One of the most diverse and versatile engineering fields, Mechanical Engineering is the study of objects and systems in motion. The Department of Mechanical Engineering of MITE was started in the year 2007 along with the inception of the institute with an intake of 60 students and the current intake is 120. The Mechanical Engineering Program is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA), AICTE, New Delhi for three years in 2017 and again for three years in 2020 up to 30-06-2023.
Department has faculty members with Master’s and Doctorate degrees, having specialization in machine design, thermal engineering, product design, and materials engineering are involved in academic and research activities. R & D unit of the department was established in 2013, offers M.Sc. (Engg) and Ph.D. programs under VTU, Belagavi.
The department has a well–defined student centric teaching-learning-process to cater to the needs of students from diverse background. Students of mechanical engineering department have secured VTU ranks under top 10 consecutively in recent past, of which one of them being the first rank.
The department has state-of-the art facilities for various laboratories and class rooms. The department is empowered by Industry Collaboration with Bosch Rexroth Center of Competence, Siemens Centre of Excellence and Carl Zeiss on Industrial metrology. Apart from classroom teaching, ample opportunities are provided to students to get hands-on training in parallel with respective theory subjects. This effort in turn resulted in good number paper publication among the students.
The role of a mechanical engineer is to take a product from an idea to the marketplace. The projects, industry visits, internships and hands-on activities are designed to foster a spirit of entrepreneurship among students and to enable students to launch their own ventures.
The department of Mechanical Engineering has received a grant of INR 13.5 lakhs from AICTE to set up “Advanced laboratory Material Testing laboratory” during the year 2019-20 and about INR 9 lakhs from AICTE and VGST to organize conference and FDPs.
To develop technically competent Mechanical Engineering Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Researchers for the benefit of the society
- To provide a well-balanced program of instructions to impart concepts on basics and applied areas of Mechanical Engineering.
- To provide the state-of-the-art facility for learning, skill development and research in design and manufacture areas.
- To encourage the students to excel in the co-curricular and extra-curricular activities to impart social & ethical values and leadership quality.
Program Educational Objectives(PEOs)
After successful completion of the program, the graduates will be
- Professionals in design, analysis and evaluation of Mechanical components and systems using state-of-the-art modern tools.
- Expertise in Design, Thermal, Materials & Manufacture streams of Mechanical Engineering and carryout research and innovations.
- Work effectively and ethically in allied fields of Mechanical Engineering.
- Work in a team with good communication skills to achieve objectives with keen on lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes(PSOs)
At the end of the program, the student
- Acquire knowledge in Hydraulics & Pneumatics, PID controllers and Automation process.
- Excel in Principles of Engineering Design, Analysis and Manufacturing of Mechanical Components to meet the Industrial requirements.
Program Outcomes (POs)
PO1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences
PO3: Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
PO4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings
PO10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change
Department Advisory Board 2024-25
Sl. No. | Name of Member | Designation |
1 | Dr. C R Rajashekhar Vice Principal & HoD, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering | Chairperson |
2 | Dr. Prashanth C M Principal, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering | Member |
3 | Dr. Neelakantha V Londe Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering | Member |
4 | Dr. Mohan Kumar Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering | Member |
5 | Dr. Shivaramu H T Sr. Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering | Member-Convener |
6 | Dr. Ramesh M R Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, NITK, Surathkal | Academic Expert-Member |
7 | Mr. Rajanikanth M R Senior Manager – Lab Design & Planning Kewaunee Labway India Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore | Industry Expert-Member |
8 | Mr. Prajwal V Kumar Co-Founder Mangalore Robotronics Technologies, Surathkal | Industry Expert-Member |
9 | Mr. Sharad B AnchanAlumni, 2015 batch Lead Mechanical Engineer, Black Frog Technologies, Manipal | Alumni-Member |
10 | Mr. Prajwal Acharya Alumni, 2010 batch Director, SKF Boilers and Driers Pvt. Ltd., Moodbidri. | Alumni-Member |
Dr. C R Rajashekar
Educational Qualification
BE – Mechanical Engineering
ME – Thermal Engineering
Ph.D – Combustion
30 years (Teaching + Industry)
Area of Interest
- Combustion of fuel
- Alternate fuels
- Heat transfer
Subjects handled
- Heat Transfer
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Control Engineering
- Engineering Graphics
International Conferences
- “Impact of Bio-diesel fuel on Durability of CI Engines – A Review”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 01201
- “Experimental Studies on Effect of Nano particle blended Biodiesel Combustion on Performance and Emission of CI Engine”, IConMMEE 2018 IOP Publishing IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 01201
- Spray characteristics of Swirl Spray Injector-A review, International conference on applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, MIT, Manipal, 2017,
- “Study of constraint issues in Elasto-plastic fracture Analysis using Experimental and finite Element Simulation” International Conference on POWER ENGINEERING, ASME-2017, June 26-30, 2017,
- “Studies on effect of various surfactants on stable dispersion of graphenenano particles in Simaruba biodiesel”, International conference on Advances in Materials and Manufacturing Applications (IConAMMA), 14-16th July 2016, Amrita School of Engineering, Bangalore.
- Studies on Design of Cyclone separator with Tri chambered Filter unit for dust removal in Rice Mills, Proceedings of 2016 International conference on IT, Mechanical and communication-ICIMCE 2016, ISBN 978-93-84422-51-6,Pattaya,January 2-3,2016
- “Determination of fracture toughness in tensile fracture and fatigue fracture of steels”, International conference on Aeronautical, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering (ARME’2015), June 2015, Bangkok (Thailand)
- Sandeep K, C R Rajashekhar and Dhananjaya P K, “Effect of Carbon Nano tube addition in bio-diesel combustion”, International conference on Innovations and Emerging trends in Mechanical Engineering, Nagarjuna College of Engineering, 17th October 2015
- “Reductions of bio-diesel exhaust emissions through engine combustion chamber design modifications-an experimental study”, International Mechanical Engineering congress IMEC-2014, NIT, Trichy, June 2014
- “Combustion studies of Twisting – Blade Piston Diesel Engine Fuelled with Karanja Bio – Diesel” International conference ASME 2013 Congress & Exposition in Mechanical Engineering, IMECE2013-64138, 15-21.2013, vol.6A, ppV06AT07A009, ISBN: 978-0-7918-5628-4
- “Experimental studies on the effect of threaded piston geometry on combustion and emission of diesel engine fuelled with Karanja bio-diesel”, International conference ICCSEM-2013, DayandaSagar College of Engineering, Bangalore, 26th& 27th2013.
- “Experimental Studies on Combustion and Emission characteristics of Tri- Chambered Piston Diesel Engine” International conferences on AMMMT – 2013, SIT, Tumkur, 3 rd& 4 thMay, 2013. ISBN-13978-81-926304-0-3
- “The Effect of Titanium Oxide Content in Piston Coating on The Performance & Emission Characteristics of Bio-diesel Fuelled C.I.Engine”,International conference on Sustainable materials in Engineering-2013 (ICoSm-2013), Penang Island, Malaysia, March 26th& 27th
- “Studies on the effect of squish of modified piston on Performance and combustion characteristics of bio-diesel (Honge) fuelled C.I. engine” International Conference on challenges and opportunities in mechanical and Industrial Engg. 11-13.July 2012, pp553-559 MSRIT, Bangalore. (ISBN: 978-93-82338-04-8)
- “Effect of squish and tumble on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of bio-diesel (Honge) fuelled CI engine”InternationalConference on challenges and opportunities in mechanical and Industrial Engg. 11-13.July, 2012, MSRIT, Bangalore.(ISBN: 978-93-82338-04-8)
- “Studies on induced turbulence combustion on performance and Combustion characteristics of Bio-diesel fuelled C. I. Engine” International Conference on Mechanical & Industrial Engineering (ICMIE) Goa, Paper ID: ICMIE-17JUN12-024, 17 June 2012. (ISBN: 978-93-81693-89-6)
- “Experimental studies on augmented turbulence combustion of bio-diesel fuelled C.I.Engine ” International conference on AMMMT – 2010, SIT, Tumkur, Nov.18& 19,2010
- “Design & Development of motor cycle foldable helmet” International conference on AMMMT-2010 SIT, Tumkur, Nov.18&19,2010
- “Higher Fuel Economy Using Taguchi Technique”,International Conference on IC Engines & Combustion, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, 6-9 Dec, 2007
- “Optimization of IC Engine parameters Using Taguchi Technique”, International Conference on Engineering Design in 2007, IISC Bangalore, August2007
- “Optimization of IC Engine Parameters”, 3rd International Conference on Quality, Reliability and Technology-ICQRIT2006, Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi Dec 2006.
International Journals
- “Investigating the Role of Fatty Acid Methyl Ester Composition on Engine Performance and Emission Characteristics”, International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems Volume 10 Issue 4 (2018)
- “Experimental investigation on accelerated biodiesel oxidation for karanja oil methyl ester”, International Journal of Mechanical and ProductionEngineering Research and Development (IJMPERD)ISSN (P): 2249-6890; ISSN (E): 2249-8001, Vol. 8, Special Issue 7, Oct 2018, 71-76
- “Effect of Injection Timing on the Utilization of B20 Blends of Dairy Scum Oil Methyl Esters (Dsome) fulled Diesel Engine”, European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 2018, 2(2), xx ISSN: 2542-4742.
- “Studies on effect of Graphene Nano particle addition in different levels with Simarouba bio-diesel and diesel blends on performance , combustion and emission characteristics of CI engine” Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 13369-018-3121-6, Mar 5, 2018,Springer publication
- Studies on Effect of Injection Pressure of Graphene Nano particles added Simarouba Biodiesel blend fuel on C I engine Performance and Emission, Frontiers Journal Of Social Technological And Environmental Science, V6, No.2, pp326-337,2017, ISSN: 2238-8869
- Studies on effect of Injection timing of Graphene Nano particles blended simarouba bio-diesel blend on C I Engine, International Journal of Engineering, vol.30, no.8, pp1205-1214,2017
- Studies on effect of various surfactants on stable dispersion of graphenenano particles in simarouba biodiesel – IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 149 (2016) 012083 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/149/1/012083
- “Determination of fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth rate using circumferentially cracked round bar specimens of Al2014T651”, Aerospace Science and Technology, vol.47, 2015, pp 92-97, ELESEVIER publication.
- Studies on Design of Cyclone separator with Tri chambered Filter unit for dust removal in Rice Mills, International journal of Mining, Metallurgy and Mechanical Engineering (IJMMME), Volume 3,Issue 4, 2015, ISSN 2320-4060 (online)
- “Using simorouba as a bio-diesel studies the effect of modified(Threaded) piston on performance, combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine”, International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, ISSN 2351-8014 Vol. 8 No. 1 Sep. 2014, pp. 64-72
- “RFID based Metro train system”, International journal of Advancements in Research & Technologies, vol.3, May 2014, pp95-97
- “Reductions of bio-diesel exhaust emissions through engine combustion chamber design modifications-an experimental study”, Journal of Advanced Mechanics and Materials, vol.592-594, pp 1751-1755, 2014, Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland.
- “The Effect of Titanium Oxide Content in Piston Coating on The Performance & Emission Characteristics of Bio-diesel fuelled C.I.Engine”, Journal of Advanced Materials ResearchISSN:1662-8985, vol.795, 2013, pp24-28.Trans Tech Publication, Switzerland.
- “An experimental study on the effect of thermal barrier coating on diesel engine performance”, International Journal of Innovative research in Science, Engineering and Technology, vol. 2, issue 8, 2013, pp3554-3562
- “Influence of injection pressure on performance of Simarouba Bio-diesel engine” International Journal of scientific & engineering research, vol.4, Issue 7, July-2013.
- “Studies on effects of combustion chamber geometry and injection pressure on bio-diesel combustion” International Journal of Transactions of Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineers (TCSME), vol.36, no.4, 2012, pp429-438. ISSN: 0315-8977
- “Studies of Parametric Analysis of High Temperature Resistance Furnace” International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology, Vol. 2 Issue 2, February- 2013 pp.01-15. ISSN: 2278-0181
- “Studies of squish and tumble effect on performance of multi-chambered piston CI engine” International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ISSN: 2248-9622, Vol. 2, Issue 5, Sept. – Oct. 2012, pp.874-878.
- “Effect of titanium oxide coating on performance characteristics of Bio-diesel (Honge) fuelled C.I.Engine” International Journal of Modern Engineering Research Vol.2, Issue.4, July-Aug 2012 pp-2825-2828 ISSN: 2249-6645
- “Optimization of spark ignition engine parameters using Taguchi Parameter design” International journal on Mechanical and Automobile EnggISSN 0974X, Volume 10, PP29-39, Issue No.1, June -August 2010
Dr. C R Rajashekar
HOD & Vice Principal
Dr. Neelakanta V Londe
B.E – Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech – Materials Engineering
Ph.D – Fracture Mechanics
26 Years
Subjects handled
- Kinematics of Machines
- Dynamics of Machines
- Smart Materials & MEMS
- Mechatronics System Design
- Elements of Mechanical Engg.
- Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
- Total Quality Management
- Engineering System Design
- Metrology and Mechanical Measurements
Area of Research Interest
- Engineering Materials
- Fatigue and Fracture
- Composite Materials
- Smart Matrials
International Conferences
- P. Aveen, Vishwanath Bhajantri, Rueben D’Souza, Neelakantha V. Londe, and Sudhakar Jambagi,” Experimental analysis on effect of various fillers on mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites” , AIP Conference Proceedings 2057, 020044 (2019); Advances in Polymer Composites: Mechanics, Characterization and Applications AIP Conf. Proc. 2057,pp. 020044-1–020044-6; Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1785-4.
- Nayana G, Neelakantha Londhe and Sathyanarayana, “Smart Skin-A Review”, International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering(ICETE 2017), Special issue of NMAMIT Annual Research Journal 2017,ISSN-2249-0426 , pp 246-250.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. Neelakantha V L, Harold J D’Souza , Varadaraj ,“Comparative study on tensile properties of coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy composite “ , International Journal of Engineering Researches and Management Studies, ICAMS: March 2017], ISSN: 2394-7659, pp 89-97,
- Sunil Kumar S, Prem Kumar Naik, Saviraj A. S, Neelakantha V Londe, “Effect of geometric discontinuity on stress concentration factors of AI6061T6 Alloy under bending load”, Two day International conference on Advanced Materials Manufacturing Management and Thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2016) at SIT, Tumkur,23rd and 24th sep-2016. (Accepted for publication in Conference proceeding journals by Elsevier)
- Sunil Kumar S, Prem Kumar Naik, Saviraj A. S, Neelakantha V londe, “Effect of accelerated aging on flexural behavior of woven fabric Carbon-Glass hybrid epoxy composites”, Tow day International conference on Advanced Materials Manufacturing Management and Thermal Sciences (AMMMT-2016) at SIT, Tumkur,23rd and 24th sep-2016.,,Vol. 4 Issue 12, December-2016(Accepted for publication in Conference proceeding journals by Elsevier)
- Neelakantha .V.Londe and Jayaraju “ Crack Propagation Studies In Metallic Materials Using Round Bar Specimens” , FRACTURE2014-First world conference on Fracture and Damage Mechanics, International and Interuniversity center for Nano Science and Nano Technology,Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, Kerala. August 9-11, 2014.
- Neelakantha V L, Padmayya Naik, Dilip Kumar K, M.S.Shyam Prasad, T.Jayaraju, A.O.Surendranathan,“ Determination of Fracture Properties Using Circumferentially Cracked Round Bar Specimens”, NMD-ATM 2012, 16-19 November, 2012.
- V.L, Padmayya Naik, T.Jayaraju, A.O Surendranathan and Dilip Kumar K, “Determination Of Fracture Toughness And Crack Growth Rate Using An Alternate Specimen Geometry”, presented a paper in 2ndInternational Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building sciences ICAMB-2012 held at VIT University, Vellore during 9 to 11 January 2012.
- V.L, Padmayya Naik, T.Jayaraju, P.R.Sadanada Rao, A.O Surendranathan and Dilip Kumar K, “Fatigue Crack Growth Rate Test of High strength Aluminum alloys Using Small Scale Specimens”, NMD-ATM 2011, Lionoa International center for Exhibition, Hyderabad, 13-16 November, 2011.
- V.L, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Estimation of Fatigue Crack Growth Rate and ΔKth of Al 2014-T6 using Circumferentially Notched Round Bar Specimen,” Proceedings of International Conference, NMD-ATM 2010, IISc, Bangalore (awarded with FIRST PRIZE in Mechanical Behavior Theme) on 15-17 November 2010
- V.L, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Determination of Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Structural Materials using a Notched Round Bar Specimen”, The International Symposium on ‘Emerging Challenges for Metals and Materials: Engineering and Technology, Proceedings of NMD-ATM 2009, Kolkata, 14-17 November, 2009.
- V.L, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Determination of Plane Strain Fracture Toughness of Al2014T6 Using Circumferentially Cracked Round Bar Specimen”, International Conference for Technical Postgraduates, Proceedings of TECHPOS2009, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA, 14-15, Dec 2009.
- Govindaraju H.K, Neelakantha.V.L, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Study on the Effect of Cerium Addition with Al-Zn-Mg alloy on Fatigue And Fracture Behaviour”, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Materials and Characterization” Proceedings of RETMAC-2010, Department of Metallurgical & Materials Engineering, NITK, Surathkal, Karnataka, 14-15, February 2010.
- Padmayya Naik, Neelakantha.V.L, A.O Surendranathan and T. Jayaraju, “Carbon–Carbon Composites by Preformed Yarn Method”, International Conference on “Recent Trends in Materials and Characterization”, Proceedings of RETMAC-2010, Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, NITK, Surathkal, Karnataka, 14-15 February 2010.
- Padmayya Naik, A.O Surendranathan, Neelakantha.V.L, “Wear Behavior of Unidirectional Carbon-Carbon Composites using Preformed Yarn”, International Conference on Strength of Materials, (ICSMA16) The National Science Seminar Complex, IISc campus. Bangalore,19-24August 2012.
- Padmayya Naik, A.O Surendranathan and Neelakantha.V.L, “Wear and Fracture Behavior of Carbon-Carbon Composite’ , NMD-ATM 2011, Lionoa International center for Exhibition, Hyderabad, 13-16November, 2011.
- Dilip Kumar K, Appukuttan K K, Srinivas Mayya D and Neelakantha.V.L, “Dynamics Of Spring Back Effect Of Aluminum Sheet Metal During L-Bending Operation ”presented a paper in 2ndInternational Conference on Advances in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Building sciences ICAMB-2012 held at VIT University, Vellore during 9-11 January 2012.
- Dilip Kumar K, Appukuttan K K, Srinivas Mayya D and Neelakantha.V.L, “ FEM Modeling Of Aluminum Sheet Metal During L-Bending”, NMD-ATM 2011, Lionoa International center for Exhibition, Hyderabad.Organized by IIM,13-16 November, 2011.
International Journals
- Sunil Kumar B.V, Neelakantha.V.Londe, Surendranathan A.O, Gururaja Rao.J, “Fabrication Methods, Recent Developments and Applications of Carbon-Carbon Composites (CCC): A Review, International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056, Volume: 05 Issue: 11 | Nov 2018
- Ramesha V, Prasad T B, Vighnesha Nayak and Neelkant V L “Mechanical and Wear Characteristics of ZrSiO4 Reinforced Aluminium Metal Matrix Composite”, International Journal of Civil, Mechanical and Energy Science (IJCMES), [Vol-4, Issue-3, May-Jun, 2018], ISSN: 2455-5304,
- Nayana G, Neelakantha Londhe and Sathyanarayana, “Smart Skin-A Review”, Special issue of NMAMIT Annual Research Journal 2017,ISSN-2249-0426,PP 246-250.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. Neelakantha V L, Harold J D’Souza , Varadaraj ,“Comparative study on tensile properties of coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy composite “ , International Journal of Engineering Researches and Management Studies, ICAMS: March 2017], ISSN: 2394-7659, pp 89-97,
- Varadaraj S. , Mohan Kumar, V. L. Neelakantha, “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of AlFe Intermetallic Composite”, International Journal of Engineering Research & Technology (IJERT),IJERTV4IS 120492 ISSN:, Vol. 4 Issue 12, December-2015
- Neelakantha V. Londe, T Jayaraju, CR Rajashekar, T K Chandrashekar, Lokesha, V Ramesha, “Determination of Fracture Toughness in Tensile Fracture and Fatigue Fracture of Steels”, International Conference on Aeronautical, Robotics and Manufacturing Engineering (ARME’2015) Bangkok (Thailand), ISBN 978-93-84422-24-0, June 15-16, 2015
- Neelakantha V L, Padmayya Naik, T.Jayaraju, O Surendranathan, Dilip Kumar K, ‘Determination of fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth rate using circumferentially cracked round bar specimens of Al2014T651’, Aerospace Science and Technology , Elsevier, DOI/Vol.47/10.1016/j.ast.2015.09.023/
- Dilip Kumar K, Appukuttan K K, Neelakantha.V.L, Padmayya Naik S, “ Experimental determination of spring back and thinning effect of aluminum sheet metal during L-bending operation”, Materials and Design, Elsevier, April 2014 Vol.56, pp 613-619/
- V. Londe, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Determination of plane-strain fracture toughness of Al 2014-T6 alloy using a circumferentially cracked round bar specimen”, Engineering e-Transaction, Vol 6, No.1, June 2011, pp 26-31.
- Neelakantha .V. Londe, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Use of Round Bar Specimen in Fracture toughness Test of Metallic Materials”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol 2(9), 2010, pp 4130-4136.
- Neelakantha .V. Londe, T. Jayaraju and P. R. Sadananda Rao, “Estimation of Crack Growth Properties of High Strength Metallic Materials by a Novel Technique”, International Journal of Engineering and Technology, Vol 2(6), 2010, pp 388-391.
- Padmayya Naik, Neelakanth .V. Londe, A. O. Surendranathan and T. Jayaraju “Carbon-Carbon Composites by Preformed Yarn Method”, International Journal of Mechanical and Materials Engineering(IJMME), Vol6, 2011, No.1, pp133-139.
- PadmayyaNaik, A.O. Surendranathan and Neelakantha .V. Londe, “A Study On Carbon Fiber Reinforced Carbon Composites for Structural Applications”, International Journal of Engineering Science and Technology, Vol 3 No. 5 May 2011, pp 3670-3675.
- Padmayya Naik, A.O. Surendranathan and Neelakantha .V. Londe, “A Study on Carbon Fiber Reinforced Carbon Composites for Frictional Applications” ,International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, SERSC Publications, Vol 2 (6), June 2011, pp 95-102.
- Padmayya Shaniyara Naik, Surendranathan Attakuli Orangalu and Neelakantha V. Londe, “Effect of fiber weight fraction on mechanical properties of carbon–carbon composites”, DOI: 10.1002/pc.22259/ pc.v33.8/issuetoc), Polymer Composites,Volume 33, Issue 8, pp 1329-1334, August 2012
National Journals & Conferences
- Neelakantha V Londe, Md.SirajU M,Adnan Ashraf,Jabir, V,P, Roshil Rose, “Condition monitoring of a round bar with a defect using vibration analysis”., Proceedings of national conference NCERT held at YIT, Moodbidri and published in Trends in Machine Design, ISSN;2455-3352(online), vol6, issue 2,,TMD2019.
- Neelakantha V Londe, Sharathchandra Prabhu, MS Shamprasad, “Steel Manufacturing and Marketing- Issues and Challenges”- National Conference on Global Business Issues and Challenges, Department of MBA, SIT- Valachil, Mangalore 26 April 2013.
- Neelakantha.V.L, T. Jayaraju and P. R. SadanandaRao,“Fracture toughness test of Al 6061-T6 alloy using circumferentially notched bar specimen”, Proceedings of National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engg-2011(AIM Engg-2011), MIT Manipal, 3-5January,2011
- Neelakantha.V.L, T.Jayaraju and P. R. SadanandaRao, “Rapid estimation of threshold stress intensity factor range of Al 2014T6 alloy by a novel technique”, Proceedings of National Conference- September 24-25, Proceedings of NAME 2010, JNNCE Shimoga, Karnataka, Allied Publishers Pvt.Ltd,New Delhi, ISBN: 978-81-8424-623-0,pp 14-19, November 2010.
- Neelakantha.V.L, T. Jayaraju and P. R. SadanandaRao,“Parametric study of cold extrusion dies for tin tubes”, National Conference COMET-2006 in Mechanical Engg. Trends at Bellary Engg. College on19-20 May 2006.
- Shruthi C.M., K.R. Prakash, Neelakantha.V.L, Dilip Kumar K, “Design and Development of servo-pneumatic pressure control for an automated pressing and sorting process with PLC integration” , Proceedings of National Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management(NCIETEM), Alva’s Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moodbidri, March 22-23,2013.
- Shruthi C.M., Neelakantha.V.L and K.R.Prakash, “Automated sorting and processing powered by servo-pneumatic pressure control and PLC”, Proceedings of National Conference on Innovations and Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering(IETME-2012), organized in association with Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers, Bangalore Chapter, Nagarjuna College of Engineering and Technology, Banglore, 11th May2012.
- Shruthi C.M., Neelakantha.V.L and K.R.Prakash, “PLC integrated servo-pneumatic pressure control” in National Conference NCAME-2012 organized by Mechanical Engineering Department of Bapatla Engineering College, Bapatla on 27th March 2012.
Dr. Neelakanta V Londe
Dr. Vignesh Nayak Ullal
BE – Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech – Process Metallurgy
Ph.D – Metallurgical and Material Engineering
1.2 years
Subjects handled
- Advances in Steel Making
- Surface Engineering
Area of Research Interest
- Quench Hardening of steels
- Nanofluids
International Conferences
- Vignesh Nayak, U., and Narayan Prabhu, K., (2017). “Heat flux transients for quenching of 50 and 25 mm Stainless steel in mineral and vegetable oils.” Int. Conf. Adv. Mater. Process. ADMAT, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India, 14-16 December 2017.
- U.V. Nayak and K.N. Prabhu., (2017). “Comparative study of the effect of section thickness of steel during quenching in neem and mineral oil.”, Proceedings of the 29th Heat Treating Society Conference (HEAT TREAT 2017), Columbus, Ohio, USA, 24 – 26 October 2017.
International Journals
- Vignesh Nayak, U., and Narayan Prabhu, K. (2015). “Heat transfer during immersion quenching in MWCNT nanofluids.” Mater. Sci. Forum, 830–831(2015), 172–176. 10.4028/
- Vignesh Nayak, U., Ashwin, Pai, Pranesh Roa, K. M., and Narayan Prabhu, K. (2015). “Wetting kinematics and cooling performance of PAG polymer quenchants.” Mater. Sci. Forum, 830–831(2015), 156–159. 10.4028/
- U. Vignesh Nayak, and K. Narayan Prabhu, (2016). “Heat transfer and quench performance of aqueous CuO nanofluids during immersion quenching.” Int. J. Microstruct. Mater. Prop., 11((3/4)), 186–202. 10.1504/IJMMP.2016.079139
- Nayak, V. U., and Prabhu, N. K. (2016). “Wetting behavior and heat transfer of aqueous graphene nanofluids.” J. Mater. Eng. Perform., 25(4), 1474–1480.
- 5. U. Vignesh Nayak, K. M. Pranesh Rao, M. Ashwin Pai and K. Narayan Prabhu. (2016). “Carbonated aqueous media for quench heat treatment of steels.” JMEP, 25(9), 3802-3810.
- Nayak, U., Ramesh, G., and Prabhu, K. (2017). “Assessment of spatiotemporal heat flux during quenching in TiO2 and AlN Nanofluids.” Mater. Perform. Charact., 6(5), 745–756,
- Vignesh Nayak, U., and Narayan Prabhu, K. (2018). “Effect of section thickness on heat transfer during quenching in vegetable oils.” Mater. Perform. Charact., 7(1), 384-395.
- Vignesh Nayak, U., and Narayan Prabhu, K. (2018) “Heat transfer during quenching of inconel probes in non-edible vegetable oils.” HTM J. Heat Treatm. Mat., 73(5), pp. 283-291,
- Vignesh Nayak, U., and Narayan Prabhu, K. (2019) “Heat transfer during quenching in graphene and multiwall carbon nanotubes nanofluids under agitated quench conditions” J. of Nano., 8, pp. 1-18,
- U. V. Nayak and K. N. Prabhu, (2019)“Quench cooling performance–hardness correlation for aisi 1045 and 1090 steels” Mater. Perform. Charact., 8(1), 135–150,
- 11. Vignesh U. Nayak, K. N. Prabhu, Nicole Stanford, and Satyanarayan (2012) “Wetting behavior and evolution of microstructure of Sn–3.5Ag solder alloy on electroplated 304 stainless steel substrates” Trans. Ind. Ins. Met., 65(6), pp. 713-717,
National Journals & Conferences
- Vignesh Nayak U and Narayan Pabhu K., (2014) ‘Assessment of heat transfer in MWCNT-water nanofluids for quench heat treatment’, Proceedings of the 52nd Nat. Meta. Day including the 68th Ann. Tech. Meet. on Automotive, Aerospace, Defence and Energy, College of Engineering, Pune, India, 12-15 November 2014.
Book Chapter
Prabhu, K. N., Nayak U. V., and Rao K. M. P., (2016), Chapter 25: Polymer Quenchants in “Advances in Polymer Materials and Technology.” CRC press, Boca Raton, USA, A. Srinivasan and S. Bandyopadhyay, eds., 709-740.
Dr. Vignesh Nayak Ullal
Senior Assistant Professor
Dr. Mohan Kumar
BE- Industrial & Production Engineering
M. Tech- Advanced Manufacturing Engineering
16 years
Subjects handled
- Elements of Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
- Mechanics of Materials
- Kinematics of Machines
- Mechanical Vibrations
- Materials Science and Metallurgy
- Non Traditional Machining
- Metal Forming
Area of Research Interest
- Materials Characterization
- Fracture
International Conferences
- Mohan Kumar, K. V. Gangadharan (2007), Variable Damping Coefficient Twin-Tube Damper – An Experimental Study, International Conference on “Recent Developments in Structural Engineering (RDSE-2007)” on 30 – 31 August and 1 September, 2007 at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
- Mohan Kumar, K. V. Gangadharan (2007), Experimental Analysis of a Semi-Active Damping Device for Vibration Isolation, International Conference on “International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering (ICAME-2007)” on 24 – 26 October, 2007 at Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. Neelakantha V L, Harold J D’Souza, Varadaraj S, A comparative study on Tensile Properties of Coconut shell powder reinforced Epoxy composite, International Conference on Advances in Mechanical Sciences 2017 (ICAMS-2017), 3rd – 5th March 2017 at MCE Hassan.
- Mohan Kumar, Abhishek Bala, Prithviraj M, Raghavendra, VinayPrasad, Study on the effect of varying volume fraction on mechanical properties of coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy matrix composites, International Conference IConMME-2018, 2nd – 3rd March, 2018 at MITE, Moodabidri
International Journals
- Mohan Kumar, Kumar Rithin, B. Raghuveer, Kotian Sharun, Rai Yathiraj, Kumar Shanmukh, B. Shreeprakash, “Study on Effect of Stirring Parameters on Tensile Properties of Coconut Shell Powder Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite” Applied Mechanics and Materials Journal, vols 592-594, 1180 – 1184.
- V. L. Neelakantha, T. Jayaraju, Padmayya Naik, Dilip Kumar K, C. R. Rajashekare, Mohan Kumar, “Determination of fracture toughness and fatigue crack growth rate using circumferentially cracked round bar specimens of Al2014T651” Elsevier journal Aerospace Science and Technology 47 (2015) 92-97.
- Rithin Kumar N.B, Vincent Crasta, B.M. Praveen, Mohan Kumar, “Studies on structural, optical and mechanical properties of MWCNTs and ZnO nanoparticles doped PVA nanocomposites”, Nanotechnlogy Reviews, Vol. 4, Issue 5, page 457.
- Varadaraj S., Mohan Kumar, V. L. Neelakantha, “Investigation of Mechanical Properties of AlFe Intermetallic Composite”, IJERT, Vol. 4, Issue 12, page 483 – 485.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. Neelakantha V. L., Harold D’Souza, Varadaraj S, “A Comparative Study on Tensile Properties of Coconut Shell Powder Reinforced Epoxy Composite”, IJERMS, page 89-97.
- Mohan Kumar, Abhishek Bala, Prithviraj M, Raghavendra, VinayPrasad, “Study on the effect of varying volume fraction on mechanical properties of coconut shell powder reinforced epoxy matrix composites”, IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 376 (2018) 012097.
National Journals & Conferences
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. K V Gangadharan, Vijaykumar myageri, “Magnetorheological Fluid: A Smart Semi-Active damping medium”, National Level Conference PGFest-05, NMAM Institute of Technology, Nitte. This paper won second prize.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. K V Gangadhran, Rajendra B, “Recent Advances in Semi-Active Damping of Structures”, National Conference RDSE-2005, MIT, Manipal.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. K V Gangadharan, Janardhan Padiyar, “Experimental Investigation on Effect of Magnetic Field on Damping Coefficient of smart fluid damper”, National Conference RDSE-2005, MIT, Manipal.
- Mohan Kumar, Dr. K V Gangadharan, Balaraddi, “Fabrication and Performance Testing of Twin-Tube Damper for Semi-Active Damping using Magneto-Rheological Fluid”, National Conference README-2005, P.A. College of Engineering, Konaje, Mangalore.
- Mohan Kumar, Prithviraj M, Raghavendra, Vinay Prasad, Abhishek B., Study on the Effect of Varying Volume Fraction and Mechanical Behaviour of Coconut shell Powder Reinforced Epoxy Matrix Composite, National Level Student Conference, Jnanasangama – 2015, at VCET, Puttur.
- Ponnanna P. A., Prashanth, Ricky Chris Pinto, Vineeth, Mohan Kumar, Study on Glass fiber-Coconut Shell powder reinforced Epoxy resin Hybrid composite, National Conference Jnanasangama 2018, May 2018, VCET, Puttur.
Dr. Mohan Kumar
Associate Professor
Dr. Shivaramu H T
B.E- Automobile Engineering
M-Tech- Product Design and Manufacturing
Ph.D- Pusuing
12 Years
Subjects handled
- Mechanics of Materials
- Engineering Graphics
- Engineering Economics
- Operations Research
- Automobile Engineering
- Machine Tools and Operations
- Non Traditional Machining
- Composite Materials Technology
Area of Research Interest
- Metal Matrix Nano Composites
- Alternative Energy sources for Automotive
- Design and Development of products
International Conferences
Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S International Conference ICERTMCE-2017, 6th & 7th, July-2017 at REVA University, Bengaluru, Dry Sliding Wear Behavior of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Al-Si Alloy Composites
- Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S International Conference ICERTMCE-2017, 6th & 7th, July-2017 at REVA University, Bengaluru Wear Behavior Studies of Multi Walled Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced Al Composites Produced By Powder Metallurgy Technique
- Nagaraj K, Shivaramu H T, Basavanna S, Pramod N, Umashankar K S International Conference ICERTMCE-2017, 6th & 7th, July-2017 at REVA University, Bengaluru Comparison of Combustion Characteristics of CI Engine-Fuled With Simarouba and Pongamia Biodiesels
- Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, Prashantha D A International Conference on Materials and Manufacturing Engg. (IMME17), NIT Tirchy, Tamilnadu (10-12March17), Wear Characteristics Comparison of Cast and Powder Metallurgy Based Al and Al-Si Alloy [LM6]
- G M Megharaj, Yuvaraj K B, Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, 2nd International Conference at Vidyavadhaka college of Engineering, Mysore (July 2014) – Study on mechanical properties of CNT reinforced LM20 Alloy Nanocomposite.
International Journals
- Prajwal DJ, Rohan S, Paramashivaiah M, Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, Studies on Performance of Honge Biodiesel Fuelled CI Engine By Varying Injection Pressure and Number of Injector Holes, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 7, July-2018, ISSN 2229-5518, 43-46
- Gangadharan Nair, Shivaramu H T, Rajeshwari, Performance study on two stroke spark ignition engine using petrol blended with ethanol, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 9, Issue 7, ISSN 2229 , July-2018, 122-130
- Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, Prashantha D A ,Wear Characteristics Comparison of Cast and Powder Metallurgy Based Al and Al-Si Alloy [LM6]– Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings 5 (2018) 8138–8146
- Nagaraj Kinnal, Shivaramu H.T, Basavanna S, Pramod N, Umashankar K S, Girishkumar G.S, Comparison of Combustion Characteristics of CI Engine-Fuled With Simarouba and Pongamia Biodiesels, International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research Engineering (IJASRE) E-ISSN: 2454-8006, Issue 01, Volume 03 (Aug. 2017), 204-208
- Sri Ramachari Mukund, Varun K C, Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, Comparison Study of Structural Analysis of UCAV Wing, International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163, Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017)
- Sunil Kumar V, Harshit C R, Shivaramu H T, Nagaraj, Umashankar K S, CFD Analysis of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) By Varying Angle of Attack , International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering (IJIRAE) ISSN: 2349-2163, Issue 04, Volume 4 (April 2017), 61-64.
- Jeevan M, Marwin D’cunha, Nithin D B, Sandeep P P, Shivaramu HT, Dr. Umashankar K S , Damping Properties of E-Glass/ Epoxy Composite with LDPE Filler Material, ISSN: 2231-5381, Page 298-302, 2016
- Marwin D’cunha, Jeevan M, Nithin D B, Sandeep P P, Shivaramu HT, Dr. Umashankar K S Vibration Absorption In LM 28/Al2O3 Reinforced E-Glass/ Epoxy Composite, ISSN: 2231-5381, Page 308 -311, 2016
- G M Megharaj, Yuvaraj K B, Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S , Study on mechanical properties of CNT reinforced LM20 Alloy Nanocomposites, IJR,Volume-01, Issue-05, ISSN 2348-6848, 2014.
National Journals & Conferences
- Sri Ramachari Mukund, Varun K C, Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, Comparison Study of Structural Analysis of UCAV Wing- National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Veman Institute of Technology, Bangalore (27-28 April17)
- Sunil Kumar V, Harshit C R, Shivaramu H T, Nagaraj, Umashankar K S , CFD Analysis of Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle (UCAV) By Varying Angle of Attack-National Conference on Recent Trends in Mechanical Engineering, Veman Institute of Technology, Bangalore (27-28 April17)
- Nagaraj, Shivaramu H.T., Basavaraja, Umashankar K.S., Study on Performance Characteristics of Biodiesels Fueled CI Engine –National Conference on Renewable Energy Technology, VTU Mysore (09-10 March17), Excel Printing Universe, New Delhi–110067, 461-468
- Nagaraj, Shivaramu H.T., Indresh Gowda H.P., Umashankar K.S., Investigation on Emission Characteristics of Biodiesels Fueled CI Engine – National Conference on Renewable Energy Technology, VTU Mysore (09-10March17), Excel Printing Universe, New Delhi–110067, 453-460.
- Nithin D B, Sandeep P P, Shivaramu H T,Umashankar K S, Use of Madhucha as an alternative fuel to study the performance of CI engines – National Conference on Green Energy Potentials & Applications, VCET ,Puttur (May 2016)–
- Sri Ramachari Mukund, Varun K C, Shivaramu H T , National Conference. Jnana Sangama at VCET, Puttur (May 2016)- Unmanned Combat Aerial Vehicle, ISBN-978-B1-930416-1-2, 2016.
- Jeevan M, Marwin D’cunha, Nithin D B, Sandeep P P, Shivaramu H T,Umashankar K S, Damping Properties of E-Glass/ Epoxy Composite with LDPE Filler Material – National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES- May 2016) at SIT, Mangalore
- Marwin D’cunha, Jeevan M, Nithin D B, Sandeep P P, Shivaramu HT, Umashankar K S, Vibration Absorption In LM 28/Al2O3 Reinforced E-Glass/ Epoxy Composite-National Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering Science (NCAMES- May 2016) at SIT, Mangalore-
- Hithesh M S, Shivaramu H T, Umashankar K S, —Experimental study on mechanical efficiency of CI engine for madhuca oil blended diesel- National Conference at VCET, Puttur (Nov. 2014)
Dr. Shivaramu H T
Associate Professor
Mr. Shridar D R
BE- Mechanical Engineering
M Tech- Production Engineering and System Technology
PhD- Pursuing
8 Years
Subjects handled
- Manufacturing Process
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Material Science
- Smart Materials and MEMS
- Operation Research
- Operation Management
Area of Research Interest
- Polymer Composites
- Optimization of Machining processes
International Conferences
- Presented the paper entitled “Significance of the Type of Reinforcement on the Mechanical behavior of thermoplastic Composites” at ICMMM– 2017, International Conference on Materials, Manufacturing and Modeling on 10th March, 2017 organized by VIT-University Vellore Chennai.
International Journals
- Sridhar DR, Varadarajan Y S. “Significance of the type of reinforcement on the Mechanical Behaviour of Thermoplastic Composites”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Volume 5, Issue 5, Part 2, 2018, Pages 13139-13145, ISSN: 2214-7853
- Sridhar DR, Varadarajan Y S – “Significance of the type of reinforcement on the Mechanical Behaviour of Polymeric Composites”, – American Journal of Material Science 2016, Vol 6, PP 1-5. p-ISSN: 2162-9382
- Sudeep Kelginmane, Sridhar DR, – “PLC Based Pneaumatic Punching Machine” – Journal of Mechanical Engg and Automation 2015, volume 5 (3B): page no 76-80, DOI, 10.59231 c.jmea. 2015.15. p-ISSN: 2163-2405
- Unnikrishanan P, Sridhar DR, – “Industrial Robot with Image Monitoring Using CCTV”- International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Technology, , Vol 2, Issue1, PP: (16-19), Month April 2014-September 2014. ISSN 2348-7593
National Journals & Conferences
- eTIME-2016, National Conference on Emerging Trends in Mechanical Engineering on 6th August 2016 at St. Joseph Engineering College, Vamanjoor, Managalore.
Mr. Shridar D R
Assistant Professor
Mr. Aveen K P
BE- Mechanical Engineering
M. Tech- Manufacturing Science and Engineering
5 Years
Subjects handled
- Control Engineering
- Material Science
- Operation Research
- Metal Casting & Welding
- Mechatronics
- Computer Aided Machine drawing
Area of Research Interest
- Composites
- Rapid Prototyping
- Coatings
International Conferences
- Second International Conference on Polymer Composites- 2018 on December 15-16, 2018.
- International Conference on Advances in Manufacturing, Materials & Energy Engineering (ICon MMEE) on 2nd and 3rd March 2018.
International Journals
- K. P. Aveen, Vishwanath Bhajantri, Rueben D’Souza, Neelakantha V. Londe, and Sudhakar Jambagi “Experimental analysis on effect of various fillers on mechanical properties of glass fiber reinforced polymer composites” AIP Conference Proceedings, 020044, 2019.
- Aveen K P, Vishwanath Bhajathari F and Sudhakar C Jambagi “3D Printing & Mechanical Characteristion of Polylactic Acid and Bronze Filled Polylactic Acid Components” IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.376, 2018. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/376/1/012042
- Rajesh Mathivanan N, Raghupathy V.P. and Aveen K. P “Flexural Properties of Polylactic Acid Components Fabricated using 3D Printing Technique” International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER), Vol.10, 2015.
National Journals & Conferences
- Participated in “National Tribology Conference” (NTC-2014) held between 15th– 17th December 2014 at Dept of Mechanical, PES Institute of technology, Bangalore.
Mr. Aveen K P
Assistant Professor
Mr. Swaroop
B.E- Mechanical Engineering
M Tech- Design Engineering
4 years (Industrial)
Area of Research Interest
- TQM Principles (Lean Six Sigma)
- Application of Automation & Robotics in Agriculture Machinery
- Water Conservation technology
- “Design and fabrication of Emergency Mudgun system for closing tap hole in blast furnace”, Author- Swaroop-1, Mayur D Pawar-2 Published a paper of PG project in International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology. (Vol. 7, Issue 9, September 2018).
Mr. Swaroop
Assistant Professor
Mr. Santhosh Acharya
Educational Qualification
BE-Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech- Machine Design
Total experience
02 Years
Area of Interest
- Machine Design
- Welding Technology
- Finite Element Analysis(Transient thermal and Structural Analysis)
Conference/Journal Publications
- Rangaswamy,I.Sogalad,S.Basavarajappa,SanthoshAcharya,G.C.ManjunathPatel,Experimental analysis and prediction of strength of adhesive-bonded single-lap composite joints: Taguchi and artificial neural network approaches,SNAppl.Sci.2 (2020).doi:10.1007/s42452-020-2851-8.
- ShashikanthaKarinka,AniketanBekal,Rakesh,SanthoshAcharya,Reduction of Production Cycle Time of Wind Turbine Blades,JMERD(2019)47–54.doi:
Mr. Santhosh Acharya
Assistant Professor
Mr. Arun Krishnan
BE- Mechanical Engineering
M.Tech – Computer Integrated manufacturing
10 years
Subjects handled:
- Computer Aided Engg Drawing
- Elements of Mechanical Engg
- Mechanics of Materials
- Kinematics of Machines
- Turbomachines
- Finite Element Method
- Control Engineering
- Operation Research
- Operation Management
- Fluid Power Engg
Mr. Arun Krishnan
Assistant Professor
B.E. –Mechanical Engineering
M-Tech –Computational Analysis in Mechanical Sciences
11 years
Subject handled
- Heat Transfer
- Turbomachines
- Applied Thermodynamics
- Basic Thermodynamics
- Fluid Power Engineering
- Computer Integrated Manufacturing
- Automotive Engineering
- Computer Aided Machine Drawing
- Elements of Mechanical Engineering
- Computer Aided Engineering Drawing
Area of Research Interest
- Heat Transfer
- Engineering Materials
International Conferences
- Yuvaraj K. B., G. M. Megharaj, Mahesh T. S. and Umashankar K. S., “Study on Hardness and Density Behavior of Multiwall Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced LM13 Alloy Composite”, 2nd International Conference on Current Trends In Engineering and Management (ICCTEM 2014) at VVCE Mysore, pp.35, 17th -19th July 2014.
- M. Megharaj, Yuvaraj K. B., Shivaramu H. T. and Umashankar K. S., “Study on Mechanical Properties of CNT Reinforced LM20 Alloy Nanocomposite”, 2nd International Conference on Current Trends in Engineering and Management (ICCTEM 2014) at VVCE Mysore, pp.31, 17th -19th July 2014.
International Journals
- Bresil M. P., Navaneeth M., Pranav C., Yuvaraj K. B., “Design and Fabrication of Cylindrical Water Tank Cleaning Machine” International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM), Vol. 6, Issue – 8, ISSN 2582-3930, August 2022.
- Yuvaraj K. B., G. M. Megharaj, Mahesh T. S. and Umashankar K. S. “Physical and Mechanical Characterization of Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Reinforced LM13 Alloy Composite” International Journal of Research (IJR), Vol. 1, Issue – 5, ISSN 2348-6848, pp. 1045-1053, June 2014.
- M. Megharaj, Yuvaraj K. B., Shivaramu H. T. and Umashankar K. S. “Study on mechanical properties of CNT reinforced LM20 Alloy Nanocomposite” International Journal of Research (IJR), Vol. 1, Issue – 5, ISSN 2348-6848, pp. 1024-1032, June 2014.
National Conferences
- Mohammad Suhail, Jomet, Mohammad Arshid, Yuvaraj K. B., Hardness Characterization of Heat treated Al7475 Alloy, Jnanasangama 2018 at VCET Puttur, 2018.
- Mohammad Suhail, Jomet, Mohammad Arshid Mechanical Characterization of Heat treated Al7475 Alloy, Dynamech-18 at KVGCE Sullia, 2018.
- Yuvaraj K. B., G. M. Megharaj, Mahesh T. S. and Umashankar K. S., Effect of compaction and mechanical characterization of multiwall carbon nanotube reinforced LM13 alloy composite, Technical PG Fest Vission-14 at KVGCE Sullia, 2014.
- M. Megharaj, Yuvaraj K. B., Shivaramu H. T. and Umashankar K. S., Prediction of mechanical properties of compacted CNT reinforced LM20 Alloy Nanocomposite, Technical PG Fest Vission-14 at KVGCE Sullia, 2014.
Assistant Professor
SUBJECT HANDLED: Energy & Environment
“UNDERSTANDING THE ENTREPRENEURIAL INTENTION AMONG FINAL YEAR ENGINEERING STUDENTS IN COASTAL KARNATAKA”, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ISSN(P): 2249-6890; ISSN(E): 2249-8001 Vol. 10, Issue 3, Jun 2020, 8457-8464
Assistant Professor
In the Computer Aided Engineering Drawing (CAED) Lab, the students learn and practice Engineering drawing using the software called Solid Edge. There are 65 personal computers with LAN connection and LCD projector facility. All the systems are having uninterrupted power supply by UPS batteries. There is also printer facility provided to the students for the purpose of documentation of their work.
This facility is utilized by first year students for engineering drawing and by second year students for machine drawing class.
Material Testing Lab
This lab is part of the curriculum of second year Mechanical Engineering. The lab has various material testing equipment’s like Universal testing machine, Torsion testing machine, Hardness testing machines, Impact testing machine, Furnace, Wear testing machine, Non-destructive testing.
Foundry and Forging Lab
This lab is part of the curriculum of second year Mechanical Engineering. It has two sections, Foundry & Forging. In Foundry basic work skill of making moulds with the mould sand is taught to the students. In addition to it, sand testing experiments are also taught. The major equipment’s available are sand sieving unit, compressive strength testing, permeability test, etc.
In the forging section, the basic work of shaping the metals by forging operations are taught.
Mechanical Measurements and Metrology Lab
Mechanical measurements and Metrology Lab has various measurement and calibration equipments. The major measuring instruments available are Profile projector, Tool maker’s microscope, Floating carriage micrometer, Autocollimator, etc. The major calibration equipments are Sine bars with slip gauges, Thermocouple, Sine center, Strain gauge, Pressure gauge, etc.
Machine Shop
In machine shop the skill of machining operations using various machine tools are taught to the students in their second year of Mechanical engineering. The major machine tools available in the Machine shop are Lathes, Shaping machines, Milling machines, Grinding machines, and Drilling machines. The various jobs taught in the lathe machine are turning, taper turning, parting, thread cutting etc. Also the gear cutting operation and shaping operations are taught.
Energy Conversion Shop
This is part of fifth semester Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are Four stroke single Cylinder Diesel Engine, Four stroke single cylinder petrol engine, Two stroke single cylinder petrol engine, Four stroke Multi cylinder petrol engine, Abel Flash & Fire point testing, Pensky Martin Flash & Fire point testing, Viscometer, Calorimeter, Valve & Port timing, and Planimeter.
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Lab
This is part of fifth semester Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are Pelton Wheel Turbine, Francis Turbine, Kaplan Turbine, Flow Measuring Equipments, Orifice meter, Air Compressor, Impact of jet on Vanes, Notches, and Centrifugal Pump.
This lab is setup for Computer Aided Modelling and Analysis lab for 6thsemester Mechanical engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing lab for 7thsemester Mechanical engineering. The lab has 36 workstations installed with FEMAP and cadem software.
Heat Transfer Lab
This is part of sixth semester Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are Air Conditioner, Refrigerator, Heat Exchangers, Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Composite Wall, Heat Transfer Coefficient in free Convection , Heat Transfer Coefficient in a forced convection, Flow through a Pipe, Emissivity of a Surface, Stefan Boltzman Constant, LMTD & Effectiveness in a Parallel Flow and Counter flow Heat Exchanger, Boiling of Liquid and Condensation of Vapour, Transient Conduction Heat Transfer, Effectiveness on Metallic Fin, and Thermal Conductivity Equipments.
Design Lab
This is part of seventh semester Mechanical Engineering curriculum. The major equipments available are Journal Bearing, Polaris cope, Governors, Vibration Test Rig, Balancing Apparatus, Deflection of Curved beams with strain gauge and strain indicator, Gyroscope, Whirling of Shafts, and Diffused light Polari scope.
About Research Center
The Research Centre under the Department of Mechanical Engineering was recognized by the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi in the year 2013. It offers doctoral program and M.Sc.(Engg) programme. The research center is equipped with various research lab facilities related to Thermal engineering, Manufacturing Science & Engineering, Materials engineering and Machine design with modern IT tools for modeling and analysis. The research center has VTU approved research supervisors in various research domains of Mechanical Engineering.
The department of Mechanical Engineering has received a grant of 13.57 lakhs from AICTE to set up “Advanced laboratory in Material Testing”. Students and faculties are encouraged to publish research papers at National and International Journals and Conferences. Few patents have been filed with Indian patent office. The Research facilities are also extended to researchers from other Institutions.
Research Areas
- Thermal Engineering:CI engine using Bio Diesel,Influence of nanoadditives on the combustion engine performance,Combustion, Emission, Duel fuels for engines, Refrigeration &Air-conditioning, Alternate fuels, Renewable energy, Computational Fluid dynamics and Heat Transfer.
- Materials Engineering:Characterization and processing of Composite Materials,Carbon-Carbon Composite materials and Delamination analysis.
- Machine Design: Friction & wear, Tribology, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics.
- Maintenance Engineering:Vibration,Condition Monitoring, Automatic fault diagnosis.
- Manufacturing Engineering: Metal Cutting, Machining Process, Machine Tool Dynamics, Metal Forming & Joining Processes.
List of Guides
Sl.No. | Name of the Supervisor | Research Area |
1 | Dr.C R Rajashekhar | Thermal Engineering |
2 | Dr.Neelakantha V L | Manufacturing Engineering |
3 | Dr. Vignesh Nayak Ullal | Materials Engineering |
4 | Dr.Mohan Kumar | Machine Design |
List of Research Scholars awarded with PhD | |||||
Sl no. | USN | Name | Year of award | Title of thesis | Supervisor |
1 | 4MT17PMA02 | Sushma S | 2023 | Studies on Optimization of air cooled heat sink for different geometries and thermal Nano coatings to enhance the heat transfer in electronic devices. | Dr.T K Chandrashekar |
2 | 4MT15PMJ08 | Lawrence J Fernandes | 2023 | Experimental studies on Effect of Double pulse Injection on Combustion and Emission Characteristics of CI Engine running on Bio-Diesel | Dr.C R Rajashekar |
3 | 4MT17PMJ03 | Sujeshkumar | 2023 | Automatic Fault Diagnosis in Belts using Wavelet Analysis and Neural Network | Dr.Lokesh M |
4 | 4MT17PMA01 | Kirankumar MV | 2023 | Condition monitoring of bearings using wavelet analysis and artificial intelligence | Dr.Lokesh M |
5 | 4MT15PMJ07 | Jatadhara G S | 2023 | Studies on Combustion and Emission of Waste Plastic Oil As Bio Fuel In I.C Engines | Dr.T K Chandrashekar |
6 | 4MT16PMJ05 | Mohankumar | 2022 | Characterization of Fatigue and Fracture Behavior of Rod inserted concentric composite tubes of high strength metallic materials | Dr. Neelakantha V L |
7 | 4MT16PMJ04 | Sunil Kumar B V | 2022 | Fracture Characterization of Carbon-Carbon Composites | Dr. Neelakantha V L |
8 | 4MT15PMJ03 | Sunil Kumar S | 2022 | A study on influence of corrosive environment on Fracture properties of high strength metallic materials. | Dr. Neelakantha V L |
9 | 4MT15PMJ06 | Prem Kumar Naik | 2021 | Experimental study and Characterization of Fracture toughness of natural fibre reinforced hybrid composites. | Dr. Neelakantha V L |
10 | 4MT13PMN01 | Keerthikumar N | 2021 | Studies on combustion performance and emission characteristics of four stroke DI Compression Ignition engine using Simarouba oil as Bio fuel | Dr.T K Chandrashekar |
11 | 4MT15PMJ05 | Nagesh SB | 2021 | Studies on combustion and performance characterstics of HCCI engine fuelled with Diesel Bio diesel blends | Dr.T K Chandrashekar |
List of Research Scholars Registered for PhD
Sl. No | USN | Name of Research Scholar | Research Supervisor |
1 | 4MT15PMJ01 | Veeresh M Kodekal | Dr.C R Rajashekar |
2 | 4MT15PMJ02 | Sudeep Kumar KS | Dr.C R Rajashekar |
3 | 4MT15PMJ04 | Sandeep K | Dr.C R Rajashekar |
4 | 4MT16PMJ01 | Somashekhar TM | Dr.C R Rajashekar |
5 | 4MT19PME04 | Aveen KP | Dr. Neelakantha V L |
6 | 4MT16PMJ02 | Srinivas KR | Dr.Lokesh M |
7 | 4MT19PME02 | Rahul S | Dr.Lokesh M |
Research Publications during last Five years:
S.No. | Year | No. of Publications |
1 | 2022-23 | 06 |
2 | 2021-22 | 09 |
3 | 2020-21 | 19 |
4 | 2019-20 | 19 |
5 | 2018-19 | 08 |
Patents Filed: | |||
Sl.No. | TITLE | Date of Filing/Patent No. | Status |
1 | Design and fabrication of cashew nut and fruit Separating machine | 01/02/2023 | Filed |
2 | Ration wending machine for APL/BPL cardholders | 17/03/2022 | Filed /Published |
3 | Detachable electric wheelchair bike for physically disabled person | 17/03/2022 | Filed /Published |
4 | Black pepper plucking and separation machine | 17/03/2022 | Filed /Published |
5 | Automated tapping machine for the extraction of Neera from coconut trees | 20/04/2018 | Filed /Published |
6 | Ceiling fan mechanically extending connecting tubes | 01/04/2022 | Filed /Published |
7. | A piston for creating turbulence in the combustion chamber | 319188 | Granted |
Research Grants | ||||| | Title of Project | Investigator/s | Funding Agency | Grant Amount(Rs) | Current Status |
1 | Grant-in-Aid: Modernization and Removal of Obsolescence AICTE (MODROBS) Year 2018-19 | Dr.Rajashekhar.C.R (Coordinator) Mr. Mohan Kumar (Co-coordinator) | AICTE-Delhi | 13.57 Lakh | Procured and Installed |
Research Facilities
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | PC Operated Micro Processor Based Electronic Universal Testing Machine-400KN |
2 | Brinnel Hardness Tester |
3 | Rockwell Hardness Tester |
4 | Vickers Hardness Tester |
5 | Impact Testing Machine |
6 | Electronic Extensometer |
7 | Torsion Testing Machine |
8 | Shear Testing Attachment |
9 | Polishing Machine |
10 | Ultrasonic Flow Detector |
11 | Magnetic Crack Detector |
12 | Dye Penetrant Test |
13 | Wear And Friction Monitor |
14 | Muffle Furnace |
15 | Trinocular Diverted Microscope |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | Universal Strength Machine |
2 | Shear Strength Attachment |
3 | Transverse Strength Attachment |
4 | Tensile Strength Attachment |
5 | Sieve Shaker With Sieve Set |
6 | Rapid Moisture Tester |
7 | Sand Rammer |
8 | Transverse Core Box |
9 | Tensile Core Box |
10 | Permeability Meter |
11 | Mould Hardness Tester “B” Scale |
12 | Core Hardness Tester |
13 | Electronic Balance CAP 0.1gm |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | Enterprise-1330 –all geared head LATHE-18 No. |
2 | JEET All geared shaping Machine |
3 | Lathe Machine with Norton Gearbox (Belt Drive) |
4 | Lathe Grinder |
5 | Heavy duty Radial Drilling Machine |
6 | Milling Machine |
7 | Surface Grinder |
8 | Shaper Machine |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | Drill tool dynamometer |
2 | Profile projector |
3 | Tool makers microscope |
4 | L.V.D.T. set up |
5 | Load cell set up |
6 | Strain gauge set up |
7 | Surface roughness tester |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | Journal bearing apparatus |
2 | Whirling of Shaft Apparatus |
3 | Diffused Light Polari scope |
4 | Motorized Gyroscope |
5 | Dynamic Balancing Apparatus |
6 | Curved Beams Apparatus |
7 | Universal Governor Apparatus |
8 | Universal Vibration Apparatus |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | Friction in Pipe Apparatus |
2 | Impact of jet on vanes apparatus |
3 | Pelton Wheel Turbine Test Rig |
4 | Francis Turbine |
5 | Kaplan Turbine |
6 | Reciprocating Air Compressor Test Rig |
7 | Performance testing of Pump Single stage Centrifugal Pump |
8 | Reciprocating Pump Test Rig |
9 | Centrifugal Blower Test Rig |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | Thermal Conductivity of Metal rod Apparatus |
2 | Composite Wall Apparatus |
3 | Parallel Flow & Counter Flow |
4 | Heat Transfer Through Pin – Fin |
5 | Heat Transfer Through Forced Convection |
6 | Filmwiseand Dropwise Condensation |
7 | Performance Test On Vapor Compression Refrigeration Test Rig |
8 | Air Conditioning Test Rig |
Sl.No. | Description |
1 | 4 Stroke 4 Cylinder Petrol Engine |
2 | 4 Stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine |
3 | 4 Stroke Single Cylinder VCR Petrol Engine |
4 | 2 Stroke Single Cylinder Petrol Engine |
5 | 4 Stroke Single Cylinder Diesel Engine |
6 | Pensky Marten Apparatus |
7 | Redwood Viscometer |
8 | Saybolt Viscometer |
1 | Software – 25 no. | UGS FEMAP NASTARN(E080) Software perpectul license |
2 | Software – 25 no. | ME&S For FEMAP Nastran |
3 | Desk Top Systems – 27 no. | Acer desktop system, Intel core 2 duo, 2 GB DDR2 RAM, G31 Mother board, keyboard , Optical mouse |
4 | Graphics Card – 25 no. | 512 MB DDR NVIDIA G FORCE |
5 | Software Licenses– 10 No’s | CAPS TURN/CAPS MILL |
Department Association – Mechmites
The Department Association “MECHMITES” has been established to benefit the students in curricular and Co curricular activities. The basic aim of MECHMITES is to enrich students with different qualities to add dimensions to their personality so that every student emerges as multi-functional engineer who is globally recognized. MECHMITES was established in the year 2008. The motto of MECHMITES is to mould one’s personality in such a way that one becomes equally competent in all streams of engineering.
Third Semester
Engineering Mathematics -III (23BSME201) | Click Here |
Strength of Materials (23MEPC203) | Click Here |
Metal Processing and Machining (23MEPC204) | Click Here |
Thermal Engineering – I (23MEPC205) | Click Here |
Digital Measurement Systems (23MEPC206) | Click Here |
Universal Human Values (23HMCC215) | Click Here |
SEM | Subject | Subject Code | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
1 | Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering | 23ESCC113 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | Mechanics of materials | BME301 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Manufacturing Process | BME302 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Material Science and Engineering | BME303 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Basic Thermodynamics | BME304 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Electric vehicle & Hybrid Technology | BME306A | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
4 | Applied Thermodynamics | BME401 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Machining science & Metrology | BME402 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Fluid Mechanics | BME403 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Mechanical Measurements & Metrology Lab | BME404 | LAB MANUAL | |||||
Robotics & Automation | BME405D | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Introduction to AIML | BME456LA | LAB MANUAL | |||||
5 | Theory of Machines | 21ME51 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Thermo fluid engineering | 21ME52 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Research Methodology and Intellectual Property rights | 21RMI56 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Modern Mobility & Automotive Mechanics | 21ME54 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
6 | Production and operations Management | 21ME61 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Heat Transfer | 21ME62 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Machine Design | 21ME63 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Supply chain Management & introduction to SAP | 21ME641 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
7 | Control Engineering | 18ME71 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | 18ME72 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Total Quality Management | 18ME734 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Additive Manufacturing | 18ME741 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Mechatronics | 18ME744 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Energy & Environment | 18ME751 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
8 | Energy Engineering | 18ME81 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Non-Distructive Testing & Evaluation | 18ME823 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Academic Year: 2023-24
SEM | Subject | Subject Code | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
1 | Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering | 23ESCC113 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
3 | Mechanics of materials | BME301 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Manufacturing Process | BME302 | 1 | 2 | ||||
Material Science and Engineering | BME303 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Basic Thermodynamics | BME304 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Electric vehicle & Hybrid Technology | BME306A | 1 | 2 | ||||
5 | Theory of Machines | 21ME51 | 1 | 3 | |||
Thermo fluid engineering | 21ME52 | 1 | 2 | ||||
Research Methodology and Intellectual Property rights | 21RMI56 | 1 | 2 | 3 | |||
Modern Mobility & Automotive Mechanics | 21ME54 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | ||
7 | Control Engineering | 18ME71 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | 18ME72 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Total Quality Management | 18ME734 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Additive Manufacturing | 18ME741 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Mechatronics | 18ME744 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | |
Energy & Environment | 18ME751 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Academic Year: 2022-23
(EVEN Semester)
18ME81 | Energy Engineering | Module1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5 |
18ME823 | Non-Distructive Testing & Evaluation | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5
18ME61 | Finite Element Methods | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME62 | Design of Machine Elements II | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME63 | Heat Transfer | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME641 | Non-Traditional Machining | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME653 | Supply Chain Management | Module 1 | Module 1 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME646 | Entrepreneurship Development | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
(ODD Semester)
21me32 | Metal Casting Forming & Joining Processes | Module1 | Module2 | Module3 | Module4 | Module5 |
21me33 | Material Science & Engineering | Module1 | Module2 | Module3 | Module4 | Module5
21me34 | Thermodynamics | Module1 | Module2 | Module3 | Module4 | Module5 |
18ME51 | Management and Economics | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME52 | Design of Machine Elements I | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME53 | Dynamics of Machines | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME54 | Turbo Machines | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME55 | Fluid Power Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME56 | Operations Management | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME71 | Control Engineering | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME72 | Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME734 | Total Quality Management | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
18ME741 | Additive Manufacturing | Module-1 | Module-2 | Module-3 | Module-4 | Module-5
18ME744 | Mechatronics | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5
18ME751 | Energy & Environment | Module 1 | Module 2 | Module 3 | Module 4 | Module 5 |
Beyond Syllabus
The activities beyond the syllabus help to bridge the gap between syllabus & recent industry trends in Engineering & Technology. It prepares the students to use their skills with the strong base for acquisition of knowledge to sustain lifelong career in relevant areas.
Following are the few activities inculcated in the department beyond the syllabus:
- Students are encouraged to utilize resources like NPTEL and various e-learning materials and e-journals
- Students are trained with Industry oriented software solutions like NxCAD, Tecnomatix, and ROBCAD in SIEMENS CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE located at MITE
- Students are trained in developing practical skills in basic hydraulics and pneumatics through short term courses at Bosch Rexroth Centre of Competence in Automation Technology located at MITE
- Students are encouraged to work with innovative ideas and shall focus on current technological trends to carry out mini projects in 3rd year and Project in final year.
- Technical fests are organized by the students which enable them to be aware of the new frontiers in engineering.
- Department shall organise Industrial visits and support students to do Projects at industries to make them conscious of the challenges in the industry. To get acquainted with the work place environment
- The students are encouraged to attend various online courses (COURSERA, NPTEL) and trainings
- International Conferences and expert talks shall be avenues for the students to enhance their technical knowledge and soft skills by interacting with the resource persons of expertise from various fields.
- Students are encouraged to participate in various technical competitions which not only help them to be aware of the recent trends in industry and research but also enhances the organizing skills.
- Students are encouraged and supported to publish their research work in Journals and Conferences.
- Students are motivated and well supported to file their concepts for Indian patent.
- Peer learning activity: Encouraging the students to prepare and present topics from curriculum
- Student Academic Support Program: This program for the students who are academically not par with other fellow students. This program is aimed for the students who generally don’t perform well in the examinations. Students under this program are selected based on their performances in their previous tests/exams.
- Faculty are encouraged to take at least one topic in theory on recent trends i.e. beyond syllabus in each module.
- National Service Scheme shall help students to take up socially relevant projects, thereby imparting social commitment and environmental awareness which is minimally addressed by the curriculum.
Academic Achievers


Distinguished Alumni

Mr. Kenny Vishal secured 9th Rank in VTU Examination held during 2019

Ms. Sanmathi Shrikant Patil secured 1st Rank with Gold Medal in VTU Examination held during 2018 and honored with 11 Gold Medals.
Students team from Department of Mechanical Engineering of Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering (MITE) won the First Prize at ANVESHANA 2023, A National level Project Championship organized by the Agastya International Foundation in association with Synopsys held during 02 nd to 04 th March 2023 at Shikshakara Sadana, Bengaluru. The winning team also received a cash prize of Rs. 30,000/-. Two teams from Mechanical Engineering also secured a consolation Prize. The event witnessed over 440+ innovative projects submissions from across the state, 47 teams from various Engineering colleges of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu were selected for the grand finale. Seven teams from MITE were selected for the finale from the Department of Mechanical, Civil, Electronics & Communication and Mechatronics Engineering. The project “Semi Automatic Areca Nut Collector” developed by Mechanical engineering Students of MITE Mr. Pradhyumna Murthy, Mr. Pranam and Mr. Prasanna Kumar along with High School Students Mr. Vitesh and Mr. Prashant M A Gondi from Shri Subramanya Swami High School, Kadandale, Moodabidri won the First Place. The Project team was guided by Dr. Mohankumar, Department of Mechanical Engineering. Also, two projects from the Mechanical Engineering that won the consolation prizes are -“Chicken Feather Eco-Composite & Project developed by MITE Students Mr. Sushanth, Mr. Merwyn Pinto and Mr. Rithic Lobo along with Mr. Vignesh and Mr. Manvith from Jyothi Aided High School, Ajekar, Karkala, guided by Dr. Shivaramu H T, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and project entitled & “Automated Ration Vending Machine ” by Mr. Raeid, Mr. Mohammed Munnawar and Mr. Numaan Ahmed along with Mr. Manvith and Mr. Harshakanth from Govt. High School, Kinnikambla and the team was guided by Dr. Shivaramu H T and Mr. Madhusudhan, Department of Mechanical Engineering.
KSCST – Best Project of the Year Award 2021-22
The project team at the Exhibition
A Mechanical Engineering students project has won the “Best Project of the Year Award” at a state-level 45th Series KSCST SPP 2022 Project Exhibition & Seminarorganized by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST), Bangalore in association with Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU), Belagavi held during 12th and 13th of August 2022 at VTU, Belagavi. The project titled “Converting Scrap Vehicle to a Low-Cost Eco-Friendly Two Wheeler using Universal Conversion Kit”was carried out by Mr. GaganGunakar, Mr. Girish,Mr. Hasheel Ismail Abdul,and Ms. MeghaBHunder the guidance of Mr. Swaroop G, Assistant Professor,Department of MechanicalEngineering, Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodabidri. Vice Chancellor Dr. Karisiddappa presented the best project award to the team. The event witnessed around 332 innovative projects selected for the grand finale fromvarious streams of engineering colleges across the state.
Receiving Best Project Award from Vice Chancellor Dr. Karisiddappa
1st Prize in State level Project Competition‘AVISHKAR 2020’sponsored by TEQIP cell of VTU
A team comprising of pre-final year Mechanical Engineering, Electronics& Communication Engineering and Information Science &Engineering students of Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodbidri, has won 1st Prize in State level Project Competition ‘AVISHKAR 2020’ sponsored by TEQIP cell of VTU, Belagavi, for their innovative work on “Medical Emergency Drone” was adjudged the best among 350 projects. The team comprised of Mr. Lanston P. Fernandes, Mr. Darren M. Menezes, Mr. Nishal K.,Ms. Rashmitha and Ms. Nishanka B. guided by Dr. C. R. Rajashekhar.
KSCST Best Project Award-2020
A team comprising of final year Mechanical Engineering students of Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodbidri, has won the ‘Best Project Award-2020’ in the State level Project Competition conducted by Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology (KSCST) for their innovative work on ‘Remote operated Arecanut plucking and spraying Machine’. The team comprised of Mr.Pramith Shetty, Mr.VenkateshPrabhuN, Mr. Rakesh and Mr.Aswin K. guided by Mr.PurandaraNaik and Mr.Bhanuprakash H S.
ISIE – INDIA-Future Award
The department students are actively building racing cars. The team ALTIMAS Racing participated in INDIAN KARTING RACE 2020 organized by ISIE-INDIA from 21st -25th January 2020 at RPM circuit Bhopal. The vehicle named Garuda V 6.0 Awarded “FUTURE AWARD” and received cash prize of INR 10K in the event.
6th prize in ANVESHANA- A state level project competition
The 9th series of the Anveshana -2020 witnessed a team from Civil Engineering and another from Mechanical Engineering Department of MITE win the 6th and 9th prize respectively at the state level. The Championship organized by the Agastya International Foundation in association with Synopsys was held from 25th to 27th February 2020 held at Bangalore. The event which had over 900 innovative project submissions from across the state had 49 teams from 36 Engineering colleges for the finale at Bangalore.Three teams from MITE were selected for the finale from the department of Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Electronics and Communication Engineering. The project ‘Remote operated arecanut plucking machine’ by Pramith Shetty and Venkatesh guided by Mr. Bhanuprakash of the department of Mechanical Engineering won the 6th place, The project ‘Sea sand concrete for Green India’ by C.K. Harshitha and Chaitra Taranath which was guided by Dr. Jayprakash M.C. of the Department of Civil Engineering bagged the 9th place.
KSCST Best Project Award 2018-19
Final year Mechanical Engineering students have won KSCST sponsored State level “Best Project of the year” award for their innovative work on “Design and Development of Agricopter Drone”. The team comprised of Mr. Ashrith, Mr. Bhargava K., Mr. Satwik Poojary and Mr. Kadabageri Manjunath guided by Prof. Rueben Obed D’Souza.
National Champions at 5th ISIE Formula Imperial Hybrid Vehicle Championship 2019
TEAM ARVANS is a team of 42 enthusiastic engineers of various branches from Mangalore institute of technology and engineering lead by Manjunath S and Rohan. The team was dedicated to design and fabricate a formula style student Hybrid racing car. The team was started in January 2018 and after a sleepless effort of one year we have successfully fabricated the vehicle from scratch.
The team was functioning under the guidance of Dr. C R Rajashekhar.
Prizes Bagged:
- THE OVERALL CHAMPIONS TROPHY and overall cash prize of 1.5 Lakh Rupees.
Miss. Velsa Sophia Pinto of 2nd year Mechanical Engineering participated in State Level Republic Day parade held at Manik Shah Parade ground on January 26th, 2018. The guest of honour was honourable Governor of Karnataka, Sri Vajubhai Rudabhai Vala. Velsa Sophia was also selected for the National Level Republic day Parade held at New Delhi.
KSCST Best Project Award 2017-18
A team comprising of final year Mechanical Engineering students of Mangalore Institute of Technology & Engineering, Moodbidri, has won Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology sponsored State level Best Project of the year award in the 41st SERIES: 2017-18.
The team comprised of Mr. Harsha Rahul Crasta, Mr. Manjunath Shet, Mr. Sawood Sharief S and Mr. Vishal M Suvarna guided by Mr. Elton Dylan Nazareth. The title of the project is “Multi-nozzle Manually Operated Sprayer”.
Platinum Award of KPIT SPARKLE-2017
KPIT Sparkle is a platform that connects budding technology entrepreneurs with the incubation ecosystem. KPIT Sparkle is a platform that provides the multidisciplinary outlook required to first-time student entrepreneurs.A team of Mechanical Engineering studentsSharafathShashu, Nandu J Krishanan, SayujVijayan and Md. Asif Abdulla guided by Mr Saviraj received “Platinum Award” with cash prize of Rs. 10 Lakhs for their project “Frictionless Gear Transmission using Poly Magnets” from Union HRD Minister Mr. Prakash Javadekar
Mechanical students designed, and developed a “All-Terrain Vehicle” (ATV) and participated in Baja SAE 2016 at Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida. Ashwin Balaram is the captain of the team and the project was guided by Mr. Rahul Sanjiv.
- Design – 16th place
- Acceleration – 7th place
- Overall Position – 8th place
About Automotive club
The automotive club is a great place where the members get involved in automotive activities. Members can get insights in design, develop and build their dream car. Club encourages the students to take part in National/International automobile competitions.
Vision of the club
To develop technically competent automotive professionals in design and development of automotive vehicles
To make students competent to simulate real world automotive projects in a conducive environment with thorough team spirit and self motivation
Club Outcomes
- Students get a practical exposure to the Design and Development of Automotive vehicles.
- Function effectively as an individual and a member in diverse teams.
- Communicate effectively on advancements in Automotive Technology with Engineering Communities.
- Students will acquire effective Project Management skills.
Competition : Indian Karting Race-2020 organized by Imperial Society of Innovative Engineers (ISIE)
Year : 21-25 January, 2020
Award : TEAM ALTIMAS RACING awarded “FUTURE AWARD for Innovation” with Cash Prize of Rs.10,000/-
Competition : Formula Imperial-HVC:2019organized by ISIE
Year : February 2nd week, 2019
Award : Team Arvanswon Overall Champions Trophy with cash prize of Rs.1.5 Lakh
- People’s Choice Award
- Best Acceleration
- Best Cross Pad
- Best Driver
- Best Endurance
Competition : International Go-Kart Championship 2019, hosted by LPU SAEINDIA COLLEGIATE CLUB
Year : 15th to 18th March, 2019.
Award : TEAM ALTIMAS RACING awarded 4th place in Endurance, 3rd place in Tug of War, Overall 10th position and Winner of “Best Dressed Team award”
Competition : Indian Solar Championship-2018, organized by Credible Future
Year : 12th– 15th March 2018
Award : TEAM SPECTRA awarded “My Ride My Glory award”
Competition : Indian Karting Season-3, organized by ISIE
Year : 17th– 20th January, 2018
Award : Team IMPETUS RACING All-Girlsteam awarded “APPRECIATION AWARD”
Competition : BAJA SAE India 2016, organized by SAE India
Year : 23rd – 26th January 2016
Award : TEAM NITROX RACING-ATV Won “Most Popular Car of the year”
Financial support provided by the Institution
Sl.No | Team | Year | Amount in Rs. |
1 | TEAM NITROX RACING-ATV | 2015-16 | 7,15,000/- |
2 | TEAM NITROX RACING-ATV | 2016-17 | 55,000/- |
3 | FORMULA CAR | 2016-17 | 1,00,000/- |
4 | TEAM IMPETUS RACING | 2017-18 | 1,00,000/- |
5 | TEAM ALTIMAS RACING | 2017-18 | 30,000/- |
6 | TEAM OCTON RACING | 2017-18 | 25,000/- |