Mogaveera | Professor & Head | Chairman |
Dr.Prashanth C.M. | Principal | Member |
Dr. B. B. Das | Associate Professor, NITK,Surathkal | Academic Expert |
Er. Rajendra Kalbavi | Executive Director, D.K Nirmithi Kendra | Industry Expert |
Er. Anil Baliga | Structural Consultant | Industry Expert |
Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Sr. Assistant professor | Member |
Mr. Suraj Shet | Assistant professor | Member |
Mrs Megha Mayuri | Assistant professor | Member |
Mr. Jayananda N Suvarna | Parent | Member |
Ms. Chaitra Taranath | Alumni | Member |
Dr. Umesh S S | Associate Professor | Convener |
Dr. Ganesh Mogaveer
Educational qualification
B.E – Civil Engineering
M.E – Structural Engineering
PhD – Structural Engineering
Total Experience
25 Years
Area of Interest
- Engineering Mechanics
- Structural analysis and Design
- Masonry structures
- Steel Structures
- Hydraulics and Hydraulics machines
- Low cost construction techniques
Professional Memberships
Subjects Handled
- Fluid Mechanics
- Hydraulic Machines
- Concrete Technology
- Strength of Materials
- Engineering Mechanics
- Structural analysis
- Design of RC structural elements
- Design and Drawing of R C structures
- Design of steel structures
- Estimation and costing
- Design of Masonry Structures
- Environmental Engineering
- Computer oriented Numerical Methods
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended
Conference/Journal Publications
International Journals
- Experimental Studies on Structural Characteristics of Solid Concrete Block Masonry with Partial Replacement of Sand by Quarry Dust in Mortar, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2005-4238,2020
- Study On Strength of Geopolymer Concrete, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2005-4238
- Studies on the Structural Characteristics of Laterite Blocks and Masonry in puttur area of Karnataka, Journal of Geotechnics and Engineering Structures,ISSN:2454-6909-2019
- Researchonthe StrengthParameters of Poly propylene Fiber Reinforced Concreteand Steel FiberReinforced Concrete International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-2S11, September 2019
- Alternative foundations for residential Buildings, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 4, April-2018, PP68 ISSN 2229-5518
- Experimental investigation on micro truss reinforced roofing system, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018, pp. 991–1000
- Experimental Investigation on water transport Phenomenon between Laterite blocks and mortar in Laterite blocks masonry, International Journal for Science and Research in Technology,pp: 166-168, ISSN: 2392-1052, Volume-3,Issue-9,September 2017
- Studies on the load carrying capacity of Laterite block masonry arches, International Journal of Civil and structural Engineering,pp:259-268,Volume:06,No-4,2016
- Effective use of arches in Construction, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, pp:1-8,ISSN:2347-6710,Volume-5,May 2016
- Experimental studies on the structural Characteristics of masonry and masonry materials, International journal for Science and advance research in Technology,pp:216-222,ISSN 2395-1052,October 2016
- Studies on the load carrying capacity of Plain Cement Concrete Arches, International Journal of Earth science and Engineering pp: 2103 – 2107, ISSN 0974-5904, volume-08, No 5, October – 2015
- Structural characteristics of Laterite blocks, International Journal of Earth science and Engineering, pp: 341 – 348, ISSN 0974-5904, volume-07, No 1, February – 2014
Conference Publications
- Experimental Investigation on Tensile Behaviour of Chicken Mesh for Ferrocement Application in Cost Effective Construction during Second Annual International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, Resource Conservation & Food Security (SURF–2020)
- Experimental Investigation on Tensile Behaviour of Chicken Mesh for Ferrocement Application in Cost Effective Construction during Second Annual International Conference on Sustainable Urban Development, Resource Conservation & Food Security (SURF–2020)
- Study On Strength of Geopolymer Concrete during Global Conference on Advanced smart and sustainable technologies in Engineering held at MITE Moodabidri during January -2020
- Experimental Studies on Structural Characteristics of Solid Concrete Block Masonry with Partial Replacement of Sand by Quarry Dust in Mortar during Global Conference on Advanced smart and sustainable technologies in Engineering held at MITE Moodabidri during January -2020
- Researchonthe StrengthParameters of Poly propylene Fiber Reinforced Concreteand Steel FiberReinforced Concrete at National conference on emerging trends in science and engineering at (ncetse – 2019) ) 27 & 28 April 2019 held at SMVITM BantakalUdupi
- Structural characteristics of Laterite and Laterite block masonry:International Engineering symposium at Kumamoto University Japan during 13th March to 16th March 2019.
- Alternative foundations for residential Buildings, International conference on materials, applied physics and Engineering at Indore, Madyapradesh during 3rd and 4th June 2018
- Experimental studies on the structural characteristics of Solid concrete block masonry,Masonry units and mortars,International conference on Global Civil Engineering challenges in sustainable development and climate change,ICGCSC at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodabidri March 2017
- Effective Use of Arches in Construction,International conference on Emerging trends in Engineering at NMAMIT Nitte, April – 2016
- Studies on the load carrying capacity of late rite block masonry arches, National conference on Contemporary Civil Engineering Research and Practices CCERP – 2012 at MIT Manipal
- Recent Experiences in the Use of stone masonry Arch foundations,National conference on focussing on Advances in Civil Engineering at T K M college of Engineering,Kollam,Kerala
- Experimental investigation of comparative studies on the partial replacement of sand by quarry dust for different mix proportions, International conference on Emerging trends in Engineering at NMAMIT Nitte, April – 2011
Invited talk/session delivered
- Delivered a Series of sessions in Aspire program to motivate the science students of PUC towards Scope and opportunities in Engineering and other fields across Dakshina Kannada and Udupi District.
- Delivered a Sessions on Effective teaching methodologies for newly joined faculty members.
- Delivered a talk on ‘Building confidence’ to the students of Rotary English medium school
- Delivered a series of sessions to the first-year students ofMITE on Self discipline and Self confidence during the induction program in 2018 and 2019 odd semester.
- Delivered a session on ‘Innovations in Arches-Applications to the mankind’ during three days TEQUIP funded Student employability program between 8th to 10th September 2019 organized by the Department of Electronics and Communication MITE Moodabidri
- Delivered a talk on How to write Project synopsis during techno week -2019 organised by Association of Consulting Civil Engineers (I) Mangalore chapter on 17/09/2019 at Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology Moodabidri.
- Delivered a informative talk ‘on Importance of NBA accreditation in Technical institutions’ during 5 days VTU TEQIP sponsored faculty training program for faculty members of institutions identified by VTU during 30th December 2019 to 3rd January 2020, organized by the Department of Civil Engineering MITE Moodabidri.
- Delivered a session for polytechnic students on Career opportunities for Diploma
- Delivered a session Beating the COVID blues to the faculty and students of MITE
- Delivered a session on GATE-ways of Opportunity-GATE-2021 to third and finalyear Engineering students of MITE
Publications – Text Book:
- ‘Authored a Text book on Elements of Civil Engg.and Engineering Mechanics’, recommended by the VTU Belgaum as a Text book for 2010,2014 , 2015 and 2017 scheme first year syllabus and reference book in Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology Bangalore-An autonomous Institution and Text book at Presidency University Bangalore and published by PHI New Delhi, ISBN:978-81-203-5001-4
Awards and Recognition
- Best Paper award during International conference –SURF-2020, organised by BEARY, s foundation Bangalore
Other achievements
- Member of VTU LIC committee.
- Reviewer of International Journal of Earth Science and Engineering,
- MAT Journal Editorial board member-
- Chief Editor of Imperial Publication-Journal of Geotechnics and Structural Engineering.
- Vice President-Local CAFET Innova Technical society
- Member of Board of Studies/BOE-NMAMIT Nitte-Autonomous institution
- Member of Doctorial committee – NIE Mysore
Dr. Ganesh Mogaveer
Professor and Head
Dr. Umesh S S
Educational qualification
BE – Civil Engineering
M.Tech – Structural Engineering
Ph.D – Structural Engineering
Total experience
21 Years
Area of Interest
- Structural Engineering
Professional Memberships
Subjects Handled
- Elements of Civil Engineering
- Strength of Materials
- Structural Analysis
- Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures
- Design of steel Structures
- Design and Drawing of RC structures.
- Design and Drawing of Steel Structures
- Irrigation Engineering
- Building planning and Drawing
- Geo technical Engineering-1
- Design and Drawing of Bridges
- C- Programming
- Object Oriented Programming with C ++
- Mechanics of Deformable bodies
- Theory of Plates and Shells
- Design of Industrial Structures
- Special Concrete
- Design of Prefabricated and Precast Structures
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended & Conducted
Conference/Journal Publications
- Umesh S.S , Dr.A.V.Pradeepkumar , “ Experimental Investigation on micro truss as reinforcement in slab system “, International Conference on Emerging trends in Engineering,NMAM Institute of Technology,NITTE,May 15th – 17th 2014
- Deekshith Shetty, Shashikanth P. Kodi, Umesh S.S, “An Approach on Optimization of Berth Structure at port sector for handling bilk cargo and containers “,IJERT, Volume .4,Issue.07,July 2015 .
- Presented national level Paper on “Structural Behaviour of one way Composite T- Beam Slab System “, on 13th January 2011 at MIT,Manipal
- Umesh SS, GaneshaMogaveera, VLSulakshith, SanithSuvarna : Experimental Studies on Slender Beam Relevance in cost effective roofing system Vol.29, No.7,(2020),pp-11036-11044,ISSN-2005-4238 IJASTInternational Journal of Advanced Science and Technology
- Umesh SS, Dr.AVPradeepKumar,Dr.GaneshaMogaveera: Experimental investigation on micro truss reinforced roofing system, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET) Volume 9, Issue 6, June 2018, pp. 991–1000 ISSn:0976-6308
- Umesh SS, Dr.AVPradeepkumar : Investigation on Cost Effective Slab System Having Different Types of Micro Reinforcement, Vol-9,Issu 7, july 2018,pp 1000-1011, ISSn: 0976-6308, International Journal of Civil Engineering and Technology (IJCIET)
- Umesh SS, AV Pradeepkumar: Alternative Cost Effective Roofing System for Building Construction-A Review, ISBN:978-93-5267-355-1,ICGCSC 2017, 17th,18th March 2017
- Sa ., GaneshaMogaveera “Experimental Investigation on Tensile Behavior of Chicken Mesh for Ferrocement Application in Cost Effective Construction” Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.12 (2021), 1811-1814
- GaneshaMogaveeraa , Vidyashree.M b , Umesh S S “Solid Concrete block Arch behaviour in Substructures”, ” Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education, Vol.12 No.12 (2021), 1811-1814
- GaneshaMogaveera, Anand V R and Umesh S S “Alternative foundations for residential Buildings International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, ISSN 2229-5518, 2018
Consultancy Activities
Worked as structural consultant for below mentioned projects
- The proposed Construction of retaining wall and silt chamber at Chainage 66, Near yadakumari Station
- The proposed construction of New Bridge near Nekkerre – Kudmara
- The Proposed Construction of Fish and Vegetable Market at Puttur
- The Proposed construction of rain water drain at satyasai Hospital to Venkatramana temple and Mahamaya Temple road
- The proposed Construction of Shopping Complex at Belthangady
- The Proposed Construction of New Bridge at Mugaly
- The Proposed Construction of Overhead Water tank
- The Proposed Construction of Road widening work including construction of two bridges and retaining wall from Bolwar junction to Darbe Circle
- The proposed Construction of open theatre at Belthangady
- The Proposed Construction of Indoor Stadium in Puttur
- The Proposed Construction of Bridge near soorthila, Sullia
- Structural Design for Abutment and Retaining wall for Breached Portion of Vented Dam at Nethravathi River, Darmasthala
- Structural Design and Detailing Proposed Construction of Elephant shed at Durgaparameshwari temple premises, kateel
Dr. Umesh S S
Associate Professor
Dr. Jayaprakash M
Educational qualification
B.Sc – Geology
M.Sc – Geology
PhD – Geoinformatics
Total experience
11.5 Years
Area of Interest
- Earth Sciences
- Remote Sensing
- Hydrology
- Water resources
- Environmental Sciences
Professional Memberships
- The Indian Science Congress Association’, Kolkata from 2015
- ‘Indian Society for Technical Education’ IIT (D) Campus, Katwaria, Sarai
Subjects Handled
- Engineering Geology Theory and Lab
- Air Pollution and Control
- Water Resource Management
- Environmental Engineering Lab
- Environment Studies
- Rural water supply and Sanitation
- Water Supply and Treatment Engineering
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment Engineering
- Surveying Practice –I
- Kannada Manasu
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended and Conducted
Conference/Journal Publications
International Journal
- Web Based Forest Information System of Mangalore Division (Jayaprakash, M.C, Krishna Udnur, K. Channabasappa, Shivanna and S.M. Prakash): International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (IJEE), National Institute of Technology, Surathkal (NITK), (2010).
- PET Bottles for Eco-friendly Building in Sustainable Development (Jayaprakash M C, Deeksha I M and Soumya M R): International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering and Research (IJCTER) ISSN:2455-1392, Vol.2, Issue 5; May 2016.
- Desalination Approach of Seawater and Brackish Water by Coconut Shell Activated Carbon as a Natural Filter Method (Jayaprakash M C, Poorvi Shetty, Raju Aedla and D Venkat Reddy) International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering (IJEE), ISSN: 0974-5904, Vol.10, No.6; December 2017.
- Performance Based Seismic Evaluation of Industrial Chimneys by Static and Dynamic Analysis (Sagar S, Jayaprakash M C and D Venkat Reddy), International Journal of Engineering & Technology (Scopus).
- Assessment of Road Safety Audit of NH-69 (Bhadravati-Shivamogga), Karnataka State, India. Jayaprakash M C, Shreyas K S, D Venkat Reddy And Vikram M C. (IJRTE-Scopus)
- Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution: An Approach of Environmental friendly Activated Carbon; Jayaprakash M C, Chaitra M, Prarthana Rai and D Venkat Reddy (Springer Conference Proceedings, University of Ilion’s, Chicago)
- Removal of Heavy Metals From Leachate Using Natural Detritus Shells; Jayaprakash M C, Trupthi, Niveditha S P and Venkat Reddy. International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology.
- Reduction of Floods Caused By Rain Using Infiltration Wells and Rain Reservoirs In Padang City; Bambang Istijono, Jayaprakash M C and D Venkat Reddy. International Journal of Advanced Science & Technology.
- Experimental Study on Lateritic Soil Stabilization with Waste Engine Oil and Lime; Jayaprakash M C, Sashwati Shetty and Venkat Reddy (Conference paper submitted to Scopus Journal)
National Journal
- Three dimensional (3D) model of the Proterozoic Kaldgi Basin, Sourthern India – A GIS approach (Shivanna G, Jayaprakash M C, Channabasappa and Natashekara D): Journal of Applied Geochemistry, Vol.13, No.1 (2011) pp 42-47.
- Planning and Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting System in MITE, Moodabidri, Karnataka-Geological and Hydrogeological in Puts Typical Analysis; Jayaprakash M C and Poorvi Shetty, Journal of Water Resources and Pollution Studies Volume 3 Issue 1, Page 1-7 © MAT Journals 2018. All Rights Reserved
- Geospatial Based Inventory and Assessment of Wetland in the Coastal District of Dakshina Kannada: Southern India, Jayaprakash, M.C. and D. Venkat Reddy, Water Resources, Irrigation Practices and Sustainable Agriculture (Book Review), ISBN: 978-93-86238-49-8, pp 58-62, March 2018.
Conference Papers
- Elemental Composition and Distribution of Precambrian Depositories: A case Study of Kaladgi Basin in Southern India. – This paper has been presented at X Convention of the Mineralogical Society of India and National Seminar on Crustal Evolution and Associated Mineralization. Dec. 3rd to 4th Dept. of Geology, JnanaBharathi, Bangalore University, Karnataka, INDIA.
- Study of Urban & Rural bulk precipitation: International Conference (24th Annual International Conference of NESA-New Delhi) on Bioremediation and Environmental Management and Polar Science & Technology. – 28th& 29th December 2011. Organized by Presidency College Bangalore.
- Remote Sensing: A case study on the Proterozoic Kaladgi Basin, Southern India. – 3rd International Conference on Climate Change & sustainable Management of Natural Resources: 6th Feb, 2012, Gwalior, Madyapradesh.
- Wetland Inland Inventory assessment study using Remote Sensing & GIS technique; Dakshina Kannada district, Karnataka State, Southern India.- NATIONAL SEMINAR on GEOSPATIAL SOLUTIONS for RESOURCE CONSERVATION & MANAGEMENT (GEOS-2012). 18th&19th, January 2012.
- Spurce Identification of urban and rural bulk precipitation chemistry in Bangalore district, Karnataka. – 3rd International Conference on Climate Change & sustainable Management of Natural Resources: 6th Feb, 2012, Gwalior, Madyapradesh.
- Bulk Precipitation and Deposition in India –Department of Forestry and Environmental Science, University of Sri Jayewardenpura, Nugegoda, Srilanka. 27th of September 2012
- Rain Water Harvesting and Artificial Recharge to Groundwater in Dakshina Kannada District, Karnataka-Geological & Hydrogeological in puts Typical Analysis (D.VENKAT REDDY* & JAYAPRAKASH M C), Presented paper at 103rd Indian Science Congress in Mysore, Jan 2016.
- Earth Sciences Rock Science and Rock Engineering Role in Planning and Development of Civil Engineering Projects with Special Reference to Smart Cities in India, (D.VENKAT REDDY* & JAYAPRAKASH M C), Key Note addressed in MITE, Moodabidri, during the National Conference, February, 2016.
- Planning and Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting System in MITE, Moodabidri, and Karnataka-Geological and Hydrogeological in Puts Typical Analysis. JAYAPRAKASH M C1 AND POORVI SHETTY2 International Conference ICGCSC-MITE 2018
- Experimental Study on Lateritic Soil Stabilization with Waste Engine Oil and Lime. Jayaprakash M C, Shashwathi S Shetty, D Venkat Reddy and Bambang Istijono. (Online International Conference SURF 2020, BIT, Mangalore). 2020.
- Removal of Heavy Metals from Leachate Using Natural Detritus Shells. Jayaprakash M C, Trupti, Niveditha S P and D Venkat Reddy. GCASSTE 2020 at MITE.
- Experimental Study on Lateritic Soil Stabilization with Natural Lime and OPC using wet UCS test. Jayaprakash M C, Shashwathi S Shetty, Bambang Istijono and D Venkat Reddy. Online CITES, University of Andalas, Padang. 2020.
Funded projects
- Research Project Proposal on “Sustainable Grey water Management System using Phytoremediation Technique” submitted by Dr.Jayaprakash M C, Sr. Assistant professor, Department of Civil Engineering has been approved under Research Grant for Scientist/Faculty Scheme, Vision Group on Science and Technology (VGST), Government of Karnataka.
- ANVESHANA 2020: The project entitled “Sea Sand Concrete for Green India” was won the 9th place with cash prize Rs. 5000 in the State level ANVESHANA-2020 competition held at Bangalore during 25th to 27th February, 2020.
- MAPATHON 2021, Winner, Organized by IITB, ISRO, AICTE under Atma Nirbhar Bharath.
KSCST & VTU Sponsored Students Projects:
- KSCST-2019-20
Project Title: Antropotechnique Smart Vermi bin for Sustainable solid waste management.
Interdisciplinary (Civil and ECE Dept)
Student project sanctioned with an amount of Rs 4,500/-
Student name: Allan Robin Pereira and team
- KSCST-2019-20
Project Title: Groundwater Utilization and its Environmental sustainability in Coastal Aquifers
Student project sanctioned with an amount of Rs 4,000/-
Student name: Anupama J and team
- KSCST-2018-19
Project Title: Experimental studies on Laterite soil stabilization using waste engine oil and lime.
Student project sanctioned with an amount of Rs 3,000/-
Student name: Shashwathi S Shetty and team.
- KSCST-2017-18
Project Title: Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous solution: An Approach of Environmental friendly Activated carbon
Student project sanctioned with an amount of Rs 4,000/-
Student name: Chaitra M and team.
- KSCST-2017-18
Project Title: Use of Eggshells and Seashells for the removal of heavy metals from waste water.
Student project sanctioned with an amount of Rs 5,000/-
Student name: Trupthi and team.
Dr. Jayaprakash M
Senior Assistant Professor
Suraj Shet
Educational qualification
BE – Civil Engineering
M.Tech – Structural Engineering
Total experience
2.8 Years
Area of Interest
- Basic surveying
- Pavement design
- Urban transportation and planning
- Mix design
- Total Station surveying
- Basic material testing
Professional Memberships
ISTE Member-131660
Subjects Handled
- Basic surveying
- Pavement design
- Urban transportation and planning
- Mix design
- Advanced surveying
- Design of prestressed concrete elements
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended
Conference/Journal Publications
- Strength characteristics of C-shaped equal legged RC columns and Rectangular columns using Pu–Mu interaction diagrams, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 13, Number 17 (2018) pp.6-11 © Research India Publications.
- Analysis of Pu-Mu Interaction Diagram of C-Shaped Equal Legged RC Column Developed using ETABS and Analytical Method, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (3.34) (2018) 835-839, International Journal of Engineering & Technology, Website:
- Analytical studies on behaviour of high raised frame structures Subjected to wind loads,International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Website link ;
- Presented a paper entitled “Strength characteristics of C-shaped equal legged RC columns and Rectangular columns using Pu–Mu interaction diagrams” in 2nd International conference on Recent Research Emerging Trends in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (ICRRETMCE-2018) Held on 13th and 14th july, REVA UNIVERSITY,2018
- Presented a paper entitled “Analysis of Pu-Mu Interaction Diagram of C-shaped Equal Legged RC Column Developed using ETABS and Analytical Method” in 8th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering ( ICETE- 2018) held at N.M.A.M Institute of Technology, Nitte during 14th & 15th May 2018.
Funded Projects
Suraj Shet
Assistant Professor
Akshaya Krishna N
Educational qualification
BE – Civil Engineering
M.Tech – Construction Technology
Total experience
2.8 Years
Area of Interest
- Concrete Technology
- Innovative alternative building materials
- Application of software in project management
Professional Memberships
Indian Society for Technical Education LM126551
Subjects Handled
- Design Concept of building services
- Computer Aided planning and building drawing
- Construction Management and Entrepreneurship
- Basic Surveying
- Advanced Surveying
- Concrete Technology
- Elements of civil engineering and Mechanics
- Traffic engineering
- Basic Survey Practice lab
- Concrete and Highway Materials Lab
- Software Application Laboratory
- Municipal and Industrial waste water engineering
- Hydrology and Irrigation Engineering
- Traffic Engineering
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended
Conference/Journal Publications
International Conferences
- Akshaya Krishna N, “Experimental Investigation on Strength Characteristics of Lead slag in concrete” Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering at MITE Moodabidri on January 31st 2020.
- Akshaya Krishna N, Anusha Jain “Experimental Investigations on Paver Blocks by Partial replacement of Cement by Lead slag and Natural sand by M-sand” at SURF 2020:Online 2nd International conference on Sustainable Urban Development Resource conservation and food security in August 6th-8th 2020 organized by Bearys Institute of Technology and engineering Innoli, Mangaluru.
- Akshaya Krishna N, ChethanKumar “Experimental Investigation on Strength Characteristics of Lead slag in concrete” at SURF-2019:1st International conference on Sustainable Urban Development Resource conservation and food security on April 26th -27th 2019 organized by Bearys Institute of Technology and engineering Innoli, Mangaluru.
National conferences
- Akshaya Krishna N “Monitoring and Predicting the project progress using earned value analysis-A case study in Mangaluru” at Emerging trends in Science and Engineering (ICETSE)-2020 organized by SMVITM Bantakal
- 2..Akshaya Krishna N, “Delay analysis in construction project by questionnaire survey using relative importance index method” Recent Trends in civil engineering at Srinivas University college of Engineering and Technology on 23rd September 2019.
- 3.Akshaya Krishna N “Monitoring and Predicting the Project Progress using earned value analysis: A case study in Mangaluru” in 8th International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering 2018 at NMAMIT Nitte
Journals Publications
- Akshaya Krishna N, ChethanKotain“Experimental Investigation on Strength Characteristics of Lead slag in concrete” The Journal of Engineering and Technology Research (JETR) pp 136-138May 2019,Volume 6 Issue5.
- Akshaya Krishna N “Monitoring and Predicting the project progress using earned value analysis-A case study in Mangaluru”Journal of critical reviews ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 09, 2020.
- Akshaya Krishna N and Anusha Jain ““Experimental Investigations on Paver Blocks by Partial replacement of Cement by Lead slag and Natural sand by M-sand”Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education Vol.12 No.10(2021), 84-92.
Akshaya Krishna N
Assistant Professor
Ms. Anusha Jain
Educational qualification
B.E – Civil Engineering
M.Tech – Marine Structures
Total experience
1.8 Years
Area of Interest
- Soft Computing techniques
- Structural Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
Professional Memberships
Member of Indian Society for Technical Education
Subjects Handled
- Elements of Civil Engineering and Mechanics
- Basic Geotechnical Engineering
- Applied Geotechnical Engineering
- Fluid Mechanics
- Highway Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended
Conference/Journal Publications
International Conference
- Anusha Jain and Subba Rao (2018). “Performance Analysis of Coastal vegetation on Wave Transmission using Soft Computing Techniques” The 8th International Engineering Symposium & Spring Internship Program (IES & SIP 2019) at Kumamoto University, Japan during March 12-19, 2019.
- Anusha Jain and Subba Rao (2019) “Application of soft computing techniques for prediction of wave transmission characteristics of coastal vegetation”, presented at HYDRO 2019- International Conference (Hydraulics, Water Resources and Coastal Engineering) Organized by Department of Civil Engineering University College Of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad.
National Conferences
- Anusha Jain and Subba Rao (2018), “Application of Artificial Neural Network technique for Performance Analysis of Coastal Vegetation on Wave Attenuation”, Presented at Next Frontiers in Civil Engineering – Sustainable and Resilient Infrastructure, NFiCE 2018 at IIT BOMBAY.
- Anusha Jain and Subba Rao (2018), “Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Breakwater-A Review”, Presented at National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering, NCETSE-2018, SMVITM, Bantakal, Udupi.
- Anusha Jain, Subba Rao and N. Bhavani Shankar Rao (2018), “Experimental Investigation of Paver Block with a reinforcement layer”, Presented at 6th National Conference on Coastal Harbour and Ocean Engineering, INCHOE 2018, CWPRS Pune.
- Anusha Jain and Subba Rao (2018), “Application of Soft Computing Techniques in Breakwater-A Review”, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 9, Issue 4, pp.78-82
Ms. Anusha Jain
Assistant Professor
Ms. Swapna S A
Educational Qualification
B.E, M.Tech
Total Experience
4.5 Years
Area of Interest
- Concrete technology
- Fluid mechanics
- Applied hydraulics and Highway engineering
Subjects Handled
- Fluid mechanics
- Applied hydraulics
- Building material and construction technology
- Highway engineering
- Traffic engineering
- Pavement design
- Urban transport planning
- Elements of civil engineering and engineering mechanics
- Concrete and highway material testing lab
- Geotechnical engineering lab
Workshops/FDP’S/SDP’S Attended
Conference/Journal Publications
- Swapna S A and Pramod K.(2016)”An experimental study on the partial replacement of cement by silica fume and coconut shell ash in concrete”, International research journal of engineering and technology (IRJET).
Funded projects
- “Experimental study on the partial replacement of cement by rice husk ash and copper slag on M30 concrete “ is funded by KSCST in 44th series
Ms. Swapna S A
Assistant Professor
Ms. Prathiksha G
Educational Qualification
B.E, M.Tech
Area of Interest
- Structural engineering
Subjects Handled
- Basic Material and Construction
- Air Pollution and Control
- Environmental Protection and Management
Conference/Journal Publications
- Participated in the International conference on “Global Civil Engineering Challenges in Sustainable Development and Climate Change”.
- Ms.Prathiksha G(2020),”Progressive collapse of Reinforced Concrete Building”, ijaem, volume 2, 4 April 2020, page no 474-479.
Ms. Prathiksha G
Assistant Professor
Major Labs
SL. No. | Name of the Laboratory | Carpet Area (Sq.Mt) | Major Equipment’s | Total Investments till date |
1 | Surveying Practice Lab | 100 | Theodolite | 14,96,872 |
Auto Level &Levelling Staff | ||||
Plane Table with Accessories | ||||
Dumpy Level with Accessories | ||||
Digital Planimeter | ||||
Ceylon Ghat Tracer, Sextant, Pentagraph | ||||
Total Station | ||||
2 | Basic Material Testing Lab | 180 | Computerized Universal Testing Machine | 22,83,090 |
Digital Electric Oven | ||||
Torsion Testing Machine | ||||
Impact Testing Machine | ||||
Hardness Testing | ||||
Weighing Balance | ||||
Sieve Shaker, Electronically operated | ||||
Strain Guage | ||||
Building Construction Models | ||||
Rockwell cum Brinell Hardness Testing Machine | ||||
Digital Vernier Caliper(0-200mm) | ||||
Pycnometer | ||||
3 | Engineering Geology Lab & Models | 180 | Important Rocks & Minerals | 2,15,000 |
Models & Charts | ||||
4 | Computer aided Design Lab | 100 | 36 Computers, Printer | 5,46,492 |
Laserjet A3 size printer with network canon LBP3500 | ||||
5 | Hydraulic and hydraulic machinery lab | 180 | Minor & Major Loss | 20,00,000 |
Venturi Meter | ||||
Kapalan & Francis Turbine | ||||
Centrifugul Pump | ||||
Pelton Wheel Turbine | ||||
Impact of Jet on vanes | ||||
Calibration of notches & weirs | ||||
6 | Geotechnical Engineering Lab | 300 | Triaxial Compression Test | 14,27,395 |
Direct shear apparatus | ||||
Standard Proctor Test | ||||
Consistency Limits Apparatus | ||||
Consolidation Apparatus | ||||
Permeability Apparatus | ||||
Vane Shear Apparatus | ||||
7 | Environmental Engg. Lab | 180 | BOD Incubator | 7,18,166 |
Jar Test Apparatus | ||||
Muffle Furnace | ||||
COD digester | ||||
Spectrophotometer | ||||
Hot Air Oven | ||||
8 | Concrete and Highway Lab | 300 | Loss Angeles abrasion test | 19,57,324 |
Compression testing machine | ||||
Flexural testing Machine | ||||
Ductility testing Machine | ||||
Impact test | ||||
Autoclave | ||||
V-Funnel | ||||
L-Box | ||||
Pycnometer |
a. Basic Materials Testing Laboratory
The Basic Materials Testing Laboratory intends to train the students in the field of testing of common materials of construction to study their behaviour when subjected to external loading and to obtain their mechanical properties, which are used directly or indirectly in the design of structural elements.
Computerized Universal Testing Machine, Torsion Testing Machine, Impact Testing Machine, Hardness Testing Machines (Vicker’s, Brinnell’s & Rockwell) Sieve Shaker, electronically operated Strain Gauge, Digital Electric Oven, Weighing Balance, Civil Engineering Models.
b. Engineering Geology Lab
Identification of minerals and rocks depending on the Physical Properties. Study of geological maps and determine the topographical terrain using topographical map. The materials include detailed procedures, exercises based on the problem that develops quantitative problem solving skills, engineering geology applications, and sets of discussion questions that enable readers to evaluate their understanding of the topic. Exercises also include worked examples, bibliographies, and listings of required materials.
Materials and Charts
3D Raised Relief Model/Map-India Geology, Geological Map of India, India Rock and Mineral Map, India Rock Type Map, India Earthquake Map, India Drainage Map, Denudation-II, Groundwater-I: Spring, Geyser & Artesian well ,Groundwater-II: Karst Landscape, Distribution of Earthquakes, Activity of Volcanoes, Continental Drift, Types of Folds, Structure of Earth &Isostasy, Description & Classification of Faults-I, Structural Features of Rocks-I, Latitude & Longitude, Water Resource Development Atlas of India (NATMO),Model of Restless Earth, The Earth Layer Model.
c. Environmental Engineering Laboratory
Environment Engineering is one of the important branch of Civil Engineering that deals with the process of converting the waste water of industries and domestic into usable water. It includes various process of determining the impurities and their level by undergoing various tests and by knowing the amount of impurities, various processes could be done to make that water usable.
COD Digestion Apparatus, Spectrophotometer, BOD Digestion Apparatus, Vertical Autoclave, BOD incubator, Desiccators glass, Muffle Furness, Hot air oven, PH meter, Turbidity meter, Distillation unit, Jar Test Apparatus, Conductivity meter, Hot plate.
d. Fluid Mechanics Laboratory
Fluid Mechanics Laboratory course is an indispensable supplement to the theory. It covers measuring devices and techniques, error analysis in experimental works and analysis of assumptions in the theory of fluid mechanics.
Hydraulics and fluid mechanics, or the study of liquids, is an important area for Civil Engineers. Whether designing a pipe network, open channels, weirs, notches or working on a pump or turbine, Civil Engineers need to know how the water or liquid is going to move or operate. This allows them to create and maintain important machines that power our everyday world.
Venturimeter and Orificemeter setup, Darcy’s pipe friction apparatus, Notch setup, Weir setup, Vertical orifice setup, Single stage Centrifugal pump, Impact of jet on vanes setup, Calibration of measuring tank setup, Bernoulli’s apparatus, Dead weight pressure gauge, Pelton wheel turbine.
e. Geotechnical engineering laboratory
A typical geotechnical engineering laboratory helps in identifying the engineering behaviour of soil and its application in the various fields of construction. Our Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory is well-equipped with equipments for evaluating all engineering properties of soils including index properties, compaction characteristics, consolidation characteristics and shear strength of soils. These will enable students to perform the experiment and interpret the results of experiments easily.
Sieve Sets and Shakers, Specific Gravity by Pycnometer, Field Density Apparatus, Atterberg limits test apparatus, Direct shear Test Equipment, Tri-axial Test Equipment, Unconfined Compression Test Equipment, CBR Testing Machine, Relative density apparatus, Consolidation Test Equipment, Permeability Test Equipment, Vane Shear Test Equipment, Free Swell Test Equipment
f. Computer application laboratory
Provides facilities which allow civil engineering students to acquire the basic knowledge of computer which can be used for analyse, design and drafting of various civil engineering components using computers application. It includes experiments on analysis and Design of beams, frames, slabs. Drafting of building layouts and survey plans. This will enable students to develop professional design and drawings as per industry standards.
Facilities available
36 PC with good configuration to support modern software application, equipped with modern analysis, design and drafting softwares along with A3 & A4 size printer which enables the students to take printout in the laboratory itself
g. Surveying Practice Laboratory
Surveying is an art of determining relative positions of points on, above or beneath the surface of earth by means of direct or indirect measurements of distance, direction and elevation. Distance can be measured using different types and lengths tapes/chains. Directions are measured using Prismatic and Surveyors compasses. The vertical and horizontal angle between two points can be measured using special instruments like Theodolites. The elevations of the points can be measured using the auto levels.
Tapes/Chains, Prismatic and Surveyors compass, Theodolites, Auto level, Plane table, Total station, Minor instruments like Cylon ghat tracer, Clinometer and Planimeter
Research Center
Faculty with Doctorate
SL. No. | Name of the faculty | University/ Research Centre | Year of award |
1 | Dr G L Easwara Prasad | IIT, Delhi | 1999 |
2 | Dr. Ganesh Mogaveer | VTU, Belagavi | 2015 |
3 | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Mangalore University | 2009 |
4 | Dr. Umesh S S | VTU, Belagavi | 2021 |
Research Candidates
SL. No. | Name of the faculty | University/ Research Centre | Year of Registration |
1 | Ms. Megha B E | VTU, Belagavi | 2016 |
2 | Ms. Vidya Shree M | VTU, Belagavi | 2018 |
3 | Ms. Navyashree B S | VTU, Belagavi | 2019 |
4 | Mr. Yashwanth M K | VTU, Belagavi | 2019 |
List of Funded projects
SL. No. | Project title | Funding Agency | Amount | Principal Investigator | Duration | Year of Sanction |
1 | Experimental Investigation on Behaviour of GPC Block Arches and Validation using ANN | VTU research grant scheme-2021 | 10,00,000 | Dr. Ganesh Mogaveera, Dr. Umesh S S, Ms. Anusha Jain | 2 year | 2021-2022 |
Student projects funded by Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST)
SL. No. | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs. | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Mr. Rakshan R Hegde & Mr. Anudeep | Mrs. Swapna S A & Ms. Ppathiksha G | Utilization Of Natural Fibre In The Production Of Scc With Addition Of Kem Suplast Pcl 110 | 4500/- | KSCST | 2021-22 |
2 | Ms. Disha & Team | Mr. Sagar S | Experimental Investigation Of Concrete By Using Limestones Fines As Repalcment To Cement. | 4500/- | KSCST | 2021-22 |
3 | Mr. Sambhram Shetty & Team | Mr. Akshaya Krishna N Mrs. Rishma Mary GeorgeInterdisciplinary(Civil & Aeronautical) | Structural Damage Detection Using IoT | 7000/- | KSCST | 2021-22 |
4 | Mr. Karkera Prajwal & Team | Dr. Shrikrishna Shastri C & Dr. Jayaprakash M C Interdisciplinary (EC & Civil) | Iot Based Sustainable Groundwater Supply System For Green India | 6500/- | KSCST | 2021-22 |
5 | Mr. Fahiz C K & Team | Mr.Sagar S | Parametric study of euphoria cactus on the properties of concrete as Alternate material | 4000/- | KSCST | 2020-21 |
6 | Mr. Muzamil Ahmad Kantroo & Team | Mr. Suraj Shet & Mr. Akshaya Krishna N | Experimental investigation on paver block by partial replacement of fine aggregate with iron ore wastes | 3500/- | KSCST | 2020-21 |
7 | Ms. Kavyashree C Mundasad & Team | Mr. Sujesh Kumar & Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Drone based identification of threat caused by locusts infestation in Agricultural crop (Interdisciplinary- Civil & Aeronautical) | 6000/- | KSCST | 2020-21 |
8 | Allan Robin Pereira & Team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Antropotechnique Smart Vermi Bin for Sustainable Solid Waste Management | 4500/- Interdisciplinary (Civil & ECE) | KSCST | 2019-20 |
9 | Anupama J & Team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Groundwater Utilization and its Environmental Sustainability in Coastal Aquifers | 4000/- | KSCST | 2019-20 |
10 | Pavan H N & Team | Mr. Yashwanth M K | A Study on Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composite Structural Panels as Alternative Building Material | 4000/- | KSCST | 2019-20 |
11 | Ms. Yashoda C Lamani & Team | Mr. Akshay Krishna N & Er. Rajendra Kalbhavi | Experimental Investigation on Paver Blocks by Partial Replacing Cement by Lead Slag, Sand by M-Sand, with Addition of Waste Plastic Bags | 4500/- | KSCST | 2019-20 |
12 | Shashwathi S Shetty & team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Experimental Studies on Lateritic Soil Stabilization using Waste Engine Oil and Lime | 3000/- | KSCST | 2018-19 |
13 | Mr.Nishan T & team | Mr. Shshikumar S B | Progress of salt water Intrusion with varying climatic conditions and ground water table in the coastal belt of Mangalore | 4000/- | KSCST | 2018-19 |
14 | Chaitra M &team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution: An Approach of Environmental Friendly Activated Carbon | 4000/- | KSCST | 2017-18 |
15 | Trupthi & team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Use of Eggshells and Seashells for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater | 5000/- | KSCST | 2017-18 |
16 | Rakshith and team | Mr. Sushanth S Bhandari | Assessment of physiochemical parameters of ground water in vicinity of Municipal landfill of Mangalore, Udupi & Moodbidre | 4500/- | KSCST | 2016-17 |
17 | Avinash and team | Mr. Abhilash D T | Development of NSC and HSC Using Laterite Soil as a Replacement to Sand | 5000/- | KSCST | 2015-16 |
Projects funded by Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU)
SL. No. | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Bharghavi S R & team | Dr. Ganesha Mogaveera, Dr.Umesh S S, Mrs. Anusha Jain | Experimental Investigation on behavior of GPC block arches and validation using ANN. | 1000000/- | VTU | 2021-22 |
2 | Yogeesh Shetty & team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Experimental Investigation on Concrete Using Sea Sand and Coconut Shell Charcoal as Fine Aggregate | 5000/- | VTU | 2018-19 |
3 | Sulakshith and Team | Prof. Umesh S S | Experimental Investigation of slender beam application in cost effective roofing system | 5000/- | VTU | 2018-19 |
4 | Trupthi & team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Use of Eggshells and Seashells for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater | 5000/- | VTU | 2017-18 |
5 | Nithin Shenoy & team | Mr. Shreyas K S | Experimental Studies on the Use of Waste Plastic Materials for Road Constructions | 5000/- | VTU | 2017-18 |
Department Forum
Association Civil Engineering Students (ACES) it is one of the non-profit association formed for the benefit of Civil Engineering students. Under the flagship of the Department of Civil Engineering, MITE, every year various technical talks from the industry persons and professors from IITs, IISc& NITs, and also workshops, conferences, technical tours, industry visits, sports, etc are conducted under this forum. Apart from all these finishing school programs for the final year, students will be organized every year as a pre-employment training program to bridge the gap between industry and academia.
ACES believes that the true potential of students can be realized by encouraging them to participate in various activities including participation in innovative project competitions and acknowledging their achievements.
III Semester (2021 Scheme)
21CV32 | Geodetic Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 | |||||
21CV33 | Strength of Materials | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 | |||||
21CV34 | Earth Resources and Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 | |||||
21CV385 | Fire Safety in Buildings | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 | |||||
21CIP37 | Constitution of India and Professional Ethics | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
III Semester (2018 Scheme)
18CV32 | Strength of Materials | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV33 | Fluid Mechanics | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV34 | Building Materials and Construction | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV35 | Basic Surveying | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV36 | Engineering Geology | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module |
IV Semester (2018 Scheme)
18CV42 | Analysis of Determinate Structures | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV33 | Applied Hydraulics | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV34 | Concrete Technology | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV35 | Advanced Surveying | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV36 | Water supply and treatment Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
V Semester (2018 Scheme)
18CV51 | Construction Management & Entrepreneurship | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV52 | Analysis of Indeterminate Structures | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV53 | Design of RC Structural Elements | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV54 | Basic Geotechnical Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV55 | Air pollution and control | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV56 | Highway Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
VI Semester (2018 Scheme)
18CV61 | Design of Steel Structural Elements | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV62 | Applied Geotechnical Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV63 | Hydrology & Irrigation Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV643 | Alternate Building Materials | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV651 | Remote sensing and GIS | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18CV652 | Traffic Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
VII Semester (2017 Scheme)
17CV71 | Municipal and Industrial Waste Water Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
17CV72 | Design of RCC & Steel Structures | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
17CV73 | Hydrology & Irrigation Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
17CV742 | Ground water Hydraulics | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
17CV751 | Urban Transportation & Planning | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
VIII Semester (2017 Scheme)
17CV81 | Quantity survey and contract management | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
17CV82 | Design of Pre-Stressed Concrete Elements | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
17CV833 | Pavement design | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
Beyond Syllabus
The department ensures that students turn professionals with the right mixture of knowledge, skill and attitude. To realize that the department plans & organizes various activities that go beyond academics.
Social Awareness Programs | Date | Resource Person | Target Audience |
Awareness Program on Rain Water Harvesting and their Implementation at Thodar Village | 15-08-2019 | Dr. Jayaprakash M C and Prof. Vinod G, Professors, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodabidri | Residents from Thodar Village, Moodabidri, Dakshina Kannada Village, Karnataka |
Technical Talks | Date | Resource Person | Target Audience |
Scope for Civil Engineering | 09-08-2019 | Er Nagesh, Technical Head, General Deputy Manager, Ultratech | 5th Semester Students |
How to write project synopsis | 21-08-2019 | Dr. Ganesh B Mogaveer, Head of the Department, civil engineering, Mite. | 7th Semester Students |
How to prepare for competitive Examination | 18-09-2019 | Mr Ananth Pai, Apex Coaching Centre, Mangalore | 3rd Semester Students |
Augmented Reality in Construction | 19-09-2019 | Dr B Ragvendra K Holla ,Assistant Director -Development MIT,Manipal | 3rd Semester Students |
Industrial Visit | Date | Resource Person | Target Audience |
Industrial Visit on Gurupura Precast Girder Bridge(Under Construction) | 23-08-2019 | Site Engineer Mr Deekshith | 5th Semester Students |
Industrial Visit on West line Signature(53 Story Tall Structure) | 23-08-2019 | 5th Semester Students | |
Motivational Speech by Our Alumni to the 2nd Year Students | 21/09/2019 | Ms Poojitha | 3rd Semester Students |
Delivery details of the content beyond syllabus (2017-18)
Sl.No. | Contents to bridge Curriculum Gap | Action taken | Date | Resource Person with designation | Percentage of Students |
1 | Advanced Civil Engineering Materials and Introduction to Alternate Building Techniques | Invited Lecture (External) | 21 September 2017 | Er. Anil Baliga | 100 |
2 | Innovative Building Techniques | Invited Lecture (External) | 21st September 2017 | Er. Rajendra Kalbhavi | 94 |
3 | Investigation and Restoration of Distressed Bridges and Career Guidance | Invited Lecture (External) | 11th October 2017 | Er. Manjunath S B | 93 |
4 | Geo-statistical for Natural Resources Evaluation | Invited Lecture (External) | 26th February 2018 | Dr. Pierre Goovaerts | 95 |
5 | Geological-Geotechnical Investigation in Civil Engineering Projects- A few case studies | Invited Lecture (External) | 03rd March 2018 | Dr. D Venkat Reddy | 100 |
6 | Opportunities for the Engineers in infrastructure Space | Invited Lecture (External) | 2nd April 2018 | Er. Niranjana P | 98 |
Delivery details of the content beyond syllabus (2016-17)
Sl.No. | Contents to bridge Curriculum Gap | Action taken | Date | Resource Person with designation | Percentage of Students |
1 | Hazardous Waste collection and disposal | Invited Lecture (External) | 19th August 2016 | Dr. H Lakshmikantha | 90 |
2 | Emerging trends in Civil Engineering | Invited Lecture (External) | 26th September 2016 | MrVinod Kumar | 90 |
3 | Waste and Natural Materials: Green alternatives for Eco-Efficient Structures | Invited Lecture (External) | 17th and 18th March 2017 | Prof. Shuichi Torii | 88 |
4 | Ready Mix Concrete | Invited Lecture (External) | 30th March 2017 | Er. Siddesh R Kamath | 91 |
5 | Soil compaction, consolidation and index properties | Invited Lecture (External) | 28th April 2017 | Dr H S Prasanna | 89 |
Delivery details of the content beyond syllabus (2015-16)
Sl.No. | Contents to bridge Curriculum Gap | Action taken | Date | Resource Person with designation | Percentage of Students |
1 | Advanced Technology in Construction and Civil Detail | Invited Lecture (External) | 10th September 2015 | B. Kalaiselvan | 92 |
2 | Geotechnical Engineering-Shear Strength and Consolidation of Soil | Invited Lecture (External) | 11th September 2015 | Dr. B. M. Sunil | 85 |
3 | Rock Engineering and Rock Mass Role in Civil and Mining Engineering Projects | Invited Lecture (External) | 11th September 2015 | Dr. D. Venkat Reddy | 89 |
4 | Challenges in Project Execution | Invited Lecture (External) | 29th March 2016 | Er. Prem Prasad K V | 90 |
- Distinguished Alumni (Details of students who have achieved big or have started their entrepreneurial ventures and so)
Sl.No | Name | Year of passing | Achievement |
1 | Ashwin Shenoy | 2015-16 | Working in Amazon 11.5LPA |
2 | Sanjay gowda | 2016-17 | Own venture MSC construction in Bengaluru |
3. | Jithaksha G | 2016-17 | Own venture, Office name: Dharithri engineers and builders |
4. | Shreyas | 2016-17 | Working in Subhiksha Developers Planning, Estimate and construction. Address: Main road, Bajagoli 574122 |
5. | Sunil kumar B S | 2016-17 | Working in Bhargava constructions |
6. | Abhaya | 2016-17 | PWD PRD Contractor Siddapura, Kundpura |
MITECONS (MITE Consultancy services)
MITECONS is providing consultancy services in different streams of Civil Engineering. Department has well Equipped laboratory facilities with modern equipments. The faculty members of the department have expertise in carrying out the necessary testing and consultancy services. MITECONS is rendering consultancy services to government, semi government and private agencies.
MITE Consultancy Services is having well Established Laboratory facilities in different areas, such as Geo Technical Engineering, Building Material Testing, Surveying, Concrete and Highway Engineering, Geology and Environmental Engineering. All laboratories are well equipped and sufficient space is available for Consultancy activities. Apart from academic activities, students and faculty members of the Department are actively involved in Consultancy services.
Scope of Consultancy services at MITECONS
- Tests on Cement
- Tests on Fresh and Hardened Concrete
- Tests on Steel
- Tests on Aggregate
- Soil Investigation
- Tests on Building Blocks
- Water quality Test
- Tests on Road Construction Materials
- Concrete Mix Design
- Structural Design and Detailing
- Total Station Survey
- Third Party Inspection
Major Consultancy Services Carried out
1. Consultancy Services for Construction of Abutment, Retaining wall for Vented Dam Across Netravathi river, at Dharmasthala
MITECONS taken up Geotechnical Investigation, Structural Design Consultancy services for Construction of Abutment and Retaining wall for Breached portion of Vented Dam Site at Darmastala. Karnataka Urban Water supply and Drainage Board, Government of Karnataka assigned a Consultancy work for the above said work. Total cost of the Proposed project is approximate Rs 2.0 crores.
2. Structural Consultancy Services for Construction of Elephant Shed at Shree Durgaparmeshwari Temple Premises, Kateel
Hindu Religious and Endowment Department, Government of Karnataka and Management of Shree Durgaparmeshwari Temple, Kateel Assigned Structural Consultancy work for Construction of Elephant Shed at Temple Premises. Team members of MITECONS, visited site and Collected Field data and Detailed Structural Design and Drawings are submitted to Concerned Authority.
3. Structural Consultancy Services for Construction of Bridge, Holalkeri Taluk, Chitradurga district
Public Works, Ports and Inland Water Transport Department, Holalkeri Subdivision, Government of Karnataka, Assigned Bridge Design Consultancy services for the above said work. Team members of MITECONS design the bridge as per site Condition of the proposed Site.
4. Geo-Technical Consultancy Services for Proposed Construction of Water Treatment Plant at Haladi, Udupi (District)
Karnataka Integrated Urban Water Management Investment Programme – Karnataka Urban Infrastructure Development and Finance Corporation (KIUWMIP- KUIDFC, Mangalore) has awarded soil investigation work to MITECONS (MITE Consultancy services) Department of Civil Engineering (NBA Accredited), Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodbidre, Karnataka to assess the subsoil strata to safe bearing capacity of soil for the proposed construction of water treatment plant at Haladi
- Drilling Five Boreholes
- Conducting SPT test in borehole
- Conducting Geological and Geophysical Survey investigation (Using Resistivity Meter)
- Performing necessary & relevant Laboratory tests
- Preparing Soil Investigation report
List of Consultancy works carried out
Year : 2020-21
Sl. No | Client Details | Type of Consultancy | Type of Test / Consultancy Services Carried out |
1 | Dakshina Kannada Nirmithi Kendra, NITK, Surathkal | Third Party Inspection | Third Party Inspection of sheet roofing work at District Industrial Center, Mangalore |
| Karnataka Urban Infrastructure development & Finance corpn.Ltd,Udupi
| Soil Investigation | Investigation of Percentage of Iron Content in Laterite Soil
3 | Simplex Infrastructures Limited
| Soil Investigation | Investigation of Percentage of Iron Content in Laterite Soil |
4 | Suez India Pvt Ltd, Udupi
| Wet Mix Macadam Analysis & Mix Design | Wet Mix Macadam Analysis and Mix Design for Proposed Construction of Road work in Mangalore |
5 | SMC Infrastructures Pvt.Ltd
| Wet Mix Design | Wet Mix Design for Proposed Construction of Road work in Mangalore |
6 | New Golden Interlock & Hollow Block, Vidyagiri, Moodbidri
| Material Investigation | Strength Characterization of Interlock Blocks.
Year : 2019-20
1 | Sri Hemashankar, Class –I Contractor, Madkeri | Geotechnical Investigation | Determination of Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil for Foundation Design |
2 | M / S Kumar Chandra & Associates, Mangalore | Geotechnical Investigation | Determination of Safe Bearing Capacity of Soil for Proposed Construction of Mini VidanaSoudha at Moodbidiri. |
3 | Sri Manjunath Concrete Products, Shivamogga | Material Investigation | Tests on Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregate, Steel Reinforment Bar, Water |
4 | Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Drainage Board, Mangalore Government of Karnataka | Geotechnical Investigation | Proposed Construction of Abutment and retaining wall for Existing Vented Dam Across Netravathi River, At Dharmasthala |
5 | Karnataka Urban Water Supply & Drainage Board, Mangalore Government of Karnataka | Structural Analysis and Design | Proposed Construction of Abutment and retaining wall for Existing Vented Dam Across Netravathi River, At Dharmasthala |
6 | SUEZ India Pvt.Ltd & DRS Infratech Pvt,Ltd, Regional Office-Udupi
| Geotechnical Investigation | Geotechnical Investigation work for proposed construction of WTP Near Haladi Udupi
7 | Public Works Department, Holalker Subdivision, Chitradurga District | Structural Design | Structural Design of Construction of Bridge , Near Holalker, Chitradurga ( District) |
8 | Hindu Religious and Endowment Department, Shree Kateel Durgaparmeshwari Temple Authority | Structural Design Consultancy | Structural Design Consultancy Services for Proposed Construction of Elephant Shed at Kateel Durga Parmeshwari Temple Premises. |
Year : 2018-19
1 | M/S SKS Karkala Infra Projects Private Limited, Karkala | Material Investigation | Compression Strength Test on Concrete Cube |
2 | Coral Constructions , Moodbidri | Material Investigation | Compression Strength Test on Concrete Cube |
3 | Frontline Constructions, Kasaragod | Material Investigation | CBR Test on Soil |
4 | M/S SKS Karkala Infra Projects Private Limited, Karkala | Material Investigation | Tests on Cement, Sand, Coarse aggregate, Steel Reinforment Bar, Water |
Revenue Generated Through Consultancy Activities
Year : 2018-19 | |||
SI.NO | Type of Consultancy | Selected Client List | Revenue Generated ( Rupees in Lakhs) |
1 | Material Investigation |
| Rs. 1,21,860.00 ( Rupees One Lakhs twenty one thousand and eight hundred and sixty only ) |
Year : 2019-20 | |||
2 | Material Testing, Geo Technical Investigation, Structural Design and Drawing |
| Rs, 7, 50,000.00 ( Rupees Seven Lakhs and Fifty Thousands Only ) |
Year : 2020-21 | |||
3 | Material Testing, Geo Technical Investigation, Structural Design and Drawing |
| Rs. 3,50,000.00 (Rupees Three Lakhs Fifty Thousands Only)
Note : In Progress |
Academic Achievers

Distinguished Alumni

Academic Achievements
Project titled “Ports 360” exhibited by Mr. Aniruddha M, student from Department of Civil Engineering and Mr.Ullas Pai, student from Department of E&C along with Mr. Rakshith & Mr.Nishith from Karnataka Public School, Mijar Moodabidri under the Guidance of Mr. Akshaya Krishna N Assistant Professor Department of Civil Engineering & Er.Aditya Kumar bagged 3rd Place in “ANVESHANA- 2023” Science & Engineering Fair held on 2nd March 2023 in Hubli-Dharwad Regional level competition with a Cash prize of Rs 10,000/-
Mr. Sagar Padival secured 4th Rank in VTU Examination during 2018-19
Anveshana 2022-State Level Project Championship
Innovative Project titled “Eco-friendly Interlock Blocks” exhibited by Glency Roshni D’Souza, Mohammed Alfaz, Rajat Narayan, Mohammad Salim of Civil Engineering Students and Shrinidhi and Niranjan from Government high school Neerkere, Moodabidri under the Guidance of Mr. Suraj Shet and Mr. Akshaya Krishna N, won
2nd Prize in the State Level ANVESHANA- 2022Project Competition
Anveshana 2020-State Level Project Championship
The 9th series of the Anveshana-2020 witnessed a team from Department of Civil Engineering of Mangalore Institute of Technology &Engineering (MITE) won ‘Consolation prize’ at the state level. The Championship organized by the Agastya International Foundation in association with Synopsys was held from 25th to 27th February 2020 held at Bangalore.
Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects 2020-21
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Academic Year |
1. | Mr. Fahiz c k Mr. Mohammed jabir Mr. Safwansadique Ms. Krishna | Mr.Sagar S | Parametric study of euphoria cactus on the properties of concrete asAlternate material | 4000 | 2020-21 |
2. | Mr. Muzamilahmadkantroo Ms. Kaviya m v Mr.mallikarjuna Mr. Kowshik d | Mr. SurajShet and Mr. Akshaya Krishna N | Experimental investigation on paver block by partial replacement of fine aggregate with iron ore wastes | 3500
| 2020-21 |
3. | Ms. Kavyashree c mundasad Mr. Pavankumar Ms. Shreya s Ms. Sadhwipadival | Mr. Sujesh Kumar and Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Drone based identification of threat caused by locusts infestation inAgricultural crop | 6000 Inter disciplinary (Civil &Aeronautical) | 2020-21 |
Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects 2019-20
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Allan Robin Pereira & Team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Antropotechnique Smart Vermi Bin for Sustainable Solid Waste Management | 4500/- Interdisciplinary (Civil & ECE) | KSCST | 2019-20 |
2 | Anupama J & Team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Groundwater Utilization and its Environmental Sustainability in Coastal Aquifers | 4000/- | KSCST | 2019-20 |
3 | Pavan H N & Team | Mr. Yashwanth M K | A Study on Basalt Fiber Reinforced Composite Structural Panels as Alternative Building Material | 4000/- | KSCST | 2019-20 |
4 | Ms. Yashoda C Lamani& Team | Mr. Akshay Krishna N &Er. Rajendra Kalbhavi | Experimental Investigation on Paver Blocks by Partial Replacing Cement by Lead Slag, Sand by M-Sand, with Addition of Waste Plastic Bags | 4500/- | KSCST | 2019-20 |
Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects 2018-19
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Shashwathi S Shetty & team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Experimental Studies on Lateritic Soil Stabilization using Waste Engine Oil and Lime | 3000/- | KSCST | 2018-19 |
2 | Mr.Nishan T & team | Mr. Shashikumar S B | Progress of salt water Intrusion with varying climatic conditions and ground water table in the coastal belt of Mangalore | 4000/- | KSCST | 2018-19 |
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) funded projects 2018-19
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
3 | Yogeesh Shetty & team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Experimental Investigation on Concrete Using Sea Sand and Coconut Shell Charcoal as Fine Aggregate | 5000/- | VTU | 2018-19 |
4 | Sulakshith and Team | Prof. Umesh S S | Experimental Investigation of slender beam application in cost effective roofing system | 5000/- | VTU | 2018-19 |
Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects 2017-18
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Chaitra M &team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution: An Approach of Environmental Friendly Activated Carbon | 4000/- | KSCST | 2017-18 |
2 | Trupthi& team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Use of Eggshells and Seashells for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater | 5000/- | KSCST | 2017-18 |
Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) funded projects 2017-18
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Trupthi& team | Dr. Jayaprakash M C | Use of Eggshells and Seashells for the Removal of Heavy Metals from Wastewater | 5000/- | VTU | 2017-18 |
2 | NithinShenoy& team | Mr. Shreyas K S | Experimental Studies on the Use of Waste Plastic Materials for Road Constructions | 5000/- | VTU | 2017-18 |
Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects 2016-17
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Rakshith and team | Mr. Sushanth S Bhandari | Assessment of physiochemical parameters of ground water in vicinity of Municipal landfill of Mangalore, Udupi&Moodbidre | 4500/- | KSCST | 2016-17 |
Karnataka State Council for Science & Technology (KSCST) funded projects 2015-16
Sl. No | Student Name | Guide | Project Title | Amount in Rs | Organization | Academic Year |
1 | Avinash and team | Mr. Abhilash D T | Development of NSC and HSC Using Laterite Soil as a Replacement to Sand | 5000/- | KSCST | 2015-16 |
Awards/Recognitions received by student
Sl. No | Student Name | Game | Medal Won | Academic Year |
1 | BhavishPraveer P | VTU Body Building competition | MOST MUSCULAR MAN 2015 & Gold medal in Mr.Dakshina Kannada | 2015 |
Sl. No. | Title of paper | Name of the author/s | Name of journal | Year of publication | Paper Link | |
1 | Performance based seismic evaluation of industrial chimneys by static and Dynamic Analysis | Sagar S, BasavarajGudadappanavar | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2015 | | |
2 | Performance Based evaluation of responsereduction factor for elevated water tank. | Roja M, T.S sahana, Naveen G.M, Sagar S | International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology | 2016 | | |
3 | Performance Of Concrete By Partially Replacing Fine Aggregate With Gbs And Cement With Fly Ash” | Sagar S,, Kalappa U.P,, JyothipriyaG.S,and Umar MohdNousheen | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 | | |
4 | Assessment of road safety audit of NH-69, Karnataka State, India | Jayaprakash M C, Shreyas K S, Vikram M C, Manasa Nair | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | 2019 | DOI: 10.35940/ijitee.F1188.0486S419 | |
5 | Removal of Methylene Blue from Aqueous Solution: An Approach of Environmental friendly Activated Carbon | M. C. Jayaprakash, M. Chaitra, PrarthanaRai, and D. Venkat Reddy | Springer: Book Title: Sustainable Environment and Infrastructure | 2020 | | |
6 | Removal Of Heavy Metals From Leachate Using Natural Detritus Shells | Jayaprakash M C, Trupti, Niveditha S P and D Venkat Reddy | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 | | |
7 | PET Bottles for Eco-friendly Building in Sustainable Development | Jayaprakash M C, Deeksha I M and Soumya M R | International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research | 2016 | | |
8 | Desalination Approach of Seawater and Brackish Water by Coconut Shell Activated Carbon as a Natural Filter Method | Jayaprakash M C, Poorvi Shetty, RajuAedla and D Venkat Reddy | International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering | 2017 | | |
9 | Desalination Approach of Seawater and Brackish Water by Coconut Shell Activated Carbon as a Natural Filter Method | Jayaprakash M C, Poorvi Shetty, RajuAedla and D Venkat Reddy | International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development – IJTSRD | 2018 | | |
10 | Planning and Implementation of Rain Water Harvesting System in MITE, Moodabidri, Karnataka-Geological and Hydrogeological in Puts Typical Analysis | Jayaprakash M C and Poorvi Shetty | Journal of Water Resources and Pollution Studies | 2018 | | |
11 | Experimental Studies on Structural Charecteristics of Solid Concrete Block Masonry with Partial Replacement of Sand by Quarry Dust in Mortar | GaneshaMogaveera,VidyashreeM,Umesh S S,Sherman Jain | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | 2020 | | |
12 | Comparative Study on properties of coir and sisal fibre reinforced composites | Yashwanth M K, G. L. Easwara Prasad, Akshay N K | International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | May-16 | | |
13 | Physico-chemical Study on Extent of Water Quality Deterioration in the Lakes of Mangaluru City | Shashikumar,NarendraKumar,SavithaYadahalli,Prajwal S. S.,Hemanarasimhanag D N | Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) | May-19 | | |
14 | Development of Rainfall Intensity-Duration-Frequency (IDF) Curve for some parts of Coastal Region of Karnataka | Sushmitha G S, Vinod G, Vinutha S | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29 No. 7 (2020) | Jul-20 | |