The Electronics and Communication Engineering department incorporates a personal approach to education that is supportive of students and provides fundamental and applied skills in engineering, computing and mathematics. The department has highly qualified, experienced & dedicated faculty, committed to impart technical knowledge using advanced pedagogic methodologies and are often trained on latest technologies in association with Industry. The UG program of the department is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA).
The learning environment, including faculty, staff, and administration, is focused on the evolving needs of students and society. The department has large and spacious laboratories with a congenial ratio of student to equipment where they get to work hands-on and get real-time experience under the guidance of the highly accomplished faculty. The Department has procured the Mentor Graphics to enable the students to learn the latest tools used by the industry.
Over the years, the department has built up laboratories in the areas of Electronic Devices & Instrumentation, Basic Electrical Engineering, Analog Circuits, Digital System Design, Digital Signal Processing, Computer Networks, Advanced Communication, Hardware Description Language (HDL), VLSI, Microcontroller, Embedded Controller and Project/Research.
The department fosters hands-on/realistic learning by encouraging mini projects and industrial visits. Apart from mandatory experiential learning, the department is empowered by Industry Collaboration with Bosch Rexroth Center of Competence, UiPath and KPIT.
To excel in the field of technical education and research by perseverance to produce high quality engineers and technologists having high levels of creativity and ethical standards, contributing effectively to the growth of our society and country
- To impart knowledge in the fields of Electronics, Communication and related areas with a focus on developing the necessary competencies, virtues and qualities expected of an electronics engineer by the society at large
- To familiarize the students with the state of the art technology to meet the growing demands of modern industries
- To foster self-development leading to positive social transformation
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)
PEO1: To produce technically competent graduates with the ability to analyze, design, develop, optimize and implement electronic systems.
PEO2: To excel in professional careers or pursue higher education by acquiring requisite knowledge in the field of Electronics and Communication Engineering.
PEO3: To inculcate adaptability to current and changing trends by engaging in lifelong learning activities by research.
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
The graduates of the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department will be able to
PSO1: Understand the concepts and applications in the field of Communication/networking, signal processing, embedded systems and semiconductor technology.
PSO2: Design the analog and digital systems for given specifications and functions.
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Course Outcomes (COs)
2023 (Autonomous) Scheme Click Here
2022 Scheme Click Here
2021 Scheme Click Here
2018 Scheme Click Here
2017 Scheme Click Here
2015 Scheme Click Here
2010 Scheme Click Here
Department Advisory Board
- Dr.Vinayambika S Bhat, Professor & HoD, Chairperson
- Dr.Prashanth C M, Principal, Member
- Dr.Srikrishna Shastri C, Associate Professor, Member
- Dr.Sathisha, Associate Professor, Member
- Dr.Ramalingam H M, Associate Professor, Member
- Dr. Amit Kumar K, Assistant Professor, Member
- Mr.Ranjith H D, Senior Assistant Professor, Member
- Mrs.Deepthi Shetty, Senior Assistant Professor, Member
- MR.Dony Armstrong Dsouza, Senior Assistant Professor, Member
- Dr.Rathnamala Rao, Assistant Professor, NITK, Surathkal, Academic Expert
- Dr.Vinay, Member of Technical Staff, Manipal Dot Net Pvt. Ltd., Industry Expert
- Mr. Puneeth Kumar, Director Karmic Design Pvt Ltd, Industry Expert
- Ms. Ananya Alva, Alumni (2014-18)
- Mr.Vilas Shetty, Alumni (2016-20)
Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat
Educational Qualifications
B.E- Electrical and Electronics Engineering
M.Tech- Micro Electronics and Control Systems
Ph.D- Robust Control Engineering
20 Years (Teaching)
Area of Interest
- Process Control Engineering
- Robust Control Engineering
- Power Electronics
Professional Membership
- Life Member of ISTE: LM 117756
- IEEE Member: 93010679
Orcid ID
Publons ID
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Vidwan ID
Subjects Handled
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Basic Electronics Engineering
- Network Theory
- Logic Design
- Power Electronics
- Hardware Description Language Control Systems
- Artificial Neural Networks
- Microelectronics
- Operational Amplifiers & Linear ICs
- Advanced Control Systems
- Programmable Logic Controllers
- Electromagnetic Waves etc.
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted:
Conference / Journal Publications :
International Journals
- Vinayambika S Bhat, Thirunavukkarasu Indiran, Shanmuga Priya Selvanathan and Shreeranga Bhat, “Designing multivariable PI controller with multi-response optimization for a pilot plant binary distillation column: a robust design approach”, Journal of Engineering, Design and Technology, Emerald Publishing Limited, 1726-0531, 2023.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, Shreeranga Bhat, and Gijo E.V., “Simulation based Lean Six Sigma for Industry 4.0 – An Action Research in the Process Industry”, International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 1215-1245, 2021.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, Shreeranga Bhat, Gijo E. V. (2021), “Simulation-based lean six sigma for Industry 4.0: an action research in the process industry”, International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, Accepted for publication, DOI: 10.1108/IJQRM-05-2020-0167
- Shreeranga Bhat, Gijo E. V., Anil M. Rego, and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Lean Six Sigma competitiveness for micro, small and medium enterprises (MSME): an action research in the Indian context”, The TQM Journal, Vol. 33 No. 2, pp. 379-406, 2021.
- Shreeranga Bhat, Rio D’Souza, E.S.M. Suresh, Sathyendra Bhat, Ragesh Raju, Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Dynamic classroom strategies to address learning diversity”, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 2021, 34 (Special Issue), pp. 694-702, 2021.
- Poornesh M., Shreeranga Bhat, Rio D’Souza, E.S.M. Suresh, Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Comprehensive strategy to inculcate professional skills among first-year students: A collaborative learning approach, Journal of Engineering Education Transformations, 34 (Special Issue), pp. 599-606, 2021.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, Shreeranga Bhat, and Gijo E.V., “Application of Robust Engineering Approach for DC Motor Controller Design”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 11275-11282, 2020.
- Rumana Ali and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Analysis of Buck Converter Circuit: A Comparative Study Based on Fuzzy Logic and Internal Model Control Techniques”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 11283-11291, 2020.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, K. P. Vishal Kumar, Akshitha G. Shettigar, Nikhitha and Nidhi Dayanand, “Comparative Study of Controllers for Speed Control of an Electric Vehicle”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2236, 040013, 2020.
- Rumana Ali, Vinayambika S. Bhat, Mohammed Arzoo, Aswanth M. V., Mohammed Zakariya and Rifad Pallikandy, “A Novel Technique for Production of Paint from the Diesel Exhaust Soot”, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2236, 040013, 2020.
- Janani R, Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and V. I. George “Identifying the Stabilizing Regions of PI Controller based on Frequency Specifications for a Lab Scale Distillation Column”, International Journal of Digital Signals and Smart Systems, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 1-16, 2020. INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
- Rumana Ali and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Performance Analysis of Converter Circuit Transfer Function Model Using PID Control Algorithms” Advances in Communication, Signal Processing, VLSI, and Embedded Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Springer book series, pp. 25-38, 2019, ISBN 978-981-15-0626-0 (eBook)
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, Akshitha G. Shettigar, Nikhitha, NidhiDayanand, and K. P. Vishal Kumar, “Analysis of PID Control Algorithms for Transfer Function Model of Electric Vehicle”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering, vol. 8, no. 1S4, pp. 1022-1026, 2019, ISSN: 2277-3878
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and S. ShanmugaPriya, “Design of Centralized Robust PI Controller for a Multivariable Process”, Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, vol. 13, no. 5, pp. 1253-1273, 2018. ISSN: 1823-4690
- Revathy Priyadharshini. K., S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Sheesha. C, Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Decentralized PI Control Design for a Pilot Plant Distillation System Using LMI Approach”, Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems, vol. 7, pp. 896-901, 2018. ISSN: 1943-023X
- Santhosh Kumar P. L, S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Decentralized PI controller with Decoupler for the Distillation Column”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 118, no. 20, pp. 9-14, 2018. ISSN 1311-8080
- Santhosh Kumar P. L, S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Experimental Validation of PI Controller Based on Pole Placement for a Batch Distillation Column,” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 118, no. 9, pp. 413-419, 2018. ISSN 1311-8080
- Santhosh Kumar P. L., S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Smith Predictor Based PI Controller Design for a Batch Distillation Column” International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 118, no. 22, pp. 1109-1115, 2018. ISSN 1311-8080
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, S. ShanmugaPriya, and Janani R, “Identifying the Stabilizing Region of PID Controller Using Polytopic Polynomial Approach for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 118, no. 18, pp. 2229-2240, 2018. ISSN 1311-8080
- Janani R., I. Thirunavukkarasu and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Experimental Implementation of CDM based Two Mode Controller for an Interacting 2*2 Distillation Process”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 118, no. 18, pp. 2241-2251, 2018. ISSN 1311-8080
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and S. ShanmugaPriya, “Design and Implementation of Decentralized PI Controller for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column” International Journal of ChemTech Research, vol.10, no.1 pp. 284-294, 2017. ISSN: 2455-9555
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. ShanmugaPriya, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and R. Russell Rhinehart, “Local Transient Model of a Pilot Plant Distillation Response”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 114, no.11, pp.277-287, 2017. ISSN: 1311-8080.
- Bharath K Udupa, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Dayananda Nayak, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Extended Predictive Controller for a First Order Process with Dead Time Model”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 114, no. 10, pp. 477-488, 2017. ISSN 1311-8080
- SreeLathaChopparapu, V. I. George, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Design and Simulation of Kalman Filter for the Estimation of Tray Temperatures in a Binary Distillation Column”, International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. 114, no. 9, pp. 11-20, 2017. ISSN 1311-8080
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and S. ShanmugaPriya, “An Experimental Study on Implementation of Centralized PI Control Techniques on Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, International Journal of ChemTech Research, vol. 9, no.11 pp. 244-251, 2016. ISSN: 2455-9555
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. ShanmugaPriya, and I. Thirunavukkarasu, “A Comparative Study on Control Techniques of Non-Square Matrix Distillation Column”, International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, vol.8, no.3, 2015. pp. 1129-1136. ISSN: 0974-5572
- Arpitha N. S and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Assessment and Attenuation of Essential Tremor of Hand using Vibration Sensor and Matlab Software”, International Journal of Engineering Research and Reviews”, vol. 2, no. 2, 2014. ISSN 2348-697X
International Conferences
- Shreeranga Bhat, Vinayambika S Bhat, Gijo E V and Jiju Antony, “Streamlining the Accreditation Process: A Lean Thinking Approach”, presented in Sixth International Conference on Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education, 15th & 16th November 2022, at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE.
- Published in the Proceedings of Sixth International Conference on Lean Six Sigma for Higher Education, Published by Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2022, ISBN 978-1-61249-867-
- Vinayambika S Bhat, Shreeranga Bhat, “A Smart Road Safety and Accident Alert System using GPS Technology” presented in International Conference on “Innovative and Sustainable Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” in online mode, held on May 27-28, 2022, at Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, Indore in Technical Collaboration with Indian Institute of Engineers.
- Published in the Proceedings of International Conference on Innovative and Sustainable Developments in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2022, ISBN: 978-93-90951-41-3, DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.20047325.v1
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, Shreeranga Bhat, and Gijo E.V., “Application of Robust Engineering Approach for DC Motor Controller Design”, Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering (GCASSTE-2020), organized by MITE, Moodabidri, during Jan 30-31, 2020.
- Shreeranga Bhat, Gijo E.V. and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Production Enhancement and Sustainment through Lean Six Sigma Strategy”, Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering (GCASSTE-2020), organized by MITE, Moodabidri, during Jan 30-31, 2020.
- Rumana Ali and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Analysis of Buck Converter Circuit: A Comparative Study Based on Fuzzy Logic and Internal Model Control Techniques”, Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering (GCASSTE-2020), organized by MITE, Moodabidri, during Jan 30-31, 2020.
- Vinayambika S Bhat, Deepthi Shetty, Shreeganesha K V, Sneha Pai, Abhishek Bhat, P Arunagiri, “Facial Makeup Using Augmented Reality Virtual Try-on” presented in the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computational Electronics and Communication System (AICECS 2023), organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal. This paper has been submitted to be published in IOP: Journal of Physics, a conference proceedings journal by the Institute of Physics, United Kingdom.
- S Karthik Prakash, Aishwarya S B, Amin Pradvith, Vinayambika S Bhat, “Fire detection and pesticide spraying using drone”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 11, Issue 5, May 2022, pp. 911-918, ISSN (O) 2278-1021, ISSN (P) 2319-594 DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.115198
- Shreeganesha K V, Sneha Pai, Abhishek Bhat, P Arunagiri, Vinayambika S Bhat, “Case Study on Augmented Reality Virtual Try-On for Retail Evolution”, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), Volume 10, Issue 5, May 2022, pp. 85-91, ISSN: 2320-2882
- S Karthik Prakash, Amin Pradvith, Aishwarya S. B., Vinayambika S Bhat, “Application of Drone in Fire Detection & Spraying Pesticides”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 7, Issue 5, May 2022, pp. 1084-1088, ISSN: 2456-2165
- Abhishek Deekshith M, Manoj M P, N Prajwal, VamshiKrishna Deekshith K P and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Surveillance Robot for Real Time Monitoring”, presented in international conference on Recent Advances in Modeling and Simulation Techniques in Engineering and Sciences [RAMSTES-2021] Organized by Multiscale Simulation Research Center (MSRC), with Departments of Mechanical, Civil, and Chemical Engineering at Manipal University Jaipur (MUJ) India will be published in the AIP Proceedings.
- Rumana Ali, Vinayambika S Bhat, Abhishek C M, Akash Joseph, Mohammed Arfadh and Akarsh Manoj, “Novel Approach to Harvest Energy from Salinity Gradient”, presented in 2021 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (2021 IEEE DISCOVER) organized by IEEE Mangalore Subsection in association with IEEE Bangalore Section at NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte, Karkala, 19-20 November 2021.
- T Nishanka, Prajwal D, Nishmitha M, and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Real-time Flow Visualization using Projection Mapping Technique”, presented in Global Conference on Recent Developments in Computer and Communication Technologies (GC-RDCT 2021), AJ Institute of Engineering and Technology, Mangalore, Karnataka, India during 29 – 30, July 2021 published in the IOP: Materials Science and Engineering, a conference proceedings journal.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, K. P. Vishal Kumar, Akshitha G. Shettigar, Nikhitha and NidhiDayanand, “Comparative Study of Controllers for Speed Control of an Electric Vehicle”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering (eTIME-2019), organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, during August 9-10, 2019.
- Rumana Ali, Vinayambika S. Bhat, Mohammed Arzoo, Aswanth M. V., Mohammed Zakariya and RifadPallikandy, “A Novel Technique for Production of Paint from the Diesel Exhaust Soot “International Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering, organized by SJEC, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru, during August 9-10, 2019.
- Rumana Ali and Vinayambika S Bhat, “Performance Analysis of Converter Circuit Transfer Function Model using PID Control Algorithms”, International Conference on VLSI, Signal Processing, Power Systems, Illumination and Control, Communication, and Embedded Systems (VSPICE-2019), organized by NMAMIT, Nitte, Udupi, during May 23-24, 2019.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, Dayananda Nayak, and Bharath K Udupa “Extended Dynamics Matrix Controller for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column-An Experimental Implementation” International Conference on Intelligent Machines 2019, Baba Farid Group of Institutions, Bathinda, India, March 15-16, 2019.
- Janani R, Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and V. I. George, “Identifying the Stabilizing Regions of PI Controller based on Frequency Specifications for a Lab Scale Distillation Column” IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Energy, Electronics, and coMputing Systems (SEEMS), organised by I.T.S Engineering College, Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, during 26th and 27th October 2018. BEST PAPER AWARD
- Vinayambika. S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, V. I. George, and Sreelatha C “Controller Design and Implementation for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column” IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), Organized by IEEE Mangalore Sub-Section, held at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering, Moodabidri, Karnataka, during 13th-14th August 2018.
- Santhosh Kumar P. L, S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Experimental Validation of PI Controller Based on Pole Placement for a Batch Distillation Column”, 8th International Conference on Engineering and Advanced in Technology, Organized by Organization of Science and Innovative Engineering and Technology, Chennai, during 22nd and 23rd March 2018.
- Santhosh Kumar P. L, S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Decentralized PI controller with Decoupler for the Distillation Column”, 4th International Conference on “Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Computer Communication” Organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, on 19th and 20th January 2018.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Janani. R., “Design and Implementation of MSC based Multi-loop PID Controller for Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, IEEE International Conference on Circuits Power and Computing Technologies (ICCPCT), Organized by at Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, during 20th and 21st April 2017, Kollam, Kerala– BEST PAPER AWARD. Published in IEEE Xplore.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, S. ShanmugaPriya and Shreesha C, “Predictive Control Algorithm based on Integral Action- Design and Implementation on a Conical Tank System”, 4th International Conference on Mechatronics and Mechanical Engineering (ICPEME), Organized by University of Malaya, Malaysia, during 28th-30th November 2017, published in MATEC Web of Conferences-153, pp. 1-5.
- Janani R, Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, S. ShanmugaPriya, and V. I. George, “Design of Robust PI Controller with Loop Shaping for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Instrumentation and Control Technologies, (ICICICT), Organized by VimalJyothi Engineering College, Kannur, during 6th-7th July, Kannur, Kerala, 2017-BEST PAPER AWARD.
- Janani R, Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Shreesha C, “Multi-variable PI Controller based on Gain and Phase Margins for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress CHEMCON, Organized by Haldia Institute of Technology, Kolkata, 27th-30th December 2017.
- Janani R, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Design of Centralized Robust PI Controller with Loop Shaping for a Non-square Matrix Distillation Column” 4th International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering and Health Sciences (ICCMEHS), Organized by Manipal University, Manipal, during 19th-20th December 2017.
- Janani R, Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and V. I. George, “Admissible set of PI Controllers based on Gain and Phase Margins for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, 30th Symposium of Malaysian Chemical Engineers, Monish University, Malaysia, during 6th-7th December 2017.
- Bharath K Udupa, Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Dayananda Nayak, “Extended Dynamic Matrix Controller for a Pilot Plant Binary Distillation Column”, Indian Chemical Engineering Congress CHEMCON, Organized by Haldia Institute of Technology, Kolkata, during 27th-30th December 2017.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. ShanmugaPriya, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and R. Russell Rhinehart, “Local Transient Model of a Pilot Plant Distillation Response”, 2nd International Conference on Frontiers in Automobile and Mechanical Engineering (FAME), during 7th-9th July 2016, Organized by Sathyabama University, Chennai. BEST PAPER AWARD
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and S. ShanmugaPriya, “Design of Unconstrained DMC to Improve the Distillate Product Purity of the Distillation Column” International Conference on Power, Energy and Mechanical Engineering (ICPEME), Organized by Chulalongkorn University, Thailand, during 18th-20th June 2016, published in MATEC Web of Conferences-77, pp.1-5, BEST PAPER AWARD DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/20167707008.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. ShanmugaPriya, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and ShreerangaBhat, “Design of Multi-Loop Controller for Minimization of Energy Consumption in the Distillation Column”, International Conference on Information and Communication and Communication Engineering (ICICE), Organized by International Scientific Research and Experimental Development, Chicago, USA, during 19th-20th September 2016. BEST PAPER AWARD
- Majaz, Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. ShanmugaPriya, and I. Thirunavukkarasu, “Centralized Controller Tuning for MIMO Process with Time Delay”, 4th International Conference on Renewable Energy Research and Applications, Palermo, Italy during 22nd-25th November 2015. Published in IEEE Xplore, pp. 659-664, 2015. DOI: 10.1109/ICRERA. 2015. 7418494)
National Conferences
- Akshitha G. Shettigar, NidhiDayanand, K. P. Vishal Kumar, Vinayambika S. Bhat and Nikhitha, “Analysis of PID Control Algorithms for Transfer Function Model of Electric Vehicle”, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering (NCETSE-2019) organized by SMVITM, Bantakal, Udupi, during April 25-27, 2019.
- Santhosh Kumar P. L., S. Selva Kumar, I. Thirunavukkarasu, and Vinayambika S. Bhat, “Smith Predictor Based PI Controller Design for a Batch Distillation Column” 7th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Electronics, Instrumentation, Automation and Control (ETEIAC), Organized by Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India, on 16th March 2018.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, S. ShanmugaPriya, and I. Thirunavukkarasu, “A Comparative Study on Control Techniques of Non-Square Matrix Distillation Column”, BRNS- Sponsored XII Control Instrumentation System Conference (CISCON), Organized by Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal, during 2nd- 4th November 2015.
- Vinayambika S. Bhat, and I. Thirunavukkarasu, “Design of Robust Controller for Pure Integrating Process with Time Delay based on Sensitivity Function”, at the National Level Conference on Advances in Energy Conversion Technologies (AECT) Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, MIT Manipal, held during 23rd-24th January 2015.
- Vinayambika H, NarayanaIyer S., Thirunavukkarasu. I, and George. V. I, “An approach to design of controller for time delay system”, at the TEQIP sponsored National Level Conference for PG and PhD Scholars on Recent Trends in Emerging Technologies Organized by NMAMIT, Nitte, 2009
Research Grants Received
- Received a research grant of Rs. 2,97,000/- from Vision Group on Science & Technology (VGST), Government of Karnataka through the scheme Research Grant for Scientist/Faculty Academic Year 2020-21.
Patent details
- Patent Titled “A System and A Method for Classifying Gender and Emotion by Hierarchical Modelling” Application No. 2022/11445, Grant Date: 21/12/2022, Patent Authority: Register of Patents, Republic of South Africa.
Funded Project Details
- Project titled “A Power Supply Using Supercapacitor Storage Powered by Solar PV Cells” by final year students Adithi V Shetty, Adithya N Kateel, Akash N Salian, Harshitha B received grant from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Government of Karnataka during the AY 2022-23 & Sanctioned amount Rs. 6000/- [Ref. No. 46S_BE_0823]. Received Best Project Award of the Year.
- Project titled “Automatic headlamp control using microcontroller” by final year students Bhargava Krishna S K, Kavya S, Kavya G G, Abhishek received grant from Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Government of Karnataka during the AY 2019-20 & Sanctioned amount Rs. 5500/- [Ref. No. 43S_BE_1022].
Dr. Srikrishna Shastri C
Educational Qualification
B.E- Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech- Digital Electronics and Communication
Ph.D- Remote Sensing
20 Years 7 Months (Teaching)
Area of Interest
- Analog Circuits Design
- Remote Seinsing
- Image processing
- Micro Controller
Professional Membership
- Life Member of ISTE: LM 39789
- Life Member of IAENG: 277849
Orcid ID
Publons ID
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Vidwan ID
Subject Handled
- Analog Electronics
- Linear IC’s and Applications
- Power Electronics
- ARM Processors
- 8051 Microcontroller
- Principles of Communication
- Basic Electronics etc.
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
Conference / Journal Publications : International Journal-06, International Conference-07
International Journals
- Srikrishna Shastri C, Ashok Kumar T and Shivaprakash koliwad, “Assessing the effect of Training data on Classification Accuracy in Decision Tree approach”, Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Volume 50, Issue-2, February 2021(ISSN: 1671-4512).
- Srikrishna Shastri C, Arpitha S, “Image Processing based Early Detection of Pest in Agriculture to increase the Crop Yield “International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, June 2020 (ISSN: 2005 -4238).
- A.L Choodarathnakar,Jayanth J,Sivaprakash Koliwad and Srikrishna Shastri C,” Investigating Misclassification of Semi-urban LU/ LC Features on IRS Data based on Fuzzy K-mean” International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology © 2018 IJSRCSEIT | Volume 3 | Issue 3 | ISSN : 2456-3307.
- Jayashree katagihalli and Sri Krishna Shastri C, ”Facial land mark detection and localization Using point Distribution model” International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Electronics Engineering (ISSN 2277-9043),Volume 6,issue 4,April 2017 pp 43-46.
- Sri Krishna Shastri C, Ashok Kumar T and Shivaprakash koliwad, Advances in Classification Techniques for Semi Urban Land Features using High Resolution Satellite Data, International Journal of Advanced Remote Sensing and GIS 2016 ( ISSN 2320 – 0243),Volume 5, Issue 3,March 2016, pp. 1639-1648
- Jayanth J, Dr. Ashok Kumar , Dr. Shivaprakash Koliwad, Sri Krishnashastri, “ Identification of land cover changes in the coastal area of Dakshina Kannada district, South India during the year 2004–2008” The Egyptian Journal of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences,Volume 19 issue 1,June 2016,Pages 73-93.
International Conferences
- Srikrishna Shastri C, Arpitha and Denold sequerra, “Image Processing based Early Detection of Pest in Agriculture to increase the Crop Yield” Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering (GCASSTE-2020) held at Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering,Moodabidri on January 30-31 2020.
- Srikrishna Shastri C, T. Ashok Kumar and Shiva Prakash Koliwad, Accurate classification of remote sensed data for land use/land class of Mangaluru coastal region, IEEE International Conference on current trends in Computer,electrical,electronics & communication-2017, at Vidhyavardhaka vollege of engineering,Mysuru, during 8-9 september 2017.
- Srikrishna Shastri C, T. Ashok Kumar and Shiva Prakash Koliwad, Performance Analysis of Image Fusion Techniques in remote Sensing Applications, International Conference on Recent Innovations in engineering & technology-2015, at Mahabharathi Engg.College,Chinnasalem, Tamilnadu, 13-14, Feb 2015.
- Jayanth J, Dr. Ashok Kumar , Dr. Shivaprakash Koliwad, Sri Krishnashastri, “Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Classification of Remote Sensed Data”, International Conference on Industrial Instrumentation and Control (ICIC) College of Engineering Pune, India. May 28-30,2015.
- A.B. Abhishek, Shivapraksah Koliwad and C. Srikrishna Shastri, Land Cover/Land Use Classification Based on Decision Tree Approach, “ International Conference on Signal processing,Image processing and VLSI-ICrtSIV-2015,at Don Bosco College of engineering,Bangalore on May 15,2015.
- D.S.Sudheer Krishna, Shivapraksah Koliwad and C. Srikrishna Shastri, A Comparitive study of Image Fusion Algorithms, “ International Conference on Signal processing,Image processing and VLSI-ICrtSIV-2015,at Don Bosco College of engineering,Bangalore on May 15,2015.
- Yashas Koingaje, Shivapraksah Koliwad and C. Srikrishna Shastri, “Accesing of Image Fusion Algorithms for Pansharpened RS data,”International Conference on Signal processing,Image processing and VLSI-ICrtSIV-2015,at Don Bosco College of engineering,Bangalore on May 15,2015.
National Conferences
- Srikrishna Shastri,Ramprasad and Ashok Kumar T,Discrete wavelet transform based Image Compression,LE Lab Experiments,A Journal of Laboratory experiments(ISSN 0972- 6055),Kamaljeeth,bangalore,India,Vol.10,No.1,March 2010,pp 33-40.
- Srikrishna Shastri and Ramprasad,Image compression Algorithm using Discrete Wavelet Transform,National conference on Image Processing,VEL tech college of engineering,Chennai,India,8th-9th august 2008.
- Srikrishna Shastri,Ramprasad and Ashok Kumar T,Image compression Algorithm using Discrete Wavelet Transform,National conference on Image Processing,Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision(NCIP),PES College of Engg,Mandya,India,24th-25th August 2009.
Dr. Sathisha
Educational Qualification
BE- Telecommunication Engineering
M.Tech – VLSI Design & Embedded Systems
Ph.D – In the area of Soft Computing in Control Systems
19 Years (Teaching) + 1 Years (Industry)
Area of Interest
- Control Systems
- Signal Processing
Professional Membership
- Life Member of ISTE: LM 117754
- Professional Member of IEEE: 94742199
Orcid ID
Publons ID
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Vidwan ID
Subject Handled
- Digital Signal Processing
- Signals and Systems
- Control systems
- Information Theory and Coding
- Network Theory
- Logic Design
- Transmission Lines and Waveguides
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Logic Design Lab
- DSP Lab
- Advanced Communication Lab
- Microwave and Antenna Lab
- AC+LIC Lab
- HDL Lab
- Micro Controller lab
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
Conference / Journal Publications :
International Journals
- Sathisha Shetty, Kareem, A., Aithal, G. (2024). Integration of Particle Swarm Optimization and Sliding Mode Control: A Comprehensive Review. In: Kalya, S., Kulkarni, M., Bhat, S. (eds) Advances in VLSI, Signal Processing, Power Electronics, IoT, Communication and Embedded Systems. VSPICE 2022. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1062. Springer, Singapore.
- Sathisha, Ninadha Venugopal, Padma Prasada “Adaptive Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020).
- Sathisha, Padmaprasada, Shreya Prabhu K “Novel Approach in IoT-Based Smart Road with Traffic Decongestion Strategy for Smart Cities” in S. Kalya et al. (eds.), Advances in Communication, Signal Processing, VLSI, and Embedded Systems, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 614,© Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2020.
- Padma Prasada, Sathisha, Pinto A.P., Ranjith H.D “FPGA Implementation of Parallel Transformative Approach in AES Algorithm”. In: Fong S., Akashe S., Mahalle P. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 40. pp 333-340. © Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. 2019.
- Padmaprasad, Sathisha, “90nm Node 1T Embedded Flash Memory with Pre – Charge NMOS Transistor” © 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3962
- Padmaprasad, Sathisha, “Design and Implementation of an Embedded System to detect Military Fratricide Crisis” ©2016 IEEE, ISBN: 978-1-4673-6725-7/16
- Harish Bhat N, Sathisha, “Design and Performance Analysis of OTA Based SNR Meter” ©2014 IJMITE, ISSN: 2249-0558
- Sathisha, Anupama Muralidharan, “An Efficient Telecommand Telemetry System based on System on Chip” ©2015 IJIREEICE, ISSN: 2321 – 5526
International Conferences
- Sathisha “Adaptive Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles”, GCASSTE 2020, MITE Moodbidri, January 30th and 31st 2020.
- Sathisha, Padmaprasada “Novel Approach in IoT-Based Smart Road with Traffic Decongestion Strategy for Smart Cities”, VSPICE-2019, NMAMIT Nitte, May 23rd and 24th 2019.
- Padmaprasad, Sathisha “90nm Node 1T Embedded Flash Memory with Pre – Charge NMOS Transistor” ICTCS, Udaipur, Rajasthan, March 04-05, 2016
- Padmaprasad, Sathisha “Implementation of an Embedded Device to Prevent Friendly Fire in Battle Field” International Conference, Commune – 2015, University of Kashmir, March 2015
National Conferences & Journals
- Sathisha, Divyashree K, “An Efficient Multiplier Design using Different Vedic Suthras” in the “National Conference on Communication and Image Processing (NCCIP-14)” 9th May 2014, T. John Institute of Technology, Bangalore
- Sathisha, Ramesh H R, “FPGA Implementation of reconfigurable FIR filters”, National conference on Emerging trends in Electronics and Communication (NCETEC-14), 03- 04 April 2014, BGSIT, BG Nagar, Nagamangala
- Sathisha, Anupama Muralidharan “An Efficient Telecommand Telemetry System based on System on System” in the National Conference on Advanced Innovation in Engineering and Technology(NCAIET-2015) on 24-25 April 2015, AIET, Moodbidri
Dr. Ramalingam H M
Educational Qualification
B.E. -Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech- Digital Communication and Network Engineering
Ph.D – Cloud, Block Chain and Wireless Sensor Networks
12 Years(Teaching) + 1 Years(Industry)
Area of Interest
- Wireless Sensor Network
- Cloud computing, IoT, Block Chain
Professional Membership
- ISTE – LM 117767
- IAENG – 190993
- IEEE-93423981
Scopus Id: 57218712460
Google Scholar Id: 0sl13eUAAAAJ
Orcid Id : 0000-0003-3340-5330
Researcher Id : ADK-2990-2022
Vidwan-ID : 249508
Subject Handled
- Digital Signal Processing
- Principles of Communication System
- Digital Communication
- Computer Communication Networks
- Wireless Communication
- Satellite Communication
- Multi Media Communication
- Cryptography
- Basic Electronics
- Electronic Principle & Circuits
- Power Electronics & Instrumentation
- Python Application Programming
- Design Thinking
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
- Completed Innovation Ambassador training Advanced Level Conducted by MoEs Innovation Cell & AICTE on 06-9-2023
- Completed Innovation Ambassador training Conducted by MoEs Innovation Cell & AICTE on 22-8-2022
- Participated FDP on Internet of Things for precision systems organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing
- Attended Blockchain Technology – Applications, Issues and Challenges , Organized by NIT- Warangal and MITE from 21-2-2022 to 2-3-2022
- Attended An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Innovation & Design Thinking, organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre (VTU – Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur 6 to 10 December 2021.
- Attended Three-day FDP on “In Alignment OBE & NEP 2020: Approaches for Quality Enhancement” at MITE
- Participated and Successfully completed One Week AICTE – VTU Joint Training Programme for Teachers on “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Innovation & Design Thinking”
on 6th to 10th December 2021 Organized by VTU Human Resource Development Centre (VTU – HRDC), Centre for PG Studies, VIAT, Muddenahalli, Chikkaballapur - participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Internet of Things for precision systems” from 13/09/2021 to 17/09/2021 at Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing.
- Completed Intellectual Property Workshop conducted by Strat up Karnataka in the month of June 2021.
- participated & completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on ” SERVERLESS IOT FOR SOCIETAL PRODUCTS” from 2021-05-24 to 2021-05-28 at Indian Institute of Information Technology Kottayam.
- Attended Two Day National Open Workshop on “Getting Aligned to the Publishing Process”- Author Workshop at Elsevier, on Friday 25 September, 2020.
- Attended AICTE Sponsored Online Short Term Training Program on “Mathematical foundations of Machine Learning (Linear Algebra & Probability Basis)” organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte-574110, Karnataka, India during 07th to 13th August 2020.
- Attended Three days FDP on Deep learning with data science and machine learning from 13-15 July 2020.
- Attended STTP on “Sensor, IoT & Machine Learning” from 1st June 2020 to 5th June 2020 conducted by, K. J. Somaiya College of Engineering, Vidyavihar, Mumbai.
- Attended “Online National Conference on Quality in Teaching Learning and Evaluation: A need for Academic excellence” conducted by St.Aloysius College, Jabalpur, M.P on 29th and 30th May 2020.
- Participated in “India Technology week @Home” organized by Electronics for you from 13th to 15th May 2020.
- Attended 5 days “Ui Path Educator Workshop” from 3rd to 7th June 2019 at SRM University Chennai.
- Participated in 2days Intellectual Property(IPR) Rights Workshop on 21st and 22nd February 2019 at SEC, Vamanjoor.
- Attended “Energy optimization in Data centers” on 5th February 2019 at IIT-Madras.
- Attended 3 days workshop on “Writing Research Proposal, IPR and Patenting” from 31st July 2nd August 2017. In ACS College of Engineering. Bengaluru.
- Attended TEQIP II Sponsored STTP on “ Recent Advances in MEMS Based virtual Instrumentation & Application (MBVIA’16)” organized by Pondichery Engineering college from 27th June to 2nd July 2016.
- Attended three days “Workshop on Research methodologies and Latex” at MITE, Moodabidri. from 19th -21st july 2016.
- Attended FDP on “Industrial digital design with verilog HDL” organized by department of ECE, AIET Mijar during 29th & 30th December-2014.
- Participated in a 3-days workshop On “Signals & systems Using Matlab & Simulink” organized by Department from 30th April to 2nd May 2013 at MITE-moodabidri.
- Perumal B., Pallikonda Rajasekaran M., and Ramalingam H M, “WSN Integrated Cloud for Automated telemedicine (ATM) Based E-Healthcare Applications” International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Technology (ICBBT 2012), Singapore, 26th – 28th Feb, 2012.
- H.M.,Perumal.B., “Wireless Sensor Grid Architecture for e-health care application in cloud environment”, Proceedings of the National Conference on VLSI, Embedded and Communication systems (NCVEC 2012) Jan-2012.
- Ramalingam H M, Pallinkonda Rajasekaran M, “Three tier sensor grid architecture for e-health care application in cloud environment”, IEEE International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computers, Communication, Mechanical and Computing (EECCMC). 28th & 29th January 2018.
- Ramalingam H M , Mallikarjun Biradar , “Survey on Energy Efficient Routing Simulation in WSN”, All India Conference on “Emerging Engineers and Building up Technical Innovation in Modern Era in The Institution of Engineers (India). On September 15th 16th, 2014.
- Ramalingam H M, Pallinkonda Rajasekaran M, Nagesh H R, “A Secure Multi-tier Framework for Healthcare Application Using Blockchain and IPFS”, International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering 2022.
- Ramalingam H M, Nagesh H R and Chethan, “AN IOT BASED SMART GROCERY MONITORING SYSTEM”, Global Conference on “Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering (GCASSTE-2020), MITE- Moodabidri-30-1-2020.
- Ramalingam H M, Mohamed Fazil , Pallikonda Rajasekaran M, Kottaimalai R, Vishnuvarthanan G , “Edge-Driven Biometrics and Facial Recognition for Virtual Assistant “, 2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering (ICEMCE), December 14 – 15, 2023, Madurai, India.10.1109/ICEMCE57940.2023.10433957
- M. Pallikonda Rajasekaran, K. Rajesh, R. Jenitha, Ramalingam H.M, ” Agronomic Soil Testing Miniature with WSN”, 2023 Innovations in Power and Advanced Computing Technologies, 12/8/2023 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- UP Narendra, M Prabhakar, BS Pradeep, HM Ramalingam, “Externalization of tacit knowledge using context maps” , International Conference on Medical Imaging, Electronic Imaging, Information Technologies, and Sensors (MIEITS 2024), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Sanathkumar S J, Ramalingam H M, Yajnesh K, Sheshank Kulkarni, “Pothole Detection using TINYML” , International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering & Management, Volume-9, Issue-3, 2024
- Ramalingam, H.M., Ajay, Kotian, D., Sequeira, “A Comparison Study of Abnormal Human Activity Analysis” ) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Communications and Cyber Physical Engineering . ICCCE 2024. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol 1096. Springer, Singapore.
- Sanathkumar S J, Ramalingam H M, Yajnesh K, Sheshank Kulkarni, “A REVIEW ON RISK-BASED ANALYSIS USING STATIC AND DYNAMIC IDENTIFIERS” ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 12, Issue 6, June 2023.
- Ramalingam H M Ajay , Dishu Kotian, Elroy Sequeira, “Unusual Behavior Detection: An Analysis of Abnormal Human Activity”‘,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 12, Issue, 4 , Pages 1161-1168. 2023.
- Rithin M Ramalingam H M , Vismita Kuppayya Naik , Sushan S Hegde , Sharon Joyel Lobo, “Implementation of a Password less Multifactor Authentication Scheme”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ,Volume 12,Issue 4,Pages 361-365. 2023.
- Ramalingam, H.M., Nagesh, H.R., Rajasekaran, M.P. (2023). A Secure Multi-tier Framework for Healthcare Application Using Blockchain and IPFS. In: Kumar, A., Mozar, S., Haase, J. (eds) Advances in Cognitive Science and Communications. ICCCE 2023. Cognitive Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore.
- Ramalingam H M Mohamed Fazil , Rohan S , Ashritha C , Nagesh Shetty, “Smart Irrigation for Crop Management Using IoT”, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS, Volume-5, Issue -5 ,Pages 921 – 928, 2022.
- Aditya Umesh Shet, Sheikh Rameez Ibrahim, Mayuri Joshi, Shon Lesly Menezes, Ramalingam H.M, “Implementation of Efficient Inception V2 model for Apparel Counterfeit Detection”, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume- 7,Issue-4, Pages 871 – 877, 2022.
- Sarath Sabu∗, H.M. Ramalingam, M Vishaka, H.R. Swapna, Swaraj Hegde, “Implementation of a secure and privacy-aware E-Health record and IoT
data sharing using blockchain” Global Transitions Proceedings, 13 August 2021. - Kakuthota Rakshitha∗, Ramalingam H M, M Pavithra, Advi H D, Maithri Hegde, “Sentimental analysis of Indian regional languages on social media” Global Transitions Proceedings, 13 August 2021.
- Ramalingam H M, Pallinkonda Rajasekaran M, Nagesh H R “Experimental Study of High-Performance Computing in Three Tier Architecture for E-Health Care Application” International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 29(7), 11078-11085. June 2020.
- Ramalingam H M, Pallinkonda Rajasekaran M, Nagesh H R “WBAN Implementation in a Parallel Processing Environment for E-Healthcare Applications” International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking Vol. 13, No. 4, (2020), pp. 4963–4969.
- Akshay P N, Ramalingam H M, Nisarga, “Email Client Automation With RPA”, Journal of critical reviews 7(19): 787-795 July 2020.
- HM Ramalingam,HR Nagesh, M Pallikonda Rajasekaran, “WBAN implementation in a parallel processing environment for E-healthcare applications”, nternational Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, Volume- 13, Issue- 4, Pages 4963-4969, 2020.
- HM Ramalingam, HR Nagesh, M Pallikonda Rajasekaran, “Review on bio-signal processing software packages”, ; International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology, (Volume 6, Issue 5), 2020.
- Mallikarjun Biradar, Ramalingam.H.M , “LEACH and DD LEACH Simulation Comparison in OMNET++ Environment” , International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Research( IJEER), ISSN 2348-6988(online). Vol. 3, Issue 2, pp:(487-490), April-June 2015.
- Sachinkumar H Pujar, Ramalingam.H.M, “Scaled Hybrid permutation network for multicore system” , International Journal of Combined Research & Development (IJCRD) , eISSN:2321-225X; pISSN:2321-2241 Volume: 2; Issue: 6; June -2014.
Patent Details
- System and Method For Extensions To Subword Analysis Of Small Vocabulary And Large Vocabulary ASR with Application No: 2021104848 Australian Patent Granted on:15/06/2022
- Method of Store and Share The Electronic Health Records, IoT Data In A Secure And Privacy Aware Manner, Indian Patent Application No: 202241009289 , Published on 3-4-2022.
- IOT Based Kitchen Cabinet and The Method of Stock Monitoring, Indian Patent Application No: 202241014876, Published in the Patent office Journal No. 12/2022 Dated: 25/03/2022.
Invited Talks
- ‘Emergency Communication’ on invitation by Andra Pradesh State Disaster Management Authority , Government of Andra Pradesh July 2017.
- Intellectual Property Rights , Canara Engineering College, Mangalore.
- Delivered Keynote address in the MANGALORE (NATIONAL IP YATRA) event on 13 & 14 Feb,2024.
- Delivered a Session on “AI in Natural Language Processing “, in Faculty Development program AI: The omnipresent Sapient on 24-6-2024 organized by Department of MCA, Kalasalingam Academy of Research & Education, Tamil Nadu
- Delivered an Expert Talk on “Transforming Ideas into impactful Projects: Hackathon insights” on 20-8-2024 organized by the Department of Data Science & Engineering, Manipal University , Jaipur.
- The Project ‘AI Based Crop Management System’ Won the First Prize with a Cash Prize of US $10,000 in the ‘Global TIBCO Labs IoT and Sustainability Hackathon 2022’
- Guided Projects won Best Project Award at Unisys India National Project Competition
- ‘SoP Monitoring System using AI for Covid Management’, 2022 (Won Cash Prize of INR 1.25 Lakhs)
- ‘Smart Telematics System’, 2019 (Won Cash Prize of INR 1 Lakh)
- ‘Co-Di-Ra Messenger for Disaster Management‘, 2017 (Won Cash Prize of INR 1.25 Lakhs)
- ‘Triplet Li-Fi for Improved Data Rate’, 2016 (Won Cash Prize of INR 1 Lakh)
Dr. Amit Kumar K
Educational Qualification
B.E – Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech – VLSI Design and Embedded Systems
Ph.D – Image Processing
15 Years (Teaching)
Area of Interest
Image Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning, CMOS VLSI Design
Professional Membership
Life Membership of IFERP: 61207021
Life Membership of IAENG: 294793
Orcid ID
Publons ID
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
Vidwan ID
Subjects handled
- Microprocessors and Microcontrollers
- Analog and Digital Electronics
- Digital System Design and Computer Organization
- Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
- Fundamentals of CMOS VLSI
Workshop/FDP/STTP Attended
Conferences Attended
- IEEE Conference: “Highly robust and efficient random feature coordination schema using DNN for melanoma Skin Cancer Detection” presented in the conference title “International Conference on Industry 4.0 Technology 2022 (I4Tech2022), Pune” Date of Conference 23rd & 24th September 2022.
- IEEE Conference: “An Efficient Method to Minimize the Depth Estimation Error in Melanoma Skin Cancer Classification”, in the conference title International Conference on Circuits, Control, Communication and Computing (I4C – 2022) Date of Conference 21st – 23rd December 2022.
- International Journal on “Harnessing the Power of Image Analysis and Machine Learning for Accurate Oncology Prognosis” in International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Management, Volume 5, Issue 4, pp:308-312, ISSN: 2395-5252.
- International Conference: Presented a paper titled “Prediction and Management of Traffic Congestion using Machine Learning” in International conference on “Recent trends in Computing and Communication Engineering” (ICRTCCE-2024) organized by Department of Wireless Communication, SIMATS School of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu held on 23rd March 2024.
- International Conference: Presented a paper titled “Plug and Play: The Accessibility of Mobile Charging Stations for Our Electric Vehicle” in International conference on “Recent trends in Computing and Communication Engineering” (ICRTCCE-2024) organized by Department of Wireless Communication, SIMATS School of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu held on 23rd March 2024.
- International Conference: Presented a paper titled “Real Time Detection and Prediction of Agricultural Land Degradation from Urbanization Intrusion using Satellite Imagery” in 2nd International conference on “Emerging Areas in Science, Technology-2023” (ICEAST-2023)- In collaboration with ICT Academy on 24th and 25th March 2023 at KLS VDIT, Haliyal.
- International Conference: Presented a paper titled “Oncology: Prognosis Using Image Processing and Machine Learning” in 2nd International conference on “Emerging Areas in Science, Technology-2023” (ICEAST-2023)- In collaboration with ICT Academy on 24th and 25th March 2023 at KLS VDIT, Haliyal.
- National Conference: Presented a paper “Electric Lineman Safety with Password based Circuit using Raspberry PI 3” in National Conference NCASRSEM – 2018 held at PESITM, Shivamogga.
Journals Published
- Q1 Journal: “Trained Neural Networking Framework based Skin Cancer Diagnosis and Categorization using Grey Wolf Optimization”, in the Scientific Reports Nature Journal.
- Q2 Journal: “Augmented Intelligence enabled Deep Neural Networking Framework for Skin Cancer Classification and Prediction Using Multi-Dimensional datasets on Industrial IoT Standards” in Elsevier Microprocessors and Microsystems. Elsevier Journals with an Impact Factor 3.503.
Patent details
- Design Patent on “Augmented Reality Glasses for Skin Cancer Classification”.
- Design Patent on “Device for Detection of Melanoma Skin Cancer using AI”.
- Design Patent on “5G-Enabled Device for Medical Services”.
Mr. Dony D’Souza
Educational Qualification
B.E- Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech- Digital Electronics and Communication
Ph.D – Pursuing in the area of Audio Signal Processing
13.5 Years(Teaching) + 2 Years(Industry)
Area of Interest
- Audio Signal processing
- Embedded System
- Power Electronics
- Automotive Electronics
Orcid ID 0000-0001-7756-2202
Publons ID ABC-4604-2021
Scopus ID 57211136132
Google Scholar ID
Vidwan ID 249524
Professional Membership
- Life Member of ISTE: LM 117759
- Associate member of IETE
- IAEN: 272554
Subject Handled
- Digital Image processing
- Speech Processing
- Automotive Electronics
- Microwaves and RADAR
- Analog Communication
- Digital Communication
- Satellite communication
- Antenna And Wave propagation
- Power Electronics
- Electronic Instrumentation
- Microcontrollers
- Digital Electronics
- Basic Electronics
- Basic Electrical
Conference / Journal Publications
International Journals
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza “Implementation of Transceiver in GMSK communication using iterative Algorithm”.International journal of Electrical and Electronics Research. Volume 3,issue 2 2015.ISSN:2348-6988
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza “Analysis of K-means Clustering based image segmentation”.Volume 10,issue 2 march 2015
International Conferences
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , Dr. Verna Devi Shastrimath V. Ganesh V N. “Pedal Effects Modeling for Stringed Instruments by Employing Schemes of DSP in Real Time for Vocals and Music” VSPICE 2019 Nitte. Springer lecture notes series.ISBN: 978-981-15-0626-0
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , Dr. Verna Devi Shastrimath V. “Modelling of Audio effects for Music and voice synthesis” ICCMC 2019. IEEE Digital Explore. ISBN:9781-5386-7808-4
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , Sunitha Lasrado,Ganesh V.N “Virtual Analog and digital Effects model for Vocal and Musical Sound synthesis in real time”.(ICECE-2012)Inter research network IRNET. Bangalore
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , Simha D.K.L N “Implementation of Transceiver in GMSK communication using iterative Algorithm”. DBIT.Bangalore. may 2015.
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , Ganesh V.N “Implementation of 3D Audio Acoustic Modelling for real time application using Blackfin Processor.”DBIT Bangalore.Feb 2014
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza . Priya P “A review on comparison of edge based image segmentation techniques in the field of crop deseases”ICEECE-Pune. Feb 2015.
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza . Simha D.K.LN“Implementation of Transceiver in GMSK communication using iterative Algorithm”. DBIT.Bangalore. May 2015
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , Ganesh V.N “Implementation of 3D Audio Acoustic Modelling for real time application using Blackfin Processor.”DBIT Bangalore.Feb 2014
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza .Priya P “A review on comparison of edge based image segmentation techniques in the field of crop deseases”ICEECE-Pune. Feb 2015
National Conferences
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza , “Virtualization of Analog and digital effects model for vocal and Musical synthesis in real time”
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza . “Low cost,Power based musical synthesizer based on FM Sub modulation”Feb 2011.SJEC Mangalore
- Dony Armstrong Dsouza ,Sowmya M “Feature extraction of hyperspectral images based on LBP and RF feature Extraction Techniques”.SDIT Mangalore.May 2016
Funded Projects
Main- Incubation: walktron- shoes. 2.75 lakhs Fund.
- Identification of Bird species using Image and Sound processing. Fund is Rs 7000/-
- Intelligent Wiper system for vehicles and Won the Best Project in the Electronics and Communication Engineering Stream in the state and funding of Rs 5000/-
- Intelligent Wiper system- Won the best project Presentation at state level project competition held at GSSSIETW Mysore.
Mr. Ranjith H D
Educational Qualification
B.E.- Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech- Digital Electronics and Communication
Area of Interest
Wireless Communication, Embedded system, Digital Signal Processing
Professional Membership
- Life Member of ISTE: LM 117766
- IEEE Member # 92109467
- International Association Of Engineers (IAENG) :262580
Orcid ID 0000-0002-9927-9085
Scopus ID 57191275260
Google Scholar ID
Vidwan ID 249671
Subject Handled
- Network Analysis
- Wireless Cellular and LTE 4G Broadband
- Computer Organization and Architecture
- Control System, Wireless Communication,
- Linear Integrated circuits and Applications
- operating system, Basic Electrical Engineering
- Embedded System Design
- VLSI Design
- Advanced VLSI Design
- Real Time Systems
- Network Security and Analog Mixed Mode VLSI Design
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
- Participated in the three days’ International Web Symposium on Technology and Management conducted by Visvesvaraya Technological University in collaboration with Aspire For Her Fondation from 16/12/2020 to 18/12/2020.
- Attended National IP Literacy week Organized under KAPILA: Kalam Program for IP Literacy and Awareness by AICTE-MIC- IIC Innovation cell of Ministry of Education AICTE-MIC- IIC during 15th to 23rd of october 2020.
- Participated in the three days’ workshop in Next Generation Electronic Syatems: Heterogeneous Integration, Thermal and Power Management, Related Machine Learning Conducted by Binghamton University, IIT Madras and IIT Ropar on 6th, 7th and 8th Octobar 2020.
- Participated in the AICTE Recognized AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Sustainability Engineering” from 7-9-2020 to 11-9-2020 at Mangalore Institute Of Technology And Engineering.
- Participated in the AICTE Recognized AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online FDP on “Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Applications in Biomedical Engineering” from 21-9-2020 to 25-9-2020 at University BDT College of Engineering.
- Participated in One day National Level workshop on “How to plan Research” on 3-10-2020 organized by Research and Development cell of G H Raisoni University Amaravathi.
- Successfully completed “Wireless Communications for Everybody” an online six week course authorized by School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering & Integrated Technology Yonsei University and offered through Coursera on 7th March 2020.
- Participated in the Faculty Development Programme on “Operations Management: Developing new perspective in the era of AI/ML” organized by Meerut Institute of Technology, Meerut from 30th May to 4th June, 2020.
- Participated in Webinar on “NANOCARBON MOLECULES”, Organized by the Department of Physics, Perunthalaivar Kamarajar Institute of Engineering and Technology (PKIET) on 04th July 2020.
- Participated in the AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Environment and Sustainable Development Conducted by Rural Development Department from 20-04-20 to 24-04-20 (One Week) at NITTTR, Chandigarh under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
- Participated in the AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on Linux Applications in Engineering Education from 27-04-20 to 01-05-20 (One Week) Organized by Computer Science and Engineering Department at NITTTR, Chandigarh under Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
- Successfully completed “Initiating and Planning Projects” an online course authorized by University of California, Irvine and offered through Coursera on 18th April 2020.
- Successfully completed self-paced training course MATLAB Onramp on 18th april 2020.
- Participated in the VTU Sponsored Five day FDP on “3D PRINTING” Under TEQIP 1.3 held from 8th to 12th July 2019 at A.J Institute of Engineering and Technology Mangaluru.
- Participated in TEDxMITE conducted by Mangalore Institute of Technology and Engineering , Moodabidri on 23rd February 2019.
- Participated Two week Faculty development programme on “Entrepreneurship for Academicians” at SDMIT Ujire from 7th to 19th January 2019 conducted by National science and Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board (NSTEDB) ,Department of Science and Technology (DST), Govt.of India, Newdelhi, Entrepreneurship Development Institute of india (EDI), Ahmedabad.
- Completed AICTE Approved FDP by IIT Bombay on ” ET702x: Designing Learner-Centric MOOC” from 02 August 2018 to 06 September 2018.
- Attended 2 days FDP on “Pedagogy in Outcome Based Education” Conducted by Department of Mechanical at MITE, Moodabidri on 20th and 21st July 2018.
- Completed AICTE Approved FDP by IIT Bombay on “Mentoring Educators in Educational Technology (FDP301x)” from 17 May to 27 June 2018.
- Completed AICTE Approved FDP by IIT Bombay on “Pedagogy for online and Blended Teaching-Learning Process” (FDP201x) from 14th september to 12 th October 2017.
- Completed AICTE Approved FDP by IIT Bombay on “Foundation Program in ICT for Education” (FDP101x) from August 3rd to september 7th, 2017.
- Participated In Anna University supported Faculty Development Programme On “Principles of Digital Signal Processing “held at KPR Institute of Engineering & Technology, Coimbatore during 13-19 june 2016.
Australian Patents Grant
Title: NLP-ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE BASED AUTOMATIC DETECTION OF INFECTION RATE OF PANDEMIC DISEASES (COVID-19) with IP Australian batch reference SPBI-0002368629, Application No:2020102643, Customer No: HCW6883353728, Patent No: 2020102643, Grant Date: 11/11/2020.
Conference / Journal Publications
International Journal
- Published Paper Titled “An Efficient Kannada Language Based Agricultural Helpline System for Agriculturist Using IoT” in International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing Vol. 13, No. 2, (2020), pp. 1077 – 1081, ISSN: 2005-4262.
- Published Paper Titled “Tactile Braillie Display using Relay Switch” in Journal of Advanced Science and Technology Vol. 29, No. 7, (2020), pp. 106086-10609 ISSN: 2005-4238.
- Published Paper Titled “Anti-Theft Control system”, in International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT) ISSN: 2278-0181RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings.
- Mr. Ranjith H D, “FPGA Implementation of Parallel Transformative Approach in AES Algorithm”. In: Fong S., Akashe S., Mahalle P. (eds) Information and Communication Technology for Competitive Strategies. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 40. pp 333-340. Springer-2019, Singapore.
- Mr. Ranjith H D “90nm Node 1T Embedded Flash Memory with Pre – Charge NMOS Transistor” ICTCS ’16, March 04-05, 2016, Udaipur, India © 2016 ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-3962-9/16/03.
- Mr. Ranjith H D “Security Enhancement On LEACH Protocol From HELLO Flood Attack in WSN Using LDK Scheme” in IJIRSET Volume 4, Issue3, May 2015 Edition (ISSN 2347-6710).
National Conference Proceedings
- Mr. Ranjith H D, “Anti-Theft Control system”, in the National level conference on Recent Trends in Electrical science and Information Technology-2019, YIT Moodabidri.
International Conference Proceedings
- Presented Paper titled “Tactile Braillie Display using Relay Switch” in the Global Conference on Advanced Smart & Sustainable Technologies in Engineering held at MITE, Moodabidri, India on January 30th & 31st, 2020 and Secured Best Paper award.
- Mr. Ranjith H D, “Enhancement of Security and Intrusion Detection on LEACH Protocol in WSN” in International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks –i3CN organized by Coorg Institute of Technology, South Kodagu on May 2015.
Funded Projects
- Project Title“Detection of speed Breaker and Accident Avoidance “for the academic year 2019-20 got selected for KSCST (Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology) Grant.
- Project Title“Conversion Of Atmospheric Air To Source Of Energy Water” for the academic year 2017-18 got selected for KSCST (Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology) Grant and also for State level exhibition at Bapujii Institute of Engineering and Technology, Dhavanagere on 10th and 11th August 2018.
- Project titled “IOT Based Automatic Waste Management System” for the academic year 2015-16 got selected for KSCST (Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology) Grant and also for State level exhibition at Bijapur.
- Project Title “Tactile Braille Display Using Relay Switch” for the academic year 2014-15 got selected for KSCST (Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology) Grant and also for State level exhibition at sahyadri engineering college, Mangalore on 21st and 22nd August 2015.
Mr. Uday J
Educational Qualification
B.E-Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech-Digital Electronics and Communication System
6 Years(Teaching) +1 year (Industry)
Area of Interest
Digital Circuit Design, Image Processing
Orcid ID 0000-0001-7971-1486
Publons ID ABC-2101-2021
Scopus ID 57204482618
Google Scholar ID
Subject Handled
- Basic Electronics
- Satellite Communication
- Wireless Communication
- Electronic Instrumentation
- Image Processing
- Network Analysis
- Signals and Systems
Research Book:
- Dr. Mohana H S, Rajith Kumar B K, Uday J, “Pattern Recognition Technique for Kannada Script Analysis” (Research Book) – Lambert Academic Publication, 2020 (ISBN: 978-620-2-55300-1)
Number of Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted : 10
Conference / Journal Publications :
International Journal
- Uday J, “A Review on LoRa Transmission”, IJERT, Vol. 10, Issue 11, 2022
- Uday J, “ E-Patha- A Hyperlocal Weather Monitoring Application Using Django Framework”, IJARCCE, Vol.11, Issue 5, May 2022
- Uday J, “ E-Patha- A Location based Web Application Using Django Framework”, IJARCCE, Vol.10, Issue 11, 2022
- Uday J, “Geofensing Technology for Sustaining Vehicular Noise Pollution in Urban Areas”, IEEE 2022, ISBN: 978-7381-4637-9/21/, 2022 (Scopus Indexed)
- Uday J, “Drainage Overflow Detection”, IRJET, Vol 7, June 2021
- Uday J, Rajithkumar B K, “A Novel Architecture of 32-bit Modulo 2n-1 Adder”, IJAST, 2020
- Uday J et al, “Implementation of 16 bit Hybrid modulo 2n-1 Adder”, IJERT, Vol 6, Issue 15,2018.
- Uday J, G H Asha, “Implementation of Modulo 2n+1 Adder and Multiplier”, IJECT, Vol. 5, Issue 2, April-June 2014.
International Conference
- Presented a paper on “An Automatic Drainage Overflow Detection System” in Recent Trends in Science & Technology ICRTST – 2020, organized ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru.
- Presented a paper on “A Novel Architecture of 32-bit Modulo 2n-1 Adder” in Global Conference on Advanced Smart and Sustainable Technologies in Engineering (GCASSTE)” Moodbiri
- Uday J. et al “Edge Detection of Degraded Stone Inscription Kannada Character”, in Proceedings of IC3T-2016, Springer-AISC Series, Vol 542, pp 11-20, ISSN 2194-5357, 2017. (Indexed in SCOPUS, ISI Proceedings, EI-Compendex, DBLP, Google Scholar and Springer link)
- Uday J. et al, “Read and recognition of old Kannada stone inscriptions characters using novel algorithm”, IEEE 2016, ISBN-978-1-4673-9825-2/15/$31.00 (2016). (Scopus Indexed)
- Uday J, G H Asha, “Implementation 32-bit Area Efficient Hybrid Modulo 2n+1 Adder and Multiplier”, IEEE 2014, ISBN-978-1-4799-4190-2/14/$31.00 (2014). (Scopus Indexed)
Mrs. Deepthi Shetty
Educational Qualification
BE, M.Tech
8 Years
Area of Interest
Power System Engineering
Orcid ID 0000-0003-4516-284X
Subject Handled
- Basic Electrical Engineering
- Network Theory
- Logic Design
- Power Electronics
- Microcontroller
- Power System Analysis 1
- Energy Management & Auditing
- Computer Techniques in Power System Analysis
- Power System Operation & Control
Number of Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
- Online teacher’s Training Program on “An Overview of Teaching Techniques in Scientific Foundations of Health” organised by AICTE – VTU
- Faculty Development Program on ‘Computational Mathematics with MATLAB’ organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, MITE in association with MathWorks and Corel Technologies
- Faculty Development Program on ‘In alignment with OBE & NEP 2020: Approaches for quality Enhancement’ organised by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, MITE
- Training program on ‘VLSI Design using Cadence Tool Suite’ organised by Dept. of Electronics & Communication Engineering, MITE
- International Workshop on Advanced Technologies in Electrical and Electronic Systems (ATEES-2022)” organised by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi
- Five Days Certification Program (Online)” on Real Time Simulation using Typhoon HIL organized by Quarbz Info Systems Kanpur and Typhoon HIL Gmbh, Switzerland
- Online Skill Development Program on PCB Design using Open Source Tools organised by NITK-Centre for Research in Electric Vehicle and Photovoltaic Systems
- National level Faculty development Program on “Innovative Teaching Strategies and Tools in the digital Age organized by Sri Aurobindo Institute of Pharmacy, Indore and SCROLLWELL
Conference Attended
Presented a research paper entitled “Facial Makeup Using Augmented Reality Virtual Try-on” in the Second International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Computational Electronics and Communication System (AICECS 2023), organized by Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
Mrs. Vidya Dudhanikar
Educational Qualification
B.E-Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech-VLSI Design & Embedded Systems
4 Years (Teaching)
Area of Interest
Orcid ID 0000-0002-5315-3591
Subject Handled
- Digital Signal Processing
- Fundamentals of HDL
- Multimedia Communication
- Basic Electronics
- Microwaves and RADAR
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
- FDP on “New Model Curriculum for First year BE/BTECH-CBCS Detailed syllabus(2018-19) as per Outcome Based Education format including course outcomes and Bloom’s Taxonomy”, organised by VTU Belagavi at Sahyadri College of Engineering and MGT, Mangalore on May 2018.
- FDP on “Psycho-Pedagogy of Classroom” at SIT Mangalore on December 2017.
- Workshop on “CMOS, Mixed Signal and Radio Frequency VLSI Design”, conducted by IIT Kharagpur at SIT Mangalore from 30th January to 4th February 2017.
- Workshop on “Storage Area Network (SAN) Configuration and Management” organized by Data Lifecycle company at SIT Mangalore on 9th and 10th July 2015.
- Workshop on “Control Systems” organised by IIT Kharagpur at SIT Mangalore from 2nd to 12th December 2014.
- Workshop on “The Power of FPGA and ASIC Design with Mentor Graphics Tools”, organized by Department of ECE, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belgaum on 10th and 11th March 2014.
- ATAL online FDP on “Photonics” at National Institute Of Technology Karnataka, from 1st to 5th January 2021.
International Journals
- • Published paper entitled “ Detection of Diseases in Arecanut Leaves using YOLOv8” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2023.
• Published paper entitled “Smart Detection System in Defence: A Review”, in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 11, Issue 4, April 2023.
• Published paper entitled “Path Planning and Obstacle Avoidance using ROS”, in International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 7, Issue 6, June 2022. - Vidya K M and Flevita Janice Pinto, “Railway Track Inspection using Arduino and Image Processing” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 6, Issue 11, November 2018 with impact factor 7.194.
- Vidya K M and Flevita Janice Pinto, “Solar Powered Logging Detection Using Mobile phones” in International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Volume 4, Issue 9, September 2016 with impact factor 6.577
National Conferences
- Vidya K M, “Technical Review of Graph Cut Based Image Thresholding”, National Conference on Advanced Communication, VLSI Design and Signal Processing (NCCVS 13) organized by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering held at K S School of Engineering and Management on April 2013.
Ms. Bhavya S
Educational Qualification
B.E. – Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech – Digital Electronics and Communication
Total Experience
11 Years
Area of Interest
- Signal Processing
- Image Processing
- Communication
Orcid ID 0000-0002-5181-1052
Publons ID AFJ-6526-2022
Scopus ID 57235870600
Subject Handled
- Basic Electronics
- Network Analysis
- Analog Communication
- Microprocessor
- Image Processing
- Network Security
- Optical Fibre Communication
Number of Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
1. Presented a technical paper titled “Air Traffic Management System Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast In (ADS-B In)” at the National Conference on NCDI3C held at MVJCE, Bangalore.
2. Presented a technical paper titled “Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast In (ADS-B In) system” at the international conference on ICETE12 held at NMAMIT, Nitte.
3. Presented a technical paper titled ” A study on cloud computing security issues and solutions” at the national conference on NCRTCC-2016 held at Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere.
4. Presented a technical paper on ”A review on Inter -Carrier interference reduction technique in OFDM system”at the national conference on NCICT held at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
5. Presented paper titled “Machine Learning Applied to Speech emotion analysis for depression recognition” at the International conference for Advancement in Technology held at NIT, Goa
Conference / Journal Publications :
- Presented a technical paper titled “Air Traffic Management System Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast In (ADS-B In)” at the National Conference on NCDI3C held at MVJCE, Bangalore
- Presented a technical paper titled ” A study on cloud computing security issues and solutions” at the national conference on NCRTCC-2016 held at Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere
- Presented a technical paper on ”A review on Inter -Carrier interference reduction technique in OFDM system”at the national conference on NCICT held at Dayanand Sagar College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
International Journals
- Machine Learning Applied to Speech Emotion Analysis for Depression Recognition,” 2023 International Conference for Advancement in Technology (ICONAT), Goa, India, 2023, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/ICONAT57137.2023.10080060
- Case study on Depression detection from speech using Machine learning Techniques” in IRJIET Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 1-20, January-2022.
- “Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast In (ADS-B In) system for Air Traffic Control”in International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Volume.4.Issue.1.,.Dec-2014,pp.080..-.084
- Bhavya S, “Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast In (ADS-B In) system for Air Traffic Control” Journal International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Volume.4.Issue.1.,.Dec-2014,pp.080..-.084
International Conferences
- Presented a technical paper titled “Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast In (ADS-B In) system” at the international conference on ICETE12 held at NMAMIT, Nitte.
Ms. Sowjanya
Educational Qualifications
B.E- Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech- VLSI Design & Embedded Systems
2 years & 11 Months
Area of Interest
Orcid ID 0000-0001-8683-8637
Google Scholar ID IA_JO7AAAAAJ
Subjects handled
VLSI Design
Information Theory & Coding
Digital Communication
Fiber Optics & Networks
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
- International Faculty Development Program on “NLP and ChatGPT Applications” organized by SECAB Institute of Engineering and Technology from 14th August 2023 to 19th August 2023.
- Participated in the AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Protection from Cyber Attacks” Conducted by Information Management and Emerging Engineering Department from 07/08/2023 to 11/08/2023 (One Week) at NITTTR, Chandigarh.
- Faculty Development Workshop on “VLSI to System Design: Silicon-to-End Application Approach” from 31st July to 4th August 2023 conducted by AICTE in association with ARM Education and ST Microelectronics with support from Cadence Design Systems.
- One week Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence and its Applications”, conducted by department of Computer Science and Engineering from 3rd July 2023 to 8th July 2023 at Chalapathi Institute of Technology.
- Two days workshop on “Digital Analog and Mixed Signal Modelling and Verification with the State of the Art EDA Tools”, held on 10th and 11th March 2023 at Manipal School of Information Sciences, MAHE, Manipal.
- FDP on “Embarking on Open Source Software in an Engineering & Research Journey” organized by Department of ECE, Research center in association with FOSS Group, VTU, Belgavi from 19th to 24th April 2022.
- NPTEL Online Certification Program on “CMOS Digital VLSI Design” Jan- Mar 2022 (8 Weeks Course).
- Three Days FDP on “In Alignment with OBE & NEP 2020: Approaches for Quality Enhancement” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodabidri form 17th February 2022 to 19th February 2022.
- ATAL online FDP on “Photonics Technology: A new era of Communication” at Indian Institute of Information Technology Ranchi from 21st to 25th September 2021.
- ATAL online FDP on “Industrial Robust for Future Factories” at National Institute of Technology Puducherry from 13th to 17th September 2021.
- ATAL online FDP on “Photonics” at National Institute of Technology Karnataka from 1st to 5th January 2021.
Conference Attended
- Technical paper under the title, “Design and Implementation of Ramp ADC using 45 nm Technology”, presented at the 4th IEEE International Conference on Communication and Electronics Systems (ICCES-2019), held on 17th -19thJuly 2019 at PPG Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, India.
- Technical paper under the title, “Performance Comparison of DAC’s using 45 nm Technology”, presented at the proceeding of International Conference on Electronics, Communication, and Aerospace Technology (ICECA-2019), held on 12nd – 14th June 2019 at RVS technical Campus, Coimbatore, India.
- Technical paper under the title, “Study of Comparators using 45 nm Technology”, presented at the proceedings of International Conference on intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS-2019), held on 21st and 22ndFebruary 2019 at palladam, Tamil Nadu, India.
Journals Published
- Published a technical paper entitled “A Review on Design and Implementation of 6T SRAM Cell” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE 2023), DOI:10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.126100, Vol. 12, Issue 6, June 2023.
- Published a technical paper entitled “Design and Implementation of an Efficient Functional Blocks for SAR ADC using 45nm Technology” in GIS Science Journal, ISSN No: 1869-9391, Volume 10, Issue 5, 2023.
- Published a technical paper entitled “A Review on Design of Comparators using 45 nm Technology” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE 2023), DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12413, Vol. 12, Issue 4, April 2023.
- Presented a technical paper entitled “Classification and Grading of Areca Nuts using Machine Learning and Image Processing Techniques”, in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT), ISSN: 2320-2882, Vol. 10, Issue 8, August 2022.
- Published a technical paper entitled “A Review on Classification and Grading of Areca Nuts using Machine Learning and Image Processing Techniques”, in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE 2023), DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2022.11571, Vol. 11, Issue 5, May 2022.
Ms. Deeksha Bekal Gangadhar
Educational Qualification
B.E- Electronics and Communication Engineering
M.Tech- Digital Electronics & Communication
2 years 7 Months
Area of Interest
- Image processing
- Signal processing
Orcid ID 0000-0002-5322-3043
Publons ID AAA-4703-2022
Scopus ID 57223145697
Google Scholar ID NgvAYAAAAJ
Subjects handled
- Wireless and Cellular Communication
- Satellite Communication
- Cryptography
- Optical Fiber Communication
- Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship
Workshops / FDPs / SDPs / STTPs Attended/Conducted
- International Faculty Development Program on “NLP and ChatGPT Applications” organized by SECAB Institute of Engineering and Technology from 14th August 2023 to 19th August 2023.
- AICTE Recognized Faculty Development Programme on “Protection from Cyber Attacks” Conducted by Information Management and Emerging Engineering Department from 07/08/2023 to 11/08/2023 (One Week) at NITTTR, Chandigarh.
- Short terms course on “IoT Platforms Overview” by Infosys Springboard, August 2023.
- Faculty Development Workshop on “VLSI to System Design: Silicon-to-End Application Approach” from 31stJuly to 4th August 2023 conducted by AICTE in association with ARM Education and ST Microelectronics with support from Cadence Design Systems.
- Short terms course on “Wireless 4G-5G enabing technologies” by Infosys Springboard, July 2023.
- Short terms course on “Fundamentals of Cryptography” by Infosys Springboard, July 2023.
- One week Faculty Development Program on “Artificial Intelligence and its Applications”, conducted by department of Computer Science and Engineering from 3rd July 2023 to 8th July 2023 at Chalapathi Institute of Technology.
- Short term course on “JavaScript” from GUVI on March 2023.
- Short term course on “AI for Women” from GUVI on March 2023.
- Three days training on “VLSI Design Using Cadence Tool Suite” from 8th to 10th September 2022 organized by Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE), Moodabidri.
- FDP on “Embarking on Open Source Software in an Engineering & Research Journey” organized by Department of ECE, Research center in association with FOSS Group, VTU, Belgavi from 19th to 24th April 2022.
- ATAL online FDP on “Block Chain Technology” Conducted by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Dharwad from 28th February to 04th March 2022.
- Three Days FDP on “In Alignment with OBE & NEP 2020: Approaches for Quality Enhancement” organized by Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodbidri form 17th February 2022 to 19th February 2022.
- Completed a NPTEL, 12 weeks course (Jan- Apr 2022) on Deep Learning from IIT Kharagpur.
- ATAL online FDP on “Industrial Robots for Future Factories” authorized by National Institute of Technology Puducherry from 13th to 17th September 2021.
- Two days Awareness workshop on “Improving Research & Performance Outcomes” organized by Elsevier, August 2021.
- One day workshop on “Effective and Efficient Online Teaching” using BodhiTree platform conducted by IIT Bombay, May, 2021.
- Attended 4 weeks workshop on Entrepreneurship Development Programme held from 03rd – 31st December 2018, conducted by Department of Science & Technology, Govt. of India through EDC, NMAMIT, Nitte.
Conference Attended
- Attended the pre-conference tutorial on Machine Learning at International Conference on VLSI, Signal processing, Power Systems, Illumination and Control, Communication & Embedded Systems (VSPICE-2019), held at NMAM Institute of Technology on 22nd May 2019.
- Participated in the “Project Exhibition” at “5th Industry institute Conclave on Electronics, Computational and communication Technologies (I2CONECCT-2019)” held at PESITM, Shivamogga on May 11th, 2019.
- Presented a paper on “Detection of Arrhythmia by the Analysis of De-noised ECG signal using Wavelet Transform Technique” at national conference on “Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering (NCETSE-2019)” held at SMVITM, Bantakal in association with ISRO, Bengaluru from 25th to 27th April 2019.
- Presented a paper titled “Satellite Image Compression Using DCT Technique” at 3rd “International Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Communication, Computer Technologies and Optimization Techniques (ICEECCOT-2018)” organized by GSSS institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore from 14th to 15th December 2018.
Journals Published
- Published a paper titled “A Review on Survey Instrument to Measure Light pollution” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 10, Issue: 07, July 2023, pp. 412-417.
- Published a paper titled “Smart System for Effectively Managing Luggage at Commercial Places” GIS Science Journal, Volume 10, Issue: 05, May 2023, pp. 1359-1369.
- Published a paper titled “Smart Baggage Handling System – A Review” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume 12, Issue: 04, April 2023, pp. 159-166.
- Published a paper titled “Classification of Various Animal Species for Forest Survey and Monitoring- A Review” in International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) , Volume 10, Issue: 08, August 2022, pp. 403-406.
- Published a paper titled “Survey and monitoring of Forest by the Classification of Various Animal Species” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE), Volume 11, Issue: 05, May 2022, pp. 377-381.
- Published a paper titled “Study of Hypocalcemic Cardiac Disorder by Analyzing the Features of ECG Signal Using DWT Technique” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06, Issue: 06, June 2019, pp. 328-333.
- Published a paper titled “Detection of Atrial Fibrillation by Analyzing the Position of ECG Signal using DWT Technique” in International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), Volume: 06, Issue: 05, May 2019, pp. 7522-7526.
- Published a paper title “Satellite Image Compression Using DCT Technique” in the IEEE Xplore, DOI: 1109/ICEECCOT43722.2018.9001533, (pp. 665-669), December 2018, IEEE.
Funded Project Details
• Received a grant of Rs. 5000/- from KSCST for the project guided with title “ Species Classification for Forest Survey and Monitoring”
Mr. Avinash N J
Educational Qualification
- BE (Electronics and Communication)
- Tech (Digital Electronics)
Teaching 9.6 years + Industry (6 months)
Area of Interest
Digital signal Processing , Image Processing, Machine Learning, Embedded Systems.
Orcid ID 0000-0002-0200-1053
Publons ID HII-5754-2022
Scopus ID Scopus preview – Avinash, J. N. – Author details – Scopus (23097372300)
Google Scholar ID Avinash N.J – Google Scholar
Professional Membership
- Life Member of ISTE-LM99998
Subject Handled
- Digital Signal Processing
- Digital Electronics
- Basic Electronics
- VLSI Design
- Microcontroller-8051
- Microprocessor-8086
- Arm Controller (Arm Cortex-M3)
- Embedded System Design
- Python and its Applications
- Digital System Design Using verilog
- Signals and Systems
- DSP Algorithms and Architectures
- Network Analysis
- AI
- Machine Learning
Workshop / FDPs /SDPs / STTPs
- Participated in the 5-days Faculty Development Program on “Next Generation Wireless Networks for Autonomous Intelligent Communications” Organized by Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering, Bengaluru and technically sponsored by The Institution of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE), Bengaluru held from 26-12-2022 to 30-12-2022.
- Participated Five – Day Online FDP on “Recent Advances in Power Electronics and Power Systems” Organized by Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Lakireddy Bali Reddy College of Engineering,Mylavaram, Krishna(Dt), A.P. from 10.11.2021 to 15.11.2021.
- Participated & Completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “Embedded System and Robotics” from 15/11/2021 to 19/11/2021 at HKBK College of Engineering.
- Participated & Completed successfully AICTE Training And Learning (ATAL) Academy Online Elementary FDP on “3D Printing and Design” from 25/10/2021 to 29/10/2021 at Centre for Electronic Governance.
- Participated in Five days FDP on “ Recent trends in Data Science Applications” held at SMVITM Bantakal from 23-27 November 2020.
- Participated in one week online FDP on “Information Security: Issues and Challenges (ISIC-2020)” organized by Department of Computer Science & Engineering, Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad, Prayagraj,Uttar Pradesh, India during November 17 – 21, 2020.
- Participated in Five days FDP on “ Advances in Signal Processing and Wireless Communication” organized by the department of Electronics and Communication Rajeev Institute of Technology, Hassan from 24-29 August 2020.
- Attended and completed AICTE Sponsored Online STTP on “Mathematical Foundations of Machine Learning” Organized by the department of Electronics and Communication NMAMIT Nitte 07-13 August 2020.
- Participated in Two days FDP on “VLSI Chip Design and Verification using Mentor Graphics EDA Tool” held at SMVITM Bantakal on 22-23 July 2019.
- Participated in five days FDP on “ Programming on ARM Processor with hands on using ESA KEIL ARM Cortex-M3 “ Organized by the department of Telecommunication Engineering, Bengaluru from 11-15 December 2017.
- Participated in five days FDP on “PLC, HMI, SCADA, DRIVE, Analog Module” organized by the department of Instrumentation and Control Engineering, MIT Manipal during December 12-16 2016.
- Participated in “Recent Trends in VLSI & Embedded System Design using Xilinx” at SMVITM Bantakal from 11 – 13 July 2016.
- Participated in a two days workshop on “FPGA and ASIC Design Using Mentor Graphics Tools” Organized by Dr MVSIT on 13-14 August 2015.
- Participated in the one day workshop on “Fundamentals of Analog Integrated Circuit Design” at SMVITM Bantakal on 17 June 2015.
- Participated in the short term course on “instructional design and delivery systems” By NITTR Chennai at SNMP Moodbidri from 17/02/2014 – 02/03/2014.
Patents Filed and Grants
- Fake Image detection Using Machine Learning Process thereof, application number (202241039509A) filed ,Published and grant amount of 5200 from KAPILA (2023).
- Novel Arrangement of System And Method For Efficient Categorized Consumer Garbage Collection Using Internet Of Things (IOT), application number (202241048464A) filed ,Published and grant amount of 5200 from KAPILA (2023)
- Using a Face detection High Alert Mail System to Prevent and Limit Unauthorized Entry, application number (202341020453A) filed ,Published.
- Detection of Face Mask and Temperature Based Entry Restrict system using email Notification, application number (202241039519A) filed ,Published.
- Motor Speed Control Using Fuzzy Logic (Filed).
- Analysis of Air Pollution In A Smart City Infrastructure Using Internet of Things (Filed).
Conferences / Journal Publication
International Conferences
- Presented a paper “Design and Implementation of 32-Bit MIPS RISC Processor with Flexible 5-Stage Pipelining and Dynamic Thermal Control” International Conference on Intelligent and Innovative Technologies in Computing, Electrical and Electronics, ICIITCEE 2023 IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper “Design and Analysis of Efficient IoT-Based Pollution Monitoring System in Urban Area”. Springer Conference (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper “Towards Intelligent and Rush Free Errands using an Intelligent Chariot” Springer Conference (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper “Providing Knee Movement Assistance using Android and IOT” at ICOSEC-2021 held on 7-9 october 2021. IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper “Android App and RFID Based Smart Ration Distribution System” at ICMNWC-2021,SSIT Tumkur on 03-04 December 2021.IEEE Xplore (scopus and WOS Indexed).
- Presented a paper “An Automated Robotic Arm: A Machine Learning Approach” at ICMNWC-2021,SSIT Tumkur on 03-04 December 2021. IEEE Xplore (scopus and WOS Indexed)”.
- Presented a paper “High Performance Electronic Voting Machine (EVM) Implementation Using ARM Cortex M3.International Conference on I-SMAC IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper “WSN in Defense Field: A Security Overview” IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper “Triggering and auditing the event during intrusion detection in WSN’S defense application” IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper ”A comprehensive study of Neural Networks using R” IEEE Xplore at ICPECTS 2020 – IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems.(scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper ”Smart Fridge for Global Users Based on IOT using Deep Learning” at ICPECTS 2020 – IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems. IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper ”A New Automated Electrical System using Smart Grid Technology” at ICPECTS 2020 – IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems. IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
- Presented a paper ”Biometric Authentication for Safety Lockers Using Cardiac Vectors” ICPECTS 2020 – IEEE 2nd International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems . IEEE Xplore (scopus Indexed).
Journal Publication
- Avinash N J . et al Comparative Analysis of XOR and XNOR gates using CMOS logic Structure Using Mentor Graphics Tool, GIS Science Journals, ISSN-1869-9391,Volume 7,Issue 7, July 2020.
- Avinash N J et al Soil Nutrient Tester and Air Purification System, IJERT, ISSN 2278-0181, Volume 7, Issues8, 2019 June.
- Avinash N J et al Drone Assisted Rescue System, IJERT, ISSN 2278-0181, Volume 7, Issues8, 2019 June.
- Avinash N J et al Design of ARM7 processor core with constraint of power and area consumption using FSM modeling and random logic method ,IJIFR,ISSN: 2347-1697,June 2016,Volume 3,Issue 10.
- Avinash N J et al Design of ARM & Processor Core with Constraint of Power and Area Consumption Using FSM Modeling And Random Logic Method, IJIFR, Volume 3, Issue 10, page no. 3705-3717 2016.
- Avinash N J et al Design of Area Efficient Binary To Gray Code Converter Using Mentor Graphics, IJACET, Volume 3, Issue 5, page no 10-15.
- Avinash N J et al ICA Algorithm for Image Enhancement and Improvement of Word and Character Recognition In Epigraphs, IJCESR, page no.72-76.
- Avinash N J et al An Efficient Public Distribution System using IOT, GSM and BAN Technology, IJERECE, Page no. 84-87.
- Avinash N J et al Virtual Eye, IJSER, page no.235-237.
Patent details
Fake Image detection Using Machine Learning Process thereof, application number
(202241039509A) filed ,Published and grant amount of 5200 from KAPILA (2023).
● Novel Arrangement of System And Method For Efficient Categorized Consumer
Garbage Collection Using Internet Of Things (IOT), application number
(202241048464A) filed ,Published and grant amount of 5200 from KAPILA (2023)
● Using a Face detection High Alert Mail System to Prevent and Limit Unauthorized Entry,
application number (202341020453A) filed ,Published.
● Detection of Face Mask and Temperature Based Entry Restrict system using email
Notification, application number (202241039519A) filed ,Published.
● Motor Speed Control Using Fuzzy Logic (Filed).
● Analysis of Air Pollution In A Smart City Infrastructure Using Internet of Things (Filed).
Mrs. Deepthi
Educational Qualification
B.E., M.Tech
Teaching: 2.6 yrs
Industry: 5.4 yrs
Professional Membership:
ISTE : LM – 136396
ORCID : 0000-0002-7155-3994
Publons Web of Science ResearcherID: HJP-2343-2023
Vidwan-ID: 332090
Area of interest:
Medical image processing
Artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Advanced embedded systems
Subjects handled:
Fiber optics communication
Biomaterials and artificial organs
Journals Published
- Published a technical paper entitled “Medical Image Analysis of Knee Osteoarthritis using Modified Deep CNN” in Journal of Survey in Fisheries Sciences, 10(2S), pp.133-144.
- Published a technical paper entitled “Implementation of River Surface Cleaning Machine – A Review” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE 2023), DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.12472, Vol. 12, Issue 4, April 2023.
- Published a technical paper entitled “A Review on Health Monitoring System” in International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering (IJARCCE 2023) DOI: 10.17148/IJARCCE.2023.126112, Vol. 12, Issue 6, June 2023.
Dr.Sruthi Dinesh
PhD – Microwave and RF
MTech – Digital Electronics
MBA- HR and Marketing
BTech- Electronics and Communication Engineering
2 year teaching, 1 year industry
Microwave Electronics
Wireless Communication
Professional Membership
IEEE Member- 94251177
Life Member IST- LM 136423
Microwave and Antennas
Digital Electronics
Basic Electronics
Computer Organization and Architecture
Wireless Communication
Workshop/FDP/STTP Attended : 14
- Dinesh, C.V. Vinisha, D.D. Krishna, J.M. Laheurte and C.K. Aanandan, “Pattern Reconfigurable End-Fire Antenna Array with High Directivity,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, vol.111, 185-197, 2022. (Scopus)
- S. Dinesh, C.V. Vinisha, D.D. Krishna, J.M. Laheurte and C.K. Aanandan, “ Highly Directive Planar End-Fire Antenna Array,” Progress In Electromagnetics Research C, vol.106, 45-59, 2020. (Scopus)
- Sruthi Dinesh, Deepti Das Krishna and C.K. Aanandan, “ An Inset and CPW fed Slotted Patch Antenna at 38 and 60 GHz Bands for 5G Wireless Communications”, International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews, Jan-March issue 2019, ISSN:2279-0543.
- Sruthi Dinesh, “Talking Glove- A Boon for the Deaf, Dumb and Physically Challenged”, International Journal of Advanced Research in Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol.4, Issue-5, May 2015,pp: 1366-1369, ISSN:2278-909X.
- C.V. Vinisha, Dinesh Sruthi, Rajan Vivek, Prakash Karavilavadakkethil, Aanandan Chandroth, Vasudevan Kesavath & Pezholil Mohanan (2021), “An electrically small ultra-wideband CPW-fed monopole antenna”, Progress In Electromagnetics Research C. 114. 159-172.
- Sruthi P. and Sruthi Dinesh, ” Panoramic Image Creation”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Vol.1, Proceedings of National Conference on Discrete Mathematics and Computing( NCDMC-2017), ISSN: 2278-2834.
- Hrudya B Kurup, Sruthi Dinesh, Ramsha M, Stephen Rodrigues, “ A Novel Low Profile Dual-Frequency Shorted Patch Antenna”, International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering , ISSN 2277-3878, vol.8, Issue-5, January 2019, pp 2469-2472.
- S. Dinesh, D.D. Krishna, J.M. Laheurte and C.K. Aanandan, “A Super-directive Two-Element Parasitic Dipole Antenna,” 2019 IEEE Asia Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), Singapore,2019, pp.554-556.
- Sruthi Dinesh, Deepti Das Krishna and C.K. Aanandan, “ A compact dual band slotted patch antenna for 5G applications”, Proceedings of ICRAET Coimbatore, 8-9 February 2019.
- Sruthi Dinesh, Varada P, Deepti Das Krishna , Jean Marc Laheurte and Aanandan C.K., “ A Super-directive Planar Parasitic Dipole Array”, Proceedings
- of APSYM, CUSAT, 3-5 December 2018.Sruthi Dinesh and Aanandan C.K. , “Frequency Reconfigurable Slotted Patch Antenna for Mobile Applications using MEMS Cantilever Switch,” Proceedings of COMSOL Conference, Bangalore , 9-10 August 2018.
- Hrudya Kurup, Sruthi Dinesh, Ramsha M and Stephen Rodrigues, “ Design of a Compact Single Band Printed PIFA,” Proceedings of APSYM, CUSAT, 3-5 December 2018.
Dr. V. Sandeep
Educational Qualification
- D. in the field of GaN-based semiconductor devices from Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education in the year 2021.
- Tech. in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems from Reva Institute of Technology and Management in the year 2017.
- E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Hindusthan College of Engineering and Technology in the year 2012.
Post doctoral research fellow: in Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, from 02-05-2022 to 25-01-2024.
Area of Interest
Semiconductor devices, VLSI circuit design
Professional Membership
IEEE: 95075557
Orcid ID
Publons ID
Scopus ID
Google Scholar ID
TomyWFMAAAAJ&hl (Sandeep V – Google Scholar)
Workshop/FDP/STTP Attended
- Participated in an INUP-i2i 2022 8th User Awareness Workshop on Fabrication and Characterization Facility for Nanotechnology, organized by Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, on 22nd and 23rd June 2023.
- Participated in an INUP-i2i 2022 Online Familiarization Workshop on 2D Semiconductor Nanodevices and Simulations, organized by the Centre for Nanotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, from 8th to 10th December 2022.
- Participated in an INUP-i2i Online Familiarization Workshop on Nanofabrication and Characterization, organized by Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, from 8th to 10th February 2023.
- Participated and assisted in organizing an AICTE Training and Learning (ATAL) Sponsored One-Week Faculty Development Program on “Future Perspective of Semiconductor Devices”, organized by the Department of ECE, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, from 21st to 25th June, 2021.
- Participated and assisted in organizing a Two-Day National Level Hands-on Training on “Modelling of Semiconductor Quantum Devices for a Sustainable Energy System using TCAD”, organized by IEEE Student Branch, in association with the Department of ECE, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, on 8th and 9th January, 2021.
- Participated in a Three-day National Level Hands-on Training Program on “Power Semiconductor Device Modeling and TCAD Simulation,” organized by Vellore Institute of Technology, from 29th November to 1st December, 2019.
- Participated and assisted in organizing in a Two-day workshop on “Technology development with TCAD,” organized by Department of ECE, Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, 29th and 30th April, 2019.
- Participated in the Texas Instruments India Analog Maker Competition 2015, conducted by Texas Instruments India University Program in association with Starcom Information Technology Limited, held at Reva Institute of Technology & Management.
Conference Attended
- IEEE International Semiconductor Conference (CAS) organized by the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies, Romania, to present a paper “Design and Investigation of a Charge Plasma-based dopingless Cylindrical NW SCFET for sub-10 nm”, on 11th October 2023.
- 4th International IEEE Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology, organized by RVS Technical Campus Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, to present a paper “CSI based Analytical Model for evaluation of DC Characteristics in AlGaN/GaN/AlInN MOS-HEMT using high-k dielectrics”, on 5th November 2020.
- Kalasalingam Global Conference (KGC 2019), organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamil Nadu, to present a paper “Analytical Modeling of AlGaN/InGaN/GaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) through Polarization effects”, on 18th December 2019.
- IEEE International Conference on Electron Devices Society Kolkata Chapter (EDKCON), organized by IEEE Electron Devices Society, to present a paper “Performance Evaluation of LiNbO3-based Negative Capacitance Field Effect Transistors (NCFETs)”, on 26th November 2022.
- IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS), organized by Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education, Tamil Nadu, to present a paper “Evaluation of Charge Density and Sheet Carrier Concentration in the 2DEG Area of AlGaN/AlN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs)” on 11th April 2019.
- National Conference on Advancements in Science, Engineering and Technology, organized by RR Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, Karnataka to present a paper “A Secured E Health Architecture using the Internet of Things”, on 7th May 2016.
Journals Published
- Sandeep, V., Pravin, J.C., Babu, A.R. and Prajoon, P., 2020. Impact of AlInN Back-Barrier Over AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT With HfO₂ Dielectric Using Cubic Spline Interpolation Technique. IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67(9), pp.3558-3563.
- Sandeep, V. and Pravin, J.C., 2021. Influence of graded AlGaN sub-channel over the DC and breakdown characteristics of a T-gated AlGaN/GaN/AlInN MOS-HEMT. Superlattices and Microstructures, 156, p.106954.
- Viswanathan, S., Pravin, C., Arasamudi, R.B. and Pavithran, P., 2022. Influence of Interface trap distributions over the device characteristics of AlGaN/GaN/AlInN MOS‐HEMT using Cubic Spline Interpolation technique. International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields, 35(1), p.e2936.
- Kumar, S.A., Pravin, J.C., Sandeep, V. and Sridevi, R., 2023. Implementation of charge plasma based dopingless multi bridge channel MOSFET for enhanced performances. Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 147, p.115619.
- Saritha, N.R., Pravin, J.C., Sandeep, V. and Ramakrishnan, V.N., 2023. Analytical modeling and quasi-static characterization of a lithium niobate (LiNbO3)-based metal–ferroelectric–metal–insulator–semiconductor (MFMIS) NCFET. Journal of Computational Electronics, pp.1423-1432.
- Sandeep, V. and Charles Pravin, J., 2021. Effect of ZrO2 Dielectric over the DC Characteristics and Leakage Suppression in AlGaN/InGaN/GaN DH MOS-HEMT.
- Sandeep, V., Kondappan, S. and Jone, A.A., 2021. Anomaly intrusion detection using svm and c4. 5 classification with an improved particle swarm optimization (I-PSO). International Journal of Information Security and Privacy (IJISP), 15(2), pp.113-130.
- Sandeep, V., Jawandhiya, P.M., Alagarsamy, S.B. and Harkut, A.V., 2019. Robust Ct Images Noise Reduction Using Wavelet And Contourlet Transform. International Journal Of Innovations In Scientific And Engineering Research (IJISER), 6(4), pp.21-28.
- Sandeep, V., Pravin, J.C. and Kumar, S.A., 2023, October. Design and Investigation of a Charge Plasma-based dopingless Cylindrical NW SCFET for sub-10 nm. In 2023 International Semiconductor Conference (CAS)(pp. 161-164). IEEE.
- Sandeep, V., Pravin, J.C., Babu, A.R. and Prajoon, P., 2020, November. CSI based Analytical Model for evaluation of DC Characteristics in AlGaN/GaN/AlInN MOS-HEMT using high-k dielectrics. In 2020 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communication and Aerospace Technology (ICECA)(pp. 471-478). IEEE.
- Sandeep, V. and Pravin, J.C., 2021. Analytical Modeling of AlGaN/GaN/InGaN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs) through Polarization Effects. In Sustainable development in engineering and technology(pp. 371-383). 3ciencias.
- Pravin, J.C., Anusha, G., Supriya, C.T., Sumanth, P.S., Sandeep, V. and Selle, J., 2022, November. Performance Evaluation of LiNbO 3-based Negative Capacitance Field Effect Transistors (NCFETs). In 2022 IEEE International Conference of Electron Devices Society Kolkata Chapter (EDKCON)(pp. 96-101). IEEE.
- Sandeep, V. and Saravanan, K., 2022. A comprehensive analysis on different machine learning and data mining techniques for anomaly intrusion detection. In Sustainable development in engineering and technology(pp. 373-390). 3ciencias.
- Pravin, J.C., Kirtika, K. and Sandeep, V., 2019, April. Evaluation of Charge Density and Sheet Carrier Concentration in the 2DEG Area of AlGaN/AlN High Electron Mobility Transistors (HEMTs). In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Techniques in Control, Optimization and Signal Processing (INCOS)(pp. 1-4). IEEE.
- Sandeep, V. A Secured E-health architecture using the Internet of Things. In National Conference on Advancement in Science, Engineering and Technology (ASET – 2016) (pp. 219-224). International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7 (5), (pp. 219-224).
Mr. Prakash L S
- Diploma(ECE)
- E(ECE)
- Tech(VLSI Design & Embedded systems)
- Microcontrollers
- CMOS Design
- Analog Electronics
- Analog Communication
- Embedded systems
- Analog Communication
- Microcontrollers
- Applications of Electronics
- Embedded systems
Professional Membership
ISTE Life-Member-ID-LM136425
Orcid ID 0000-0002-9592-5190
Publons ID HJP-0400-2023
Scopus ID 58311504500
Google Scholar Link
Vidwan ID 332075
Workshop/FDP/STTP Attended
1. Five-days Online FDP on the theme “Inculcating
Universal Human Values in Technical Education” organized by All India Council for Technical Education
2.Three days FDP on C++ in KVG Sullia
3.VLSI to System design -5 days FDP by AICTE
4.IOT Workshop at Yenepoya Institute of Technology
Journals Published
1.Freshness Analysis of Fruits Using Machine Learning Volume 12, Issue 4, April 2023
2.A Review on Plant pathology and Diagnosis Volume 12, Issue 6, June 2023
3. Freshness Analysis Of Fruits Using Machine Learning Published in Volume 10 Issue 5, May-2023
Educational Qualifications:
- B.E: Electronics and communication
- M Tech: Digital Electronics
- 7 years (teaching)
Area of interest:
- Microcontroller
- Embedded Systems
- Analog Electronics
- Network Theory
Conference/Journal Publications:
- Poornima K, Roopashree, “Non-invasive detection of Coronary stenosis by Parametric and harmonic modeling of heart sounds”, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE) ,Vol. 11, Issue 3, Ver. 1 May-June 2016
Ms. Sithara Mary Sunny
Educational Qualification
BTech, MTech, PhD (Pursuing)
2 years 9 months – Infosys Technology Limited
1 year 9 months – Wynad Resins :
Area of Interest
Biomechanics, Machine learning, python programming
Orcid ID
Scopus ID
Workshop/FDP/STTP Attended
- Two-day workshop on “Grid Connected Solar PV System” organized by Agency of Non-conventional Energy and Rural Technology (ANERT) in collaboration with KSEB at Amal Jyothi College of Engineering, Kanjirapally, in the year 2018.
- Three-day FDP on “Deep learning and Applications” organized by the Information & Communication Technology at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal in the year 2023.
- One week workshop on “Robotics and Industrial Automation” organized by the Department of Mechatronics at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal in the year 2023.
- Completed a 6-day certificate course on “Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity” offered by MAHE-ISAC Centre of Excellence for Cybersecurity, MAHE, Manipal.
- Completed Coursera course “Introduction to TensorFlow for Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Deep Learning – course 1 of the DeepLearning.AI TensorFlow Developer Professional Certificate program”
- Completed Coursera course “Python for Data Science, AI & Development”
Conference Attended
- S M Sunny, K S Sivanandan, A P Parameswaran, T Baiju and S N Bhat, “Mathematical representation of physical and psychological aspects during human locomotion”, 2nd International Conference on Computational Sciences- Modelling, Computing and Soft Computing (CSMCS-2022) [March 28th-30th, 2022]
- T S Sangeetha, S M Sunny, K S Sivanandan, A P Parameswaran, and T Baiju, “Development of a Software-Based Driving System Module for Lower Limb Exoskeleton”, 2nd International Conference on Computational Sciences- Modelling, Computing and Soft Computing (CSMCS-2022) [March 28th-30th, 2022]
- S M Sunny, K S Sivanandan, A P Parameswaran, T Baiju and S N Bhat, “A Novel Technique to Mathematically Represent the Human Knee Dynamics through the Application of the Integral Concept”, in IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER- 2022) [October 14th & 15th, 2022]
- S M Sunny, K S Sivanandan, A P Parameswaran, T Baiju and S N Bhat, “Application of Artificial Neural Network for the successful prediction of lower limb dynamics and improvement in the mathematical representation of knee dynamics during human locomotion”, in International Conference on Robotics, Control, Automation and Artificial Intelligence (RCAAI-2022) [November 24th-26th, 2022]
Journals Published
- K Joseph, V Jose, D Kumar, S M Sunny, “A Review on various Green Building Rating Systems in India” – International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 5, May-2018, ISSN 2229-5518
- S M Sunny and K Joseph, “Review on factors affecting Biogas Production” – International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering Volume 5, Issue 9, May-2018, ISSN 2347 – 4718
- S M Sunny and V Sankar, “Various Biogas Production Enhancement Techniques: A Review” – International Journal For Technological Research In Engineering Volume 5, Issue 9, May-2018, ISSN 2347 – 4718
- S M Sunny, K S Sivanandan, A P Parameswaran, T Baiju and S N Bhat, “Mathematical Modeling and Analysis of Biological Systems”, in Global and Stochastic Analysis, 2024 (Q2)
- S M Sunny, K S Sivanandan, A P Parameswaran, T Baiju and S N Bhat, “Analyzing Lower Limb Dynamics in Human Gait Using Average Value-Based Technique”, in Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2024 (Q1)
Mr. Praveena Krishna P.S.
Educational Qualification
Ph.D. (Ongoing)
M.Tech in Power Electronics Systems and Control
B.E. in Electrical and electronics
11 months (July 2017 – May 2018): Assistant Professor at EEE in St Joseph Engineering College
1 year 3 months (December 2013 – February 2015): Maintenance engineer at Shree Skanda Electricals
1 year (October 2012 – September 2013): Project Engineer at BESCOM
1 year (August 2011 – July 2012): Lecturer at EEE in NIE Mysore.
8 months (September 2010 – April 2011): Assistant manager at Vedanta Aluminium Ltd. Jharsuguda
Area of Interest
Applications of power electronics, Control Engineering, Drives, Battery Management Systems
Orcid ID
Scopus ID
Conference Attended
- Praveena Krishna P.S., Jayalakshmi N.S. and Akash Kedlaya, “Energy Management Strategies for Hybrid Energy Storage System in Electric Vehicles: A Review,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies (CONECCT), 2020, pp. 1-7, DOI: 10.1109/CONECCT50063.2020.9198655.
- Praveena Krishna. P. S., N. S. and Sudarshan. A., “Sliding Mode Control of Coupled Inductor Based Bidirectional Converter Topology for Electric Vehicle Application,” 2020 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), 2020, pp. 63-68, DOI: 10.1109/DISCOVER50404.2020.9278073
- Vishnu, K. Pai, P. S. Praveena Krishna, N. S. Jayalakshmi, S. D. Suraj and V. Prathimala, “Correlative Analysis of Dynamic Behaviour of Lithium-Ion Cell using MATLAB and Typhoon HIL,” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing, VLSI, Electrical Circuits and Robotics (DISCOVER), 2021, pp. 225-230, doi: 10.1109/DISCOVER52564.2021.9663675
- Vishnu, Dash Abinash, P. S. Praveena Krishna, M. Arjun, and N. S. Jayalakshmi, “Hybrid Control Algorithm for BLDC Drive Involving Battery and Supercapacitor in E-bikes,” 2022 International Virtual Conference on Power Engineering Computing and Control: Developments in Electric Vehicles and Energy Sector for Sustainable Future (PECCON), Chennai, India, 2022, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/PECCON55017.2022.9851060.
Journals Published
- Praveena Krishna P.S., Vishnu S., Abinash Dash, Vijay Babu Koreboina, and Jayalakshmi N.S. “Investigation of bidirectional quasi Z-Source inverter for BLDC drive with modified shoot-through hysteresis current control in low power EV applications.” Cogent Engineering 10, no. 2 (2023): 2283279. Scopus indexed (Q2), Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
- Praveena Krishna P.S., Jayalakshmi, N. S., and S. Adarsh. “Fuzzy Logic based Hysteresis Current Control and Regenerative Braking of BLDC motor with Battery Equivalent Cell Modelling for Electric Vehicles.” International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) 13, no. 3 (2023): 1406-1417. Scopus indexed (Q3), Web of Science (Emerging Sources Citation Index)
All the laboratories are well designed, spacious and built to the best standards, and fully furnished laboratories with well-equipped equipment to cater to all UG courses as per curriculum requirements.
- Fundamentals of Electronic Laboratory
- Simulation Laboratory-I & II
- Analog Circuits Laboratory/ Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory
- Digital System Design using Verilog Laboratory
- Microcontroller / Digital Signal Processing Laboratory
- Computer Communication and Networking Laboratory
- Communication Laboratory
- Embedded / Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (VLSI) Laboratory
- Project/ Research Laboratory
Sl No | Name of the Laboratory | Major Equipments |
Research Center
Research at Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE) has been recognized as the primary activity for enhancing the teaching-learning process. Research Centre at the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering is recognized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi in the year 2015 with provision for Ph.D. (Full Time / Part Time). Since then, a research facility is available for research scholars to carry out research in their specific areas of interest.
University | Year of Recognition | Reference Number |
Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi | 21st October 2015 | VTU/ACA-REC CEN/A-4/2015-16/6502 (m) |
The Research Centre aims to continuously liaise with various funding agencies, Research and Development (R&D) institutions, industries and faculty members of ECE to facilitate for undertaking of innovative research in cutting-edge areas of application and social relevance. It facilitates faculty members for interaction with scientists and experts in various fields and keep abreast of the developments in their respective areas and exchange ideas for development and innovation. It promotes research culture in the Institute, formulates research policies, identifies thrust areas of research, provides training to young faculty members in preparing research proposals / writing technical articles, and encourages interdisciplinary research.
The Research Centre emphasis on research in various areas of specialization that include Experimental, Computational and Statistical approach to study and develop indigenous solutions in Electronics and Instrumentation, Process Control, Embedded Systems, Digital Signal and Image Processing. Students and research scholars are encouraged to take up interdisciplinary research in various domains. The Digital System Design, Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessor and Microcontroller, Analog and Digital laboratories at the department cater to the needs of both the regular coursework and research works at different levels. The Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering has a well-established research lab equipped with modern equipment and sophisticated tools to carry out research by researchers.
Research Guides and Areas Available for Ph.D. Programs
S.No | Recognized Research Guide | Area of Specialization | Research Scholars |
1 | Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat | Advanced Control Engineering | 1.Mrs.Rumana Ali 2.Mr.Sudeendra 3.Mrs. Deepthi Shetty |
2 | Dr. Sri Krishna Shastri | Image Processing & Remote Sensing | 1.Mrs. Bhavya S 2.Mr. Praveen Kumar M 3.Mr. Prakash L S 4.Ms. Vishwitha A |
3 | Dr.Ramalingam H M | IoT, Blockchain, Remote patient monitoring & Security and privacy in e- healthcare systems | |
4. | Dr.Sandeep V | Semiconductor Devices, Micro electronics |
Department Forum
The Department of Electronics and Communication has been supporting its students by participating in Curricular and Co–Curricular activities. ECSA, abbreviation of Electronics and Communication Students Association, was established on 16th April 2009. All the students of the Electronics and Communication Engineering department are the members of the ECSA Forum. ECSA was founded with a view of giving a new dimension to the present education system. This Forum provides ample opportunity for students to discover and exhibit technical skills, presentation skills, and communication skills in organizing various events. The Department forum publishes a newsletter periodically. It gives wide exposure to the students to express and share technical knowledge and also gives a bird ‘s view of department activities, achievements of staff and students. Under ECSA forum, the Class Toppers and University rank holders are felicitated with certificates of appreciation and cash rewards.
For Forum activities Click Here
2021- Scheme and Syllabus
2022- Scheme and Syllabus
2023- Scheme & Syllabus (Autonomous)
Third Semester
Engineering Mathematics III (23BSEC/MT201) | Click Here |
Analog Electronic Circuits (23ECPC203) | Click Here |
Digital System Design using Verilog HDL (23ECPC204) | Click Here |
Network Analysis and Synthesis (23ECPC205) | Click Here |
Signals and Systems (23ECPC206) | Click Here |
Universal Human Values (23HMCC215) | Click Here |
Academic Year: 2023-24 (Even -Semester)
Semester -2
23ESCC204 | Fundamentals of Electronics | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
23ESCC212 | Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC401 | Electromagnetic theory | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC402 | Principles of communication systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC403 | Control systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC405A | Microcontrollers | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BUHK408 | Universal human value | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC61 | Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC62 | Microwave & antenna | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC63 | VLSI design & testing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC643 | Python programming | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC655 | Sensors & actuators | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC81 | Wireless communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC821 | Network Security | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Academic Year: 2023-24 (Odd -Semester)
Semester -1
23ESCC104 | Fundamentals of Electronics | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
23ESCC112 | Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC302 | Digital System Design using Verilog | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC303 | Electronic Principles and Circuits | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC304 | Network Analysis | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC358B | MATLAB Programming | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
BEC306C | Computer Organization and Architecture | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC51 | Digital Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC52 | Computer Organization & Arm Microcontroller | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC53 | Computer Communication Networks | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC54 | Electromagnetic Waves | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC56 | Research Methodology & Intellectual Property Rights | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC71 | Computer Networks | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC72 | VLSI Design | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC731 | Real Time Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC734 | Satellite Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC744 | Cryptography | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Academic Year: 2022-23 (Even -Semester)
Semester -IV
21MAT41 | Maths for Communication Engineers | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC42 | Digital Signal Processing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC43 | Circuits & Controls | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21EC44 | Communication Theory | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21BE45 | Biology For Engineers | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21UH49 | Universal Human Values | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Semester -VI
18EC-61 | Digital Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC-62 | Embedded Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC-63 | Microwave and Antennas | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC-642 | Artificial Neural Networks | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC-646 | Python Application Programming | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Semester -VII
18EC-81 | Wireless and Cellular Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC-821 | Network Security | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Academic Year: 2022-23 (ODD -Semester)
22BE13 | Basic Electronics | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
22ECS145 | Introduction to C Programming | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
22ESC143 | Introduction to Electronics Engineering | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
22ETC15H | Introduction to IoT | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
21EC32 | Digital System Design using Verilog | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
21EC33 | Basic Signal Processing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
21EC34 | Analog Electronic Circuits | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18ES51 | Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18EC52 | Digital Signal Processing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18EC53 | Principles of Communication System | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18EC54 | Information Theory & Coding | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18EC55 | Electromagnetic Waves | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18EC56 | Verilog HDL | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Modlue-5 |
18EC71 | Computer Networks | Module-1 | Module-2 | Modlue-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC72 | VLSI Design | Module-1 | Module-2 | Modlue-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC732 | Satellite Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Modlue-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC744 | Cryptography | Module-1 | Module-2 | Modlue-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Peer Review Critics : Click Here
Academic Year: 2021-22 (EVEN -Semester)
21ELN24 | Basic Electronics | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
21ELE23 | Basic Electrical | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC42 | Analog Circuits | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 | |
18EC43 | Control Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 | |
18EC44 | Engineering Statistics & Linear Algebra | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 | |
18EC45 | Signals & Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 | |
18EC46 | Microcontroller | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 | |
18ES61 | Digital Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC62 | Embedded Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC63 | Microwave & Antennas | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC646 | Python Application Programming | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC652 | Sensors and Signal Conditioning | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Academic Year: 2021-22 (ODD-Semester)
18EC32 | Network Theory | Module-1 | Module-2 | module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC33 | Electronic Devices | Module-1 | Module-2 | module-3 | module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC34 | Digital System Design | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC35 | Computer Organization & Architecture | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC36 | Power Electronics & Instrumentation | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18ES51 | Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC52 | Digital Signal Processing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC53 | Principles of Communication Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC54 | Information Theory and Coding | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC55 | Electromagnetic Waves | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC56 | Verilog HDL | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC71 | COMPUTER NETWORKS | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC72 | VLSI DESIGN | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC732 | SATELLITE COMMUNICATION | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC744 | Cryptography | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Peer Review Critics : Click Here
Academic Year: 2020-21(ODD -Semester)
Study Material
Basic Electronics
18ELN14/24 | Basic Electronics | Module-1 | Module-2 | module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Basic Electrical
18ELE13/23 | Basic Electrical | Module-1 | Module-2 | module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC32 | Network Theory | Module-1 | Module-2 | module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC33 | Electronic Devices | Module-1 | Module-2 | module-3 | module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC34 | Digital System Design | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC35 | Computer Organization & Architecture | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC36 | Power Electronics & Instrumentation | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18ES51 | Technological Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC52 | Digital Signal Processing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC53 | Principles of Communication Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC54 | Information Theory and Coding | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC55 | Electromagnetic Waves | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC56 | Verilog HDL | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC71 | Microwave and Antennas | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC72 | Digital Image Processing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC73 | Power Electronics | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC744 | Cryptography | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC755 | Satellite Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
ACADEMIC YEAR 2020-21 (Even Semester)
IV Semester:
18EC42 | Analog Circuits | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC43 | Control Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC44 | Engineering Statistics & Linear Algebra | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC45 | Signals & Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC46 | Microcontroller | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
VI Semester:
18ES61 | Digital Communication | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC62 | Embedded Systems | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC63 | Microwave & Antennas | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC646 | Python Application Programming | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18EC652 | Sensors and Signal Conditioning | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
VIII Semester:
17EC81 | Wireless Cellular and LTE 4G Broadband | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC82 | Fiber Optics and Networks | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
17EC835 | Network and Cyber Security | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
Beyond Syllabus
To excel in the field of technical education and research:
The concepts mentioned in the syllabus gives wide insight and knowledge about the various streams (Communication and Allieds, Analog Systems, Digital Circuits and Programming, Humanities and Social Science, Basic Science) of Electronics and Communication Engineering giving both theoretical and practical ideas to apply towards societal and engineering problems.
Produce high quality engineers and technologists having high levels of creativity and ethical standards, contributing effectively to the growth of our society and country:
Students involve in the project design and development with the help of knowledge gained in Theory and Laboratory Courses in expertise domain.
Students involve in following National and State level Innovative Project competitions
- UNISYS Cloud 20/20 Contest: It gives the perfect platform as one of India’s biggest online technical project contests for the engineering students to showcase their innovative, path-breaking ideas and take them to the next level.
- KPIT Sparkle Contest: It is an annual innovation contest for science, engineering and design students across India. At the core of KPIT Sparkle lies youthful exuberance, which provides an opportunity for students to showcase their admiration for technology, while giving them an opportunity to develop working prototypes with strong social impact, resulting towards assisting the growth aspirations of the nation.
- India Innovation Challenge Design Contest (IICDC): India’s premier innovation and design contest, IICDC is organized by Texas Instruments, in association with Department of Science and Technology (DST). It is anchored by NSRCEL, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore (IIM-B) and supported by MyGov. The main aim is to build a relationship between Students and Industries by providing them a good basic knowledge on Industrial needs.
- Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) Student Project Program: KSCST has been pro-actively engaging itself to identify, propose and implement Science & Technology based solutions to locale specific needs / problems in the broad areas of Water, Education, Energy, Ecology and Environment, Waste management and Infrastructure. KSCST executes many projects and programs aimed at improving socio-economic conditions of the people of the state.
- Anveshana Contest: It is about mentoring young and vulnerable learners through innovative models of engineering and broadening the horizons of the Higher Primary School children.
- Students also participated in IOT Challenge, Virtual Indian Solar Vehicle Championship, KSTA Project Exhibition, NAIN Incubation.
Innovations by the Faculty in Teaching and Learning
Teaching and learning process involve both traditional approaches and innovative techniques. The traditional teaching is a method in which the information is delivered to the students through ‘chalk and talk’. It’s limited effectiveness and partial involvement of students in practical aspects has motivated it to come up with innovative teaching techniques which are designed to be student centric and caters to the all level of students of the Department.
Distinguished Alumni
Mr. Shaukat Azeem
2015 Graduate
All India Rank 545
in the UPSC examination
Mr. Sujeeth Shetty
2011 Graduate
Senior Team Lead, Technical Project Manager – Oracle
Theater, Script Writer and Artist
Ms. Nimika Ratnakar
2012 Graduate
Miss India Talent 2017, Model,
Actress & Playback singer
Director, Neat Art Connect pv. Ltd.
Mr. Joseph Alvares
2014 Graduate
Entrepreneur/Manager (Plant & Operations),
Whitegrove Agri LLP, Vamanjoor, Mangaluru
Mr. Denold Jason Sequeria
2014 Graduate
MD, JB Coconut Industry,
Kukkundoor, Udupi
2010-14 Batch
2012-16 Batch
2013-17 Batch
2015-19 Batch
Bulletin 2023-24
Bulletin 2022-23
Bulletin 2021-22
Bulletin 2020-21
Bulletin 2019-20 Issue 2
Bulletin 2019 - 20 Issue-1
Bulletin 2018 -19
Bulletin 2017 - 18
Bulletin 2016 - 17
Academic Year 2023-24 Students Achievement
Project titled “Sewage Pipe Crawling Robot” carried out by Ranjan, Abhijith, Nisar,Adithya under the Guidance of Dr. Sri Krishna Shastri C won best project of the year in 47th Series KSCST State Level project competition & Received fund of Rs. 5500.
Academic Year 2022-23 Students Achievement
KSCST Best Project of the Year Award
- Project Titled ‘A Power Supply Using Supercapacitor Storage Powered By Solar PV Cells’ under taken by the students Ms. Adithi V Shetty, Mr. Aithya N Kattel, Mr. Akash Salian and Ms. Harhitha Poojary under the gudenace of Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat & Dr. Raghavendra Sagar, Awarded with Best Project of the Year and received funding of worth Rs.6000/- from KSCST 46thSeries of Student Project Programme
- Project titled ‘Medical Bed With Integrated Toilet System’under taken by students Mr. Santhosh Shrirahatti, Mr Pavan L, Mr. Praneeth, Mr. Hrithik Mukkoth under the guidance of Mr. Uday J, Awarded with Best Project of the Year & received funding of worth Rs.6000/- from KSCST 46th Series of Student Project Programme and also Secure first place with cash prize if Rs. 6000/- in 18th Karnataka State Level ISTE Student Convention
- Technical Paper titled ‘Medical Bed With Integrated Toilet System: A review’ presented by students Mr. Santhosh Shrirahatti, Mr Pavan L, Mr. Praneeth, Mr. Hrithik Mukkoth under the guidance of Mr. Uday J, Received Best Paper Award with Cash Prize in National Conference on Emerging Technologies in Engineering organized by Navkis College of Engineering, Hassan
- Project titled ‘Energy Harvesting Using Magnetic Wing Turbine’under taken by students Mr. Punith M S, Mr. Kullal Jnanesh, Mr Sadeed A, Mr. Srideep under the guidance of Ms. Vishwitha A , received a funding of Rs. 5000/- from KSCST 46th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled ‘Design Of Efficient Flow Field Pattern For Fuel Cell under taken by students Ms. Mufiza, Mr. Manoj shetty, Ms. Rajashri, Ms. Rosilda Rafail D’souza under the guidance of Mr. Ranjth H D, received a funding of Rs. 5000/- from KSCST 46th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled ‘Design Design And Implementation of IoT System For Monitoring Wind And Solar Energy Parameters Using Tulip Turbine under taken by students Ms. Rithika H Poojary, Ms. Fritha Cardoza, Ms. Pooja P Shetty, Ms. Nihal R Ramesh under the guidance of Dr. Anand S N and Dr. Ganesh V N , received a funding of Rs. 8000/- from KSCST 46th Series of Student Project Programme
MITE Students Wins Global Hackathon
Student Team of Electronics & Communication Engineering of MITE won the First Prize in the ‘Global TIBCO Labs IoT and Sustainability Hackathon’ organized by TIBCO
Labs with a Cash Prize of US $10,000. The Final Year Student Team of Electronics & Communication comprising of Mr. Mohamed Fazil, Mr. Nagesha, Ms. Ashritha C, Mr. Rohan S, mentored by Mr. Ramalingam H M, Senior Assistant Professor won the prize for their Idea submitted on “AI Based Crop Management System” under the theme “Hack for Food Production” to provide the solution for smart farming.
The Global Hackathon conducted between November 15 th to February 7 th 2022 focused on proposing projects that address one or more environmental challenges we face across the globe today, from enhancing energy efficiency and reducing global emissions to making cities “smarter,” the Internet of Things (IoT) and sustainability. The Participants were required to propose innovative solutions on any one of the theme – Smart Energy, Smart Water, Food Production, Pollution, Transportation. The hackathon had a total of 1641 teams participating with unique ideas proposed on the various themes.
All India II Prize at UNISYS Innovation Project Contest
Electronics & communication Engineering Students of MITE Moodabidri have won the Second Prize in the Grand Finale for this year’s Unisys All India Innovation Program Y13 Contest. The Team comprising of Final Year Students of – Mr.Mohammed Fazil and Mr.Jayanth Kumar got the II Prize for their Project “SOP Monitoring System – Video Analytics” (Beyond Vision)”. Mr. Ramalingam H M, Senior Assistant Professor, Dept of ECE guided the students in the Project. The Team was awarded with a cash Prize of Rs. 1.25 Lakh.
Best Project Award in “ 5th National Level IEEE Project Competition 2021”
Project Titled “Real Time Flow Visualization using Projection Mapping Technique”, undertaken by students Ms. T Nishanka, Mr. Prajwal D and Ms. Nishmitha M, Received Best Project Award in “ 5th National Level IEEE Project Competition 2021”organized by GSSSIETW, Mysuru, under the guidance of Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat.
- A team comprising of Ms. Shivani, Mr. Vashisht Padiyar M, Mr. Abhilash A R has received a funding of Rs. 5000/- from VTU Financial Assistance Funding Scheme and also be the Finalist in Unisys Innovation Program Year-13for their innovative work on ‘Digital Mapping of Faulty Transmission Lines, guided by Mr. Dony A D’Souza .
- Project titled ‘Performance Enhancement of PV Systems Using Adaptive Reference Pi Controller’under taken by students Ms. Rao Sherya Sybba, Mr. Kishan, Mr. Rohan K U, Ms. Vindya under the guidance of Ms. Deepthi Shetty , received a funding of 4000/- from KSCST 45th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled ‘Species Classification for Forest Survey and Monitoring’under taken by students Ms. Tejaswini C A, Ms. Megha V Kulkarni, Mr. Yashvith Ballal, Mr. Jithesh under the guidance of Ms. Deeksha Bekal Gangadhar , received a funding of 5000/- from KSCST 45th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled ‘Visual Cryptography for Biometric Privacy’under taken by students Ms. Suprapha, Mr. M B Sachin, Mr. Shravan Kumar, Sooraj Shetty under the guidance of Dr. Ganesh V N , received a funding of Rs. 3000/- and selected for Final Seminar/ Exhibition from KSCST 45th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled Stethoscope System for Heart Disease Prediction under taken by students Ms. Shraddha J Hegde, Mr. Latheesh shetty, Mr. Vikesh K G under the guidance of Dr. Vishwanath M S , received a funding of 7000/- from KSCST 45th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled Structural Damage Detection Using IOT under taken by students Mr. Sambhram, Ms. Sahana Shetty, Mr. Krishna G Shetty, Ms. Sukanya under the guidance of Mr. Akshay Krishna N & Ms. Rishama Mary Georage, received a funding of 7000/- and selected for Final Seminar/ Exhibition from KSCST 45th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled IoT Based Sustainable Groundwater Quality System for Green India under taken by students Mr. Karkera Prajwal, Mr. Chidanad M T, Ms. Rithika Sreenivas, Ms. Vaishnavi G under the guidance of Dr. Sri Krishna Shastri C & Dr. Jayaprakash M C, received a funding of 6500/- from KSCST 45th Series of Student Project Programme
- Project titled eDonate- An Online Charity Platform under taken by students Mr. Brayan Saldanha, Ms. Thanvi P Shetty, Mr. Ankith Shetty under the guidance Of Mr. Sathessh, Won 3rd Prize in YESIST-12 Organized by IEEE North Karnataka Sub-Section hosted at KLE Institute of Technology, Hubbalo
- Project titled Visual Cryptography for Biometric Privacy under taken by students Mr. Brayan Saldanha, Ms. Supranha, Mr. M B Sachin, Mr. Sharvan Kumar, Mr. Sooraj Shetty under the guidance Of Mr. Ganesh V N, Won Best paper Award in International Conference on Engineering Innovation (ICEI-2022), Organized by Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere
- Project titled Smart Irrigation System using IoT Technology under taken by students Ms. M B Vidhyashree, Ms,. Vignesh Udupa, Mr. Raghavendra V Rao, Ms. Abhilasha under the guidance of Mr. Ramachandra H N received a funding of 5000/- from VTU Financial Assistance Funding Scheme.
KSCST Best Project of the Year 2019-20
A team comprising of Mr. Arun kumar, Mr. Prasad, Mr. Suman P N, and Mr. Viswanatha J, has received ‘Best Project Award-2020’ and also a funding of Rs. 5000/- in the 43rd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for their innovative work on ‘Intelligent Wiper System for Vehicles’, guided by Mr. Dony A D’Souza .
Team also secure ‘Best Project Award’ in Project Exhibition-2020 organized by GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysuru.
1st Prize in State level Project Competition ‘AVISHKAR 2020’sponsored by TEQIP cell of VTU
A team comprising of Mr. Lanston Pramith Fernandes (ME), Mr. Darren (ME), Ms. Rashmitha (ISE), Mr. Nishal K (ECE), Ms. Nishanka Bhimraya (ECE) has secured ‘First Prize’ and received cash prize of Rs. 25,000/- in the State level Project Competition AVISHKAR-2020, sponsored by TEQIP cell of VTU for their innovative work on ‘Medical Emergency Drone’, guided by Dr. C R Rajashekar
Project titled ‘Blood Bank Automation : A Life’ under taken by students Mr. Sanjay T R, Ms. Shruthi V, Ms. Srujana M, Ms. Shilpa J, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, has participated in State level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2020 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
Awarded 3rd Prize with cash worth of Rs. 1 Lakh at Unisys Cloud 20/20
A team comprising of Ms. Sana Parveen Salar and Ms Sharadhi Arun Patil, received ‘3rd Prize with Cash worth Rs. 1 Lakh’ in the Natinal Level Project Competition conducted by Unisys Cloud 20/20 Year 10 for their innovative work on ‘Smart Telematics System’, guided by Mr. H M Ramalingam
Finalist in National Level Contest – KPIT Sparkle 2019
A team comprising of Mr. Prajwal Poojari, Me. Rashmi, Mr. Sachin S, Ms. Sonali Prakash, received Elite Club Award and selected for Final Round in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019 conducted by KPIT, Pune for their innovative work on ‘Alternate Fuel Storage Using Formic Acid’, guided by Mr. Padma Prasada
Semi Finalist in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
A team comprising of Mr. Prajwal, Mr. Sachin S,Ms. Sonali Prakash, Ms. Rashni Poojary has selected for Semi Final Round in the National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments for their innovative work on ‘Energy Harnessing from Waste Plastic with Zero Waste’, guided by Mr. Padma Prasad.
Awarded 5th Prize in Sate Level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2019 by Agastya International Foundation, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Alternate Fuel Storage using Formic Acid’ under taken by students Ms. Rashni, Ms. Sonali, Mr. Prajwal, Mr. Sachin S, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, has won 5th palce with cash worth of Rs. 10000/- in State level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2019 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
Finalist in National Level Contest – KPIT Sparkle 2018
A team comprising of Ms. Aysha Shafi, Ms. Bhargavi M R, Ms. Akshitha Naidu, Mr. Karnik Shetty, received Elite Club Award and selected for Final Round in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2018 conducted by KPIT, Pune for their innovative work on ‘Fuel Cell – Emerging Technology as the Power of Tomorrow ’, guided by Mr. Padma Prasada
Finalist in Sate Level Contest – ANVESHANA 2018 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
A team comprising of Ms. Rashni and Ms. Sonali, selected for Final Round in State Level Contest ANVESHANA-2018 conducted by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore for their innovative work on ‘Wireless Sensor Network Monitoring for Water Pollution Monitoring in Lakes and Rivers’, guided by Mr. Padma Prasada
Finalist in Sate Level Contest – ANVESHANA 2018 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
A team comprising of Ms.Nivedana, Ms. Bhavya, Ms. Gowripriya M V, Ms. Lavanya, selected for Final Round in State Level Contest ANVESHANA-2018 conducted by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore for their innovative work on ‘Smart Bank Locker System’, guided by Mr. Padma Prasada
Awarded 2nd Prize with cash worth of Rs. 1.25 Lakh at Unisys Cloud 20/20
A team comprising of Ms. Nikhitha Chowta, Ms. Sandhya S, Ms. Nagashree T S, received ‘2nd Prize with Cash worth Rs. 1.25 Lakh’ in the Natinal Level Project Competition conducted by Unisys Cloud 20/20 Year 8 for their innovative work on ‘CoDiRa Messenger’, guided by Mr. H M Ramalingam
Finalist in National Level Contest – KPIT Sparkle 2017
A team comprising of Ms. Vijetha Shetty, Ms. Prakruthi A, Ms. Pratheeksha B S, received Promising Innovator Award and selected for Final Round in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2017 conducted by KPIT, Pune for their innovative work on ‘Automation of Waste Water Harnessing to Generate Electric Power using SMFC Methodology’, guided by Mr. Padma Prasada
Awarded 3rd Prize with cash worth of Rs. 1 Lakh at Unisys Cloud 20/20
A team comprising of Mr. Shibin George and Mr. Prinson V Jacob, receive ‘3rd Prize with Cash worth Rs. 1 Lakh’ in the Natinal Level Project Competition conducted by Unisys Cloud 20/20 Year 7 for their innovative work on ‘Triplet Li-Fi’, guided by Mr. H M Ramalingam.
Project titled ‘Hybrid Inverter with Solar Battery Charging’ under taken by students Ms. Anjali M, Ms. Anjali, Ms. Anufa Raziyan, Mr.Glen Dcosta under the guidance of Dr. Vishwanth M S, received a funding of Rs. 6000/- in the 44th series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Classification of Alzheimer and Dementia using Fusion and Machine Learning’ under taken by students Ms. Nikitha Jain, Ms. Sarika, Mr. Ujwal Salian, Mr.Shreyas, under the guidance of Ms. Nischitha, selected for Final Round in State level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2021 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Classification Seed Quality Analysis’ under taken by students Mr. Pawan Kumar V S, Mr. P Rohith, Ms. Thanushree B S, Ms. Shravya B C, under the guidance of Mrs. Anjani, selected for Final Round in State level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2021 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
An Interdisciplinary Project titled ‘MP based Smart Waste Segregation for Clean India’ under taken by students Mr. Naveena and Mr. Nithin Kumar, under the guidance of Dr. Sri Kirshna Shastry & Dr. Jayapraksh M C, selected for Final Round in State level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2021 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
Project titled ‘MHR Chain’ undertaken by students Mr. Sarath Sabu, Ms. Swapna H R, Mr. Swaraj Hegde, Ms. Vishaka, under the guidance of Mr. Ramalingam H M, selected for Final Round in National Level Project Competition conducted by Unisys Cloud 20/20 Year 12.
Project titled ‘Edge-Driven Biometrics and Facial Recognition’ undertaken by students Mr. Jayanth Kumar N, Mr. Mohamed Fazil, Mr.P Arunagiri, Mr. Shreeganesha K V, under the guidance of Mr. Ramalingam H M, selected for Pre-Final Round in National Level Project Competition conducted byUnisys Cloud 20/20 Year 12.
Project titled ‘District health care Indicator map’ undertaken by students Mr. Himanshu Bhatt, Mr. Chinmaya Nilakantha, Mr. Nikethan Poojari, under the guidance of Mrs. Swapna Srinivasan, recognized as Notable Participants in National Level Collaborative Indian Mapping Event (IITB-ISRO-AICTE) Mapathon under Atma Nibhar Bharath
Project Title: “DIGITIZATION OF FLOW VISUALIZATION AND COMPARATIVE STUDY BETWEEN THE CONVENTIONAL METHODS”, undertaken by students Ms. T Nishanka, Mr. Prajwal D and Ms. Nishmitha M, won 1st prize under the theme Robotics & Automation in “IEEE I2CONNECT – 2021: A Project Competition & Exhibition”organized by IEEE Mangalore Subsection, hosted by SCEM, Mangalore, under the guidance of Dr Vinayambika S Bhat.
KSCST 43rd Series Student Project Programme by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Bangalore
An Interdisciplinary Project titled ‘Antropotechnique Smart Vermi Bin for Sustainable Solid waste management’ under taken by students Mr.Allan (Civil), Ms. Ankitha(Civil), Mr. Sharan Acharya(Civil) and Mr. Abhideep (ECE) under the guidance of Dr. Jayaprakash M C, received a funding of Rs. 4500/- in the 43rd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Automatic Headlamp Control using Microcontroller’ under taken by students Mr. Bhargavakrishna S K, Ms Kavya s, Ms.Kavya G G, Mr. Abhishek under the guidance of Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat, received a funding of Rs. 5500/- in the 43rd series State level Project Competition conducted byKarnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Speed Breaker Detection and Accident Avoidance’ under taken by students Mr.Vaibhav Nayak,Mr. Akshay, Ms. Vijayashri, Ms. Suchetha Naik under the guidance of Mr. Ranjith H D, received a funding of Rs. 6000/- in the 43rd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
AVISKAR-2020 Sponsored by TEQIP Cell of VTU
Project titled ‘Automatic Headlamp Control using Microcontroller’ under taken by students Mr. Bhargavakrishna S K, Ms.Kavya S, Ms. Kavya G G, Mr. under the guidance of Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat, selected for final round in the State level Project Competition AVISHKAR 2020 sponsored by TEQIP cell of VTU
Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Smart Parking System’ undertaken by the students Mr. Mohammed Tanzeel Khan, Mr. Harsha C R, Mr. Ashish Hegde, Mr. Chethan Shetty, Mr. Chirag B Shetty, Mr. Nagaraja B M, under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Prinston Pinto, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘Green Energy Harnessing from Waste Plastic’ undertaken by the students Mr. Ujwal Salian, Ms. Nikhitha Jain, Mr. Shreyas K S, Ms. Sarika Shetty, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘Damn Hoshiyaar’ undertaken by the students Ms. Dhanyashree Dinesh, Ms. Aishwarya Shetty Ms. Melrine Aquila Saldanha, Ms. Nidhi Shetty, Ms. Namrata Arun P, Ms.Muzna Nazhath, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘Collision Avoidance System Using Lifi’ undertaken by the students Ms. Nagadeepa S, Ms. Aswathi K K, Ms.Aishwarya, Ms.Kavya Sudhir Gaounkar, Ms.Anufa Raziyan, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘Frictionless Braking System’ undertaken by the students Ms. Nagadeepa S, Ms. Aswathi K K, Ms.Aishwarya, Ms.Kavya Sudhir Gaounkar, Ms.Anufa Raziyan, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘A Life Saver’ undertaken by the students Mr. Sanjay T R, Ms. Shruthi V Ms. Srujana M, Ms. Shilpa J, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘Smart Water Management and Crack Detection System’ undertaken by the students Mr. Abhishek Deekshith M, Mr. Manoj M P, Mr. Prajwal N, Mr. Adithya Shet, Mr. Sachin M B, Mr. Vishwas Vashishta, under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Prinston Pinto, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments.
Project Titled ‘Automatic Headlamp Control Using Microcontroller’ undertaken by the students Mr. Bhargava Krishna S K, Mr. Abhishek, Ms. Kavana G G, Ms. Kavya G G, Ms. Kavya S, under the guidance of Dr. Vinayambika S Bhat, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Driver Assistance System’ undertaken by the students Mr. Abhishek Poojary, Mr.Vajranda Nayak, Mr.Veeresh K, Mr. Vishwajith, Mr. Rakesh, Mr. Vijesh V, under the guidance of Mr. Ranjith H D, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Cloud Based Intelligent Transport System’ undertaken by the students Mr. Nishan shetty, Ms.Nivedana Devadiga, Ms. Chetana P Naik, Ms. Gowripriya M V under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasad, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune.
Project Titled ‘SCHSA System- An IOT Based Smart Home Stock Reminder’ undertaken by the students Mr. Chethan Shetty, Mr. Subraya Nayak, Mr. Shrikanth Gowda, Mr. Sumanth Jain, under the guidance of Mr. H M Ramalingam, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Project Titled ‘Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles’ undertaken by the students Ms. Ashika J Shetty, Ms. Darrel Reesha Pinto, Ms. Glenita D’souza, Ms. Ninadha Venugopal, under the guidance of Mr. Sathisha, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Project Titled ‘Anti Theft Control System’ undertaken by the students Ms. Anusha B, Ms. Arfha Fathima, Ms. Hafeeza Jain, under the guidance of Mr. Ranjith H D, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Project Titled ‘Live Human Being Detection Wireless Remote Controlled Robot’ undertaken by the students Mr. Mohammed Rihan Khan, Mr. Divyesh Poojari, Ms. Swathi Nayak, Ms. Vasudha. under the guidance of Mr. Dony Armstrong Dsouza, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Project Titled ‘Power Generation from the Wasted Energy of Moving Vehicle Using Speed Breaker’ undertaken by the students Ms. Anusha R, Ms. Nisha Rao, Ms. Deeksha Kotian, Ms. Bhavya Naik, under the guidance of Mrs.Rishma M George, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Project Titled ‘Generator monitoring through Android Phone’ undertaken by the students Mr. Pradeepa M, Ms. Ranjitha Shettigar, Ms. Rajeshwari, Mr. Sathwik Acharya, under the guidance of Mrs. Bhargavi K Rao, received Rising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Project Titled ‘Artificial Oxygen Generator by processing carbondioxide with Bioethanol as byproduct’ undertaken by the students Mr. Abdul Malik Parker, Mr. Karthik R, Ms. Megha S Nayak, Ms. Harshitha Poojary, under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Prinston Pinto, received Centennial Bridge Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2019, by KPIT, Pune
Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Smart Telematics and Electric Hybrid System for Two wheelers’ undertaken by the students Ms. Glenita Dsouza, Ms. Ninadha Venugopal, Ms. Ashika J Shetty, Ms. Darrel Reesha Pinto, under the guidance of Mr. H M Ramalingam, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles’ undertaken by the students Ms. Glenita Dsouza, Ms. Ninadha Venugopal, Ms. Ashika J Shetty, Ms. Darrel Reesha Pinto, under the guidance of Mr. Sathisha, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Brainy Power Boots’ undertaken by the students Mr. Ujwal Salian and Ms. Nikitha Jain, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasada, is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Damn, Hoshiyaar’ undertaken by the students Ms. Dhanyashree, Ms. Nidhi Shetty, Ms. Aishwarya Shetty, Ms. Melrine Aquila Saldhanha, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasada is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Blood Bank Automation: A life Saver’ undertaken by the students Mr. Sanjay T R, Ms. Shruthi V, Ms. Shilpa J, Ms..Srujana M, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasada is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘Artificial Oxygen Generator by Processing Carbon Dioxide with Bio-Ethanol as Byproduct’ undertaken by the students Mr. Abdul Malik Parker, Mr. Karthik R, Mr. Megha S Nayak, Mr. Harshitha Poojary, under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Prinston Pinto is selected for Quarter Final Round and received TI components of worth $200 in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
Project Titled ‘SCHSA- System An IOT Based home stock reminder’ undertaken by the students Mr. Chethan, Mr. Subrayanayak, Mr. Shrikanth Gowda, Mr. Sumanth C Jain under the guidance of Mr. H M Ramalingam are participated in National Level Texas Instruments India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2018 by DST & Texas Instruments
KSCST 42nd Series Student Project Programme by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Smart Helmet and Accident Detection System for Rider Safety’ under taken by students Mr. Pavana, Mr. Pradeep, Mr. Vignesh Naik K, Mr. Raghavendra Ganesh Patagarunder the guidance of Mr. Ashok K N, received a funding of Rs. 8000/- in the 42nd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles’ under taken by students Ms. Glenita Dsouza, Ms. Ninadha Venugopal, Ms. Ashika J Shetty, Ms. Darrel Reesha Pinto, under the guidance of Mr. Sathisha, received a funding of Rs. 6000/- in the 42nd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Power Generation from the Wasted Energy of Moving Vehicle using Speed Breaker’ under taken by students Ms. Anusha R, Ms. Nisha, Ms. Deeksha, Ms. Bhavya, under the guidance of Mrs. Rishma M George, received a funding of Rs. 4000/- in the 42nd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Early Detection of Pest in Agriculture using Image Processing’ under taken by students Ms. Arpitha, Mr.Denold Jason Sequeira, Mr. Nikesh, Mr. Nishith B, under the guidance of Mr. Srikrishna Shastri C, received a funding of Rs. 5500/- in the 42nd series State level Project Competition conducted byKarnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Automatic Automotive Gear Prediction System’ under taken by students Mr. Rakshith, Mr. Poojari Swapnil, Mr.Sampath T C V, Mr. Atreya Chiplunkar, under the guidance of Mr. Taranath H B, received a funding of Rs. 7000/- in the 42nd series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Artificial Oxygen Generator’ under taken by students Mr. Abdul Malik Parker, Mr. Karthik R, Ms. Megha S Nayak, Ms. Harshitha Poojary, under the guidance of Mr. Ajay Prinston Pinto, is selected for Final Round in State level Project Competition ANVESHANA-2019 by Agasthya Foundation, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Accident Pre-Alert And Detection System Using IOT’ under taken by students Mr. Athishay A J, Mr. Athul Aravind, Mr. Akhil Narayanan, Mr. Sajifar P P, under the guidance of Mr. SrikrishnaShastri C, are participated in KSTA State Level Technical Project Exhibition 2019 by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Smart Boat Fisherman’ under taken by students Ms.Vibha, Ms. Prajwitha Puthran, Ms.Varnasri Jain M, Ms.Fidelia Chaitra Siri, under the guidance of Mr.Ganesh V.N, are participated in KSTA State Level Technical Project Exhibition 2019 by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Intelligent Adaptation of Engine Parameters for Efficient Cruising’ under taken by students Mr. Mohammed Rihan, Mr. Divyesh D Poojary, Ms.Swathi Nayak, Ms. Vasudha, under the guidance of Mr.Dony Armstrong Dsouza, are participated in KSTA State Level Technical Project Exhibition 2019 by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Mobile Signal Booster’ under taken by students Ms. Fidha Shirin, Ms.Apoorva E, Ms.Sudharani M, Ms. Akshatha, under the guidance of Mrs. Shreya Prabhu, are participated in KSTA State Level Technical Project Exhibition 2019 by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Anti Theft Control System’ under taken by students Ms. Anusha B, Ms. Fathima, Ms. Hafeeza Jinan, under the guidance of Mr. Ranjith H D are participated in KSTA State Level Technical Project Exhibition 2019 by Karnataka Science and Technology Academy, Bangalore
Project Titled ‘Smart Phone Centric Vehicular Network Based Road Traffic Solution’ undertaken by the Ms. Preethi Santhosh Shetty, Ms.Preksha N P, Ms. Shraddha Shetty, Ms. Sapna Shetty, under the guidance of Mr. H M Ramalingam, received Promising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2018, by KPIT, Pune.
Project Titled ‘Conversion of Atmospheric Air to Source of Water’ undertaken by the students Mr. Karthik Mallya, Ms. Ananya Alva, Ms. Anisha Fernandes, Ms. Swathi Acharya Ganapathi, under the guidance of Mr. Ranjith H D, received Centurion Cohort Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2018, by KPIT, Pune.
Project Titled ‘E@Li-fi’ undertaken by the students Mr. Pradhyumna Sampigettaya, Mr. Sudarshan Acharya, Mr. Nagaprasad B Habbu, Mr. Varun K, under the guidance of Mr. H M Ramalingam, received Promising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2018, by KPIT, Pune.
Project Titled ‘Deadly Curve Accident Prevention System’ undertaken by the students Mr. Kiran Kumar, Ms.Nayana Harikantra, Ms. Neha B, Ms. Poorna, under the guidance of Ms. Pushparani M K, received Promising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2018, by KPIT, Pune.
‘Team Spectra’ comprising of Mr. Chethana P Naik, Ms. Megha S Nayak, Ms. Anusha B exhibited their solar vehicle in Indian Solar Vehicle Championship 2018 by Credible Future, New Delhi, under guidance of Mr.Dony Armstrong D’Souza.
Project titled ‘Elderly Care’ under taken by students Ms. Sinchana C Shetty, Ms. Sushmitha V, Ms. Swapna under the guidance of Mr. Ganesh V N, received a funding of Rs. 5000/- in the 41st series State level Project Competition conducted byKarnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Conversion of Atmospheric Air to Source of Energy Water’ under taken by students Mr. Karthik Mallya, Ms. Ananya Y Alva, Ms. Anisha Francis Fernandes, Ms. Acharya Swathi Ganapathi under the guidance of Mr. Ranjith H D, received a funding of Rs. 5000/- in the 41st series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project Titled ‘Design and Implementation of an Intelligent Transport System with V2V and V2I Technology’ undertaken by the students Mr. Ranjan S, Mr. Sachin, Mr. Sampath, Mr. Kishan Nayak D, under the guidance of Mr. Padma Prasada, received Promising Innovator Award in National Level Contest KPIT Sparkle 2017, by KPIT, Pune
‘Team Spectra’ comprising of Mr. Chethana P Naik, Ms. Megha S Nayak, Ms. Anusha B exhibited their solar vehicle in Virtual Indian Solar Vehicle Championship 2017 by Credible Future, New Delhi, under guidance of Mr.Dony Armstrong D’Souza.
KSCST 40th Series Student Project Programme by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology, Bangalore
Project titled ‘Border Alert and Safety System for Fishermen’ under taken by students Mr. Vinaya KumarDongre, Ms. Amrutha, Ms. Charithraj, Ms. Keerthi K Kundapur under the guidance of Mr. Prakash K Shetty, received a funding of Rs. 5500/- also selected for Sate Level exhibition in 40th series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Smart Auditorium with Security System’ under taken by students Ms. Atmika P Rai, Ms. Bindushree B D, Ms. Divya T, Ms. Nidhi V P under the guidance of Mr. Sudarshan Bhat, received a funding of Rs. 5000/- also selected for Sate Level exhibition in 40th series State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Detection and Identification of Flying Bird Species using Image Processing’ under taken by Ms. Savitha, Ms. Swathi Kumari, Ms. Rifath Begum, Ms. Swathi Nayak under the guidance of Mr. Dony Armstrong D’Souza, received a funding of Rs. 6000/- also selected for Zonel Level exhibition in 40th series State level Project Competition conducted byKarnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Arduino Based Water Quality Monitoring System’ under taken by Ms. Jevita ZeenaD’silva, Ms. Akshata A C, Ms. Likhita Shreedevi, Ms. Madhumitha, under the guidance of Mr. Srikrishna Shastri C, received a funding of Rs. 4000/- also selected for State Level exhibition in 40th series State level Project Competition conducted byKarnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST)
Project titled ‘Help me – Accident Tracker’ under taken by Ms. Velen Ruben Aranha, Ms. Sudharma S Hegde, Ms. Pooja R, Ms. Pranjali Mehendale, under the guidance of Mrs. Bhargavi K Rao, received Best Project Award in INNOVATA-2017 at SDMIT Ujire
Project titled “Solar Power based machine for identification of diseases in plant maintainance ” undertaken by Ms. Anushree and team under the guidance of Mr. Sudharshan Bhat received funding of cash worth Rs.5000/- and selected for State Level Exhibition in KSCST 39th series SPP
Project titled “Solar Triplet Li-Fi” undertaken by Mr. Shibin George, Mr. Prinson V Jacob, Mr. Adarsh Babu and Ms. Shresta Hegde, under the guidance of Mr. H M Ramalingam, received funding of cash worth Rs.5000/- and selected for State Level Exhibition in KSCST 39th series SPP
Ms. Pratheeksha V P, Mr. Akash R, Mr. Yashwanth V, Ms Teja V H K, received a Promising Innovator Award from National level Innovative design contest- Sparkle- 2016; organized by KPIT Corporation, Pune
Student Paper Publications
Journal Publication
- Rishma Mary George, Mahitha Bangera, Abhishek A, Zaid Mohammed, “Coal Mine Safety Monitoring System using Wireless Sensor Network”, in Journal of Critical Reviews, ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 10, 2020
- Akshay P N, Nisarga Kalagi, Deeksha Shetty, Mr. Ramalingam “Email Client Automation with RPA”, Journal of Critical Reviews, ISSN- 2394-5125 VOL 7, ISSUE 19, 2020
- Dr. Srikrishna Shastri C , Arpitha, Denold Jason, “Image Processing based Early Detection of Pest in Agriculture to increase the Crop Yield”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), 11030-11035, 2020
- Mr. Sathisha, Ninada Venugopal, ‘Adaptive Wireless Charging System for Electric Vehicles”, International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology (IJAST), 2020
- Ganesh V N, K Aishwarya Shetty, Melrine Aquila Saldanha, Muzna Nazhath, Namrata Arun, “ Real Time Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles”, IRJET, Volume: 07 Issue: 08 | Aug 2020, e-ISSN: 2395-0056.
- Sampreeth S J, Shruthi V, Ravikiran, Reshal Teena D’souza, Ganesh V N, “Dual Electromagnetic Engine”, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2020, No: 187, e-ISSN: 2395-0056
- Vinayambika S Bhat, Akshitha G.Shettigar, Nidhi Dayanand, Nikhita, K.P.Vishal Kumar, “Analysis of PID Controller Algorithms for Transfer Function model of Electric Vehicle”, IJRTE, ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8, Issue-1S4, June 2019
- Sahana Devali, Akshata, Bhakthi Shetty, Ashwini, Nischita, “Helious Helmet”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019 (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- Bhargavi K Rao, Pradeep M., Rajeshwari, Ranjitha, Sathwik, “Generator monitoring using Android Phone”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019 (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- .Sanjeevi Kumar P, Rekha Patil, Shwetha, Thrupthi, Vaishnavi, “Power theft detection using GSM”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019 (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- Pushparani M K, Ranjith B.N, Harshith U, Bhagappa, “Application of Rasberry –Pi model for plant disease detection”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019, (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- Anjani , Ganesh Kamath, Manjunath Acharya, Pooja, Ranjitha V.P, “Kannada speech Recognition enquiry system for farmers”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019, (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- Padma Prasada, Nishan Shetty, Nivedana, Gowripriya M. V, “Cloud based intelligent transportation system for collision avoidance”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019, (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- Ranjith H.D, Hafeeza Jinan, Anusha B, Arfha Fathima, Fathima, “Antitheft Control System”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019, (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
- Ganesh V N, Varnasri jain, Fidelia Chaitra Siri, Prajwitha J, Puthran, “Skin Disease Recognition Using Texture Analysis”, IJERT, 2278-0181, 2019, (RTESIT – 2019 Conference Proceedings)
Conference Publication
- Prasanna Poojari, Veekshith V. Shetty, Pritika, Patcy Janice Gomes, “A cost effective Automated Smart Nursery System for growing plant efficiently”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science & Engineering (ICETSE-2017)
- Sudharma Hegde, Velen Aranha, “Super Drip Bot- Embedded System Application in Agriculture Monitoring”, National Conference on “Emerging Trends in Science and Engineering (NCETSE-2017)
Co-curricular Achievements
“Aralu Mallige” State Award
Ms. Shravya B. C, received Aralu Mallige State Award from Jnana Mandara Educational and Cultural Academy, Bengaluru for her achievement in the field of Bharatanatya, Folk Culture and Music.
Ms. Mahita Bangera, won in Table Tennis, Intercollegiate VTU Zonal Tournament, Organized by Visvesvaraya Technological University, held at SDIT, Mangaluru