Annual Quality Assurance Report

For Yearly Status Report of 2022-23 Click Here

Criteria 1

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1 .1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process

1.1.1 Supporting Document

1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE

1.1.2 Supporting Document

1.1.3 Teachers of the institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating university

1.1.3 Supporting Documents 

1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Number of programmes in which choice based credit system(CBCS) / elective course system has been implemented

1.2.1 Minutes of relevant academic council / BOS meetings

1.2.2 Number of Add on / Certificate programmes offered during 2022-23

1.2.2 Brochure related to add on / certificate programme

1.2.2 Supporting Document

1.2.3 List of students enrolled for certificate programmes -2022-23

1.2.3 Student attendance details enrolled for the Add on/ Certificate programs -2022-23

1.2.3 Certificates for the Add on/ Certificate programs – 2022-23

1.2.3 Supporting Document

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to professional ethics, gender, human values, environment and sustainability into the curriculum

1.3.1 Syllabus

1.3.1 Supporting Document

1.3.2 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work / field work / internship

1.3.2 Syllabus of the courses

1.3.2 Number of MoUs related to experiential learning courses during the Academic Year 2022-23

1.3.2 Minutes of the board of studies meeting with approval of the courses

1.3.3 Number of students undertaking project work / field work / internship (data for the latest completed academic year)

1.3.3 Supporting document

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the Institution from the following stakeholders

  1. Students
  2. Teachers
  3. Employers
  4. Alumni

1.4.2 Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows :

  1. Feedback collected , analysed and action taken and feedback available on website  – Click Here for the webpage

Criteria 2

2.1 Student Enrolment & Profile

2.1.1 Enrolment Number

2.1.2 – Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST,OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year (exclusive of supernumerary seats)

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners

2.2.2 – Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

2.3 – Teaching- Learning Process

2.3.1 – Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences

2.3.2 – Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.

2.3.3 – Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year )

2.4 – Teacher Profile and Quality

2.4.1 – Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year || Additional Information

2.4.2 – Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. /D.N.B Superspeciality /D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the year (consider only highest degree for count)

2.4.3 – Number of years of teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year)

2.5 – Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1: Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode

2.5.2: Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time bound and efficient

2.6 Student Performance & Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed on the website and communicated to teachers and students

Supporting Documents – Click Here

Short Video showing the Dissemination of COs and POs- Click Here

2.6.2 Attainment of program outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution – Attainment of COs for a course || PO and PSO attainment for a program

2.6.3 – Pass percentage of Students during the year

2.7 – Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 – Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance(Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink)

Criteria 3

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1 Grants received from government and non governmental agencies for research projects, endowments, Chairs in the institution

3.1.2 – Number of teachers recognized as research guides (latest completed academic year)

3.1.3 Number of departments having research projects funded by government and non government agencies During the year

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge

3.2.2 Number of workshops/ seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) and Entrepreneurship during year

3.3 Research Publications and Awards

3.3.1 – Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the year

3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the journals notified on UGC website during the year

3.3.3 – Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during the year

3.4 Extension Activities

3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development and impact thereof during the year

3.4.2 – Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies during the year

3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc .,including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community

3.4.4 Number of students participating in extension activities at 3.4.3 above during year

3.5 Collaboration

3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for Research, Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange/ Internship per year during year

Collaboration Document

E-Copies of related document

3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with Institutions, other Universities, Industries, Corporate houses etc  during the year

E-Copies of MoU

Activities conducted under MoU 

Criteria 4

4.1 – Physical Facilities

4.1.1: The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.  ||

For Infrastructure Video – Click Here

4.1.2: The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga center etc.  ||

For Cultural and Sports Facilities Video -Click Here

4.1.3 – Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.

4.1.4 – Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year(INR in Lakhs)

Data Template – Click Here

4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 – Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

Video of Library – Click Here

4.2.2 – The institution has subscription for the following e-resources e-journals e-ShodhSindhu Shodhganga Membership e-books Databases Remote access toe-resources

Data Template- Click Here

4.2.3 – Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) || Data Template- Click Here – Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Audit Report_2022-23 – Click Here

4.2.4 – Number per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access) (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Additional information- Click Here

4.3 – IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 – Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi

4.3.2 – Number of Computers

Additional Information- Click Here

4.3.3 Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution

4.4 – Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Data Template – Click Here

4.4.2 – There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

Criteria 5

5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Number of students benefitted by scholarships and freeships provided Government during the year 2022-23

5.1.2 Number of Students benefited by scholarship and free ships provided by the institution / non-government agencies

5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution

Soft skills || Language and communication skills || Life skills || ICT/Computing skills

5.1.4 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution

5.1.5 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

Implementation of guidelines of statutory / regulatory bodies

Minutes of meetings of students redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and anti ragging committee

Details of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 – Number of placement of outgoing students during the year

5.2.2 Number of students progressing to higher education

5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state / national / international level examinations

5.3 Student Participation and Activity

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level during the year 2022-23

5.3.2 Institution facilitates students representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extra curricular activities  || Minutes of the Meeting

5.3.3 Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during 2022-23

5.4 Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 Registered Alumni Association

Alumni contribution to the development of the institution through various support services

5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the year 2022-23

MITE – Alumni Innovation Centre Video – Click Here

Criteria 6

6.1 Institutional Vision & Leadership

6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution

6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 The Institutional Strategic / Perspective plan

Supporting Documents Click Here

6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

 Screenshots of user interface || ERP || Audited statements || Implementation of e-governance

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 Effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff

6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshop and towards membership fee of professional bodies during 2022-23

6.3.3 Number of Professional Development /Administrative Training Programmes organized by the Institution for the the teaching and non-teaching staff during 2022-23

6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) during 2022-23

6.3.5 Institutions performance appraisal system for teaching and non teaching staff

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal internal and external financial audits regularly

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year 2022-23

6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources

Audit Statement showing tuition fees collection, salary and expenditure for maintenance and other activity

Research Funds

List of funds generated through MODROB and Utilization Certificate

Funds through consultancy ||

List of funds generated through conference proposal and Utilization Certificate

Funds generated through Alumni contribution

Industry and Government grant for Incubation

List of funds generated through FDP and Utilization Certificate

Funds through online/offline Exam

Industry and Government grant for Entrepreneurship

Funds provided to Student support activity

Consultancy share

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes

6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process

6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution

Criteria 7

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 

7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the Year 2021-22- Gender Equity Plan || Click Here for Reports
7.1.2 Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures –Click Here for Bills || Click Here for Photos  
7.1.3 Facilities in the Institution for the management of degradable and non-degradable waste – Contracts||  Click Here for Photos
7.1.4 Water conservation facilities available in the Institution – Click Here for Photos
7.1.5 Green campus initiatives
7.1.6 Quality audits on energy and environment and awards received for such green campus initiatives
7.1.7 Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier-free environment –  Click Here for Brochure || Click Here for Photos 
7.1.8 Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing inclusive environment – Click Here for Reports
7.1.9 Sensitisation of students and employees of the institution to the constitutional obligations –Click Here for Report

7.1.10 Institution has code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff

7.1.11 Institution celebrates/organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals

7.2 Best Practices

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

Linkages with Globally reputed Industries (MOUs)
Linkages with Globally reputed Institutes (MOUs)
Institutional Distinctiveness

For Yearly Status Report of 2022-23 Click Here

Criteria 1

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1 .1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process

1.1.1 Supporting Document

1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE

1.1.2 Supporting Document

1.1.3 Teachers of the institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating university

1.1.3 Supporting Documents 

1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Number of programmes in which choice based credit system(CBCS) / elective course system has been implemented

1.2.1 Minutes of relevant academic council / BOS meetings

1.2.2 Number of Add on / Certificate programmes offered during 2022-23

1.2.2 Brochure related to add on / certificate programme

1.2.2 Supporting Document

1.2.3 List of students enrolled for certificate programmes -2022-23

1.2.3 Student attendance details enrolled for the Add on/ Certificate programs -2022-23

1.2.3 Certificates for the Add on/ Certificate programs – 2022-23

1.2.3 Supporting Document

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to professional ethics, gender, human values, environment and sustainability into the curriculum

1.3.1 Syllabus

1.3.1 Supporting Document

1.3.2 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work / field work / internship

1.3.2 Syllabus of the courses

1.3.2 Number of MoUs related to experiential learning courses during the Academic Year 2022-23

1.3.2 Minutes of the board of studies meeting with approval of the courses

1.3.3 Number of students undertaking project work / field work / internship (data for the latest completed academic year)

1.3.3 Supporting document

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the Institution from the following stakeholders

  1. Students
  2. Teachers
  3. Employers
  4. Alumni

1.4.2 Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows :

  1. Feedback collected , analysed and action taken and feedback available on website  – Click Here for the webpage

Criteria 2

2.1 Student Enrolment & Profile

2.1.1 Enrolment Number

2.1.2 – Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST,OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year (exclusive of supernumerary seats)

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners

2.2.2 – Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

2.3 – Teaching- Learning Process

2.3.1 – Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences

2.3.2 – Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.

2.3.3 – Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year )

2.4 – Teacher Profile and Quality

2.4.1 – Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year || Additional Information

2.4.2 – Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. /D.N.B Superspeciality /D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the year (consider only highest degree for count)

2.4.3 – Number of years of teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year)

2.5 – Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1: Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode

2.5.2: Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time bound and efficient

2.6 Student Performance & Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed on the website and communicated to teachers and students

Supporting Documents – Click Here

Short Video showing the Dissemination of COs and POs- Click Here

2.6.2 Attainment of program outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution – Attainment of COs for a course || PO and PSO attainment for a program

2.6.3 – Pass percentage of Students during the year

2.7 – Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 – Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance(Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink)

Criteria 3

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1 Grants received from government and non governmental agencies for research projects, endowments, Chairs in the institution

3.1.2 – Number of teachers recognized as research guides (latest completed academic year)

3.1.3 Number of departments having research projects funded by government and non government agencies During the year

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge

3.2.2 Number of workshops/ seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) and Entrepreneurship during year

3.3 Research Publications and Awards

3.3.1 – Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the year

3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the journals notified on UGC website during the year

3.3.3 – Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during the year

3.4 Extension Activities

3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development and impact thereof during the year

3.4.2 – Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies during the year

3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc .,including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community

3.4.4 Number of students participating in extension activities at 3.4.3 above during year

3.5 Collaboration

3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for Research, Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange/ Internship per year during year

Collaboration Document

E-Copies of related document

3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with Institutions, other Universities, Industries, Corporate houses etc  during the year

E-Copies of MoU

Activities conducted under MoU 

Criteria 4

4.1 – Physical Facilities

4.1.1: The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.  ||

For Infrastructure Video – Click Here

4.1.2: The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga center etc.  ||

For Cultural and Sports Facilities Video Click Here

4.1.3 – Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.

4.1.4 – Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year(INR in Lakhs)

Data Template – Click Here

4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 – Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

Video of Library – Click Here

4.2.2 – The institution has subscription for the following e-resources e-journals e-ShodhSindhu Shodhganga Membership e-books Databases Remote access toe-resources

Data Template- Click Here

4.2.3 – Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) || Data Template- Click Here – Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Audit Report_2022-23 – Click Here

4.2.4 – Number per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access) (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Additional information- Click Here

4.3 – IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 – Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi

4.3.2 – Number of Computers

Additional Information- Click Here

4.3.3 Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution

4.4 – Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Data Template – Click Here

4.4.2 – There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

Criteria 5

5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Number of students benefitted by scholarships and freeships provided Government during the year 2022-23

5.1.2 Number of Students benefited by scholarship and free ships provided by the institution / non-government agencies

5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution

Soft skills || Language and communication skills || Life skills || ICT/Computing skills

5.1.4 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution

5.1.5 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

Implementation of guidelines of statutory / regulatory bodies

Minutes of meetings of students redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and anti ragging committee

Details of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 – Number of placement of outgoing students during the year

5.2.2 Number of students progressing to higher education

5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state / national / international level examinations

5.3 Student Participation and Activity

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level during the year 2022-23

5.3.2 Institution facilitates students representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extra curricular activities  || Minutes of the Meeting

5.3.3 Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during 2022-23

5.4 Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 Registered Alumni Association

Alumni contribution to the development of the institution through various support services

5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the year 2022-23

MITE – Alumni Innovation Centre Video – Click Here

Criteria 6

6.1 Institutional Vision & Leadership

6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution

6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 The Institutional Strategic / Perspective plan

Supporting Documents Click Here

6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

 Screenshots of user interface || ERP || Audited statements || Implementation of e-governance

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 Effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff

6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshop and towards membership fee of professional bodies during 2022-23

6.3.3 Number of Professional Development /Administrative Training Programmes organized by the Institution for the the teaching and non-teaching staff during 2022-23

6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) during 2022-23

6.3.5 Institutions performance appraisal system for teaching and non teaching staff

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal internal and external financial audits regularly

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year 2022-23

6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources

Audit Statement showing tuition fees collection, salary and expenditure for maintenance and other activity

Research Funds

List of funds generated through MODROB and Utilization Certificate

Funds through consultancy ||

List of funds generated through conference proposal and Utilization Certificate

Funds generated through Alumni contribution

Industry and Government grant for Incubation

List of funds generated through FDP and Utilization Certificate

Funds through online/offline Exam

Industry and Government grant for Entrepreneurship

Funds provided to Student support activity

Consultancy share

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes

6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process

6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution

Criteria 7

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 

7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the Year 2021-22- Gender Equity Plan || Click Here for Reports
7.1.2 Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures –Click Here for Bills || Click Here for Photos  
7.1.3 Facilities in the Institution for the management of degradable and non-degradable waste – Contracts||  Click Here for Photos
7.1.4 Water conservation facilities available in the Institution – Click Here for Photos
7.1.5 Green campus initiatives
7.1.6 Quality audits on energy and environment and awards received for such green campus initiatives
7.1.7 Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier-free environment –  Click Here for Brochure || Click Here for Photos 
7.1.8 Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing inclusive environment – Click Here for Reports
7.1.9 Sensitisation of students and employees of the institution to the constitutional obligations –Click Here for Report

7.1.10 Institution has code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff

7.1.11 Institution celebrates/organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals

7.2 Best Practices

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

Linkages with Globally reputed Industries (MOUs)
Linkages with Globally reputed Institutes (MOUs)
Institutional Distinctiveness

For Yearly Status Report of 2021-22 Click Here

Criteria 1

1.1 Curricular Planning and Implementation

1.1 .1 The Institution ensures effective curriculum delivery through a well planned and documented process

1.1.1 Supporting Document

1.1.2 The institution adheres to the academic calendar including for the conduct of CIE

1.1.2 Supporting Document

1.1.3 Teachers of the institution participate in following activities related to curriculum development and assessment of the affiliating university

1.1.3 Supporting Documents 

1.2 Academic Flexibility

1.2.1 Number of programmes in which choice based credit system(CBCS) / elective course system has been implemented

1.2.1 Minutes of relevant academic council / BOS meetings

1.2.2 Number of Add on / Certificate programmes offered during 2021-22

1.2.2 Brochure related to add on / certificate programme

1.2.3 Supporting Document

1.2.3 List of students enrolled for certificate programmes -2021-22

1.2.3 Student attendance details enrolled for the Add on/ Certificate programs -2021-22

1.2.3 Certificates for the Add on/ Certificate programs – 2021-22

1.3 Curriculum Enrichment

1.3.1 Institution integrates crosscutting issues relevant to professional ethics, gender, human values, environment and sustainability into the curriculum

1.3.1 Syllabus

1.3.1 Supporting Document

1.3.2 Number of courses that include experiential learning through project work / field work / internship

1.3.2 Syllabus of the courses

1.3.2 Number of MoUs related to experiential learning courses during the Academic Year 2021-22

1.3.2 Minutes of the board of studies meeting with approval of the courses

1.3.3 Number of students undertaking project work / field work / internship (data for the latest completed academic year)

1.3.3 Supporting document

1.4 Feedback System

1.4.1 Institution obtains feedback on the syllabus and its transaction at the Institution from the following stakeholders

  1. Students
  2. Teachers
  3. Employers
  4. Alumni

1.4.2 Feedback processes of the institution may be classified as follows :

  1. Feedback collected , analysed and action taken and feedback available on website  – Click Here for the webpage 

Criteria 2

2.1 Student Enrolment & Profile

2.1.1 Enrolment Number

2.1.2 – Number of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories (SC, ST,OBC, Divyangjan, etc. as per applicable reservation policy during the year (exclusive of supernumerary seats)

2.2 Catering to Student Diversity

2.2.1 The institution assesses the learning levels of the students and organizes special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners

2.2.2 – Student- Full time teacher ratio (Data for the latest completed academic year)

2.3 – Teaching- Learning Process

2.3.1 – Student centric methods, such as experiential learning, participative learning and problem solving methodologies are used for enhancing learning experiences

2.3.2 – Teachers use ICT enabled tools for effective teaching-learning process.

2.3.3 – Ratio of mentor to students for academic and other related issues (Data for the latest completed academic year )

2.4 – Teacher Profile and Quality

2.4.1 – Number of full time teachers against sanctioned posts during the year || Additional Information 

2.4.2 – Number of full time teachers with Ph. D. / D.M. / M.Ch. /D.N.B Superspeciality /D.Sc. / D.Litt. during the year (consider only highest degree for count)

2.4.3 – Number of years of teaching experience of full time teachers in the same institution (Data for the latest completed academic year) – Total experience of full-time teachers

2.5 – Evaluation Process and Reforms

2.5.1: Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and mode  

2.5.2: Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time bound and efficient

2.6 Student Performance & Learning Outcomes

2.6.1 Program and course outcomes for all programs offered by the institution are stated and displayed on the website and communicated to teachers and students

Supporting Documents – Click Here

Short Video showing the Dissemination of COs and POs- Click Here

2.6.2 Attainment of program outcomes and course outcomes are evaluated by the institution – Attainment of COs for a course || PO and PSO attainment for a program

2.6.3 – Pass percentage of Students during the year

2.7 – Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 – Student Satisfaction Survey (SSS) on overall institutional performance(Institution may design its own questionnaire) (results and details need to be provided as a weblink)

Criteria 3

3.1 Resource Mobilization for Research

3.1.1 Grants received from government and non governmental agencies for research projects, endowments, Chairs in the institution

3.1.2 – Number of teachers recognized as research guides (latest completed academic year)

3.1.3 Number of departments having research projects funded by government and non government agencies During the year

3.2 Innovation Ecosystem

3.2.1 Institution has created an ecosystem for innovations and has initiatives for creation and transfer of knowledge

3.2.2 Number of workshops/ seminars conducted on Research Methodology, Intellectual Property Rights(IPR) and Entrepreneurship during year

3.3 Research Publications and Awards

3.3.1 – Number of Ph.Ds registered per eligible teacher during the year

3.3.2 Number of research papers per teachers in the journals notified on UGC website during the year

3.3.3 – Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers published in national/ international conference proceedings per teacher during the year

3.4 Extension Activities

3.4.1 Extension activities are carried out in the neighborhood community, sensitizing students to social issues, for their holistic development and impact thereof during the year

3.4.2 – Number of awards and recognitions received for extension activities from government / government recognized bodies during the year

3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach programs conducted by the institution through NSS/NCC/Red cross/YRC etc .,including the programmes such as Swachh Bharat, AIDS awareness, Gender issues etc. and/or those organised in collaboration with industry, community 

3.4.4 Number of students participating in extension activities at 3.4.3 above during year

3.5 Collaboration

3.5.1 Number of Collaborative activities for Research, Faculty Exchange, Student Exchange/ Internship per year during year

Collaboration Document

E-Copies of related document


3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with Institutions, other Universities, Industries, Corporate houses etc  during the year

E-Copies of MoU

Activities conducted under MoU 

Criteria 4

4.1 – Physical Facilities

4.1.1: The Institution has adequate infrastructure and physical facilities for teaching- learning. viz., classrooms, laboratories, computing equipment etc.  ||

For Infrastructure Video – Click Here

4.1.2: The Institution has adequate facilities for cultural activities, sports, games (indoor, outdoor), gymnasium, yoga center etc.  ||

For Cultural and Sports Facilities Video Click Here

4.1.3 – Number of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT- enabled facilities such as smart class, LMS, etc.

4.1.4 – Expenditure, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation during the year(INR in Lakhs)

Data Template – Click Here

4.2 – Library as a Learning Resource

4.2.1 – Library is automated using Integrated Library Management System (ILMS)

Video of Library – Click Here

4.2.2 – The institution has subscription for the following e-resources e-journals e-ShodhSindhu Shodhganga Membership e-books Databases Remote access toe-resources

Data Template- Click Here

4.2.3 – Expenditure for purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e-journals during the year (INR in Lakhs) || Data Template- Click Here – Annual expenditure of purchase of books/e-books and subscription to journals/e- journals during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Audit Report_2021-22 – Click Here

4.2.4 – Number per day usage of library by teachers and students ( foot falls and login data for online access) (Data for the latest completed academic year)

Additional information- Click Here

4.3 – IT Infrastructure

4.3.1 – Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi

4.3.2 – Number of Computers 

Additional Information- Click Here 

4.3.3 Bandwidth of internet connection in the Institution

4.4 – Maintenance of Campus Infrastructure

4.4.1 – Expenditure incurred on maintenance of infrastructure (physical and academic support facilities) excluding salary component during the year (INR in Lakhs)

Data Template – Click Here

4.4.2 – There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic and support facilities – laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.

Criteria 5

5.1 Student Support

5.1.1 Number of students benefitted by scholarships and freeships provided Government during the year 2021-22

5.1.2 Number of Students benefited by scholarship and free ships provided by the institution / non-government agencies

5.1.3 Capacity building and skills enhancement initiatives taken by the institution

Soft skills || Language and communication skills || Life skills || ICT/Computing skills

5.1.4 Students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling offered by the institution

5.1.5 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

Implementation of guidelines of statutory / regulatory bodies

Minutes of meetings of students redressal committee, prevention of sexual harassment committee and anti ragging committee

Details of student grievances including sexual harassment and ragging cases

5.2 Student Progression

5.2.1 – Number of placement of outgoing students during the year

5.2.2 Number of students progressing to higher education

5.2.3 Number of students qualifying in state / national / international level examinations 

5.3 Student Participation and Activity

5.3.1 Number of awards/medals for outstanding performance in sports/cultural activities at university/state/national / international level during the year 2021-22.

5.3.2 Institution facilitates students representation and engagement in various administrative, co-curricular and extra curricular activities  || Minutes of the Meeting 

5.3.3 Number of sports and cultural events/competitions in which students of the Institution participated during 2021-22

5.4 Alumni Engagement

5.4.1 Registered Alumni Association

Alumni contribution to the development of the institution through various support services

5.4.2 Alumni contribution during the year 2021-22

MITE – Alumni Innovation Centre Video – Click Here

Criteria 6

6.1 Institutional Vision & Leadership

6.1.1 The governance of the institution is reflective of and in tune with the vision and mission of the institution

6.1.2 The effective leadership is visible in various institutional practices such as decentralization and participative management

6.2 Strategy Development and Deployment

6.2.1 The Institutional Strategic / Perspective plan

Supporting Documents Click Here

6.2.2 The functioning of the institutional bodies

6.2.3 Implementation of e-governance in areas of operation

 Screenshots of user interface || ERP || Audited statements || Implementation of e-governance

6.3 Faculty Empowerment Strategies

6.3.1 Effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff 

6.3.2 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshop and towards membership fee of professional bodies during 2021-22


6.3.3 Number of Professional Development /Administrative Training Programmes organized by the Institution for the the teaching and non-teaching staff during 2021-22

6.3.4 Number of teachers undergoing online/ face-to-face Faculty Development Programmes (FDP) during 2021-22

6.3.5 Institutions performance appraisal system for teaching and non teaching staff

6.4 Financial Management and Resource Mobilization

6.4.1 Institution conducts internal internal and external financial audits regularly

6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropers during the year 2021-22

6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources 

Audit Statement showing tuition fees collection, salary and expenditure for maintenance and other activity

Research Funds

List of funds generated through MODROB and Utilization Certificate

Funds through consultancy ||

List of funds generated through conference proposal and Utilization Certificate

Funds generated through Alumni contribution

Industry and Government grant for Incubation

List of funds generated through FDP and Utilization Certificate

Funds through online/offline Exam

Industry and Government grant for Entrepreneurship

Funds provided to Student support activity

Consultancy share

6.5 Internal Quality Assurance System

6.5.1 Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) has contributed significantly for institutionalizing the quality assurance strategies and processes

6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process

6.5.3 Quality assurance initiatives of the institution

Criteria 7

7.1 Institutional Values and Social Responsibilities 

7.1.1 Measures initiated by the Institution for the promotion of gender equity during the Year 2021-22- Gender Equity Plan|| Click Here for Reports   ||  Click Here for Video 
7.1.2 Facilities for alternate sources of energy and energy conservation measures –Click Here for Bills || Click Here for Photos  ||  Click Here for Video
7.1.3 Facilities in the Institution for the management of degradable and non-degradable waste – Contracts||  Click Here for Photos  ||  Click Here for Video 
7.1.4 Water conservation facilities available in the Institution – Click Here for Photos  ||  Click Here for Video
7.1.5 Green campus initiatives
7.1.6 Quality audits on energy and environment and awards received for such green campus initiatives
7.1.7 Institution has disabled-friendly, barrier-free environment –  Click Here for Brochure || Click Here for Photos || Click Here for Video
7.1.8 Institutional efforts/initiatives in providing inclusive environment – Click Here for Reports  ||  Click Here for Video 
7.1.9 Sensitisation of students and employees of the institution to the constitutional obligations –Click Here for Report

7.1.10 Institution has code of conduct for students, teachers, administrators and other staff

7.1.11 Institution celebrates/organizes national and international commemorative days, events and festivals

7.2 Best Practices

7.3 Institutional Distinctiveness

Linkages with Globally reputed Industries (MOUs)
Linkages with Globally reputed Institutes (MOUs)
Institutional Distinctiveness